ttcbabyolson · 6 years
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So apparently when the doctor said ‘less than 1% chance of natural conception’ what she actually meant was “you’ll be pregnant again before your baby’s first birthday”
These babes will be about 18 months apart 😳😬
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ttcbabyolson · 7 years
Reblog if you are pregnant with your first
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ttcbabyolson · 7 years
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Today…times two obviously, lol (I love this gif so much!)
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ttcbabyolson · 7 years
That awkward moment your fertility clinic where you bought meds twice emails you...
'umm, we noticed you haven't bought IUI meds lately. Here's our financial assistance program!' *currently 14+3 weeks pregnant*
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ttcbabyolson · 7 years
Was awake but struggling to keep my eyes open. Decided to crawl back into bed for a nap. Sister just woke up & goes, "is there a reason you're so tired lately?" Umm, cuz I'm growing a human?!
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ttcbabyolson · 7 years
I've been craving jalapeño poppers, I bought some this morning. Cooked them up & then accidentally dropped one on the floor. I full on cried over a dropped jalapeño poppers. Oh, Little Bit. What are you doing to me?!
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ttcbabyolson · 7 years
First ultrasound today..
We heard our Little Bit's heartbeat! And saw our itty bitty Little Bit! LB is so tiny but my heart has already grown 10 times over!
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ttcbabyolson · 7 years
Morning sickness..
Help me out tumblr, morning sickness go tos?! I hate this feeling. I know it means Little Bit is still in there but still.. what are your go tos?
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ttcbabyolson · 7 years
HCG levels
885 on Thursday 2125 on Saturday A little lower than what they'd like, but could just be that their original guess of 6 weeks is off, just like I thought. I say I'm closer to 5 weeks with my LMP starting in March 5th. What were your HCG levels at 5 and 6 weeks?
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ttcbabyolson · 8 years
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ttcbabyolson · 8 years
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isnt it amazing what the human body can handle?
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ttcbabyolson · 8 years
I'm still in shock.
Without IUI or IVF we were told our chances were less than 1%, but I'm 5 weeks 6 days today. What?!
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ttcbabyolson · 8 years
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So a thing happened yesterday morning. 6 days late, took one chugged some coffee & less than an hour later took the 2nd one. Waiting on doctor blood test confirmation.
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ttcbabyolson · 8 years
IUI Cycle #2
A BFN...again. We're gonna take a cycle off to just focus on us.
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ttcbabyolson · 8 years
Ttc be like
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ttcbabyolson · 8 years
IUI cycle #2
Now we're officially in the 2 week wait. This time didn't hurt nearly as bad as last time! For now I'm watching the Adamms Family Values, eating pho & drinking iced coffee. If you need me, I'll be one with my couch!
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ttcbabyolson · 8 years
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Infertility is sitting with your knees in the air for 20 mins.
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