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She/her. Mostly a Naruto and anime blog. Series that I follow: Naruto, DB, Digimon, Inuyasha, BNHA, DCMK, Re:Zero, Sonic, etc. Respect everyone's tastes
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tsukisukiii · 4 months ago
Like the way Bakugou turns around and is ready to beat the shit out of whoever is behind him
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And is shook when he sees it’s Uraraka (he still swears at her cuz that’s just who he is, but still)
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^^ Also the fact that Uraraka knows Bakugou’s looking for Midoriya without him having to say so
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(I guess it’s pretty hard to miss but SHHHH LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT)
Bakugou can’t hurt her with his stank attitude:
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(Note that the speech bubbles have a black background, which usually happens in manga when those words are important to someone.)
AND I CAN’T REMEMBER ANYONE ELSE STRAIGHT UP TELLING BAKUGOU TO HIS FACE THAT THEY THINK HE’S COOL (It’s probably happened before like with Kirishima or somebody but I seriously can’t remember it happening).
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And after the whole thing’s over, she’s all like,
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And even though he’s perpetually an angry shit, her words still made Bakugou calm down:
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These two are just -
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tsukisukiii · 8 months ago
Since NS still insist on the MinaKushi parallel, I also want to make a long list of SS parallels and their similarity/contrast (collected from many sources)
1. Sarutobi Sasuke and Sakura: 
“Kishimoto Masashi created Sasuke by using ideas from an old manga and anime character named Sarutobi Sasuke. Ironically, Sarutobi Sasuke; the character Kishimoto Masashi used, also had a female companion named Sakura" (From Naruto wikia)
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2. Ninigi no Mikoto and Sakuya Hime
Popular parallel, every SS shipper knows. No need to explain.
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3. Vegeta and Bulma
The anti-hero finally fell for the main female character; arrogant bastard for cheerful braniac; black hair for strangely colored hair.
And everyone knows Kishi admires Akira Toriyama. 
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4. The Hawk and the Cherry Blossom
The cherry blossom is always right here waiting for the hawk to fly back and sit in its branch.
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5. Mr and Mrs Smith
Well, they did try to kill each other right? Abusive relationship huh?  Love this theory from a certain SS shipper the other day but I forgot his/her blog.
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6. And the best of best: Itachi Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha
"Mata kondo na!” = “Next time, ok!”
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And not only parallel, here are some SS similarity and contrast aspects that add up to their chemistry:
1. Color
Pink for girl and Blue for boy, not to mention her green eyes and his red sharingan, beautiful color combination
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2. Chakra Nature
Her chakra nature is Water while his is Fire.
==> Water extinguishes Fire, her pure love made his angry heart melt
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3. Hair bangs
They both had the M-shaped bangs in the beginning of the series…
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… until Sasuke was back in the battlefield with his front messy bangs, Sakura suddenly got the same bangs, cool huh!? If you change their hair color and eye color, Sakura and Sasuke are almost just the same person.
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And when they got married, their bangs were both side-swept, ohh and let me introduce Sarada, who had the same hair bangs as her badass parents. The Sa-Sa-Sa family members are very consistent in their appearance, and their names as well (SS –> SSS)
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4. The I’ll-catch-you-when-you-fall Style
When Sakura and Sasuke were together, they always had eyes on each other.
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5. The Sudden-hug-from-behind Style
More like the Sudden embrace from behind, and then Ultimate Eyesmex from the hugger!
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Sasuke had a soft spot for her, but he didn’t even realize it, everything he did for her was based on his instinct. 
“My body just moved on its own" 
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Not to mention their
Zodiac compability (Aries and Leo),
Blood Type compability (O and AB)
and many other intentionally strange stuff such as the
Bench and the Trash can that every SS shipper has already known.
Overall, the SasuSaku love story doesn’t need cheesy words or lovey dovey scenes.
They don’t need a CPR, a Sailor Moon kiss, a wedding ceremony or a love triangle drama to prove their amazing chemistry. 
SasuSaku created their own definition about LOVE. They have their own EYESMEX and DEKOTON (forehead poking) definitions as the "Ultimate Love Expressions” in the dictionary (Can someone update these beautiful definitions on Urban Dictionary pleaseeee!)
Lastly, their subtlety lies in the way manga readers happen to find out some funny coincidence about them and giggle for the rest of the day :)
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tsukisukiii · 1 year ago
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Doodles :)
I think the Graham de Vanilys should have some cats and ferrets, Félix seems like a ferret liker <3 The doodles on the last image are old ones i never got aroun to posting, mostly consisting of the aged up designs i have 4 feligami
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tsukisukiii · 1 year ago
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tsukisukiii · 1 year ago
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「 言ったろう ? 俺がぜってー何とかしてあるってよ。」
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tsukisukiii · 1 year ago
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distributing a vital PSA to the Miraculous community!!! 💖
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tsukisukiii · 1 year ago
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Past Halloween sketches by Horikoshi
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tsukisukiii · 1 year ago
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this from the famous painting by J. C. Leyendecker
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tsukisukiii · 2 years ago
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tsukisukiii · 2 years ago
Feligami are like the antithesis of Adrinette - don't waste time, kiss, kiss, kiss at any opportunity. I love it.
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tsukisukiii · 2 years ago
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Ah, yes… the old excuse of ‘Félix doesn’t have good chemistry with Marinette’. As someone who has written a 26+ chapters story with the setting in the Ladybug PV Universe, I have to say that I have never encountered any problems where it was “impossible” for me to write Félix and Bridgette’s dynamics without creating bad chemistry between them.
Although, maybe it’s because I’m using a very special and very unique writing technique known as - character development.
Honestly, the more I think about Miraculous Ladybug and its characters, the more I think that the only reason they decided to make Adrien a Nice Guy is because they couldn’t bother writing some actual character development for him and instead decided to just hand him everything he wants on a silver platter. After all, isn’t it easier when your character already is super cool and super special and has just the right amount of trauma to make people sympathize with him in order to let him get away with literal murder (on multiple occasions!)?
To me, Adrien is a very one-dimensional and bland character who has no progress aside from flipping an internal switch and no life aside from obsessing over a girl. Take away his role as Cat Noir and him being Gabriel Agreste’s (the main villain) son, and there is really nothing that makes him appealing nor interesting as a character. Even if he is given an opportunity to develop as a character, he whines until the universe bends backwards to reward him without doing anything to deserve it.
It is also hilarious how they brought back Félix to be the one to actually progress the plot instead of letting either of the main characters figure out that Gabriel is Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch, because they need to focus on unnecessary drama instead of actual story progression.
Seriously, this screams “We couldn’t bother to put effort into writing Félix, so we gave up”.
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tsukisukiii · 3 years ago
An important thing
I’ve been a little bummed about the lack of any action from Uraraka (Nejire and Tsuyu, too!) in the most recent arc, so I’ve been rereading BNHA to cheer myself up.
That’s when I caught this:
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All Might: Bakugou my boy! For when there’s a wall before your eyes… you laugh!
So this is All Might ruminating on the way Bakugou gets insanely jazzed when he faces a particularly difficult opponent.
He recalls three instances:
First, when Bakugou is fighting Deku and trying to draw out the insane power of his new quirk.
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Second, the time he fought All Might himself.
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And third- the time he fought Uraraka at the sports festival.
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It’s just really important to me that in that frame Uraraka, who Horikoshi went out of his way to have a bunch of other characters treat as fragile, was acknowledged by both one of her strongest classmates and essentially All Might himself.
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tsukisukiii · 3 years ago
am i hallucinating or does bakugou's sweat really sparkle in that last panel??
Yes, yes it does. ✨✨
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Looks like Shigaraki may have stomped a quirk awakening out of Bakugou and he'll be able to produce explosions anywhere. That sparkle looks a lot like his clusters.
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tsukisukiii · 3 years ago
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I wish you a life full of happiness 💙
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tsukisukiii · 3 years ago
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tsukisukiii · 3 years ago
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You know, given Azula's style I think she actually trained against armed people. The way she avoided Zuko's blades and disarmed Suki's sword pretty much showing she was trained for such a thing.
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tsukisukiii · 3 years ago
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…i heard it’s tokka week
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