make your own rules
123 posts
tucker westaka tramptwenty-two, bartender❝ look, there’s a great big hunk of world down there with no fence around it – it's all ours . ❞
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tuckerswest · 5 years ago
“Lunch?” Liliana repeated slowly before a little smile drifted onto her lips and she gave a nod. “If you are certain, that’d be nice.” She admitted, biting her lower lip for a moment. “I need to go back home first though if you don’t mind that. I have a few things to do first.” She’d rushed in and out so fast that she’d not had the chance to get them done before. “We could meet in say… half an hour or so?”
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“I don’t see why not, unless you have an objection?” he chuckled. “Oh yeah that’s fine. I don’t mind waiting outside if you want? Like I can drive you over there and stay in the car. Mine should be parked outside the station since they said they picked it up from where I got arrested.”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
“Just one, I can give you a whole list.” Flynn scoffed looking at his cousin with a shake of his head, “You know I find it very sad that you trust my abilities so little and anyways, if I do mess up, it’ll be nothing compared to when you fuck up. You tend to go big or go home, which is unfortunate for me.”
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“A whole list? What would you write it on? A post-it note?” he continued to poke fun with a grin on his lips. “Ouch– that was a low blow man.”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
“You’re causing a disturbance, which is unnecessary. People actually have a reason to be here and get things done, they don’t need you bothering them.” Adam retorted. 
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“Woah, woah, woah– a disturbance? That’s hurtful man,” Tucker replied with a little pout.
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
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“There’s only one way to find out.”
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“So finally we’ve decided on playing a round?”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
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“Thank you,” Scarlett said with a grin, “So Tucker, how’ve you been?”
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“Honestly? Same old, same old. Yourself?”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
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tucker west
moodboard ( 1/??? ) - general
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
“You do realize this is a high class space, right?” He questioned, harsh judgement in his tone. “If you’re going to act like that, you will have to leave.” Eyes looked over the person, frustration increasing with how they were acting in such a place. 
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“Hey man, it’s not my fault I’m having more fun than you,” he replied simply with a smug shrug.
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
“Don’t worry, I can hear you, I’m well aware that you’re telling me this is a bad idea- I’m just saying that I’m going to go through with it anyways.” Flynn commented, looking to the other. “Things do tend to work out in my favour after all.” He lied, not that the other needed to know that.
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“Name one time that shit’s worked out in your favor,” Tucker taunted the other, rolling his eyes at him. “I don’t see this working out in any universe, but have at it. I can have a good laugh at you when you inevitably mess it up.”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
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“It’s called bluffing. I’m definitely rubbish at Scrabble.”
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“Well then maybe I’d actually have a shot.”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
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“Well I doubt I’ll be one of them. Unless I’m with a group of people and they order for me but you’ll never hear a crazy cocktail order coming from me directly.”
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“I am certainly holding you to it,” he replied, chuckling as he slid over her beer.
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
It was Liliana’s turn to look a little unsure. “Well… I had thought so…” Though she couldn’t speak for Tucker but why else would he have taken her under his wing? Right now probably wasn’t the best time to dwell on it though. When he exited the cell, she nodded her head in acceptance. “You’re welcome. As I said, I couldn’t leave you behind.” 
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Tucker’s instinct was to thank her again, but he’d already been doing so much of that. Pretending to shrug it off, Tucker tried to think of a way to thank her without echoing the same two words. “Hey, can I treat you to like a late lunch or something? I feel like it’s the least I can do after you– you know. Bailed me out of jail and all that.”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
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“Then why’d you agree to play?” Pietro asked curiously, “It might even the playing field anyway, I’m rubbish at it.”
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“You literally just said you’re really good at this.”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
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“You can unless you can’t handle your drink,” Scarlett replied with a challenging raise of her brow, “When do I order anything else, Tucker?”
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“Oh I can– but seriously, it’s like my boss has eyes on the back of his head,” Tucker warned the other. “It’s a fair point, but you’d be surprised how many usuals have come in one day being like ‘I want something totally different’.”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
The shock in the mans voice caught Liliana a little off guard. She’d like to have thought that it wasn’t as big a thing as Tucker was making out and that anyone would have done it but he was leading her to believe that wasn’t the case. Her expression turned to one of soft seriousness. “Because that’s what friends do; they help one another.” Liliana spoke simply, moving away from the cell so that the guard could get there. “And I don’t like seeing you punished for something you didn’t do. I wouldn’t just leave you here.”
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“We’re friends?” he couldn’t help but let a smirk tilt his lips upwards. As the guard moved to the cell to open it, Tucker looked to her for a moment longer before letting his gaze reach the floor. The door was slid open and he walked out a free man. “I seriously can’t thank you enough, Lil. Who knew you’d be doing a jail break today?” Tucker teased softly.
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
“You know to tell you the truth I actually had lost my keys like a long time ago… About a month after I got the car. Haven’t found them since but thankfully I don’t need them.” Aladdin answered with a small shrug with a smile of disbelief. “About your other question though… Come on, man. I do really look like a thief to you?”
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“Seriously? That’s... crazy. You know you can ask your dealership for a new set right?” he pointed out to the other. “Not necessarily but you should never judge a book by its cover. I mean murders look like everyday people too so I’d say your logic’s a little flawed.”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
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“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Pietro asked, raising his brow in a challenging manner, “I’m really good at this.”
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“Not really– no. I’m too tired after my shift to keep my focus for long enough to play Scrabble.”
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tuckerswest · 5 years ago
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“Well you look like you could use a drink,” Scarlett replied with a laugh, “I was going to order a really complicated and unique cocktail but I’ll just take a beer,” She teased.
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“I can’t drink on the job,” he reminded the other. “Very funny. But thank you for ordering a beer, seriously.”
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