turbulent-oceans · 6 years
“No, I’m not ok. But I haven’t been ok since I was 11, maybe 12. I am still here though. I’m still breathing. For me, sometimes, that will have to be enough.”
— Clementine von Radics
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
“Vodka was easier to swallow than the fact that you weren’t coming back.”
— everythingfadedaway
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
I’m super sexual but like also I’m super shy which don’t mix well
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
“It’s possible that maybe I need to let stuff go.”
Ten Word Stories #564
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
Alcohol is cool but have you ever had someone care about you? Me neither, pass the bottle.
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
do you ever sit with a group of people and not say anything for  the entire time so theres no reason for you to be there youre just awkwardly listening to people converse while doing your own thing and wondering how its so easy for them to just talk or why its so hard for you to say anything
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
You’re healing every time you
get out of bed because there’s something you’re excited about.
don’t think about people who left.
clean the clutter in the room and dishes in your sink.
smile at yourself and random people.
do something kind and out of the blue to make someone happy.
work out or meet with friends even though you have no energy to.
calm yourself down when your thoughts race.
remember to drink water.
don’t dwell on things you can’t control.
do things good for yourself, even though you have no motivation.
tell yourself that you’re growing from this, and you won’t feel like this forever.
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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turbulent-oceans · 6 years
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