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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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‘Cause that wing nut is crazy in love with you. Look at him.
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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Uh, is he here?
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
awwww i loved it 😍
Makes Sense
@tuturodobrik‘s request: hi sweetie!! so, what i thought was natalie and david casually flirting but nothing is happening cause nat’s thinking too much,  does dave really like her? will it affect their friendship? what everyone will think about it? and the one person who notice that she’s acting weird is liza, and they have a chat about it, liza saying something like “girl just go for it”
David and Natalie have been friends for the longest time. Longer than anyone else in the friend group. All these years of being around each other made them really comfortable. But being single at the same time from what seemed like a lifetime of being in a relationship didn’t help either of them from developing feelings. Especially with Natalie.
It was normal for the two to casually flirt with each other. Even their friends shrug it off as a joke. David used to always get squeamish when Natalie showed him even the slightest affection. He always says “Gross.” whenever Natalie gives him a hug. He pushes her away and gestures a shiver from his body whenever she tries to lean on his shoulder. And even when she compliments him, he cringes in front of everyone.
Natalie didn’t mind any of it. She just laughs it off. David isn’t used to people being sweet so Natalie never took it personally. What her issue was is that recently, David was behaving the complete opposite.
Scenario #1. David just got home from a day of vlogging around Hollywood. Natalie met him by the door.
“Welcome, home!” she greeted him with arms open wide and a cheery face.
She expected David to push her to the side, like he usually does, but no. He collapses right into her arms. With his head hanging from her shoulder and his body leaning towards her.
“I’m so tired, Nat.” he softly tells her.
“Aww, come on, Dave. Let’s get you to your bed so you can rest.” she shrugs it off.
David might be allergic to affection but he sometimes returns it back, especially when he’s tired. So it didn’t really bother her.
Scenario #2: Everyone was at the house having a couple of beers. Kelsey was chasing David around to get a hug because we all know she has a crush on him.
“David, come on! I just want a hug!” Kelsey whines.
David was on his way to Natalie and he then hides behind her with his arms on her shoulders.
“Nat! Keep me away from her, I don’t want hugs.”
Natalie a little rattled from what’s happening in front of her didn’t even get to say anything.
“Aww, you suck, man.” Kelsey leaving their presence.
David then proceeds to walk around with Natalie as a shield to protect him around girls who want to flirt with him.
Natalie was flustered with what’s going on. She’s starting to like the attention David is giving her. She isn’t used to David flirting back and now that he does and now that sometimes, he even initiates it, makes her look at him at some type of way.
Scenario #3: David was editing on the couch. He starts to yawn for it’s been hours and the vlog still isn’t finished. He calls for Natalie to check up on the progress.
“Nat? Can you check this if it’s fine? My eyes are giving up on me.” he gestures to Natalie to sit next to him and lifts his laptop up to place on her lap.
Two minutes into the video and Natalie was really liking it. She was so focused on the vlog that she mind David. As she was watching the vlog, she felt David leaned his head on her shoulder with his eyes closed. She finished the vlog and was about to comment on what he can do about it when she looked at him and saw that he had already fell asleep. Natalie didn’t want to move because she know how tired he is.
She stares at him a bit longer and started playing with his hair. She doesn’t understand why he’s acting too clingy around her, but she knows that she enjoys his presence and all that.
“Shit. I think I’m starting to have feelings for you.” she whispers carefully to herself. But after that thought, follows her worries and fears.
“But what if you don’t feel the same way and just joking around like you always do? Or what if you do, what happens with our friendship?” she was so deep in thought when David suddenly moved.
He moved his body in a way to have a more comfortable position. Natalie sets the laptop down on her other side but a little far away, not close enough for anyone to accidentally lean on or something. David puts his legs up on the love sack and grabbed Natalie’s arms into a hug and continued sleeping. She pulls the blankets onto the both of them and went on to sleep too.
“Shit.” she whispers before she finally closes her eyes and try to fall asleep.
Scenario #4: Natalie had just ordered Chipotle for everyone and as the food arrived, everyone immediately dug in.
Natalie and David were sitting next to each other munchin on some burritos when David looks at Natalie and starts laughing. She looks at him and catches him staring at her lips. She doesn’t understand what’s up but her cheeks went red. He was leaning in to her and she thought for a kiss, so she closed her eyes. But he was just leaning in to wipe out the sauce that’s near her lip.
“Got it, Nat.” he says while he laughs.
“Why’d you close your eyes?”
This was a chance for her to see if he’ll shut her down or if nothing really changed.
“I thought you were gonna kiss me.” she playfully punches his arms and winks at him, expecting him to roll his eyes or say gross or cringe at the comment she made.
“Oh, you want me to?” David replies in the most casual way and with a smirk on his face. Natalie was caught off guard and started turning redder, but she suddenly got food stuck in her throat and ran to the fridge to get water.
David just smirks and laughs at himself and continued eating his burrito. Natalie was leaning over the sink while drinking some water she grabbed from the fridge. She looks at David slightly and he returns a wink while taking a bite.
That conversation didn’t help with her thoughts at all. What’s even worse is now, she really knows she likes him because she can’t stop smiling after that. She shakes her head and tried to convince herself.
“He wouldn’t like you back. Stop gushing over him” she thinks to herself before going to the couch and avoiding David.
Scenario 5: Today. David and Natalie were out partying with the gang and Dancing Queen went on.
She was dancing with Cas, having a good ol’ time, trying not to think of David. But he swoops in, taking her away from Cas. David pulls her closer to him while mouthing the lyrics to her and staring intensely into her eyes.
His hands were on her waist swinging her around the dance floor while her hands were resting on his shoulders. She was dancing along with him, having fun. But it took her by surprise when the chorus came again.
“You are my dancing queen! Young and sweet, but not 17!” David sings to her loudly while laughing to himself for his edited lyrics.
Natalie was rattled with what she heard and started to gag from all the alcohol she had. She was about to vomit but she walked out. David saw her facial reaction and knew from it that she was about to vomit, he laughed it off and continued dancing because he also knew that something was up.
She wasn’t even actually going to vomit, she went outside to take a breather. She sat down on the curb and thoughts came rushing in her head again.
She was taken aback when someone sits next to her.
“I know you like him.” Liza speaks softly to Natalie.
Natalie’s eyes widen to what she said and starts to make things up just to deny her assumption.
“What? No! I do not! He’s my bestfriend!”
“Just go for it, Nat. And that’s exactly the reason why. You’re each other’s bestfriend, you, more than anyone, would make him happy and never ever hurt him. It makes sense.” Liza hugs her for a second, gets up, and leaves. She pats her back once and went back to the party.
Natalie was left alone staring at the concrete, organizing her thoughts. It felt nice. It felt nice to get assurance from the last person you’d expect: the ex of someone you like. Hearing her words, even for how few it was, made sense. It comforted her, gave her confidence, even reassured her that everything’s going to be okay between her and David.
Natalie already loves David, maybe not in a romantic way yet but she loves him in a way that she would only want the best for him, would get out of her way to take care of him, and be there when he needs her to be or even if he just wants her to be.
She got up, walked towards the entrance, but it was blocked by none other than the man himself. He was leaning against the door, his head resting on the wall, a cup filled with beer on his hand, and with one foot over the other.
“So? You done thinking about it?” he smirks at her teasingly.
He has had feelings for her this whole time, he had always just ignored the idea because of the same reason; he was also afraid the feelings won’t be reciprocated. But he convinced himself to casually flirt back and not always shy away Natalie when she becomes clingy. So he did, and he enjoyed bit of it.
But being the psycho that he is, he enjoyed seeing Natalie blush because of him, get flustered when he flirts back, or get a little shocked when he initiates it. What’s a little excitement while you wait around for someone? He was just waiting around for her to notice all the gestures and to finally come to terms with all her thoughts. 
And now, she did.
“And what if I have?” she casually flirts back.
“May I know the verdict?”
“Hmm, does this answer that?” she wraps her arms around his neck and stared at his eyes. He reciprocates the action by setting down his drink and putting his hands on her waist. She pulls her face closer to his and lingered for a bit, teasing him. She looks at his eyes then looks at his lips, back and forth to drive him crazy, licking her own lips and playing with her tongue in the process. After a few seconds of staring him down, she places a kiss on his lips, a deep and passionate one.
They share a kiss for the very first time and they both smile so much while doing it. They’re finally in each other’s arms and they can’t stop smiling. They part their lips for a little while and looked at each other.
“Does it feel weird?” Natalie asks him, hoping that it would be something she wants to hear.
“No. It feels right.’” he tells her with a soft smile. She returns the smile and kissed him again, this time, more intense and with more intent.
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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i don’t get it. what else can you do?
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
headcanons about arthur
Arthur looks like a ray of sunshine, he's always smiling and making jokes but what we don't know is that he's actually pretty miserable, he has problems with himself, his family and hides it so his friends don't need to know
He smokes A LOT of weed, mostly to forget about the problems and to calm himself
He deals with anxiety
He's definitely lgbtqi+ lmao but i have two headcanons about this: he's either bi or ace
Him and Alexia are THAT duo, she will help him deal with his sexuality
Basile is his best friend (idk if thats canon already)
He uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism
He's a geek, reads all comic books you can think of and watched all star wars movies at least 500 times
He has divorced parents and lives with a sibling and one of the parents
His nickname is tuturo but only the le gang and his sibling can call him that
His favorite subject is history
that's all i could think of, feel free to add more
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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The way Sam looks at Grizz
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
Taylor Hotchkiss/BH-4 killed her brother
Okay, so this theory might be crazy but hear me out, in the last episode we see a mysterious "BH-4"
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My thoughts when i saw this went to the most typical pll theories: A SECRET SIBLING
BH 00001 Peter Hotchkiss (dad)
BH 00002 Claire Hotchkiss (mom)
BH 00003 Taylor Hotchkiss (daughter)
BH 00004 ????
BH 00005 Nolan Hotchkiss (son)
And now you may ask: "what this has to do with Taylor killing Nolan?" well, in the books we have a character named Julie Redding who has a personality disorder known as D.I.D (dissociative identity disorder)
Julie is bestfriends with Parker Duvall, one night Julie sends Parker home, knowing her father is abusive, that night Parker is killed. Julie feels so bad about it that she developts another personality, that being Parker.
Julie/Parker kills Nolan in the books.
What if Taylor is Julie and this "secret sibling" is Parker? What if Claire Hotchkiss murderer this sibling? What if Taylor somehow felt guilty about it and developted an identity disorder?
That would explain so many things.
First, the difference betweet the first time we saw Taylor, as having long wavy hair like Alison's, and now.
This whole look screams Parker Duvall to me.
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Would also explain why she's so scared of coming home because her mother might hurt her.
And finally, we all know she looks like Alison, Nolan was expecting Alison that night and he couldn't see too well because of the light.
What if Taylor/BH-4 listened to the perfectionists in the florest and then executed their plan?
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
i saved this video as my soul destroyed 
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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2018: A Year in Touch, Affection, and Comfort 
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
i had an idea for an au where liv and noah are twins and robron's kids LISTEN
liv looks like robert (which i really think she does) but her personality is exactly like aaron
noah looks like aaron but his personality is like robert
yes, seb would exist too, love him so much
would basically be a family fic, what y'all think??????? help
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
end of the year ask meme: robron edition. reblog, send each other questions and answer accordingly (in relation to the last 12 months) 
favourite aaron quote?
favourite robert quote?
best storyline? 
best overall episode?
favourite moment from (insert here) month? 
proposal 1 or 2?
wedding 1 or 2? 
reunion, proposal or wedding? 
best family moment?
favourite seb scene?
favourite liv scene?
favourite aaron ily?
favourite robert ily?
favourite mutual ily?
favourite angsty scene? 
most #dramatic moment?
best hug?
best kiss?
best ‘heart eyes?
favourite location?
favourite aaron outfit?
favourite robert outfit?
best aaron & robert hair?
favourite deleted scene? 
favourite parallel?
best platonic robert relationship?
best platonic aaron relationship?
favourite pre-reunion scene?
favourite wordless scene?
favourite quote about robron from an outside party? 
favourite dryan moment? (have we even had one this year?)
rec me some 2018 robron fics! 
tell me some new robron-related songs you’ve discovered this year
make you feel my love or the love we stole?
what is your most re-watched robron scene from the year?
moment that shocked/surprised you the most?
shoutout the new tumblr friends you’ve made this year
what are the three top things you want to see from robron in 2019?
if you could delete one scene from this year which would it be?
sum up 2018 robron in 3 words?
and some non-robron questions:
   41. best exit?    42. best newcomer?    43. best storyline?    44. favourite child/teen character?    45. a storyline you wish we’d had or one you wish we’d seen more of?    46. a storyline idea for next year?    47. a character or pairing that you’ve changed your opinion on in the last year?    48. best dressed?    49. worst dressed?    50. favourite overall character? 
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tuturodobrik · 6 years ago
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