#due December 2017
avaf00rd · 9 months
Leah Williamson relationship HC
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A better fic will be out soon hang tight.
This is a scrap I made.
I would barely classify these as head cannons as they are very long. They are just about your relationship in general☺️
-you and Leah were best friends and crazy close when you first joined Arsenal in 2017. When you left to go to Barcelona in 2019 you both felt like a huge part of your lives were missing. When you came back to Arsenal in 2021 you both realised you were in love and started dating
-you always praise Leah for being the most fashionable person you know. You weren’t terrible yourself but you were always getting her to help you with what to wear daily
-whenever you two go to events together Leah will always make sure you get to the after party. Your pretty good at calling it a night often, which means Leah is dragging you for more drinks more often that not
-you, Leah and Alex Scott were sort of a trio. Sure Leah and Alex were a tad closer. But you had all been on multiple trips together
-your the cook of the house. She can’t go much further than toast. She tried to make frozen chicken one time for you both, but it ended up breaking the oven due to a weird setting she turned the oven on to.
-when she did her ACL you were in tears for her. When she walked off, She told you to get a goal for her. You didn’t in the end which made you sick to your stomach. You felt terrible and was just as devastated as Leah.
-your Australian. So bringing Leah over to your home was your favourite thing.
-Christmas in your house was amazing. You both decked out the house completely and danced and sung to Christmas songs all December.
-when buying your first house together. You had the biggest say. You had great taste is properties to buy so you kind of found a flat online and showed Leah. She said yes so you immediately booked an inspection. You got that flat two days later.
-You also bought all the furniture one night when you were both on international break and got it delivered to where Leah was. She was a bit shocked when she FaceTimed you after coming home to 45 delivery boxes.
-your taste in movies was so divergent. She liked the more fantasy movies like lord of the rings and Harry Potter. She also loved horror. Which was terrible for you. You loved romance movies, you’re either making Leah watch that or some stupid documentary you heard of.
-you were a huge dog person. And Leah already owned a dog when you first moved in together, but you had 2. So now it’s a crazy house 24/7.
-you love being together in the kitchen, listening to music and goofing around with a good bottle of wine. You both turn on old love songs and slow dance around the kitchen.
-she made you late to most trainings. Due to her stuffing around in the mornings. It got even worse when she cut her bangs
-one afternoon you were both chatting on how she used to have a fringe as a child. You said she would suit one (but you think she suits anything). So of course 2 weeks later she texts you to let you know she’s going to the hairdresser…
-Leah can be kinky asf. Come on we all know this
-sometimes after dinner you will beg her to play on the piano for you. She’s actually outstanding at it and you’re so proud of her. You will take your wine glass over and sit on the seat next to her while she plays.
-you tried to convince her to get Santa photos with the dogs. Which she very quickly declined.
-you were very good at makeup. You became obsessed with it as a teenage girl. So you find yourself doing Leah’s a lot for nights out and events. Even just doing a big look for fun.
-the girl couldn’t ride a bike to save her life. So you always tried to help teach her . She would somehow always say yes, Even if it was just an excuse to get a good laugh out of you.
-you and your Matilda’s team played in the World Cup and came fourth after being knocked out by her country in the semis. Your heart ached that you couldn’t finish it for your country, but it ached just the same at the fact that your girlfriend couldn’t lead her country to the grand finals like she had always dreamt of.
-every night you slept with your head tucked into the crook of her neck, arms cuddling onto her torso. It was just the best way both of your bodies melted together.
-sometimes she tried to take you on golfing dates. The first time she did, she told you she was good. Like the powerful Leah Williamson would. You were humble and said you would need her help. But when you swung your shot you actually made a great one and it had Leah’s jaw on the floor.
-you both had your first photo shoot together in 2020 just before covid. And you lived very minute of it. Now you have done heaps for brands like Calvin Klein, bikini brands, and more together, you both now being known for your hot couple photo shoots.
-you were both completely clumsy. The worst thing was when Leah and you had to screw a window nail tighter. Don’t ask why. But you apparently weren’t holding it properly. Causing it to fall out the other side of the frame. Completely shattering into the pool.
-though you were always chasing after her for outfit inspiration. You both looked phenomenal wherever you went. You would both be shot on camera court-side of a basketball game, on vacation or at dinner in the best outfits and hair.
-you though she was the hottest girl you had ever seen in your life. You had only had boyfriends who play football in your life before Leah. So you always blamed Leah for being gay.
-her love for country music was one of the things that made you fall in love with her. Along with her charming personality
-you were a striker for arsenal. When you scored in a game, you would do your celebration jump with your fists in the air and always try to look for Leah, to see if it was her arms you could jump into first. And she was always there, screaming at you for your goal with her arms wide open.
-your a bottom most of the time. But sometimes you switch it up and she lives for your dominant side.
-you suffered a severe back injury in 2022 while in Australia. You were scared you would never play again. Leah was on the next plane out to Australia, even though she was told not to. Just so she could sit next to your bed and hold your hand for hours.
-seeing Leah back in training after doing her ACL. With the brightest smile on her face, made your heart melt every time.
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carnivore-voyeur · 6 months
Someone asked me a short while ago what happened to Dewdrop that caused him to miss two shows.* Thanks to @miss-grim and some research, I can share what happened:
On December 5th, 2018 during the Pale Tour Named Death, Dewdrop suffered an injury at around the midway point of the show. He continued to play the rest of the show, but backstage.
You can watch the full concert here.
Copia talks about him being injured at this point.
There's a news article here claiming that it was likely a shoulder injury as he was not moving his left arm after the show. That would certainly make it pretty difficult and painful to play. :(
Here's a link to the final performance and final bows. You can see Dewdrop coming back on stage. His left arm is obviously injured. Aether and Rain come over to check on him.
Thank you anon for sharing!
*Additional Edit:
@fallenangelvexed was able to confirm that Dewdrop did in fact miss show(s), but that this was not due to the 2018 shoulder injury.
Dewdrop became the bassist for Ghost in March 2017. Here is video evidence that he is missing from the 2017 show in Argentina.
It's possible that the Dewdrop wiki confused his absence in 2017 with his injury in 2018, as it was listed that he missed two shows.
I recalled that their bassist had been missing from the stage during this era, but I couldn't remember which show and/or if it was Dewdrop.
It appears that it was Dewdrop and he missed the show due to an injury based on comments that were made.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Let's hope our Dewdrop doesn't injure himself anymore.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
What are Kazuki and Rei’s Options? - Buddy Daddies - Episode 10 - SPOILERS!
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In Japan, same-sex couples cannot adopt children:
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Text:  Adoption and parenting Same-sex couples are not allowed to legally adopt in Japan. Lesbian couples and single women are unable to access IVF and artificial insemination.
(From the Wikipedia page on LGBT rights in Japan, which will be linked in the comments.)
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However, fostering children is currently an option for same-sex couples:
Now, in another sign of increasing acceptance of the LGBT+ community, it’s come to light that the city of Osaka has awarded foster care of a child to a same-sex male couple. While city administrators confirmed the couple’s foster parent status on April 5, 2017, the pair, consisting of one man in his 30s and another in his 40s, were approved as foster parents back in December of last year. Foster parent certification falls under the jurisdiction of local authorities, but Japan’s central Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare says that it has no previous record of a same-sex couple being awarded foster parent status, so the decision by Osaka appears to be the first of its kind in Japan. The Ministry also confirmed that its guidelines regarding foster parent selection make no specifications barring or giving preferential treatment to same-sex couples.
(Source: All About Japan - “Same-Sex Couples Can Now Be Foster Parents,” full article will be linked below in the comments.)
This is basically what we see Kazuki and Rei do, as of right now, with Miri. They foster her for a year, and she has returned back to her birth mother.
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Now, what will happen next is unknown. There are options like Miri never returning to them/staying with her mom, one or both of them dying, etc. etc., but we aren’t going to be looking at those possibilities right now. Let’s look at ones where Miri is a part of their lives.
If they want Miri back in their lives then Kazuki and Rei will have to take care of the Organization and their connection to it, and then find alternative jobs to support themselves. Buddy Daddies takes place in modern day Japan, that is the setting, and they are treating the situations as functioning within the framework of what can and cannot be done in modern day Japan, in regards to childrearing, childcare, and so forth.
Unless they go the route of having Kazuki forge paperwork to be her birth father, since they look very similar:
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Of course, this option would be a bit more convoluted. He couldn’t take on Miri’s birth father’s actual identity because he was a mafia boss and is currently, very much so, dead. But, they might be able to change it so that Miri would be Kazuki’s daughter. Then, Kazuki and Rei would be able to raise her, since she would be Kazuki’s birth child. 
But, unless Misaki were to pass away due to her cancer (which is a possibility, especially since she mentioned that it was spreading), the end result would still be a blended family situation:
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Because even if Misaki had given Miri up for adoption or had abandoned her, the birth mother is still the legal guardian of their child. Unless the birth mother dies or goes completely MIA or the child isn’t put into the system at all (essentially just living on the streets), then there isn’t a way, in current Japanese society, for a birth mother to be completely divorced from their child.
That being said, blended families do exist in Japan, especially in the modern day when divorce, remarrying, and same-sex relationships being recognized are all becoming more common place. But, we rarely see blended families being portrayed in anime (specifically, I’m sure there is some exploration of this found in manga), and certainly not at a central level of any kind (like with what we have been seeing with Buddy Daddies and how it has been centralizing its focus on childcare and childrearing).
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An blended family ending would still be just as queer and progressive as before. This sort of family dynamic would exist outside of the norm, and outside of the nuclear family expectation. The framing has been interesting too, because Miri’s mother is the one that essentially has to prove herself to both Kazuki and Rei and to Miri. She was brought back into the picture because it was the safer option for Miri at this moment, not just because she is Miri’s birth mother.
So I feel like, if a blended family situation does end up happening in the end, they won’t approach it in quite that way. Though, I also think that would be a point of contention at times (especially between Misaki and Kazuki) that wouldn’t be that uncommon for a blended family situation. Navigating issues like that is very common, I see my friends who are step-mothers and step-fathers have to navigate those waters often. If it were depicted in anime, even if it were for a brief bit (or in more depth if there were a second season and this is the route the series ultimately goes down), then that would be pretty neat.
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Something else to note is that when Misaki states: “If you consider yourselves her parents as well,” she uses the word “parents,” 親 (oya), not guardians, 保護者 (hogosha) or other similar/related words. 保護者 (hogosha) does mean parent, but in a more inclusive way that is also referencing legal guardians as well. But she is acknowledging them as parents, the same as her.
Of course, there are some who are weary and skeptical of the integrity of Misaki. I think she is talking honestly and sincerely here, along with the rest of the episode, but if she’s not, then what will happen to Miri is that she will likely go to live with her grandparents or, like I mentioned before, the series goes a bit more of a convoluted and complex route with making Kazuki’s Miri’s “birth” father through forgery and the like. Or, they break the more realistic boundaries they’ve been working within so far, and make it so that Kazuki and Rei can just magically adopt Miri, but given the “realistic” mentions in a lot of the interviews with Uchiyama and Toyonaga, I don’t think that is likely.
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If the series does go the route of having Miri go to live with her grandparents or mother and Kazuki and Rei aren’t brought into the family in a blended family way, but more so kept out (maybe with only the occasional visit or something). Then another possibility, especially if they do end up leaving the Oraganization and kind of “starting over” with new jobs and the like, is them becoming foster parents in general. 
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Miri would be the first and the most precious one to them, but then they find a “normal happiness” with each other and become foster parents to other kids in the future. It would be a nice way to really show them changing right, in the sense of, instead of taking human lives, they would be caring for and fostering children - the future, and hopefully helping them turn out to be good people. That’s always a possibility, especially if there is some kind of large time skip in the last episode. 
Of course, the series could instead go in the direction of criticizing the cruelty that same-sex couples cannot adopt and therefore are basically only left with the option of fostering, unless they have a blood-related child through natural means of birth. That is always a possibility as well, and is something that I feel they do kind of hit on a bit in Episode 10, especially with Rei’s line here:
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(Rei: “To say that after we’re all attached...it’s cruel.”)
But yeah, thinking about it, when it comes to positive outcomes, in the sense of Kazuki, Rei, and Miri living and Kazuki and Rei being able to escape the Organization, then I think the ending options are going to be one of the above. Everything in this post is pure speculation, since the series is anime original, we don’t know for sure what direction it will ultimately go in.
But these options here are the ones sticking out the most to me at the moment (once again, if we only look at potentially happy endings, rather than any potential overly tragic/bad end ones). It’s also possible that they may be critical of something (like with Rei’s words on the cruelty of it all), while also still painting an option, like Kazuki and Rei deciding to become foster parents, as something that is still an overall good and positive change for them, specifically. 
I like there is a potential messiness to the situation and overall premise that is presented in Buddy Daddies, because it makes it feel like the series is properly exploring the realities of the situation and the options that are open and available to Kazuki and Rei. It’s bleak in some ways, hopeful in others, and I am intrigued by what direction they will ultimately go in.
As always, feel free to add your thoughts to this as well! :D I always love reading them! <3
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lokideservesahug · 6 months
For How Long!?! -Extras
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Extra 1: Y/N Y/L/N - Timeline
Pairing: Logan Sargeant x fem!driver!Reader. Oscar Piastri x reader (platonic), Arthur Leclerc x reader (platonic), Mick Schumacher x reader (platonic)...
Warnings: None that I can see.
Notes: This isn't a SMAU (sorry). Also this could be added to/altered. And I hope to put out the next chapter pretty soon...
Also!!! I got way too far into writing this before finding out that a driver can only win F2 once (or rather after they win it, they can't return)....so for my own sanity, that rule doesn't exist or if it does then it came into place after Y/N won 5 championships😅
2012- Age 11
Y/N Signed with Red Bull Racing for them to sponsor her in her karting career. This was a part of the Red Bull Recruiting Scheme (RBRS).
2017- Age 16
Y/N becomes the first woman to race in The F3 European Championship. She goes on to come second in the drivers championship.
2018- Age 17
Y/N meets F3 rookie Oscar Piastri and the two become friends (they still are to this day). She wins the F3 championship and recieves an offer to move up the ranks and into Formula 2. She runs into Logan Sargeant, he asks her out and the two start dating yet don't tell a soul.
2019- Age 18
Y/L/N Moves Up to Formula 2 into the newly established Red Bull Racing Formula 2 Team. The RBRS terminates any connection with lower leagues of racing but establishes a Formula 2 team. Y/L/N is the first woman to ever enter F2. She also signs as Red Bull's F1 reserve driver. Y/N even stood in for (and came 3rd in) a race after Pierre Gasly became extremely ill. This makes her the first woman to ever get on the podium in an F1 race and also one of the youngest drivers to ever start a race.
Y/N meets driver Mick Schumacher and the two become good friends despite their different teams. Y/N went on to come second in the championship, narrowly missing Nyck de Vries for points. She is also awarded the Anthoine Hubert award.
2020- Age 19
Y/N once again, comes runner up in the Formula 2 championship by loosing to her good friend Mick Schumacher by a few points.
Red Bull Racing renew a contract for the next 2 years to be a team in Formula 2 and they sign Y/N's new teammate, Liam Lawson. Y/N continues to race for them and for the third year in a row, she comes second in the Formula 2 championship due to a technically issue with the car causing her to DNF (huge scandal in the F2 world). The media also sees Y/L/N "meeting" rookie Logan Sargeant and the pair become extremely close...
2021- Age 20
2022- Age 21
Liam Lawson swaps teams to race for Carlin with Logan Sargeant. Y/L/N once again comes second in the F2 championship. People are confused by her lack of wins or lack of moving to other motorsports categories (especially with her F1 podium in the past). Y/L/N is unable to win due to the amount of races and points missed by driving in F1 (as a reserve driver). She does however score many more points and podiums in F1.
2023- Age 22
In mid December, Y/N receives a call from Aston Martin F1 executives. They invite her to have a meeting about possibly racing for them that year. Y/N goes to the meeting and leaves having signed for Aston Martin Aramco F1 team for the 2024 season. This is because Lance Stroll dropped out for undisclosed "personal reasons"
Y/N meets Arthur Leclerc. The pair become very good friends - this is aided by Logan Sargeant and Oscar Piastri's Formula 1 debuts and subsequent exits from the F2 scene. Y/N wins the F2 championship finally, making history for women in motorsport. Not long after, Red Bull announces the retirement of their RBRS programme and they pull out of junior motorsports to "focus on the current success of [their] Formula 1 team"
2024- Age 22 (not yet 23)
It is publicly announced that Y/N Y/L/N is replacing Lance Stroll to race at Aston Martin for the 2024 season...
Thank you for reading. As always likes, reposts and especially feedback is greatly appreciated.
Please don't copy, translate or steal my works without permission.
Taglist: (I didn't know if I should do this or not because it's not a chapter but oh well)
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beehunni62 · 2 years
Fishskin Robes of the Ethnic Tungusic People of China and Russia
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Oroch woman’s festive robe made of fish skin, leather, and decorative fur trimmings [image source].
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Nivkh woman’s fish-skin festival coats (hukht), late 19th century. Cloth: fish skin, sinew (reindeer), cotton thread; appliqué and embroidery. Promised gift of Thomas Murray L2019.66.2, Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minnesota, United States [image source].
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Back view of a Nivkh woman’s robe [image source].
Front view of a Nivkh woman’s robe [image source].
Women’s clothing, collected from a Nivkh community in 1871, now in the National Museum of Denmark. Photo by Roberto Fortuna, courtesy Wikimedia Commons [image source].
The Hezhe people 赫哲族 (also known as Nanai 那乃) are one of the smallest recognized minority groups in China composed of around five thousand members. Most live in the Amur Basin, more specifically, around the Heilong 黑龙, Songhua 松花, and Wusuli 乌苏里 rivers. Their wet environment and diet, composed of almost exclusively fish, led them to develop impermeable clothing made out of fish skin. Since they are part of the Tungusic family, their clothing bears resemblance to that of other Tungusic people, including the Jurchen and Manchu.
They were nearly wiped out during the Imperial Japanese invasion of China but, slowly, their numbers have begun to recover. Due to mixing with other ethnic groups who introduced the Hezhen to cloth, the tradition of fish skin clothing is endangered but there are attempts of preserving this heritage.
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Hezhen woman stitching together fish skins [image source].
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Top to bottom left: You Wenfeng, 68, an ethnic Hezhen woman, poses with her fishskin clothes at her studio in Tongjiang, Heilongjiang province, China December 31, 2019. Picture taken December 31, 2019 by Aly Song for Reuters [image source].
Hezhen Fish skin craft workshop with Mrs. You Wen Fen in Tongjian, China. © Elisa Palomino and Joseph Boon [image source].
Hezhen woman showcasing her fishskin outfit [image source].
Hezhen fish skin jacket and pants, Hielongiang, China, mid 20th century. In the latter part of the 20th century only one or two families could still produce clothing like this made of joined pieces of fish skin, which makes even the later pieces extremely rare [image source].
Detail view of the stitching and material of a Hezhen fishskin jacket in the shape of a 大襟衣 dajinyi or dajin, contemporary. Ethnic Costume Museum of Beijing, China [image source].
Hezhen fishskin boots, contemporary. Ethnic Costume Museum of Beijing, China [image source].
Although Hezhen clothing is characterized by its practicality and ease of movement, it does not mean it’s devoid of complexity. Below are two examples of ornate female Hezhen fishskin robes. Although they may look like leather or cloth at first sight, they’re fully made of different fish skins stitched together. It shows an impressive technical command of the medium.
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赫哲族鱼皮长袍 [Hezhen fishskin robe]. Taken July 13, 2017. © Huanokinhejo / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0 [image source].
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Image containing a set of Hezhen clothes including a woman’s fishskin robe [image source].
The Nivkh people of China and Russia also make clothing out of fish skin. Like the Hezhen, they also live in the Amur Basin but they are more concentrated on and nearby to Sakhalin Island in East Siberia.
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Top to bottom left: Woman’s fish-skin festival coat (hukht) with detail views. Unknown Nivkh makers, late 19th century. Cloth: fish skin, sinew (reindeer), cotton thread; appliqué and embroidery. The John R. Van Derlip Fund and the Mary Griggs Burke Endowment Fund; purchase from the Thomas Murray Collection 2019.20.31 [image source].
Top to bottom right: detail view of the lower hem of the robe to the left after cleaning [image source].
Nivkh or Nanai fish skin boots from the collection of Musée du quai Branly -Jacques Chirac. © Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0 [image source].
Detail view of the patterns at the back of a Hezhen robe [image source].
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demilypyro · 1 year
At what point in time did you see a giant hammer and go “yeah, that’s my main.”
Monster Hunter: World is a 2018 action role-playing game developed and published by Capcom. The fifth mainline installment in the Monster Hunter series, it was released worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in January 2018, with a Windows version following in August 2018. In the game, the player takes the role of a Hunter, tasked to hunt down and either kill or trap monsters that roam in one of several environmental spaces. If successful, the player is rewarded through loot consisting of parts from the monster and other elements that are used to craft weapons and armor, amongst other equipment. The game's core loop has the player crafting appropriate gear to be able to hunt down more difficult monsters, which in turn provide parts that lead to more powerful gear. Players may hunt alone or in a group of up to four players via the game's online multiplayer.
Announced at E3 2017, Monster Hunter: World adopts the series' standard formulas from its older home console roots and recent handheld games to take advantage of the higher processing power provided by modern consoles and computers. Changes made in Monster Hunter: World include creating environmental spaces that are fully connected and removing the "zones" that were necessary for the PlayStation 2 and handheld games, more advanced monster artificial intelligence and physics, a more persistent cooperative multiplayer experience, and a refinement of the game's tutorials and user interface to help with bringing new players into the series. These changes led Capcom to plan for the game's simultaneous release worldwide, since Monster Hunter as a series has generally languished outside of Japan partially due to disparate release schedules. Capcom also opted to support online play between these different geographic regions for similar reasons. The delay for the Windows release was attributed to Capcom seeking to make sure its first foray into the Windows market was optimized for players on computers. By April 2020, updates to the game were synchronized among all platforms.
Monster Hunter: World received critical acclaim upon release, with critics praising how Capcom was able to make the game more accessible to new players and to Western markets, without detracting from the series' core gameplay elements and enjoyable difficulty, and fully taking advantage of the computational capacity of modern consoles to create living ecosystems, with some even calling it the best in the franchise. Monster Hunter: World is the single highest-selling game in Capcom's history, with over 21 million copies shipped by July 2022. A DLC expansion pack, subtitled Iceborne, was released for home consoles in September 2019 and for Windows in January 2020, and reached 10 million sales by December 2022. The next mainline installment, Monster Hunter Rise, was co-developed alongside World and announced for a worldwide release on Nintendo Switch in March 2021, with a Windows version released the following year.
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38sr · 4 months
How did you get where you are now? Job wise I mean? Were you a college student before doing this or did you go looking for jobs in the art industry straight away?
Oh, well it's been quite a journey for me in terms of how I got to where I am right now but here's the full timeline (?):
August 1996 - BIRTH
April 2007 - I watch Brave Story at Tribeca Film Festival, life is changed and I decide to purse animation
June 2014 - Graduate high school and accepted into Montserrat College of Art for Animation & Interactive Media
Summer of 2016 - Studied abroad in Japan attending Niigata School of Art & Design
Summer of 2017 - First animation job as an animation intern for Sesame Street (yes that Sesame Street)
December 2017 - Graduated from college (yes I graduated early due to having college credits in high school), did not have a job lined up
2018 to 2019 - Living back in NY with my parents, working on indie animation productions, creating emotes and animated intros for content creators, applying and getting rejected from many job listings, received and fail multiple storyboard tests, developing my own projects and story ideas after years of not being able to for school work
July 2019 - Fly to California for the first time, made the decision to move in order to further pursue a career in animation, at this time the Nickelodeon Artist Program were accepting submissions so I busted out boards for a personal project in 3 days and submitted it (please do not be like me, take your time haha)
September 2019 - I receive a call from Nickelodeon and I go through a series of interviews for 2 months straight
Thanksgiving 2019 - I receive news I was selected as a trainee for the Nickelodeon Artist Program
January 2020 - Move to California and begin work as a trainee at Nickelodeon (specifically for Rugrats reboot)
March 2020 - The pandemic
July 2020 - I leave Nickelodeon and move onto Titmouse as a storyboard revisionist for Star Trek Lower Decks
November 2020 - My Supervising Director for Lower Decks recommends me to the first Critical Role show Legend of Vox Machina
December 2020 - I do freelance boards for Vox Machina and get hired as a full time revisionist for season 2
January 2021 - I receive a interview request for a job on WondLa at SkyDance due to one of the directors finding my work online, I heavily consider the job
May 2021 - My Adventures of Superman is announced, I draw a piece of fanart that goes viral
July 2021 - Vox Machina season 2 wraps, I receive an offer to return to Lower Decks season 3 as well to work on X-Men 97 (I said yes to Lower Decks)
August 2021 - Spiderman Freshmen Year (now known as Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman) asks if I be interested to do boards, I decline not knowing what it was for
September 2021 - Showrunner for Spiderman contacts me personally for interview, my Superman fanart from May 2021 finds it way in front of the eyes of one of the creators for MAWS, still currently doing revisions for Lower Decks S3
October 2021 - Accept job offer as board artist for Spiderman, freelancing on MAWS as a character designer (first time doing this job), turn down SkyDance job offer
December 2021 - Wrapped on Lower Decks S3
January 2022 - Launch as board artist for Spiderman at Marvel Studios, still been developing my own personal projects at this point
February 2022 - Studio Shaft offers layout and genga work for Madoka Magia Record after seeing animation work of my personal projects, I accept
April 2022 - My episode of Madoka Magia Record airs, Studio Pierrot sends offer for work on Boruto
May 2022 - After my first episode on Boruto I am offered to work on Bleach Thousand Year Blood War, I accept and continue to on Bleach as of this post (3 seasons in total), Studio Mir offers me animation work for XMen 97 (I accept but only work on the first episode)
Summer of 2022 - Working on Spiderman, animating on animes, I think at some point this is when I was offered to do animation work for Castlevania Nocturne
November 2022 - Complete season 1 of Spiderman, Marvel/Disney lays me off for *reasons*, I receive an email about potential work on an unannounced show at Nickelodeon, I'm unemployed at this point
January 2023 - Collecting unemployment, freelancing on animes, trying to survive in general, also approached by Colosso to create my own course
February 2023 - Land a short gig on Big City Greens movie over at Disney TVA, Studio Mir once again offer me work but this time for second animated Witcher film
March 2023 - Land an interview as a character designer for that unannounced Nick show, didn't get the job
May 2023 - Wrap up on Big City Greens and Witcher, fly to Japan to relax (I failed)
July 2023 - Land a layout artist position at A24 (no it's not for Hazbin Hotel), Studio Mappa offer me work on Jujutsu Kaisen Shibuya Arc
September 2023 - Land another interview with Nickelodeon (this time for storyboard artist), freelancing on layouts and animation for Castlevania Nocturne S2, A24 job is stressing me out way too much so I decide to leave, MAWS hits me up for retakes on season 2
October 2023 - Wrap up at A24, I land the board artist job at Nick, I am also drowning in Jujutsu Kaisen production meltdown, complete my online course for Colosso, wrap up on MAWS S2
November 2023 - I start at Nick as a board artist, Colosso course release, I am still dying by the hands of Studio Mappa
January 2024 till now - Still boarding over at Nick and still animating on animes (I am VERY selective now about it though after JJK), I am also in therapy now Yeah so that's like, a real rough timeline over everything from school till now (and even then I am missing a lot of work details like video games and development projects due to NDAs). But pretty much what carried me was putting myself and my art out there on social media along with building relationships with people in the studios (outside of just my production) and that's how I've been able to maintain a steady work flow even when I was unemployed. Also not being afraid to develop my own ideas and share them since most of the times that gives the leadership a pretty good idea what sensibilities I have (and they just happen to match). I hope that answered your question!
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everythingne · 9 months
out of the woods (ls2) - ch3
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After Dhanishka's first race, media goes quite wild. Logan is forced into an unexpected ultimatum. Charles is on damage control, Alex and Oscar help.
logan sargeant x ferrari!oc
fc: iffat marash
warnings/notes: sexual comments, demeaning reporter, blackmailing/threatening, misogyny, logan and charles povs very briefly to sort of carry the story here, blink and you miss it 'marketing ploy' crossover, very long chapter, buckle in kids.
(chapter two) (chapter four)
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When asked how they know Dhanishka Dubey, most people will say Trident's 'crashgate' incident that broke F2 headlines in 2021.
While that moment is what most people know Dubey from, it might be what split two drivers apart, and what led to her career in Formula One under Ferrari this season.
Sargeant and Dubey have been noted to have been friendly since as early as their karting days in the 2010s, with photo evidence of a friendship blooming around 2017-18 when both were racing for Formula Renault.
It's believed by most fans the two started dating around that time. Some marking the start of their relationship as the day of Dubey's win over Sargeant that year, while some say they started dating even earlier.
While the speculation of when the pair dated is fuzzy, a hard date of December 13th, 2021 marks the end of the relationship. A Tweet from that day posted by Sargeant, which was retweeted by Dubey, being the only public note of their relationship that was not in sparse live interviews from their racing days.
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On December 11th, 2021, Sargeant lost the P2 position in the F2 Championship to Dubey after being forced to retire mid-race due to damage sustained when Dubey's teammate Viscaal rear-ended him during turn three of the lap. Sargeant ended the season P3, beaten out by Dubey and the 2021 champion, Piastri.
During an investigation conducted by the FIA, a Trident engineer revealed hidden documents about the planned accident between Viscaal and Sargeant. While Trident was investigated further, the P2 position was bounced between Sergeant and Dubey before it was determined Dubey personally had nothing to do with the plan. She was allowed to keep her pole position.
This accident is what led to the breakup of the couple, and many fans note Dubey also negatively changed a lot from her last day with Trident in 2021 to her F1 debut this season with Ferrari. Dubey was a shock, as most fans expected to have Albon or Leclerc's brother Arthur as the second driver for Ferrari this season with both being better fit for the team.
Leclerc spoke with Sky News after the race in Bahrain, "[Dubey] is a force to be reckoned with this season, she's coming in here with something to prove, and I think she's shown that already tonight [...] There's a lot at stake for her, I think she's going to continue to surprise us."
Vasseur paired Leclerc and Dubey based on similar driving styles, with fans believing Dubey would be a support to her teammate. Although it will not be easy for Dubey to cement herself among the greats, as she's already under FIA investigation.
During one lap, at turn three, the FIA suspected Sargeant had actually pushed Dubey outside of track limits before she recovered. The FIA is still working on their decision of either letting Dubey keep her podium, or giving the proper points to Norris who was in P4.
While no decision has been made yet, many fans have taken to Twitter to discuss their feelings about the situation.
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Many fans have speculated this was done purposefully by the FIA on behalf of Williams as 'payback' for Ferrari signing Dubey. Many fans of Sargeants believe Dubey's signing was done deliberately to get back at the American driver for knocking Ferrari out of the top five positions last season by two points he gained at the last race.
Other fans believe it's simply improper etiquette for the FIA to not charge Dubey with the fine they knew of for around four hours before the fine settled in.
Regardless of opinion, it's the decision of the FIA alone on whether or not Dubey will lose her first podium of her F1 career.
written by Anthony Davis
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dhanishkadubey added to her story!
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Charles is laying in the sun, the boat motor humming as we come to an idle. Arthur and Lorenzo are bickering, Pascale just whacking her sons with the fan in her hand and waving them over to help pass out lunches.
Charles and I still haven't spoken about Logan.
I had spoken sparsely to Logan in the few weeks that had passed, anyways. We avoided each other like the plague, like if we got to close we'd irreversibly fuck up and not be able to get out of it. Which, I guess was better than actively feuding. He'd apologized for the FIA trying to take my podium away, promised he hadn't done it on purpose. I never thought he had. But I guess he didn't want me to think he was getting back at me for Trident's stupidity.
We were so lucky no one had seen that drunk makeout in the hall, something I still thought of late at night when thinking through all my mistakes.
Charles eyes me in the shade, the book of poems my sister had gifted me right before leaving home making my stomach sick. I'd bookmarked one page, imagining the feeling of Logan's hands on my waist when I'd read it.
'he only whispers i love you when he slips his hands down the waistband of your pants.'
But was that what we were? Or was it what the media would destine us to be if they ever, ever, found out? I wanted to love Logan Sargeant, as impossible as it was in my head. I wanted nothing more than to fall irreversibly in love with him again, to slot back in like I never left, but my own fear held me back. How did I know if he liked me back the same way? The way that makes you feel so light when they are nearby? The way that would make me give him anything.
It felt weak, to admit how much I loved him, so I blamed ovulation hormones with a grimace on my face as I flipped to a new page.
"What is that face for?" Charles finally says, sitting up and rolling to the side to be next to me. I contemplate bothering my teammate with my fucked up love life and go to close the book when Charles slips a thumb into the pages to stop it from moving in the breeze. I swallow and watch him mumble the words.
"I agree with it." He says simply, eyes glancing to the side under his sunglasses before he takes the book from me and drops it in my bag, "and we should talk about that night."
"I was drunk," I counter, "and you have no room to talk about shit relationships."
"I might not have room, but," Charles sits up so he can properly sit next to me on the little shaded bed, "I know men, I know, I am one of the 'red flag' guys, as much as I'm trying to get over that now... and I wanna help you."
"We were drunk, there's still weird feelings there, we made out and then have barely spoken since." I shrug, "If you and Daniel weren't there, it probably would've been a hook up or something similar."
"Gross thought." Charles comments and I can't help the laugh that bubbles out of my lips but it dims when Charles continues talking, "You still love him, don't you?"
"I do." I groan into my hands, "Which is so dumb, because he only loves me back when he's drunk or tipsy."
"Do you know that for certain?" Charles hums and I pause, eyes flickering over to him with a confused furrow of my eyebrows.
"Do you know, with a hundred percent certainty, that he only loves you when he's got alcohol in his system? Or is he just bold enough with it to actually do something about the way he feels?"
The boat rocks, Pascale handing us lunches and I make sure to thank her as I tear my eyes away from Charles for a moment. I hear Arthur and his girlfriend laughing behind us, Lorenzo's fiance napping against his chest as he lays on another shady part of the deck and I swallow. Love is all around me, it always has been, platonic and romantic, and it makes my stomach sick.
"No." I whisper and Charles shrugs and nods, rolling to the side.
"So either you do something about it, figure out if he actually wants something or is just leading you on." Charles takes a sip of his drink and then uses it to motion to me, the water on the outside of the cup cold as it flicks against my leg, "and if he's just fucking with you, let me know and I'll like... I dunno, crash into him or punch him."
I laugh, but nod. Swallowing past the guilt of knowing I had led Logan on too, I could've stopped his advances a thousand times over but never did. Pascale sends me a soft smile and hands me a drink she promises is extra strong. I let the gross taste of the vodka wash down my worries.
I'll be fine. It's fine.
"Also, the FIA called Vasseur." Charles hums through a bite of his salad, "They're keeping you in P3. Congratulations."
I nod with a tiny smile even if I don’t feel any level of satisfaction from knowing that, "I hate how remiscent it was of Trident."
"I know." Charles finished off his drink and stood up, “which, maybe your paranoia is rubbing off on me, but I felt like that was purposeful.”
“Assuming Vasseur argued the point that they knew about the violation for four hours before giving me a fine, yeah, that’s shady as hell.” I sigh, relaxing back into my seat as Charles nods as he disappears around the corner. Arthur leans over my seat to steal a bit of my salad and I mock stab him with my fork.
“How is F1, since you stole my spot?” he teases and I shrug, giving him a confident smirk I know is mostly for show.
“Other than everyone still acting like I’m with Trident? It’s been good.” I say, taking a sip of my drink and wincing at just how strong it actually is. Arthur nods, and whatever he said is lost over my head as Charles comes back and waves his brother away, saying I need peace on this boat and he’s not helping. As the two brothers bicker, I laugh, and post a photo of the poem in my book.
Fuck PR for a moment. I loved being petty.
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vogueuk made a new post!
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liked by charlesleclerc, logansargeant, anyadubey, and 769k others...
vogueuk: "Every day I push 500% harder than any of those men, and I will never be praised half as much as them." Dhanishka Dubey, the first female driver to get a podium finish--on her first race no less, reflects on how media treatment and past mistakes have changed the way she views herself as a top F1 driver.
photographed and written by @ opheliapiastri
dhanishkadubey: thank you so much vogue and thank u a billion times ophie for this &lt;3!!
oscarpiastri: THE f1 crossover of all time
user1: omg oscar’s sister works for vogue??
oaklynnpiastri: motherrr (and my sister.)
user2: DHANISHKA UR HOT!!!!!!
user3: i’m actually in love with her. i need her in a way that is NOT halal. get out of my way logan.
⤷ user5: ‘IN A WAY THAT IS NOT HALAL’ 😭😭😭
landonorris: ophie and dhanishka would actually be a dangerous duo
⤷ opheliapiastri: nah you and olivia are bad enough
⤷ maxverstappen: lando stay out of my garage challenge
⤷ oliviapiastri: my drivers being nice to my boyfriend challenge
⤷ danielricciardo: no get his papaya ass outta rbr ❤️
⤷ landonorris: danny i thought we had something 💔💔
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Dhanishka Dubey is the first woman in Formula One in three decades, and it comes at a cost. Every celebration for her is bogged down by the weight of being shamed her for her past in F2 and simply for her biology. With a long history from karting to moving up the Formula racing ladder, Dubey has the same if not more experience than some of her peers.
But despite that, she's always going to be seen as an outsider.
"It's extremely isolating," Dubey exclusively tells me and Vogue in her sparsely decorated drivers room after her podium in Bahrain, her home race. She's soaked with sweat and champagne, but her waterproof eyeliner and mascara don't smudge. A hint of what she calls a 'craved connection to her femininity' in the masculine world of racing. Dubey's pulling her hair into a braid, running a brush custom painted by her mother with Ferrari's logo with clear inspiration from her Indian roots and she says to me, "Being a woman in this industry, every day I push 500% harder than any of those men, and I will never be praised half as much as them."
Dubey credits her teammate and mentor Charles Leclerc and friend Daniel Ricciardo for making the transition a lot easier for her. Leclerc was one of the people to pull her into Formula One, recommending her to Ferrari. Ricciardo shares a nickname— Danny, which led the two to becoming friends before Dubey was even announced to be in F1.
But despite having two friends before getting into F1, Dubey still feels isolated. Not from her fellow drivers, who she says have welcomed her with open arms, but from the media.
“Everyone still links me back to Trident. I have been blamed for years for causing Logan that P2 position. It’s something that’s been held over my head since I was seventeen."
Dubey is of course referencing the 'crashgate' incident that happened in December of 2021. The accident, planned by ex-Trident Team Principal Henry Davis, had her teammate Viscaal crash into then HWA pilot Logan Sargeant on one of the final turns of the race. This accident, which also took out low-placing Viscaal, caused Sargeant to lose any chance of knocking Dubey out of the P2 position. The drivers were separated by five points, meaning Sargeant did have a chance to overtake her in the championships that year.
Despite the plan being for Dubey's benefit, the Trident team did confirm she was completely unaware. Davis and the head analyst at the time, Alexandre Auclair, being cited as the ones to come up with, and execute the plan with Viscaal. When interviewed by the FIA, Viscaal played voice recordings where he was threatened by Davis to knock Sargeant out "or else." Viscaal himself apologized to both Sargeant and Dubey, who both are now on completely fine terms with him.
As soon as the investigation was complete Davis and Auclair were fired with Trident being fined around£150.000 for the damages done to HWA's car and the hospital payments for both Sargeant and Viscaal.
With a past that haunts her, Dubey has turned inside herself to stay safe. She cites her treatment at Trident for turning her into the stone cold driver many people have immediately related to Kimi Räikkönen.
"Having a team plan behind your back to harm someone you love, just to keep you in the spot you yourself fought for tooth and nail completely undermines any achievement you would've gotten. If they stripped me of everything after that race, I would've felt the same level of devastation." Dubey speaks with a level of eloquence I haven't encountered much with Formula One drivers. She’s poised and perfect, a soft smile gracing the lips she recoats with her favorite lipstick--Valentino's shade 22R. A gift from her ex years back, and one she claims nostalgia keeps her coming back to, "I turned in on myself and became cold because that was the only way to be safe. It still is. I keep most things to my chest, I don't like sharing about myself unless I feel like I'm safe to do so. It took probably three months for me to open up to Charles about anything despite his insistence."
After the tragedy with Trident, Dhanishka moved to drive for Prema and worked with Ferrari's Drivers Academy alongside Arthur Leclerc. A move she cites helped her transition into F1. Her present in racing, is as she says with a soft laugh into her water bottles straw, "Messy at best."
"Ferrari has been a dream. They welcomed me in and made me feel right at home. Same with the drivers, each and every single one of them on the grid has been so kind. I would love to stay here, to compete alongside these guys for as long as possible. This is a good group."
Dubey already has started her season with fifteen points, and many are expecting her to challenge Verstappen for the championship title. Dubey herself says, "Max is a great challenge and I love racing with him, however, I think Ferrari will have an easier challenge knocking Red Bull out of the Constructors Championship. I can't say for certain what Charles and I have in store for this season, but with a car that got a perfect crash test, we're not going to be easy on anyone."
When I wish Dubey the best for this season, her smile is lined with 22R and she gives me a tight hug before she whisks away in a cloud of Dior's J'Adore and Valentino's Born in Roma. Louboutins clicking along the concrete floors of Ferrari's garage, her little black dress, custom made by an Armani Tailor is tucked under her large Ferrari jacket. It's cold in Bahrain tonight, and Dubey dazzles brighter than any lights we stand under.
written by Ophelia Piastri.
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If this guy doesn’t shut his mouth, Logan might just hit him. The cameras haven't even started rolling yet, and this guy thinks he has the audacity to say a lot of shit about how Dhanishka wasn't a good racer and was trying to bait Logan into saying some sort of quote he could horrible misconstrue into some sort of misogynistic hate rant. This reporter, Anthony Davis or whatever, really seemed to have some vendetta against Dhanishka for no damn reason.
It’s been a while since he’d spoken to Dhanishka. Hell, Australia had come and gone with an Oscar P1 by sheer happenstances and maybe a fuck up by Red Bull. They'd gotten drunk, but steered clear this time. For Logan's benefit, as he'd told both Oscar (who, that night, was far too drunk to remember anything going on) and Alex (who was moderately tipsy) to keep him the hell away. It ended up being Charles sending him nasty side eyes that kept him barred back. He wasn't sure what the Ferrari teammates had spoken about but he was glad for the silent memo. He'd meant to message her, to meet up when they were both home, but Dhanishka still lived in Bahrain and he was in London. It would be virtually impossible to meet up in person outside racing weekends, and then he felt too bad to ask.
Or maybe he was just afraid. But that was for him to figure out later.
Miami is hot in May, and it burns into his skin as he narrows his eyes at the reporter in front of him who grins.
“I mean she’s eye candy for all the drivers, right?” The guy says and Logan clicks his tongue and rolls his neck out. He’s so close to clocking this guy. This is every comment thats been said. Complete undermines to Dhanishka's abilities as a driver, equating her to nothing more than some sort of... paddock bunny.
When Logan looks through the reporter with the most dead stare he can muster, trying to look completely unimpressed rather than pissed, the guy clicks him tongue almost like an echo of Logan. Then he opens his stupid mouth to spit, "Logan, don't you think it's a bit odd how well she's performed this season?"
"Dhanishka's an excellent driver." Logan replies, calm and calculated in his tone, "I'm not at all surprised she's bested a lot of us immediately."
"But someone who is as feminine as her shouldn't be able to handle this sport, surely." The man grins, but when Logan doesn't bite the apple he dangles in front of him, the man lowers his mic and steps closer. Logan almost backs up, not wanting anything to do with this guy, eyes searching for Alex or literally anyone who can whisk him away when the man's tone drips with venom.
“C’mon, surely you think so if that hallway in Bahrain is anything to go by?”
Logan's heart drops to his stomach. Or even further. Maybe it goes all the way through the ground, through the core of the Earth, and out the other side. It's probably shot off to the farthest edge of the fucking universe. His blood is ice, his skin is red from the mix of heat and embarrassment, and his eyes finally finally meet the reporters. The camera is still low, still not showing this moment, and Logan doesn't get it.
If this guy, whoever he was, wanted to catch Logan's reaction, why weren't they recording?
"I don't know what you're talking about." Logan keeps his voice flat, mimicking the tone he held earlier, and the man sighs. He tells Logan that his 'secret is safe with me.' and when he lifts an arm in expression, Logan catches the mans name written onto the bright orange tape on the side of his mic.
Anthony Davis.
"Oh, you're joking." Logan finds himself saying before he can even think to censor, "You're Henry Davis' brother."
"That I am." Anthony steps closer, "So either you give me what I want, or I happily send those photos over to my friend at People."
Logan can't think. Suddenly it's like every single decision he ever made is miniscule compared to this. His and Dhanishka's reputations sit on the line of whatever he's about to say, and he finds the world sits with baited breath. Even the trees stop rustling in the wind.
"What do you want?" He asks, immediately jumping to defend Dhanishka. He always had.
"Just a story, just a tidbit from you about what it was like to date someone whose built like a Victoria's Secret Angel." The man licks his teeth and Logan, one again and a bit weakly, resists the urge to deck him.
"The truth? Or some twisted story you decide the narrative of?" Logan asks and Anthony shakes his head.
"The truth, Logan."
He curses internally, but does what he can to save face.
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DAVIS: Today I'm with Logan Sargeant of Williams, currently standing in P6, how are you feeling about Miami?
SARGEANT: Good, good. I've got high hopes today, the engineers have been working extremely hard to fix some of the issues we've been seeing so far and I trust they did well.
DAVIS: Good to hear, improvements are always good. You are currently only four points behind Dhanishka, how does that feel?
SARGEANT: Hah, well, she's been giving me a run for my money since we were young so I can't say I'm too surprised to be right behind her again.
DAVIS: Now, getting a little personal here so I apologize, but in the past you and Dhanishka dated, how was that?
SARGEANT: God, mate, uhm... [pause] well, pardon me for thinking this is a bit too personal. All I'll say is we were kids, y'know? Young love, it was really a beautiful thing. I don't think I'll ever regret a moment in our relationship, everything was just perfect.
DAVIS: Yeah?
SARGEANT: Yeah... uhm, we were really close friends before we dated, so everything just sort of naturally clicked into place.
DAVIS: and how about now, is Logan Sargeant back on the market?
SARGEANT: [laughing] Don't count me in just yet.
DAVIS: Ah, still holding your heart close?
SARGEANT: Well, theres only one person whose been able to hold it and I have never loved someone the way I loved her and-- God, I've said too much.
DAVIS: [Laughing] No worries, I also see Alex waving you over so it was nice speaking with you Logan!
SARGEANT: Yes, of course, my pleasure!
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Charles is sprinting through the pit lane. Which, isn't a huge surprise, but it is when he's stopping at every person he sees to ask if they've seen Dhanishka. Max is immediately shouting into Red Bull asking, and no one knows. Charles grabs Carlos by the wrist, who points down the lane towards Ferrari's garage. When he passes Logan, he keeps his head ducked. He can deal with him later, he doesn't have time for this. Alex calls after Charles, saying they passed Dhanishka heading towards Ferrari.
Charles meets Logan's eyes and sees something more than just regret. Almost like fear, a trepidation rolling across his skin.
'He's gonna fear me a lot more if he doesn't leave Dhanishka the fuck alone,' Charles decides, but thanks Alex sharply before taking off again.
It's Danny who saw her duck into the Ferrari paddock in tears, and Charles is so thankful he could kiss the guy, but settles for a slap on the shoulder and a hasty thank you instead. He ducks under something, slips past two engineers, and nearly shoves an analyst out of his way. He misses them all telling him to stop, to give Dhanishka air, and just opens her drivers room door.
He thanks the gods above for his reflexes when Dhanishka throws a tennis ball at his head.
"Well this is hardly helping." Charles shuts the door once he's inside, looking around the usually pristine drivers room to instead find it a mess. The season had just started and he knew what had thrown her off so badly. Charles had seen the pictures on Twitter. He knew someone had decided to photograph someone in a vulnerable state and blast it online months after it had happened.
He was literally fuming so badly he wouldn't be surprised if his hair started to smoke out of his sheer frustration.
Hands gently taking Dhanishka's wrists, he settled her down on her PT bed, her anger falling into the form of heaving sobs he knows hurt. She refuses to curl into his side, but keeps hitting his chest with a tight fist. Through tears she choked out angry laments in what he assumes is a mix of all the languages she knows. He picks up on bits and pieces, and what he gets confuses him.
"That damn reporter...Davis--Of course that... Logan should've never spoken to him, you know that?! ... I hate him!"
"Dhanishka, I barely understand you when you speak and cry as is. You gotta throw me a bone here." Charles sighs and Dhanishka rips her box of tissues out of his hand and dots her cheeks with far more aggression than is necessary. He won't be surprised if she has little irritated marks on her face after.
"Anthony Davis, the reporter who interviewed Logan? He's Henry's brother, the old Trident Team Principal?" Dhanishka wipes under her eyes, "and Logan was so nice in the interview but I just know there was some ulterior motive to talk to him! He only asked him about me! Like Anthony was trying--"
"--Woah woah, okay, slow down." Charles grabs her wrists once more and Dhanishka sniffles and her watery eyes meet Charles' panicked ones. Theres more to the story here, more he doesn't know, and he struggles to figure out how exactly to handle this.
So he just bites the bullet and asks, "What interview? I thought this was about the pictures?"
Dhanishka feels her stomach drop, "what pictures?"
And at perfect timing, Dhanishka's phone lights up with a call from Oscar.
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Charles is sitting suffocatingly close to me. Alex is leaned against the wall on the phone with someone from his PR team while Oscar sits besides Logan. We all look exhausted, worse for wear, and I can't believe the season that was supposed to be my big start had already crumbled so quickly.
"Well, PRs gonna handle it." Alex's voice chimes as he makes his way over to the couch and tosses Logan's phone back to him. Logan sets it face down next to mine, his plain black case in sharp contrast to my bright red one.
"How so?" I ask, trying to keep any sense of dread from my tone. I have to be optimistic that this will be solved or else I'm going to start spiraling. And no one here will enjoy that.
"Blackmail," Alex hums, and when me and Charles send him sharply confused looks he stammers out an explaination, "No, no, it was blackmail. They're gonna go after Davis' brother under the assumption it was done as foul play to get back at you, Dhanishka. Anthony Davis also literally blackmailed Logan into that interview."
I look over at Logan who's sat silent this whole time. I feel Charles' eyes rest on my face as I shift and lean closer, my knuckle gently tapping against Logan's to get him to look up. When he does, I find theres no normal laughter and light in his eyes, every crease and wrinkle I'm used to seeing on his face is completely gone. Replaced with some sort of stone cold man.
This wasn't Logan. This was me, mirrored in him in the worst way.
"Is that true?" I ask Logan. He just nods, then leans back to adjust the way he's sitting. I sit back against Charles, feeling his body heat through my thin work jacket. I knew he was trying to be some sort of comforting presence behind me but somehow he just felt overbearing. Though, I'd rather feel overwhelmed by support than abandoned, so I lean into it.
"He told me if I didn't do that interview and give him what he wanted, he was gonna release the photos to People Magazine." Logan runs a hand through his hair and I can see the stress in his expression as his eyes fall to mine briefly, then he looks away, "I knew I could control what he knew, so I did the interview. He released the photos to a F1 blog instead."
The room is quiet with his admission and I groan out an irritated laugh as I try to soothe the headache that wants to start thrumming behind my eyes, "wallahi—you should've gone to PR immediately after!”
"He did,” Oscar defends Logan, crossing one leg over the other and sending me a look that reads 'cool it' even though he knows this isn't nearly as tense as I can get, "but that interview isn't the problem. The photos are."
"We can't erase them, they've probably been shared a hundred times over by now." I complain and Charles hums in agreement. We sit in silence for a few moment before Alex is the one to sigh and pitch forward, waving his phone in the air before setting it down on the table.
"I didn't want to suggest this, 'cause it's not my business what y'all plan to do, but... Dhanishka, no one sees your face in those photos. Even if brightened up." Alex looks over at me, then looks at Logan who starts to shake his head, but Alex has already continued speaking, "PR suggested we either say it wasn't you... or you and Logan confirm to be dating again."
"But before you decide anything about this, you two need to figure out what the hell is actually going on between you." Charles butts in, and I expect both Oscar and Alex to decline, to just suggest lying and saying it was someone else.
But all three of them stand and nod. Almost like they'd fucking planned to do this.
"We'll be in the next room over." Oscar hums, looking between me and Logan for a few moments. Charles squeezes my shoulder as he passes and I know it’s a mix of support and his way of telling me to actually talk to Logan. The silence just about swallows us whole. There’s not much to say here, and so I just watch Logan with a nervous look before he runs a hand through his hair and groans. Was that his new nervous tick?
“I don’t wanna hurt you.” He starts as he looks at me from across the table our couches are separated by, “I already did once and I regret it every day. I shouldn’t have assumed you had anything to do with that crash, I should’ve let you explain.”
“Don’t apologize for the past.” I say sharply between his sentences and he pauses, like I’ve cut off this whole big speech in his head, so I keep going, “You hurt me, yeah, you did. I can live with that. What I need from you is what you’re going to do now, what your plan is for us now.”
“If I told you I was on board, that I want to try again, would you let me?” He asks after a moment. His voice is so raw, so nervous, and suddenly I’m transported back to Renault all those years ago.
Logan had approached me once my teammate had slipped off, I was wiping my face down with a cloth when he’d nervously introduced himself and congratulated me.
“I know who you are,” I had laughed, watching as the tension drained from his body and a tiny dorky grin grew across his face. A face still loosing his baby fat. Both of us so young. He’d stammered, blushing hard before he held out an original generation iPhone with Instagram up. The old Polaroid themed icon and original blue bottom bar staring at me as it sat on the search section.
“I wanna keep in touch, maybe talk about racing—or other stuff.” He’d said, “only if you want to.”
I had laughed and nodded, taking his phone and plugging in my information with a tiny peaceful grin. His grin grew twice in size and he thanked me before his Mom had come to pull him back to his garage, moments later my own mother doing the same.
That night, he texted asking if we could meet up before the race to get lunch.
‘Like a date ??’ I had texted, sitting on the floor in the bathroom while I waited for the hotel shower to warm up. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I awaited his reply, and then it came.
‘yeah :D!!!’
I squealed and showed my mom, who had laughed and told me to get ready. And that little date at a shitty race track food cart was still my favorite first date ever, because it was the only one that was genuinely love. I had tried dating after Logan, but never loved those guys, and he had shown me so much love even back then.
And now he sat in front of me, that same shy smile on his lips as he twirled his phone in his hands out of nervous habit.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” I say softly, and try to ignore the way butterflies float in my stomach and my arms go all tingly and my cheeks hurt from the wide smile that pokes at them, “but we have to take it slow, be genuine. Not just some sloppy hallway make out, no friends with benefits, a genuine real thing you aren’t stringing me along with. Okay?”
“I can do that.” Logan nods sharply, “Yes. Yeah I—I can do that.”
And as we sit awkwardly apart, it feels like that little first date.
“And this always my intention, even when drunk.” Logan says, the silence between us being broken by his confession, “and we still have a lot to talk about and such, but I figured I should at least give you that closure. I was never going to use you.”
I nod, a tiny smile poking at my lips, “thank you for that. It was… oddly reassuring.”
“I’m glad.” Logan laughs, nodding to himself, “Really glad.”
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April Creator of the Month: Aallotarenunelma
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is the lovely @aallotarenunelma! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTM's can be found here.
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How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
Aallotar is fine. I am agender. My pronouns are they/them.
More below...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I saw the app being highlighted a lot in Google Play in 2017, but it was only at the end of February-beginning of March 2018 that I downloaded it. It was when Perfect Match 1 started releasing and shortly before Bloodbound 1 began releasing. Time is flying!
There were already a lot of books, and it was a bit overwhelming. I chose the series that was being heavily advertised: The Royal Romance.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the Choices sub-Reddit in July 2019, then the Tumblr fandom in April 2020.
I first joined the sub because I wanted to discuss the books and the characters, and hopefully befriending other players. It was lonely to read the books, and having no one to share my opinions and theories with. Then, I took a step back from it and after lurking a bit, I joined the Tumblr community. 
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
When I joined Tumblr, in April 2020, it was initially to be a Writblr. I was writing a story about a heroine named Aallotar. Its title gave my blog’s URL. My blog’s title is its English translation: Aallotar’s dream.
In the end, my blog turned into a bit of everything.
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
This is my very first post. This is my original writing, conveniently mentioned right above. :)
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
I define myself as an artist because I create. This is how I express myself. It doesn’t matter if the pencil I use is to write or to draw as long as I create. Before I started learning how to draw, I was always saying that I was drawing with words. To me, this is what writing is. I draw and paint with my words to depict stories that my characters want me to tell.
I mostly write, but I also create fan art, such as sketches and various kinds of edits: quotes, sprites, moodboards, etc. 
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
For the defunct app Lovestruck, from December 2020 to October 2021.
For Choices, since April-May 2020. 
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
My all-time favourite Choices book is Veil of Secrets. I adore it!
I heavily create for the It Lives Anthology - the three books - and also for Immortal Desires. I love these books so much that I made a crossover, and most of the characters from the Anthology and from ID have met and even befriended each other.
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
My first Choices fiction is a Blades one: Of Stardust and Light.
I still love it and I wouldn’t change anything - except the typos and the clumsy grammar/syntax, due to the fact I am not an English-native speaker.
For a long time, I thought it was my masterpiece, that I wouldn’t write something as good or even as better than this. But I proved myself wrong in the end.
The other reason why I wouldn’t rewrite it now is because I have definitively stopped writing for my Blades pairing, Tyril x Soile. I made it official a few months ago, and this decision is final.
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
It’s really hard to choose only one, but I do have a soft spot for Répondez, S’il Vous Plaît ! #3 because this is where I tell about my OCs’ Ash and Skylar’s meeting. It was a story I wanted to write for a long time and I love it.
Chronicles of a Crimson Summer deserves to be mentioned as well. This is the longest story I have shared here, and it’s a real balance of angst, fluff, and funny moments. Also, because its birth was extremely painful, so for all of these reasons, I am glad I wrote it and shared it.
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I never expect anything I share to be well received, whether it’s a fiction or a drawing. I’m only sharing it, hoping that at least someone will find it and enjoy it. Even better if it helps the person in any way.
That said, sharing my art remains a lot more difficult than sharing my writing, so any art reblog is leaving me a bit confused, due to my imposter syndrome.
Most people here who are familiar with my stories have read some of the funny stories I have shared, as well as the fluffiest stories I have ever written - sometimes too fluffy for me. 
However, this isn’t only what my writing is about. Darker Than Night has generated so much indifference that it saddens me.
This series really shows what my writing is, minus the layer of humour that you can usually expect. It truly deserves better, just like In Joy and Sorrow, that actually gives a good idea of what my writing really is.
11- (WRITERS) If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
I usually share a lot of fluff here, because the world outside is hard, so I want to uplift people with sweet and funny stories. However, my original writing is usually angsty with some funny and fluffy moments to alleviate all the angst a little. So, I’m choosing angst. Definitely. To me, writing angst is comforting.
11a - (ARTISTS) If you could only draw one style or type of art for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 
I could easily do oil pastels for the rest of my life. It’s an easy technique to learn, it’s very forgiving, it’s calming, and I love how it looks.
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
I am agender and aspec, so in any non-binary and/or aspec MC / OC of mine can be found parts of me, regardless of how they define themselves on those large spectrums. Representation is highly important to me, so this is one of the recurring themes in my writing.
Also, the witty/sarcastic and playful characters are easy to write because I know them too well!
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
Finding the right word is difficult, either in English or in my native tongue. I always want to capture the emotion, the feeling, the landscape with the perfect word. I’m still learning in my daily life.
Regarding my art, at the level I am right now, that would be shadows. Sometimes, they look great, but they often don’t. Practice makes perfect, so this is what I do whenever I can.
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
I tend to have only one WIP that I see to end. One reason for this is that I usually write my stories in a notebook, before I type them down to share them. The state of the notebook is not always great; I even sometimes struggle to re-read what I corrected!
If it’s about my original work, then, yes, I want to finish that one novel’s second draft.
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
It has actually happened with one of my siblings. At that time, I was only writing for Blades and had maybe like five stories posted. I let my sibling read them because we are close. For other people, I think it would be on a case-by-case basis, but most likely not. I'd rather make them read my original writing, if my shyness isn’t getting in the way.
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
Émile Zola and Arto Paasilinna are my all-time favourite writers.
I am learning from every fanfiction writer I am reading. First, because I read in a foreign language. Second, because I believe you learn from everyone every day.
In terms of art, I don’t think I have a particular influence. I am still exploring my style.
17- (WRITERS)  Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
It would be In Joy and Sorrow. I created this It Lives in the Woods AU series to give a life to my first MC, Riikka. The one she couldn’t have. In this series, I talk about close friendships, coming outs, being bilingual/bicultural, how to navigate a romantic relationship as an aspec*, how to deal with bullying/harassment, etc. I talk about timeline collapse and time-travelling as well.
And because there’s the most delightful OC ever, my all-time favourite: Ash. He truly is one of a kind and his friendship with Dan is really something special.
*aspec: a person on the aromantic and asexual spectrums.
18 - (ARTISTS) Which one of your creations would you like to see a fiction written about? 
I don’t have any yet that would justify the honor of having a fiction being written about.
19- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
I started writing when I was 10 years old. It was thanks to an assignment for my native tongue class when we were studying the structure of a fairytale. I really enjoyed writing one, so I kept writing over the summer. Little stories about everything and nothing.
I wrote my first novel when I was 13, but never dared to send it to a publisher. I kept writing novels - and not sending them, I have a nice collection, now! - and branching out in other forms of writing, in hope to develop as a writer: rpg forums, poetry, (fan)fictions, creative writing course, etc. I took a ten year break from writing (fan)fictions before returning to them.
I am working on the second draft of a novel about grief, and I have three other different novels already outlined.
Regarding art, I mostly create non-fandom art.
20-  What other hobbies do you have?
Except writing and drawing; I paint murals and do oil pastel; I do theatre; I design and crochet my own clothes.
I enjoy watching old films, Hollywood era and silent ones included, but modern films as well, if they are excellent.
I love learning foreign languages, listening to music and going to gigs.
I am also a true race car enthusiast, preferably Formula races - F1 to F4, Formula Regional included.
I also enjoy going for walks in nature and travelling.
21: Tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I want to thank CFWC for highlighting me, and giving me the chance to talk more about my characters, my stories, my writing and my art. This means a lot, especially as this month is also when I’m celebrating my 4 year Tumblr Anniversary.
Thank you for your support throughout these years!
I want to thank so many people, but I’m also scared to miss any of them!
Thank you to my friends, old and new. 💛
Thank you to everyone who has read and reblogged my stories and left kudos and comments on them. It has been helping me so much in believing in myself and my writing.
Thank you to everyone who has reblogged my art and my edits and left comments on them.
Thank you to every talented person who has gifted me a piece of their beautiful art, written or not, anonymously or not.
Thank you to everyone who has asked about my characters and my stories.
Thank you to everyone who has sent me positive and uplifting messages.
Lastly, thank you to every single person who has supported me these past months, in many different ways. Your kindness and your presence have made a difference, and I am grateful for those and for you all.
And a special shoutout to my fellow rainbow creators! 🌈
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blorboscran · 2 months
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合成獣(キメラ)のチョコモンブラン/ Chocolate Mont Blanc Chimera
was a dessert themed to the inseparable bond of Nina Tucker and her dog Alexander.
A late addition to the menu of promotional eatery Fullmetal Alchemist Cafe, the transmutation themed Mont Blanc was available from December 27th 2017 to January 31st 2018 for 1200 yen.
Quantities were limited, presumably due to the dessert's handmade nature, or regret.
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twopoppies · 2 months
What was the story behind H being papped with Dua Lipa? When it was? He was papped with her and everyone spread rumours they are dating?
Harry was seen with her in December 2016. She had an album due to drop in early 2017. Hets got excited that they were dating, larries thought she might be collaborating with Louis (because she and Louis followed each other shortly after she was seen with Harry). Dan Wootton interviewed her and tried to stir up some gossip about her and Harry dating (and she just talked about her boyfriend).
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Basically, it was Harry hanging out with a singer he already knew so the tabloids and fans could talk about both of them and their music. Sounds pretty similar to what’s happened this week with Olivia Dean. But we’ll see.
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disturbingstar · 18 days
Z nation trivia
• Several of the actors/crew lived together while filming the first season in Spokane, Washington, to save on costs. This included Anastasia Baranova (Addy) and Michael Welch (Mack).
• The first season was recorded on a tight schedule, with an episode being fully recorded within six days, with most shoots only allowing three takes.
• Keith Allan (Murphy) was working for The Asylum production company as a stage hand when they were tasked with Z Nation (2014). They suggested he audition for the role of Murphy and he ended up getting the part
• In one of the episodes, survivors are seen eating "Twinkies" - a nod to Zombieland (2009).
• As the character of Murphy continued to evolve, it was decided that the blue skin aspect of the character would be removed. This was largely due to the fact that the makeup itself was extremely irritating to actor Keith Allan, causing some minor skin complications as he had no choice but to wear the make up sometimes over 12 hours a day during filming.
• As of the end of season 5, 10K's kill-count is 8,999.
• Season 3 was still filming while the first episodes of season 3 aired.
• Russell Hodgkinson, who played Steven "Doc" Beck, also appeared in Sharknado 5: Global Swarming (2017) in the same role.
• Kellita Smith currently plays Lt. Roberta Warren on Z-Nation. She then played Sergeant Roberta Warren in the movie Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015). Both are productions of The Asylum.
• On December 23, 2018, Syfy canceled the series after five seasons.
• Tom Everett Scott knew when agreeing to play Garnett that his character would be killed off in episode 6 Resurrection Z (2014). Before recording the episode some producers brought up keeping his character on longer but this idea was shot down.
• According to Karl Schaefer the apocalypse of Z Nation began on November 9th 2016.
• Russell Hodgkinson (Doc) and his wife came up with the idea for 'Z Weed' while gardening in their backyard. Simply grow marijuana using compost containing dead zombie parts.
• As of Season 4, although still listed in the credits as part of the main cast, Anastasia Baranova is no longer a regular member of the cast and has been reduced to "recurring" status. Anastasia's contract is non-restricted, leaving her open to pursue other projects. During filming for Season 4, Anastasia was already tied to 3 other projects, including 2 television series and a movie. The character of Addy has therefore been temporarily written out of the show until Anastasia could commit to working on it again.
• Katy O'Brian confirmed that her character, George, is gay.
• Four different actresses have played Lucy in the series as of the end of season 3
• In the episode "Welcome to Murphytown," The Man escaped hand cuffs by cutting off his own hand. This is a reference to the movie Deadpool (2016) where he does the same thing. It also occurred in The Walking Dead when the character Merle was handcuffed on the roof. He cut his hand off to get free.
• Anastasia Baranova wanted her character, Addy, to be bi-sexual to represent more of the real world.
(All trivia is from IMDb)
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gumballsilly · 1 year
Compilation of all the pictures in the official Anais Watterson Flickr account (with the Original Image Resolution)
You can find the account here !! Just wanted to share all these neat images since I find them aesthetically and visually appealing. I'm sorry if this has been done before, this is mainly for my personal archive. More information under the Keep Reading !!!
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All of these were downloaded in their original image quality from Flickr. Images going from chronological date (oldest to newest). First image: September 5th, 2011 Last image: December 19th, 2011 Anais apparently shot all these with a Diana mini with flash, according to a comment she answered on the First image
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The only other time she responded to an image is the last one, where she announces the end of the photo series due to "a lack of film".
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Anais also put titles to all the images, which I included in the image descriptions. [EDIT] She has 262 followers (as of August 6th, 2023, 8:35PM CET), isn't following anyone, and joined in March 2011. From the art style and dates we can guess this account was made at the time Season 1 was, the last image being posted a few days after "The Club" was aired. The first image was posted the exact day the episode "The Goons" was aired, according to the TAWoG wiki. Interestingly enough, she has two albums on Flickr. One titled "Elmore" (16 photos), the other titled "Family Life" (7 photos).
I remember when years ago you could access these photos/the account on the Cartoon Network games website too. It was a while ago and I'm not too sure of the date, but It could've been around 2014-2017 (?). If anyone else remembers it or can find a snapshot of it on the Wayback Machine, freely add onto this post whenever ! On her About page it reads "Take a look at some of the pictures I’ve taken around Elmore with my brand new camera! Enjoy!" and has a link to theamazingworldofgumball.com, which now redirects to the Cartoon Network games website, but at that time it could've looked like this:
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Note: this snapshot was at September 25th, 2011
That's all the information I could find of the official Anais Watterson Flickr account. If anyone else has more info on it, feel free to add on to this post !! This was made for archival purposes, in case the account or website ever shuts down.
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genericpuff · 1 year
... huh???
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assuming they're using quotes correctly here, is Rachel seriously out here claiming she's been working on LO for over a decade? Because that's just... really easily refutable with any amount of surface level digging. And like, one tier of rabbithole diving. Shit, you can find proof of this being a lie right on her own IG where she celebrates anniversaries for LO. Granted, those posts are for the Originals version, but the Tumblr version isn't much older than it (2017) and again, any amount of surface level diving into Wayback will prove that she hasn't been working on LO that long.
"She could have been working on LO in the background", sure, but Rachel's never been someone to really... do that? Like if it were anyone else I'd be willing to believe that but Rachel is someone who's been chronically online since 2004, she has a history of starting projects on a whim and then dropping them (I could make the bold claim that the only reason LO didn't was because it got picked up by WT). You're telling me she's been working on LO since 2013? Then where the fuck is it? This is one of the oldest pieces of "concept art" out there that you can still find on her DA and it's from December 2016 (so just a few months before she started posting LO):
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This was a one off piece, she was working on The Doctor Foxglove Show back then, with its first episode being posted to Webtoons back in January 2016. She later dropped Foxglove, due to what I assume was LO taking up all her time and attention because of how much it blew up on Tumblr and Webtoons. There are no other pieces like this one that hint at LO being any older than 2017.
All this paired with her claiming H x P were always her "muses" even though there's ZERO indication of her being into Greek myth prior to LO (seriously, you will not find any of the myths or Greek-adjacent stories listed ANYWHERE on her old bios, but you sure as shit will find Lolita repeated ad nauseum...) and the fact she claims she's a "folklorist" when that's just so obviously not true?
Listen, I can rationalize the concept of chronic lying, but you'd think she'd have gotten better at it by now LOL Because everything she's lying about is so easily proven contrary, both through Wayback and things she's claimed herself that contradicts what's so easily proven otherwise.
If LO has been in production for over a decade, great. But the receipts just ain't lining up with that claim.
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crybabylipstick · 1 month
In November of 2017, Timothy tweeted "what if I have my own story of a*use but I'm scared to ruin the persons life and I still love them in a f*cked up way and the public really loves them and most probably wouldn't believe me".
On December 4, 2017, Timothy publicly accused Melanie of s*xual as*ault on Twitter. She alleged two nights during which she "repeatedly said no" to advances from Melanie, claiming she kept secret for years and describing how Melanie had performed s*xual act*vities on her without her consent.
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Melanie replied to the accusation shortly after claiming Timothy's allegation was false:
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"I am horrified and saddened by the statements and story told tonight by Timothy Heller. What she and I shared was a close friendship for a period of time. We came into each other's lives as we were both starting our careers as artists, and tried to help each other. We both had pain in dealing with our individual d*mons and the new paths we were forging, but I truly felt we were trying to lift each other up. She never said no to what we chose to do together. And although we parted ways, I am sending her love and light always." (In case the picture is blurry).
- Melanie Martinez
In an interview with Newsweek, Timothy claimed that Melanie tried to contact both her and her boyfriend around 20 minutes after publishing the accusations through text and phone calls. No evidence to back this up was ever shared. In the aforementioned interview, Timothy went on to say that Melanie's dismissal of her account "says it all":
First of all, I did say 'no,' multiple times, but even if I hadn't, that doesn't mean I wanted it. She dug her own grave saying, 'she didn't say no'. That's not consent."
- Timothy Heller
On December 10, Melanie thanked her fans who supported her after the accusations.
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"I understand how hard it could be to see my side of the story, considering no one with a heart would want to invalidate anyone speaking up about this topic. I want to thank my fans who took the time to research the timeline, analyze past Instagram photos, and question the story being told, which reveal her false statements. I trusted so many people in my life who took advantage of that trust for their own personal gain. Please know that my intentions with everything that I do in my life are always pure and I would never be i*timate with someone without their absolute consent." (In case the picture is blurry).
- Melanie Martinez
On July 19, 2024, 6 years after the controversy, Timothy posted a 6-minute video onto TikTok detailing how she had been h*rassed and bullied off the internet due to speaking up about the all*gations. She also said that she felt "quite validated" from Melanie's response due to Melanie admitting that the two had something take place between them.
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(screenshot of the video Timothy is talking about Melanie and the whole situation).
Now, before anyone says something like "Oh wow you're supporting a 🍇pist" "You support 🍇pe" "Can't believe you believe Melanie" etc. I don't believe anyone, I'm not picking sides neither I'm trying to start a fight or offend anyone. I've been getting a lot of hate about the whole situation from people who don't even know me, saying stuff like "You support 🍇pe" "I hope you get 🍇ped too" "Supporting a 🍇pist" and really mean and offensive stuff like that. I DO NOT support 🍇pe. I just wanted to clear some things out, just because I'm a fan of Melanie doesn't mean I support everything she does and believe in everything she says etc. I'm just a fan and nothing more, I DO NOT care about her personal LIFE or what she DOES. I just listen to her music and art. I'm not trying to offend anyone or anything. And I'm not saying you shouldn't express your thoughts or opinions on the whole situation or anything like that. Neither I'm saying you are in the wrong if you believe Timothy/Melanie. All I'm trying to say is we shouldn't judge or pick sides because only Melanie and Timothy know what truly happened. We might never know the truth, and that's totally okay. The only people who can judge each other are Melanie and Timothy. We don't even know what happened. Timothy could be lying, Melanie could be lying, who knows? Also, Melanie hasn't been proven GUILTY neither is Timothy's story INVESTIGATED or proven to be TRUE.
Another thing I want to point out is that even tho Timothy claims to be traumatised by Melanie and the whole situation etc. Timothy in 2015/2016 had dressed up as Melanie:
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( 1st photo edited by me (I mean how I compared the pictures) , please give credits if you use etc. Thank you 🌬️🤍).
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I'm sure you don't dress up as someone who has done something so serious and mean to you.
Not to mention when Timothy said the date that apparently the whole situation happened Melanie was in another state on the "CRYBABY TOUR". The last time I checked, you couldn't f*ck someone from that far away. (Not trying to offend anyone). And she also has claimed that she didn't remember the date that well yet she is still giving us a date.
Anyways, that's all I have to say, if you read all that, thank you, I really appreciate it. ����️🤍
( By the way, this is MY opinion about the whole situation. NOT trying to start a fight, be mean or offend anyone. Saying this so that there won't be any misunderstandings or false information 💕🩹).
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slavghoul · 1 year
Hey hi! i figured i would ask you this since you’ve been in the fandom much longer than i, but do you know what the typical timeline is for Ghost album then tour?? is there a pattern to it? I would imagine after the end of this tour they would start working on a new album, and then tour off said album, what’s typically the wait for how long until the album release, and then how long until tour off that? if there even is one. i know ghost is very pattern in everything they do so i wondered if pattern was here as well
There is a pattern actually! Or at least there was up until Impera, but the timeline of this one got a bit fucky due to the pandemic.
Between 2012 - 2018 it looked like this: 
2012 - tour finished in August (last show was in December, but it was one-off), 2013 - Infestissumam released in April, tour started in February/March
2014 - tour finished in September, 2015 - Meliora released in August, tour started in June/July
2017 - tour finished in September, 2018 - Prequelle released in June, tour started in May
So basically there was roughly a 8-10 month break in-between. Tobias seems positive the next album should be out in 2024, so I’m assuming summer or fall, depending how long it takes him to finish or if there’s any other plans for 2024, and also when the DVD from LA is set to be released. Either way, start saving up lol! It's gonna be an exciting year!
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