twstdgents · 5 years
                    i  promise  i  haven’t  disappeared  for  good.  just  taking  a  small  hiatus    !    my  life  is  just  a  little  hectic  with  family  stuff  right  now    &    with  the  holidays  right  around  the  corner,  we’re  trying  to  get  everything  in  order  as  a  family    !    but  i  promise  i’ll  be  back  as  soon  as  i  can    !    but  pls  know  that  my  ims  are  always  open  for  plotting,  developing    &    headcanoning    !    
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twstdgents · 5 years
STARTER  FOR   :   @xgrillo​
MUSE   :   riker  james.  thirty-one.  good  guy  with  a  possessive  streak.  owner  of  a  bar  called  “the next round”
PLOT / CONNECTION   :   you’re a patron at my bar and i’m super attracted to you, but i’m really not gay.
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                   the  man  was  back.  the  attractive  man,  with  the  characteristic  nose  that  looked  like  it  had  been  broken  a  few  times. the man that seemed  to  show  up  at  the  bar,  every  time  riker  was  covering  a  shift  for  one  of  his  employees.  raising  a  hand  as  a  greeting  while  he  leaned  onto  the  bar,  a  small  smile  snaked  its  way  onto  his  lips,  before  he  then  walked  on  over  towards  where  the  other  had  seated  themselves  on  the  other  side  of  the  bar,    “  hey,  what  can  i  getcha    ?  ”    he  spoke  his  usual  greeting,  but  his  eyes  were  having  a  hard  time  meeting  the  other’s,  so  he  pretended  to  be  busy  wiping  off  the  counter with the rag in his hand.  it  was  like  high  school  all  over  again    —    riker  was  the  awkward  dude,  not  knowing  how  to  act  around  people  he  found  attractive,  but  in  this  case  it  was  more  difficult,  since  he’d  never  in  his  life  found  A MAN  this  alluring.
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twstdgents · 5 years
                   okay,  okay,  okay    !    just  a  little  update    !    i’m  slowly  but  surely  working  my  way  through  my  drafts,  but  since  my  muse  is  quite  low  at  the  moment,  i  decided  to  make  an  all  female  blog,  since  i  feel  like  i’ve  got  major  female  muse  and  nowhere  to  get  that  muse  out    !    so  if  youre  interested  in  writing  with  some  of  my  female  muses,  feel  free  to  jump  over  HERE  and  like  my  starter  call    !    
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twstdgents · 5 years
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Her fiancé was comfort, safety and happiness, Camila was more than content in her relationship and marrying a guy like him meant that she was set for life. But he lacked excitement and the kind of intense passion that she craved after leaving Charlie; even so, it had all been for the best, right? That was what she tried to tell herself even as her heart started racing in her chest the second Charlie looked at her. His words had her raising her eyebrows, letting out a laugh in pure disbelief at the pure insanity of what he was trying to get at. “You had your chance and you ruined it, you have no right to be here,” she shot back at him, ignoring the hand that caressed her cheek, the seemingly sweet touch feeling so foreign coming from him. Camila knew she should’ve brought attention to them so she wasn’t entirely alone with him, but his touch had left her skin on fire and his words had a familiar heat settle low in her stomach, thinking about all the ways he could get her off that her fiancé couldn’t. Fuck. Not the time to be thinking about that. She was just about to push him back when his hand slipped into her hair and grabbed onto it, giving her no time to react before his lips were on hers. Her eyes widened in shock, her hands quick to move to his chest in an attempt to push him off of her, despite her body desperately wanting to kiss him back. “Get off of me!” she managed to get out against his lips, pushing back against his chest with all she had.
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                   as  her  hands  pushed  hard  against  his  chest,  he  backed  away  a  single  step  while  looking  down  towards  her,    “  think  good  and  hard  about  what  you’re  doing  cami.  ”    the  nickname  for  the  girl  fell  off  his  lips  so  naturally,  while  he  peered  his  eyes  slightly.    “  you  don’t  want  him    —    ”    he  stepped  closer  again,  grabbing  her  wrists  and  pushing  her  towards  the  nearest  wall,  his  body  against  hers  while  he  held  her  wrists  over  her  head.    “  —    he  can’t  make  you  feel  the  way  i  do  ”    his  words  were  but  a  mere  whisper  as  he  gathered  both  her  small  wrists  in  one  hand,  his  other  sliding  slowly  and  tantalizingly  up  her  thigh  and  under  her  dress.    “  he  can’t  please  you  like  i  do  ”    he  spoke  gently  against  her  ear,  before  his  teeth  gently  grazed  her  earlobe,  his  fingers  under  her  dress  working  to  push  her  panties  to  the  side  and  slowly  slip  a  large  finge  into  her.    “   he  can’t  make  you  cum  like  i  do  ”    the  words  were  spoken  in  a  deep  and  seductive  tone.  before  long  his  lips  were  on  hers  again,  his  tongue  grazing  over  her  lower  lip  and  his  finger  enjoying  the  sensation  of  being  in  her  warmth  once  more.
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twstdgents · 5 years
open to   :   males,  females,  and  nonbinary, 27+. background   :   based  on  this  plot   ! additional info   :   my  rules   /   kate’s stats !
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         “   guess  it  helps  that  you  already  know  where  everything  is.   “   she’s  trying  to  make  as  much  light  of  this  situation  as  she  can.  living  with  her  ex-spouse  is  far  from  ideal,  especially  with  a  relationship  as  strained  as  theirs.  if  there  was  another  way    ——   if  there  was  a  more  economical  option,  she  wouldn’t  have  even  considered  inviting  them  to  move  back  in,  but  money’s  tight  and  this  was  the  only  viable  option.   “   i, uh   …   stocked  up  on  groceries.  figured  i  could  make  your  favorite  dinner.   “   it’s  an  olive  branch  :   the  best  she  can  come  up  with  at  the  moment.  she  doesn’t  know  how  attainable  a peaceful  coexistence is  for  them  at  this  point,  but  she’s  willing  to  try,  if  not  for  their  sake,  than  for  their  child’s.   “   unless  you  have  other  plans   ?   “
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                   having  lost  his  job  at  the  firestation,  and  being  forced  to  move  back  in  with  his  ex-wife  was  about  as  low  as  braxton  had  ever  been.  he’d  always  been  one  to  put  his  career  ahead  of  everything  else    (  one  of  many  reasons  he  and  kate  had  divorced  )    and  without  a  job,  he  had  no  semblance  of  an  identity.  sure,  he  was  a  father  to  their  child  but  when  he  thought  about  it,  he  hadn’t  been  much  of  a  father  to  the  child  who  had  cried  and  screamed  bloody  murder  every  time  it  was  his  turn  to  take  care  of  them.  braxton  nodded  at  her  comment  about  knowing  where  everything  was,  but  didn’t  dare  look  her  in  the  eye.  when  she  talked  about  making  dinner,  brax  shook  his  head,    “  no  really.  you  don’t  have  to.  please.  you  just  go  about  your  life,  as  if  i’m  not  here  and  i’ll  try  my  best  to  stray  out  of  your  way  ”    he  balled  his  hands  into  fists  at  his  side,  his  words  ripping  him  apart  on  the  inside.
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twstdgents · 5 years
open to m/nb — based on.
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Camila couldn’t believe her eyes when she spotted him, a face she hadn’t seen in years but one she’d never be able to forget; especially not when he was showing up at her engagement party. Swallowing thickly, she practically shoved her drink into her fiancé’s hand before storming off to confront her ex, making a a beeline straight for him. “You!” She exclaimed once she reached him and grabbed his arm, pulling him into a more secluded area where her fiancé or any of the other guests couldn’t see what was going on. Just seeing his face was enough to throw her back a couple of years, to remind her of their intense relationship and how glad she was to have been able to put it behind her. At least until this asshole showed back up in her life at the most inappropriate time. “Why the hell are you here?” she asked through gritted teeth, her expression one of anger as she stared him down (or up, considering her less than impressive height). “You’re not going to ruin what’s supposed to be a good night for me, you’re not. You need to leave, right now.”
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                   after  taking  a  good  look  at  his  ex  girl  with  that  frat-boy-looking  asshole,  charlie  noticed  her  spotting  him  from  across  the  room.  being  pulled  into  the  secluded  space  by  a  girl  more  than  a  foot  shorter  than  the  six  foot  male,  he  shook  his  head  and  let  her  with  a  smile  on  his  lips,  but  as  soon  as  they  were  alone  the  tension  between  them  grew,  and  his  smile  evaporated.    “  i’m  here  because  you  shouldn’t  be  with  that  jerk.  seriously..  him    ?    are  you  kidding  me,  cami    ?    you  left  me  for  that  douchebag    ?  ”    he  spat  before  his  hand  caressed  her  cheek,    “  you  know  he’ll  never  fuck  you  the  way  i  did  ”    charlie’s  words  were  dipped  in  seduction,  coming  out  a  hell  of  a  lot  sweeter  than  the  drug  dealer  had  ever  claimed  to  be.    “  i’m  not  leaving,  unless  you’re  leaving  with  me.  c’mon,  baby.  ”    he  nodded  towards  the  door,  before  the  hand  on  her  cheek  slipped  into  her  hair  and  grabbed  onto  it,  only  to  pull  her  closer  and  letting  his  lips  crash  into  hers without her permission.    
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twstdgents · 5 years
                   REVERSE  STARTER  CALL    !    please  like  this  post  for  me  to  go  through  your  open  starters  and  reply  to  something,  if  anything  catches  my  eye    !    all  i  ask  is  that  you  read  my  guidelines  before  liking    !    
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twstdgents · 5 years
TYLER  THE  ALLIGATOR  tag  dump    !
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twstdgents · 5 years
OPEN  TO   :   female characters.
MUSE   :   anthony bianchi.  thirty-nine.  tattoo artist.  dj cotrona fc.
PLOT  /  CONNECTION   :   your muse kissed anthony to shut him up, when they’re fighting. can be his girlfriend, ex, fwb, just a friend. whatever fits.
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                   “  it’s  like  you  don’t  understand,  that  i——  ”    he  was  about  to  throw  his  hands  in  the  air,  so  when  her  lips  push  against  his,  it  comes  as  a  surprise.  what  comes  as  no  less  of  a  surprise,  is  the  fact  that  his  arms,  as  if  by  instinct,  grab  her  frame  and  pull  her  closer.  the  intensity  of  the  kiss  heats  up  his  body  temperature  before  he  comes  to  his  senses  and  pulls  himself  away.    “  you  can’t  just  do  that.  we  were  in  the  middle  of  a  discussion    !  ” 
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twstdgents · 5 years
she remembered doodling riker’s name in her journals when she was younger, in the back of her math book where she’d leave it out in the hope that maybe he’d see it one day and realise that they were meant to be. of course it was just a childish fantasy, something that could never come true but yet as she noticed the man’s eyes dragging down her now, a playful little smirk etched on her lips as she acted nonethewiser. “prime? more like mid-life crisis, but okay,” she teased back, poking her tongue out at him playfully before batting his hand away. “stop! what are you, my dad?” paisley grinned at that, knowing full well what she was doing as she taunted the man who’d always denied her advances before. “i fancied a change– i’ve never been one to follow the rules now, have i?” she said, flicking her hair behind her shoulder before humming to herself at his little proposal. she’d agreed to a girls night, but this seemed like a far more entertaining way to spend her evening and it was always nice to catch up with familiar faces. she was certain her friends wouldn’t mind, especially as they were giving her the eyes behind his back that she could only smile and nod at. “well, how could i deny you that? it’ll be nice to catch up,” paisley said. “who else would you be expecting to turn up?” the girl then asked, cocking her brow, “my boyfriend is back home if that’s what you’re worried about. he’s not the jealous type so you’ll be safe, riker.”
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                   the  vibe  was  lighthearted  and  not  at  all  awkward,  which  was  the  last  thing  he’d  been  expecting.  well,  he  hadn’t  really  been  expecting  to  run  into  a  familiar  face  at  his  own  bar,  other  than  his  patrons    ;    this  was  a  perfect  example  of  never  knowing  how  your  day  is  going  to  turn  out.    “  are  you  insinuating  i’m  midway  through  my  life    ?    didn’t  your  parents  teach  you  to  respect  your  elders    ?  ”    he  laughed  again  and  shook  his  head.    “  you  have  indeed  never  been  one  to  follow  the  rules.  a  trait  i’ve  come  to  appreciate  more  in  people  over  the  past  few  years  “    riker  then  pointed  over  his  shoulder  with  his  thumb,  towards  her  girl  friends,    “  so  what  are  you  gals  drinking    ?  ”    the  question  wasn’t  pointed  at  them,  but  rather  at  paisley.    “  if  you  say  strawberry  mojitos  i’m  kicking  you  out  of  my  bar  ”    not  that  he  actually  would,  but  making  mojitos  was  a  task  every  employee  in  his  bar  hated,  which  meant  that  he’d  end  up  having  to  make  them,  and  the  smell  of  mint  and  strawberries  on  his  hands  would  linger  for  days.    “  no  one  in  particular  ”    he  responded,  hiding  his  disappointment  at  her  mention  of  a  boyfriend.    “  safe  from  what    ?    your  boyfriend    ?    ha    !  ”    he  exclaimed,  before  shaking  his  head  once  more,    “  i  bet  your  boyfriend  is  at  home,  playing  madden.  which  is  just  insanely  stupid  with  a  girlfriend  as  sexy  as  you,  out  on  the  town  alone.  trust  me    !  ”    a  chuckle  escaped him,  before  he  headed  towards  the bar.
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twstdgents · 5 years
open to: males connection: friend, hook up, one night stand, anything that would fit plot: this!!
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                       her mother had warned her this would happen, should she keep up her nonsensical way of living. the woman was always full of warnings, one hand holding a wine glass and the other free for wagging her finger at her daughter while she was being chastised for the things she had done wrong this time. fortunately, the senior rose woman wasn’t here to berate her, only the sound of her voice – husky with the years of smoking, lightly accented too – ringing in her head as she let the truth of the situation dawn on her. she wasn’t glowing, contrary to what people often said. in fact, she just kind of looked…. pale. dull, even. 
two months. she was two months along. not enough to show just yet but enough that it was clear to her who had did this to her – though that train of thought was quickly quelled because she couldn’t blame this little thing for the violence of it’s father.
it’s real father, because the only mistake she had made wasn’t running off with the first man – man because he was older than her by some years – who had called her beautiful and then he had called her other things. sometimes, she could tell feel the sting of his words, harder than the sting of his hand. instead, she’d found comfort in the only way she had known how.
but now, she was looking down at the text she had sent hours ago, regret forming in her pulse as she remembered how she had left him – the other him – milling around outside, in the living room. small talk was bad enough as it was, nevermind small talk with someone you’d slept with and then proceeded to ghost them like you were still in your rebellious rich girl phase. her hands shook as she dried them on the towel and promptly left the bathroom, heading back to the living room. 
ophelia tried to muster a smile when she met his eyes, her hands being wrung in front of her stomach – a subconscious act, really – and she tried her best not to look too suspicious. she’d probably failed. “how did you like the hor d’oeuvres?” she asked, politely enough. “i can have some more brought out if you’d like?”
her words felt fragile. she wondered if he thought she pitied him for the dine and ditch she’d performed on him. “i do… have something we need to talk about.” she informed him. “if you’d like to take a seat?”
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                     being  in  her  living  room  wasn’t  exactly  where  matteo  had  been  picturing  spending  his  evening    —    there  was  a  game  on,  which  he’d  planned  to  watch  with  friends    ;    yet  here  he  was.  her  text  had  seemed  well  thought  out,  but  had  had  a  rushed  tone  to  it,  which  made  him  realize  it  was  urgent  for  him  to  show  up.  but  not  knowing  why  he  was  showing  up  at  her  house,  caused  matteo  to  feel  uneasy.
                    when  she  met  his  eyes  when  returning  from  the  bathroom,  the  male  cocked  a  brow    ;    even  more  so  at  her  following  question.  the  hor  d’oeuvres  had  been  fine,  but  he  still  hadn’t  the  slightest  idea,  why  he  was  standing  there  so  he  shook  his  head.  no,  he  didn’t  want  any  more  appetizers.  the  fragility  in  her  voice,  made  him  feel  slightly  sorry  for  her,  but  as  soon  as  matteo  thought  back  to  the  way  she’d  left  him  high  and  dry,  he  couldn’t  feel  sorry  much  longer.
                    “  can  you  just  tell  me  why  i’m  here    ?    ”    he  asked  impolitely,  crossing  his  arms,  not  the  slightest  urge  to  sit  down.  did  she  want  to  apologize    ?    did  she  want  her  help    ?    did  she  need  his  professional  surgical  opinion    ?    he  needed  to  know.  
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twstdgents · 5 years
STARTER  FOR   :   @aconites​
MUSE   :   joshua esposito. thirty. artist.
BASED  ON   :   this. 
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                   joshua  was  there  as  per  request  from  his  best  friend,  although  he’d  rather  be  at  home  worrying  about  his  upcoming  art  exhibition  and  everything  that  went  along  with  it.  alas,  he  was  in  a  car  on  his  way  to  the  hamptons  to  a  rented  beach  house.  joshua’s  best  friend  was  driving  and  made  their  arrival  to  the  house  known,  by  obnoxiously  honking  the  horn  of  the  truck  several  times.  they  were  intended  to  be  chaperones  for  the  group  of  recent  college  graduates      ;      a  job  joshua,  if  asked,  would  make  know  they  were  completely  wrong  for.  hadn’t  they  partied  just  as  hard  after  their  last  exam    ?    stepping  out  of  the  car,  the  tall  man  stretched  and  looked  towards  the  extravagant  house.  when  a  female  form  stepped  out  onto  the  porch,  it  caused  josh’s  eyes  to  widen,  before  quickly  hiding  his  surprise.  certain  aspects  of  her  looked  the  same,  but  she  was  definitely  all  grown  up  now  and  he’d  be  damned  if  she  hadn’t  grown  into  a  gorgeous  young  lady.  he raised  a  hand  in  a  slight  wave,  before  grabbing  their  bags  from  the  car  while  the  siblings  hugged  it  out.    “  good  to  see  you  again  ”    he  tilted  his  head  in  a  nod,  before  flashing  a  quick  smile  and  a  wink  as  soon  as  her  brother’s  back  was  turned.  
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twstdgents · 5 years
STARTER  FOR   :   @aconites​
MUSE   :   tristan  “lucky”  lewis.  forty.  mc gang leader. passionate. driven.
BASED  ON   :   this.
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                       to  everyone  who  knows  or  knows  of  lucky  lewis,  they  know  he’s  a  guy  who’s  not  to  be  messed  with.  stories  have  floated  around  the  underground  for  years  about  how  he  gained  his  street  name      ;      stories  with  elements  of  his  reality  entwined  in  them.  he  could  be  called  lucky  for  never  having  missed  a  shot  in  his  life.  or  because  he  hasn’t  been  caught  in  illegal  activities  by  the  law.  or  even  because  he’s  still  alive  at  forty.  but  to  tristan  lewis  himself,  he  called  himself  lucky  because  he  had  the  purest  and  most  loyal  girl  by  his  side.  they  were  an  unlikely  couple,  him  with  darkness  written  all  over  him,  while  she  constantly  walked  like  she  was  bathed  in  light.          returning  from  a  run  with  his  brothers,  he’s  happy  things  went  well  and  they  get  to  return  home  to  celebrate,  rather  than  mourn  or  to  cook  up  retaliation  plans.  no,  they  return  to  a  party    —    and  the  best  part    ?    he  gets  to  lock  himself  up  with  his  girl  for  a  few  days,  without  worry.          parking  his  bike  outside  the  clubhouse,  which  was  bathed  in  multi-colored  lights  and  music  blasting  through  speakers,  both  inside  the  house  and  outside,  tristan  looked  around  and  as  soon  as  he  caught  wind  of  her  light,  he  jumped  over,  placed  his  arms  around  her  frame  and  raised  her  up,  spinning  her  around,    “  fuck  babe...  ”    he  placed  her  back  down  to  the  ground,  before  whispering  in  her  ear,    “  i’ve  fuckin’  missed  ya  ”
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twstdgents · 5 years
“shut up,” paisley snorted a laugh as her eyes settled on the man from behind the bar– how could she not recognise him when after all, he’d been her biggest crush from when she was a child. sure, it was always something innocent back then but she’d always had a playful nature about her and several times demanded that he play along with her little faux dates she’d set up. but then she grew too old to need a minder, her mother figuring she could easily enough look after herself and paisley found her own way in life; she’d cut her long dark hair, instead bleaching it blonde with a hint of pastel pink on the bottom because she’d always strived to be different. riker looked the same though, if not just a little more rugged than before. “you always had a way with words, didn’t you?” she grinned, embracing the older man as her friends settled themselves in a nearby booth. “it’s amazing what puberty can do to a girl, isn’t it?” paisley teased, flashing riker a grin of those pearly whites. “mm, you look older. that beard’s definitely a lot more fuller than it used to be, congratulations for finally growing into it.”
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                   she  had  been  ten.  he  had  been  eighteen.  they’d  been  worlds  away  from  each  other,  yet  he’d  enjoyed  being  her  babysitter    —    despite  the  tea  parties  and  later  on,  the  faux  dates  she’d  set  up  for  the  pair  of  them.  they’d  clearly  both  moved  on,  although  she  looked  a  hell  of  a  lot  different  now  than  she  did  back  then.  she  looked  much  more  like  the  person  she’d  expressed  she  wanted  to  be  back  then,  rather  than  the  person  she  actually  was  back  then.          a  smile  was  etched  into  his  lips  as  his  muscular  arms  wrapped  themselves  around  her  petite  frame.  pulling  back,  riker  nodded  as  he  chuckled,    “  indeed    !    puberty  sure  did  you  good.  ”    he  complimented  her,  before  letting  out  a  full  fledged  laughter  at  her  comment.  leaning  his  head  back  he  ran  his  hand  over  his  full  beard,    “  ouch.  older    ?    i’m  in  my  prime,  paise.  ”    he  winked  at  her  when  calling  her  by  the  nickname  he’d  appointed  her  back  when  they  used  to  know  each  other.    “  what’s  with  this    ?    joining  a  girlband  or  something    ?    ”    he  joked,  while  using  his  fingers  to  move  a  few  strands  of  her  hair  by  the  ends,  clearly  talking  about  the  pink  in  her  hair.    “  okay  so,  drinks  are  on  me  tonight,  but  only  if  i  get  to  join  you  for  a  beer.  we  expecting  anyone  else    ?    ”    he  asked  the  leading  question,  hoping  and  praying  that  she  wasn’t  in  a  relationship  and  was  hoping  to  meet  her  beau  in  his  bar.
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twstdgents · 5 years
STARTER  FOR   :   @onesunset​
MUSE   :   riker james.  thirty-one.  notorious player.  bar owner.  casey deidrick fc.
BASED  ON   :   this.
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                   looking  at  the  woman  who  had  shown  up  at  his  bar  with  some  friends,  he  could  hardly  recognize  her.  looking  her  over  a  few  times,  he  shook  his  head.  it  couldn’t  be.  she  was  absolutely  stunning  and  if  it  hadn’t  been  for  her  distinguishable  eyes,  he  wouldn’t  have  known  or  believed  it  was  her.  walking  from  behind  the  bar  to  greet  her,  a  broad  smile  moved  across  his  lips  while  he  looked  her  up  and  down,    “  look  at  what  the  cat  dragged  in.  ”    he  spoke  jokingly,  before  opening  his  arms  wide,  hoping  she’d  approach  him  for  a  hug.    “  you  look  ...  amazing  !  ”    riker  was  in  shock.  she’d  always  joked  around  with  him  becoming  her  boyfriend  some  day,  back  when  he  used  to  babysit  her.  riker  had  always  countered  with  her  being  too  young    —    she  may  have  been  then,  but  now    ?    she  was  a  hundred  percent  the  type  of  girl  he’d  date.  
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twstdgents · 5 years
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marley had moved to the big city for college, she needed some extra money and this nanny job had come up. she decided to take it  — how hard could being a nanny be? she’d ended up getting really close to the family she was taking care of, the little girl was adorable and her dad was lovely too (it helped that he was good looking too). he was working late tonight, so she’d spent the evening with little willow, they’d watched movies, eaten snacks and marley had even let the little girl paint her nails, badly. she’d promised the little girl that she could stay up until her dad got back, but she’d fallen asleep next to her as they were watching an episode of some random kids show. marley was drifting off too, it had been a long evening, when she felt someone gentle nudge her shoulder. she looks up to see robert next to her. she gives him a smile, “hey mr. valentine, how was your day? willow wanted to wait up to see you, but she’s just fallen asleep”. 
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                   sitting  down  next  to  marley,  he  smiled,    “  yeah,  i  feel  like  it’s  forever  since  she  and  i  got  to  spend  time  together  ”    his  eyes  moved  over  to  the  blonde  girl  laying  next  to  marley.    “  well,  i  better  get  her  to  bed.  have  you  had  dinner  yet  ?  ”    he  asked  casually  and  nodded  towards  the  kitchen,  while  getting  up  from  the  couch.    “  you’re  welcome  to  stay  while  i  whip  something  up.  ”    robert  propositioned  in  a  hushed  tone  as  to  not  wake  his  daughter  up,  before  adding    “  and  stay  in  the  guest  room  tonight,  if  you’d  like.  unless,  of  course,  you  have  classes  tomorrow.  i  don’t  want  to  disrupt  your  entire  schedule  ”    grabbing  his  little  girl  from  the  couch,  he  held  her  to  his  chest  while  she  slept.    “  i’m  going  to  tuck  this  one  in.  i’ll  see  you  in  a  bit,  and  give  you  your  payment  for  the  day  ”    robert  gave  the  woman  a  small  smile,  before  heading  towards  willow’s  bedroom.  
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twstdgents · 5 years
based on this. 
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astrid was currently shooting a film and she’d been allowed some downtime, to explore the city they were in. the director wanted to keep this whole thing a low profile, so when she went out she had to wear a disguise. it consisted of a pair of sunglasses, a brown wig to hide her trademark platinum blonde hair and a large coat, she looked silly really.
at last she had a bit of freedom, she was able to do as she pleased. the first thing she wanted to do was grab some food, but she didn’t know the city, at all. she was making her way down a street when she saw a guy, he looked friendly enough. “oh uh — hey. ya’ know anywhere good to grab some food? i’m starving”. 
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                   having  to  ride  his  motorcycle  down  to  the  local  art  supply  store,  was  the  last  thing  the  tattooed  male  needed  when  he  was  in  a  zone  of  creativity  and  in  the  middle  of  a  project      ;      but  he  should’ve  remembered  that  he  was  about  to  run  out  of  black  paint,  and  therefore  huffed  as  he  rode  down  the  street,  blaming  himself  for  his  own  stupidity.          pushing  his  hands  into  the  pockets  of  his  leather  jacket  after  parking  his  bike and removing his helmet,  joshua’s  eyes  were  glued  to  the  pavement  he  walked,  a  slight  smile  appeared  on  his  lips  at  some  dumb  thought  that  entered  his  mind.  it  was  only  when  someone  asked  him  a  question,  that  he  looked  up  and  put  up  his  more  approachable  face.  pulling  one  hand  out  the  pocket  of  his  jacket,  he  pointed  down  the  street,    “  there’s  a  bar  and  grill  down  the  street.  they  serve  the  best  steaks  in  the  city,  if  you  don’t  have  any  dietary  preferences  “    his  eyes  scanned  the  dark  haired  woman,  her  face  looking  a  lot  more  familiar  than  he  liked.    “  if  you’re  vegetarian  or  vegan,  then  i  suggest  the  lentil.  dope  setting  and  good  food  ”    he  pointed  in  the  opposite  direction,  but  his  eyes  were  stuck  to  the  woman.  it  wasn’t  until  he  reevaluated  her  voice,  that  he  knew  where  he’d  seen  her  before  and  instantly  the  man  begun  inwardly  freaking  out.  it  was  astrid  fucking  thorsen.  he  wouldn’t  consider  himself  a  fan,  but  she  was  definitely  on  his  list  of  people  whose  brain  he’d  like  to  pick.    “  if  you  need  help  finding  either  of  the  places,  i’ll  gladly  give  you  a  ride  ”    josh  pointed  back  to  his  motorcycle,  before  gracing  the  woman  with  a  smile.
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