tynscott · 2 years
The boy hadn't so much as dropped Tyn's hand, not when he'd crashed right into the strange man, and certainly not when he'd picked those glasses up off the floor and placed them onto his face. He'd been anxious at first, she could tell as much by the way he'd subconsciously gave her fingers a squeeze. But when he'd looked up at her, and cracked one of those mega-watt smiles that only a child at the pique of his curiosity could, she couldn't help but reciprocate. Then, she laughed. Giving the boys' hand a tug once he'd finally asked her, "Can I keep them, Tyn?" as if he'd needed permission. As if she would ever say no. "Of course you can keep them, kiddo. What kind of girlfriend would I be, crampin' your style like that?" Dark eyes flickered to the handsome stranger, where she offered a sly wink. The young boy dropped her hand then, scrunching his nose in a flurry of confusion and separation. He was clearly ready to move on from this. Tyndall let him go, shaking her head gently. There was a simple smile still painted across her visage. "Looks like you've already taken a little trip across the universe." Side-eyeing the man, she chuckled. "Don't worry, I think the need for a disguise has diminished... mostly."
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Ever since Sebastian had come back home to Philadelphia his inspiration for songwriting had lay dormant. When he used to be on the road, beats and hooks and ideas came to him so naturally that he was beginning to long for those days. Although he knew a lot of those days had been spent on way too many hard drugs, he thought he still needed a little boost for inspiration's sake, so he took half an edible and headed to the science center to enjoy some of the star shows in the theater. It seemed like a brilliant idea despite what his sponsor and therapist might say. So there he was coming down from a slight high and realizing that this entire plan hadn't actually helped him find the inspiration he was searching for. As disappointing as that was, Sebastian had always been the type of person who chose to be optimistic. He figured he'd call his buddy Miles up and they'd head to a bar in town to shoot the shit and have a great night.
As Sebastian headed down the corridor a kid talking about Space Command bumped right into him, knocking off the children's star-shaped 3D sunglasses from his face (something that seemed to be a good idea to purchase when he had first taken the edible and which he realized now looked ridiculous on him). "Whoa little dude, you're quick. Usain Bolt might wanna start worrying right about now," Sebastian said with a chuckle before he picked up the fallen sunglasses and offered them over to the kid, "Think these might be a better fit for you than me." It was then that he noticed the woman whose hand the kid was holding. His first thought was she was easy on the eyes and perhaps his day just suddenly showed some promise. "I mean if it's cool with your..." He paused for a moment as he tried to guess if this woman was the kid's mother or sister or babysitter but decided on something a little more cheeky, "Girlfriend. Definitely your girlfriend, right? Good job man," He joked with a grin.
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tynscott · 2 years
Dark eyes shifted to a body nearby, the comment slipping from the woman's mouth with ease, but also a smile. Tyndall couldn't help but shrug slightly, a soft grin of her own gracing her lips. "I know." she'd offered, "the most excitement I get now comes from hot coffee in the morning, and if I'm really lucky, a warm, fresh bagel." with a slight chuckle, she tried her best to hide the sudden wince that taunted her visage. How ridiculous did that make her sound, she wondered? Lonely? Boring? "At least he gave me an excuse to get out of the house today. Not sure his mother would have been able to keep up so easily!"
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Even after calling Philadelphia home for more than a few years now, Alejandra still felt as though she were getting to know the city. It was a slow process for her, most of her time was spent composing and rehearsing, then performing. She was a perfectionist, and that meant giving precious time to the details and making sure that when she put her fingers to the keys before an audience that they were moved. Sometimes the brunette could be so obsessive that Ale had to schedule time to do other things. Like going outside, finding her way around the city, and being apart of some social interaction.
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Today, it was a revisit to The Franlin Insistute. With her left hand carefully tucked away in the pocket of her coat, her eyes wandered as her feet slowly carried her around. One of the things that had always made her the saddest when she was doing tours and shows around the world was the fact that sometimes she didn't have the time to actually go out and see much of whatever city she was in. Hearing the excitement of the boy, Ale offered a smile to the woman she assumed to be his mother attempting to rein him in a little. "If we could all still be so excited about these things, right?"
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tynscott · 2 years
The boy went down like a sack of bricks, and Tyndall's hands had never shot to her hips so fast. She'd made him promise before they'd even made it inside, but his excitement had gotten the better of him. She'd have a hard time chiding him, even now, because she herself missed having something to get so excited about. How could she fault him for his love of science? Never. The stranger made a move to scoop the kid up before she'd had the chance, and she was thankful for that. Young as he was, he was not as small as other kids his age. Tall and husky- she was almost surprised that the man hadn't been knocked off his own feet. "I'm so sorry--" Tyn started, hard as she worked to free the European accent from her words, her roots were still evident every time she spoke. "even if you were, speedy here likely would have still knocked right into you." she laughed quietly, shaking her head. "I suppose my direction doesn't matter because 'you're not my mom'-" she mimicked the kid, "as he has reminded me an endless number of times since we left."
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Ever since his cancer diagnosis Ramses started to care more about science than he ever had before. Granted it had never been his strongest suit, not by a long shot. He was more of a history and music individual that somehow ended up in law. Though not somehow, his father had planned such a route before he was even given a real choice. That was a subject for another day. Today was his free day. A day that he didn’t have to be concerned about the backlog of cases that were building up on his desk or the mess his family was at the moment. 
The Franklin Institute seemed to be the perfect hiding spot. After all the media rarely gave a shit about museums and his sister and brother were allergic to science. God bless them. He ended up putting his cell phone on airplane mode after he purchased his tickets and started to explore the hallways filled with knowledge. 
He probably should’ve paid for the audio tour but the idea of paying an extra ten dollars didn’t seat right with him. Instead, here he was squinting at every plaque he saw and making sure he followed the godforsaken order the museum had decided to go with. That made zero sense at all. 
Gathering the brochures in his hands he made a turn, ready to head into the Space Command before he was smacked into by a tiny human. It took him a second to realize what had caused his balance to take a hit. Looking down her extended his hand toward the kid, helping him get up. “Sorry — I must have not been looking,” Which could be valid, Ramses did have a tendency to not look down, but his height didn’t help said issue. Looking up to the woman behind him he gave an apologetic glance, “Usually I am better — just the direction in this place — well it could easily make Google maps lose its sh — mind.”
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tynscott · 2 years
Tyndall barely had time to shout into the direction of the boy-- eager to grab his attention to keep him from crashing into the Institute's employee. But he bumped into her anyway, and Tyndall cringed, her face screwing up into discomfort as she sighed and hurried over to the two of them. "I'm so sorry!" She went on to apologize, nose crinkled at the boy as she side eyed him and gave him a soft nudge with her elbow. "He tends to get a little over excited. Future scientist, here." When the woman mentioned asteroids, Tyn's face lit up almost simultaneously with her small friend. "Go on--" she encouraged him to follow the woman, almost as interested in what she had to say as he was in that moment.
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Sookyeon eyes etched over the palatial skeleton of the building ─ powder marble imported from Portugal, France and Italy, and quite imposing in front of a dim grey sky with mild flurries. Her stride leaves stamps in the fresh slate of snow as her bus races off down the lane to its next destination, and when she gets to the front doors she can already feel the glow of the warmth inside. She is in the changing rooms they have for employees and volunteers, placing her boots and coat in a locker when she changes into some loafers, something comfortable for the day. In the midst of her mini tour, a work acquaintance who she met at Penn Museum, her usual place, the woman gets distracted by the domed ceiling, self-supporting and weighing over 1,600 tons, doe-eyed as she circles around the museum like a child. At this moment, she allows herself to be sincere, since patrons had not yet arrived, and no one would be privy to such a moment. Sookyeon is just coming off her break when she heads to the Space Command! room where she was assigned for the latter of the afternoon. She does not mind, but a part of her does long to stick to her speciality, the geology room, but it would be good to do something out of her comfort zone, growing and all that.
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She isn't exactly looking where she is going, her attention diverting to her name tag that is crooked, so she does not chide the boy when they collapse, it was a simple mistake. "Oh, hi, would you like to learn about asteroids?" Sookyeon inquired, luckily they were near her ordered station, and she could screen her unease with facts, "well, asteroids are rocky, airless worlds that orbit our sun. They are remnants left over from the formation of our solar system." She started, handing the young boy a piece of an actual asteroid, "they can be about as wide as a car to about as wide as the state of Utah." Pointing to where Utah was on the map in case he wanted a point of reference, "and most of the asteroids in our solar system come from a rock-filled region called the Asteroid Belt."
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tynscott · 2 years
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just chilling in a park with a pupby
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tynscott · 2 years
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DIANE GUERRERO photographed by Natalia Martínez Colonia
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tynscott · 2 years
where: the franklin institute
when: mid-day
who: @philly-starters | anyone, please assume connections!
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[ tw: brief mentions of domestic abuse ]
Tyndall stuck out like a sore thumb in a place like this. In places like this. Maybe it wasn't as obvious to everyone else that she lacked the finesse, or interest and understanding, to enjoy a center of science and education. But to her, her appearance screamed out-of-place, no matter how gussied up she'd tried to appear before she left the house. Today, as part of the hours that she spent at the women's shelter, she was playing chaperone to a young man whose mother needed some time with a medical consultant, and local authorities.
Things that the boy didn't need to be privy too.
Luckily he'd taken to Tyndall right away, giving her the opportunity to take him out and treat him to a nice day. Something his mother was infinitely grateful to her for. The institute was the place he had chosen, having an affinity for all things science and mathematics. The entire institution was a wonder in and of itself; and in some ways, left the woman in total awe. She had long grown used to the side-eyed glares, and questionable glances.
The building was for everyone, not just the bougie and elitist, and that was how she'd convinced herself to walk through the door without immediately minimizing herself.
"Look, LOOK, TYN!" the boy, barely 9, yelled as he grabbed her hand and tugged her along. "Did you see the sign? This way to Space Command!" It was up to her now to make sure the two of them didn't plow over anyone and everything in their path to outer space.
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tynscott · 2 years
It'd be a downright lie if Tyndall claimed not to deal with questions like this on the daily. A lot of the time she'd find a way to answer as plainly as possible, sending her patrons off to find something else to do so that she could free up the bar space. But there were a select few that she'd gotten used to- people who's faces she'd be relieved to see, if only because they took up space that would otherwise be filled with the uncomfortably unsavory sort. Never mind that she, herself, had a tendency to err toward unsavory.
While she didn't know the woman personally, outside of the bar, it wasn't out of the ordinary for them to engage in these what-ifs. Hell, sometimes Tyn even found them entertaining.
"Harrison Ford, B?" Her lips twitched, turning up at the corners as her dark eyes came alive with amusement. "Alright, he was a total babe, I'll give you that. From what I hear, you probably wouldn't have needed to work too hard to land him." Tyn laughed quietly, "If we're claiming old guys, give me Kevin Costner, any day. Remember him as Eliot Ness?" She whistled, low and lean.
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open @philly-starters​ || fishtown tavern
Whether one called it a pitiful use of time, an escape from the loneliness of an empty, albeit cramped, apartment, or just a regular Saturday evening, Beck found herself once more at her regular haunt of the Fishtown Tavern, nursing her usual whiskey ginger, now and then taking one of the chips she’d ordered. With each one, she’d tell herself that a healthier diet began tomorrow, that she’d rise early and buy a goddamn vegetable for once, but it was the present moment, and right now she had these chips – and, really, it was practically a potato, which had nearly every vitamin she needed, right? 
“So, here’s a question,” she asked, after taking a swill from her glass and turning to face the person next to her more fully. “Which celebrity, no matter their status or whatever, do you think you could pull? Because,” she added after a moment, picking up yet another house-made chip and holding it in midair, as if to emphasize the point she was about to make. “For me? I really think I could pull Harrison Ford. At any age.” Maybe it was cocky, or overly confident, but that was the point of a question like this, wasn’t it? “I really think if I was around in the 70s I could’ve talked him and Carrie into a threesome.” 
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tynscott · 2 years
For all of it's charm, the thing Tyn hated most about this city was just how bustle the hustle was from day-to-day. She supposed- and her disposition on the matter waned as the hours passed- that it was her own fault for settling somewhere toward the heart of the east-coast. She could have chosen a more softly populated area to disappear into: but then, in her experience, that made it more difficult to melt into the background.
Which was exactly what she'd been trying to do. Tyndall had a tendency to keep her head down, and her mouth closed. Chalk it up to trauma, or social-anxiety, but either way, the soft crimson flare that sprouted to life across her skin would give away her discomfort immediately. Dark eyes darted from the pages of the book spread across the table, fingers tightening around the hot mug of coffee in her hand. A strange voice entered the space, accompanying the body that had appeared before her in an instant.
And okay, yeah, she'd taken up an entire booth during one of the busiest hours of the morning. That's totally not the point.
"Uhhh-" Tyn hesitated, and her hand shot to the side of her face, where she tucked her hair back out of habit.
"No, it's not taken but please--" she'd paused, eyes flickering back and forth across the mans physical demeanor and how his coffee cup was hanging on for dear life, "--please be careful. It doesn't look like much, but there are a lot of important resources scattered across this mess of paperwork."
The sigh that escaped her lips had gone by unnoticed. The woman's mind was a playground of disarray.
And then: "Do you normally have to resort to paying for your company in the morning? I don't do any tricks, unfortunately."
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Location: Green Street Coffee Co.
With a gentle nod and an almost remorseful smile, Alexander grabbed his order from the overworked barista in turn; blue eyes scanning the packed venue to later focus on his phone to check the hour. He had exactly 95 minutes before his meeting on a building nearby the coffee shop and even though technically he could leave home and get back in time for his meeting— it seemed absurd to even try and do so. His next move, upon seeing just how packed the place was, was finding the nearest park and waiting there, let the city sounds create a lullaby to soothe him into forgetting he was anxious about the meeting in the first place and, had the weather not made it impossible, he would’ve chosen that scenario. As far as his overworked, jittery brain could think, staying in the coffee shop was his most viable option, even if it was starting to feel like a hazard the number of people inside. 
Before all hope was lost, however, from the corner of his eye, the answer to his prayers arrived in the form of an empty chair on a table with only one other soul. With a decisive breath, he approached the half-empty table, one hand holding onto a ceramic cup while the other, kept a baked good resting on a similar ceramic plate. He shot the other a bashful smile as he bowed his head with outmost respect, feeling like high school all over again. “Sorry— is this seat taken?” he inquired, pointing with one finger at the seat in question, before drifting his eyes to at the crowd as if trying to prove a point, only to return his attention to the other. “All the rest are. I am willing to pay” he assured the other, trying to keep his order from spilling over the floor while simultaneously gesturing with his hands at every word, an old habit of his. “I don’t have money on me but you are welcomed to order anything from the menu or just give me your…” he faltered, trying to remember the name of the money-exchanging app he had just learned about a couple years ago. “Thing ID, to transfer the money” he shook his head at himself. “I’ll make it double for whatever that was.”
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tynscott · 2 years
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“No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.”
Age: 35 Gender and pronouns: Female, She/Her Occupation: Bartender / Volunteer at Women of Change Neighborhood: Fishtown
tw: domestic abuse, gaslighting, general criminal activity
When Tyndall Schott turned 18, she left her home and never looked back. The lush, rolling hills of the countryside were constricting to her, despite the hundreds of acres of open air. The sea-soaked fields of her childhood home only spoke to one future; simplicity. Perhaps she hadn’t been the most well-educated, or well-spoken girl, but Tyn had two things; lavish dreams and a hard head. Sprightly as the coils of her midnight hair, she’d set off with a mission to find what every young woman wanted. Love and money. What else was there to want? What else could have been more fulfilling?
Theodore Noble had kind eyes and a beautiful smile. Tyndall’s rickety brogue painted her as a country girl right away, immediately identifiable everywhere she went. Teddy found it charming and reveled in every opportunity to tell her so. With every compliment he’d coaxed her admiration further, until everywhere that Teddy went, Tyn was sure to follow. But as fast as their romance had come together, it just as quickly had begun to tatter at the seams. There were many things about Tyndall that Theodore didn’t know, and even more that Tyn could ever have imagined about Teddy.
In the beginning, she thought his possessive behavior was just a joke; even found it kind of endearing. But it never simmered, instead swelling into its ugly monster. After a while, the young woman didn’t work anymore but spent her days alongside Teddy and whatever whim he’d been off on. It used to be that they’d move from bar to bar, spending time with his friends while she nursed her drinks at his side, but after a while that wasn’t enough. They’d run out of money, and Ted never liked the way those drunks looked at Tyndall, anyway.
So their days became nights, and their lives had soaked in little more than shadows and moonlight. Motels were cheap, but cheap still cost money, and so they’d learned how to skip out on rent. Pretty soon, Tyn was stuffing her pockets with whatever goods she could fit while Teddy kept the convenience store clerk busy. ‘Never mind how I’ll keep 'em occupied. Just get what we need.’ And believe me, she never minded. Their lifestyle wasn’t sustainable, and they’d both known that, but Tyndall didn’t have it in her to question the motives of her man. He would never do anything to put her in danger, surely. They were in love, after all.
They were still in love the first time they’d robbed a liquor store, but Tyn couldn’t deny the way her feelings began to falter as their escapades went on. Tyndall knew that Teddy could feel her starting to shy away, it became evident in every locked door, and colorful bruise that painted her now pale, tawny skin. What was worse, was how strictly she’d had to curve her behavior. One off-kilter glance in the wrong direction got her in trouble, and despite the number of ways they’d been intimate, his ire tore her body and soul into pieces that love could not fix.
Then on the eve of her 23rd birthday, Teddy fucked up her life for the last time. Her sentence was severely diminished compared to the time he’d spent in prison. But prison walls would not hold him forever, and Tyndall awakens every day knowing that eventually, she will come face-to-face with her nightmare once again.
TYNDALL SCOTT has the face claim of DIANE GUERRERO and is played by CEE.
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tynscott · 6 years
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