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turnaboutdnd · 5 years ago
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hello! i have made new and improved character sheets!! they don’t look much better. in fact, they look kind of worse. but i was reading through the older character sheets and realized that... there were a lot of mistakes. like. a mistake on pretty much every sheet. i’ve gotten a lot more knowledgeable about dnd since i started writing this fic lmao
so! i went through and revamped them! tweaked some people’s spells/skills, too!! probably not doing to fix level 1 and level 2... i’m sorry fhsjfh. there’s probably more mistakes, but i think i caught everything major!
edit: Aphollo should be 3d10, not 3d8. Also, don’t pay too much attention to their equipment lmao
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turnaboutdnd · 5 years ago
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hey guys! so, if you don’t know, i’m in the middle of writing a really silly klap/ollo fic in which apollo and klavier + the Gang play d&d. it’s painfully nerdy and, in all honesty, terribly embarrassing. but it’s also a lot of fun to write!
anyway, i made physical character sheets for everyone! i tried to make them seem like people’s first d&d characters. so, they’re kinda sucky… but i’m sure they love them all the same! and i thought i’d share them, so people could play along if they wanted! sorry if there are some technical issues or typos: i guarantee there’s something wrong somewhere. i’m one person micromanaging five characters, after all. hopefully i’ll catch the issues and update accordingly when they level up, though! eventually! maybe! hopefully!
the spell shorthands weren’t done my me: they’re from the clean sheet! i would’ve liked it if i could’ve… used the clean sheet itself, but the way the pdf is set up makes it weird when you convert to jpg. so have fun with these giant empty spell sheets ccccc:
if you came here from the fic, thank you so much for reading! i hope you find these fun/cute! (and, uh, legible! if you’re having trouble with the size, please try right clicking and selecting “view image” to see the sheets in their full size!) thanks again!
level 1 / level 2 / level 3
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turnaboutdnd · 5 years ago
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heyo! here are the level 2 character sheets for that super goofy klapo/llo d&d fic i’m currently writing!
apollo has spell slots at this point, but i… didn’t really want to break these posts into two (yet). so for the time being, you can find his spells under his “features & traits” section.
thank you for putting up with me! i’m very sorry if there are any mistakes (trucy’s prepared spells aren’t right, but i’ll fix that later). i’m trying my best! if you have trouble viewing, please try right clicking + “view image” for the full sizes! that… seems to have worked so far.
if you got here from the fic, thank you SO much for reading! and CONTINUING to read! it means so much to me – it really does! i hope you find these cute, and i hope you continue to read and enjoy the fic… silliness and mistakes in all!
level 1 / level 2 / level 3
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turnaboutdnd · 5 years ago
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hey there! here are everyone’s third level character sheets for that mega ridiculous klapollo fic i’m writing!
“that’s odd,” you may be thinking. “they’re leveling up awfully quickly, aren’t they?” well yes, they are! phoenix knows they aren’t going to be playing for very long, so he wants to make them feel powerful and cool! like a good dm! (levels one and two are garbage, anyway – it only starts getting fun around level three)
apollo’s spells are still on his character sheet. it’s getting kinda, uh, crowded. but, you know… i like how even everything looks on here, so i’m leaving it as it is. also, please right click + “view image” for the full sizes! sorry for any mistakes – i’m not the best with… Consistency
if you got here from the fic, thank you so so so so so so so much for reading for so long! it means the world to me – like, you have no idea, haha. thank you so much!!!
level 1 / level 2 / level 3
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turnaboutdnd · 5 years ago
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simon character sheet! moved computers and stuff and don’t have access to the other ones, so maybe i’ll redo them one of these days. they’re rather ugly. (but so is this one, because for some reason the text isn’t showing up when i convert to jpg hmm... maybe i’ll just make a google drive, it’s 2019)
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turnaboutdnd · 5 years ago
Original fic, Pre-9/18/19 Edits
Just so you can think to yourself, “was I just crazy? I could’ve sworn that didn’t happen!” and feel validated c:
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turnaboutdnd · 5 years ago
Patch Notes
The following changes have been made from the original version (pre 9/18/19). None of them are really that important, but in case you’re curious, here are the major ones:
General prose cleanup (this varies from grammar to changing the flow of dialogue; most of it is quality-of-life stuff that makes for a smoother read)
Scaling back of ellipses
Scaling back of italics
Scaling back of swearing
More active focus versus passive voice 
Incorrect game rules fixed (where possible and noticed)
Majorly: Light is not a concentration spell; Aphollo’s use of two Channel Divinities per one long rest changed to only Turn the Unholy; paladins are immune to disease, not poison
When it comes to concentration spells, just pretend like everybody rolled well for con saves bc I didn’t want to mention them
Google translated German pet names spruced up a little
Most brand names vaguer rather than namedropped. It’s kind of weird to take this stance when the entire fic is based around an intellectual property that exists irl, but I think it’s funnier if the reader has to figure out the reference for themselves rather than being spoonfed the joke. It’s also really weird for me to read the phrase “Martha Stewert” in an AA fic idk
Apollo’s sentiments softened; sometimes his inner dialogue and actions were so mean-spirited, I found it hard to root for him. I tried to give him more nuance where I could. He’s supposed to be very angry and thorny, and the entire plot is about him learning to unwind, but there’s a difference between being a likable jerk and just being a jerk.
Riddle edited: envy -> horrors
Card shop date changed to Tuesday from Wednesday
Phoenix leaving for Khura’in clarified to be in two weeks time in the most recent chapter (21): he just wants to finish a week early to, idk, pack and crap
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