logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
Ohhh, this is exciting. What are we doing? Stealing a bank? Getting drunk? I’m excited now!
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       “Robbing a bank? Who do you think I am, Pretty Boy Floyd? No we’re going out on an adventure. But it will be dangerous so you should only come with me if you think you can handle it” 
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
“Give me one good reason why this wouldn’t have me kicking my ass all the way back to Canada? or getting you suspended? Or worse, expelled?” Corey crossed his arms, an eyebrow raised at the student, “I’m sorry, Logi, but I can’t let you do that.”
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       “Really?” Logi let out a deep and perhaps overly dramatic sight before moving only closer to his teacher, he’d never been one that would give up right away and he was absolutely not going to give up on this idea that he’d seen on an episode of The Simpsons before. “I can’t believe it. I actually thought you were one of the cool teachers. I mean this isn’t that horrible. All you’ve got to do is make sure that the headmaster will drink the spiked coffee??” 
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
Greg just stared at the blond before him, brows slowly turning in, allowing a brief moment of silence to fall between the two of them. “You signed up for this class. You pick your classes. Staff only over rules your choice if the class you’ve chosen conflicts with other classes or the class size becomes too large for any one teacher to control.” He explained, tilting his head to the side. “You really should have come to me about this sooner, I’m afraid it’s too late to transfer out.”
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      “You don’t understand, I thought I could do this but... I can’t” He knew this was ridiculous, he also knew he should never have signed up for this damn class to begin with but he’d really believed he would be able to do it. Perhaps he had been too arrogant or stubborn but right now it didn’t matter because he was stuck in this class and he couldn’t help the panic that started to rise up in his chest. This was a disaster. “So there’s nothing I can do?” 
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
Kenzie nodded, starting to explain. “Their offense is clearly holding our players and delaying the game, but the ref isn’t calling shit,” she explained, motioning to a player that pulled one of the Silver Oak teammates down to the ground from behind. “They can’t do that.”
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         “Oh...” Logi tried to pay attention to the game that was happening before them but quickly his mind wandered somewhere far away from this rigged game. “I’ve never really understood this thing that you call sport. Back where I’m from we live and breathe handball and football, not whatever this is supposed to be”
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
“One I don’t trust people. Two, that’s such a random thing to come up and say to a person. And three, why the hell not I”m bored anyway. What are you up too?”
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       He hummed to himself with a mischievous grin playing across his lips. “There’s this guy” He began, his smile not faltering the slightest. “He’s the biggest dick that I’ve ever met in my entire life.” He paused for a moment. “I saw his being being unbelievably disrespectful towards this girl last night. I could completely forget that it ever happened or I could fuck with him and of course I’m going to mess with him.”
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
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“I seriously do not want to go out with you.” He growled. “I also don’t need you setting me up with anyone, in fact i don’t even want to talk to you.” HE said pressing his pillow over his head.
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        Lying there in the darkness hearing his roommate say how much he didn’t want to spend any time with him stung a little, of course it did, he was human. But would he be kinder to him to try to change the way they’re around each other? No, probably not. “Rude..” He said in a hushed voice. “You’re sadly stuck with me and I’m stuck with you for god knows how long so why can’t we at least to try to keep this civil”
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
“Oh my trouble in paradise.” She laughed, “let’s go.” She said following behind him. “I’m sure the camera’s have caught us by now, but they’re the ones that’s going to regret putting us in detention together.” She laughed.”Oh the prettiest in all the land.”
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      “If they’ll try to put us in detention together we’ll surely raise hell and we’ll pretty much make them regret any decision they’ve ever made in life.” He assured Mina with a bright smile painted across his features. Logi hummed quietly as he glanced down the hallway to see if they were clear to go. “Yeah it’s´gonna be almost as pretty as you, almost” 
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
“I’m a teacher, and I don’t want to lose my job, thank you very much.”
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       Logi leaned up against the doorway of Corey’s classroom and honestly this was insane. Asking teacher to do this was surely something that no one would even dare thinking about. But Corey wasn’t like any other teacher and Logi knew that. “Come on, we’re going to do this entire school a huge favor. They’ll be praising us once they’d get over it”
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
I’m feeling kind of bleh so I’m just gonna head off to bed early tonight. I’ll be on in the morning (or later tonight if I can’t sleep, who knows) 
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
“Can you tell me what exactly are you planning? You know, so I can evaluate if it’s worth the risk of getting my ass expelled or not.”
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       Logan folded his arms over his chest with once she started questioning his plan. “Well, we’re only going to surprise our lovely headmaster with a little prank, nothing too serious”
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
“See that’s the spirit.” Se smiled giving him a thumbs up. “Whoop.” She said walking toward the skeleton. “Hey maybe she could be your girlfriend, look at how cute she is.” She said making the skeleton wave. “Fine fine, come on bones, you’re coming with us.”
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         “I would never be able to date that skeleton. Not when it always looks at me like I kicked it’s puppy” He huffed out a breath of air before taking a hold of the skeleton. “Alright. The first adventure bones is going to have today is your room! We’re gonna need to dress it up and of course it’s gonna need a pretty lipstick”
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
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“Oh c’mon ref! You’re not gonna call that?!” Kenzie yelled at the field from her spot in the bleachers. This football game was nuts and the referee totally ignored all the blatant disregarding of the rules that the other team did, but god forbid SIlver Oak’s team stepped one foot out of line. “My mother could see that they’re cheating!” she added in frustration before sitting back down. “Sorry, what were you saying?” she added, looking back at the person she had been talking to before she got heated.
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       After living in the states for few months he still hadn’t been able to understand rugby. He didn’t get it, people slamming into each other, holding something that’s definitely not a ball. It was strange and he didn’t get it. Football on the other hand? Back home he used to play football during the summer nights with his friends when he was in remission. He understood that, but not this. “Did he do something wrong?” He questioned Kenzie who hadn’t hesitated on calling out a cheater on the other team.
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
“ wait - is it on the left.. “ Angeline mumbled to herself as she was dragging two suitcases behind her. “ or maybe it’s on the right. “ With a loud sigh, the blonde let the luggages fall on the floor before checking the school’s map in her hands cluelessly.
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       “It doesn’t matter where you’re going, turning left will lead you to nothing but trouble” Logi had overheard the girl talking to herself about where she was supposed to turn. Usually he’d ignore lost people but he wasn’t going to let her go there. “Now tell me where you’re heading and I might just be able to help you”
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
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“Or maybe you could sleep for once in your life.” He said rolling over. “Your bed is on your right.” He said annoyed as Logi hit everything he could.”.
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        Logi didn’t say another word for a moment because it took all of his concentration to find the bed without falling face first down on the floor. Once he was finally safe in his bed he turned his head in Jaspers direction. “Jazzy, Jasp. Sleep is for the weak. We should go out tomorrow, I can find you a nice girl, or a guy and we’ll have a blast! Then you’ll start thanking me when I show up like this”
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logixsveinsson-blog · 8 years
“Just find yourself a big daddy and you’ll be fine…granted you might have to do butt stuff but it’s only three years max.” She smiled as she entered the room. “And this is just bad schooling if two students can just break into a room like it’s a bank.”
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       “I think you’re right. I mean who can say no to a big daddy and some ‘butt stuff’” He winked at the girl but once his eyes landed on the gold they were after he swore this was probably the best high he’s ever had. “Bingo” He mumbled, moving towards the old skeleton. “This is a bad schooling Mina. But thanks to this bad, bad schooling we have our skeleton. Now lets show it how to have a good time”
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