twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
Band Quotes
“Apparently we’re all lesbians and Rebecca’s boyfriend is a coverup” 
I don’t check the group chat for 10 hours and I found some wild stuff in there. 
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
Band Camp Quotes #1
Our personal favorite from a few years ago that won’t die:
Xylo player: *crouched on the ground, waving her mallet*
Everyone else:.......
Vibe player: Are you WAVING at a dead COCKROACH?!?!?!
And yes, she was waving at a dead cockroach 
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
Band Camp Quotes 2020
So I tech at my high schools band camp. And being the fun tech that I am, I come back here with a long list of inside jokes and out of context quotes from the week. 
I’m also a horrible influence as now some of my Pit girls are getting Tumblr and following me. 
Pit, if you’re reading this....🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️👍
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
Adult Things
I lost my car in a parking garage. How? Nevermind that. I’m wondering around, lost, kinda scared because garages are creepy. 
How did I find my car? 
I hit the lock button on my keys until I was close enough to hear the horn. Then I followed the sound down a floor. 
You could say this is the adult equivalent to marco polo or hotter colder
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
Never Thought I’d Hear That
I was absolutely being a nerd to my boyfriend about dogfights during WWII, Vietnam, and Korea. And I mean like... Wouldn’t shut up about these pilots. 
And then I hear..... 
“You’re hot when you’re nerding out about something 😏😏”
I’m not sure how to take this information 😂
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
Student Problems
My essays as a senior in highschool: structured, outlined, five-paragraphs, one sentence quotations MAX otherwise it's too long, the conclusion is a neat summary
Teachers: eh it's aight, B
My essays as a senior in College: No outline, 8 pages of stream of consciousness, new paragraph every couple of lines, paragraph-long quotes, comment on society in the conclusion no matter the topic, no proofreading we submit like men.
Professors: Very good, very insightful, A
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
The Ever-Present Pear Tree in Italian Idioms and Culture
If you’re learning Italian, DON’T MISS THIS POST as the metaphorical use of the pear tree recurs a lot in our spoken language.
The pear tree is very tall and can reach even 15m. 🌳
In Italian culture it is often used in idiomatic phrases to discourage people from living in fantasy world and to avoid the superiority complex, as being so tall it is often used as a metaphor to indicate the detachment from the ground and hence the reality. Here you are some examples:
🍐 “Andar su’ per il pero” (lit.“to climb the pear tree”): meaning to support megalomaniac and unrealizable projects;
🍐 “Scendi dal pero!” (lit.“climb down that pear tree!”): depending on the context it’s used to:
invite a person to abandon his/her superiority complex and mingle with ordinary mortals;
invite someone to open his/her eyes and come back to reality;
🍐 “Cadere dal pero” (lit.“to fall from the pear tree”): depending on the context it means:
 to suddenly see the reality, often in a harsh way;
 being forced to abandon the superiority complex.
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
Italian Vocabulary - Night
🌚 (la) notte - night 🌚 (la) luna - moon 🌚 (la) stella - star 🌚 (il) buio - dark  🌚 (la) via lattea - milky way 🌚 (il) pianeta - planet 🌚 (la) stella cadente - shooting star 🌚 (il) silenzio - silence 🌚 (la) galassia - galaxy 🌚 (il) sonno - sleep 🌚 (il) sogno - dream 🌚 (il) riposo - rest
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
Italian Idioms related to sleep
😴 “dormire ad occhi aperti” (lit. “to sleep with open eyes”), which mean to be dead tired;
😴 “dormire all'albergo della luna” (lit. “To sleep at the hotel of the moon”), which means to sleep under the stars because you can’t afford a room;
😴 “dormire come un sasso” (lit. “To sleep as a rock”), which means “to sleep soundly”. You can also say “dormire come un ghiro” (lit. “to sleep like a dormouse”), which means the same thing;
😴 “dormire tra due guanciali” (lit. “To sleep between two pillows”), which means “to sleep easy”, in the sense of being without worries.
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
commonly used words by italians
addirittura: really?, seriously?.
magari: i wish, probably, possibly. 
ormai: at this point, by now, already, by the time. 
forse: probably, maybe. 
comunque: anyhow, anyway, in any case, no matter how. 
proprio: precisely, exactly, quite, just, really, truly or adj: own, typical, fitting, suitable. 
però: yet, but, though, however. 
quindi: then, therefore, so. 
mi raccomando: pretty please, don’t forget, listen, make sure to, literally means: I entrust myself to you.  
pure (anche): also, too, even, although, yet, as well, besides. 
insomma: all in all (com’era il film? insomma… ho visto di meglio), in conclusion, so, hey. 
anzi: actually, on the contrary, rather. 
mica: at all, it’s not like that. (non mi sento mica bene, mica male questo vino) 
eccome: certainly, absolutely. 
piuttosto: rather, instead (comparazione tra due cose diverse) 
smettila: stop, quit, give up. 
innanzitutto: first of all. 
infatti: used to reaffirm what you just said by further explaining or listing. 
inoltre (in aggiunta): moreover, also, furthermore 
dappertutto (ovunque, dovunque): everywhere 
cioè (ossia): that is, in other words, that is to say.
Constructive criticism is welcomed! :) 
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twentyonecatharsis · 4 years
Italian Vocabulary - Day
☀️ (il) sole - sun ☀️ (il) cielo - sky ☀️ (la) luce - light ☀️ (l’) alba - dawn ☀️ (la) mattina  - morning ☀️ (il) risveglio - waking up ☀️ (il) raggio - ray ☀️ (la) nuvola - cloud ☀️ (la) colazione - breakfast ☀️ (la) routine - routine 
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