#honestly I have no idea how us football works??
bunnys-kisses · 3 months
my woman
capt. john price
cw: ex husband!price, jealousy, possessive behaviour, breeding, dark-ish themes, baby trapping, dark!john, proceed with caution!!
bunny says: happy birthday to me <3
you couldn't take it anymore. the stress of his job, the lonely nights, the distance was all too much for you. it broke you honestly, you couldn't be that woman for him. the idea of him coming home in a box made you overwhelmed at times.
price understood, he didn't even try to push against the divorce. but that didn't mean that he left you alone. if anything he pushed himself further into your life. that charming smile and those blue eyes, his hearty laugh and his rumble of a voice.
"c'mon, love. who's been over?" he said while standing at your front door. he stood a good head over you, he was broad as well. his eyes were cold as he asked again, "who's been over, lovie?"
you swallowed, "my sister she came over to see how i was doin'. plus, we're not married anymore, i can have whoever i want over."
price looked at you, "i pay for this place, technically i can decide who comes in and who leaves." he brushed past you and walked into the flat. hands in his jeans as he looked around.
you knew you couldn't physically kick him out, it was like an ant pushing a boulder! you stayed far back from him with your arms crossed, "john, get out."
he peeked into the kitchen before he walked in and said, "don't think so, love. i have to make sure that my girl is behavin'." he opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk, "oat milk drinker, now?"
your throat tightened, "i had a friend over."
price looked at the carton, "must've been over a lot, or used a lot of milk." he shook the carton, "almost empty."
your stomach flipped. after your divorce you had met a lovely man who worked stable hours and had a winning smile. but price didn't need to know that.
"you bringin' men into my home, fuckin' them on sheets i bought. you whorin' yourself out now, love?" his voice was laced with venom as he put the carton down, "everything you are, i made. from your rank when you were servin' to the home you live in." he got closer to you.
you swallowed, "john, leave."
"no, no." he closed the gap between you two. he took you by the wrists and leaned in, "no woman of mine is gonna be a cheap fuckin' slag."
"i'm not your woman, your girl or your wife."
"then maybe i didn't fight hard enough to keep ya."
your stomach flipped once more. there was something about price that broke your resolve. even after all the pain and heartbreak, he was your husband. so when he kissed you, you didn't push him away.
he picked you up with relative ease, you wrapped your legs around his waist on instinct for fear that he'd drop you. he put you down with a bit of force onto the recliner he loved so.
your face felt heated as you were about to let your ex-husband fuck you.
"my girl on my chair." he chuckled. he remembered the nights where he'd have a beer and watch the football game while you were in between his legs like an obedient little puppy.
he watched you strip of your clothes, his larger hands helped you as you struggled to get out of your sweatpants. poor girl, always needs a mans help. price knew that your limp dicked new man couldn't help the way he could.
he loved the sight of your nude, all the curves and dips. the wetness of your cunt that gleamed in the light of the room. he got his cock out of his jeans and stroked it.
"remember this, love?" he smiled down at you, "i know you're pretty familiar with it." he chuckled, you spread your legs for him like a good wife. he reached over with his free hand and ruffled your hair.
"please, john." you moaned.
he chuckled, "impatient girl, bet ya touched yourself thinkin' of me and lied to your new man about it. bet ya told him that you were more than happy to suck his limp cock. nothin' like mine, eh?"
you looked at him, "there's nothing i could find or buy that felt like you."
he laughed, a full hearty laugh then met your gaze once more, "good." he said, "i'm glad i ruined that pussy of yours. because you're my wife and this is the only cock you'll need." then leaned over you and pushed his cock into you.
you choked out a gasp at the fullness you felt. you could feel it in your stomach. you gripped onto the armrests of the seat as you tried to regain the air in your lungs.
your pussy felt like heaven to him.
the sex was brutal, your sweaty back got stuck to the leather as he held your hips and battered your sweet cunt. he liked the idea that he ruined you for other men, that no one else could make you feel the way he did.
"do you see now." he said, "we're meant to be."
you looked away, "john, please." you felt the warmth pool in your gut. he took you by the jaw and pulled you into a kiss as he continued to move against you.
"you're my heart and soul, baby girl." his voice was low and erotic, "made just for me." he wanted to get it through to you that you were meant to be with him. arousal shot through him at the idea, the best way he could make sure that the two of you would be tied together.
it fueled him to push his cock as deep as it could go. his heavy balls hit against your ass as he fucked you without abandon. your sweet moans filled his head and he could feel his grey t-shirt grow hot with sweat.
he didn't worry, next round he'd get undressed fully. for now your sweet slick would ruin the denim of his jeans. he gazed at the expressions on your face as you closed your eyes.
"that's it."
"please, john. fuck, pull out." you whined.
"can't do that, love. you're keeping me in ya. you want this too. keep a little reminder on me in ya when you call that fuckin' prick of yours to break up."
"i'm not breaking up with him." you trembled in an attempt to gain some kind of control
he grabbed you by the hair and made you look at him. his chuckled lowly, "cute, love. but no, you're going to sit there with my cum in your cunt as you call that fuckin' prick to tell him to leave you alone. or better yet, you keep my cock nice and cozy inside ya when you call."
you swallowed and whimpered, "please, john."
he gave you a rough kiss on the cheek, his facial hair was scratchy against your soft, sweaty skin, "it's either that, or he won't be walkin' ever again. i'd suggest you take the more merciful option." he let go of your hair and quickened his pace.
you squeezed your eyes shut once more and it wasn't long before orgasm pulled you under. your slick cunt gripped his cock as the euphoria rushed through you.
price was pleased with himself as a pathetic noise left your lips. he gave a few more hearty thrusts before he finished. his noises were lower, darker and deeper than yours.
"good girl." he said, "lettin' your man do what needs to do to keep this together." he pushed strands of hair out of your face, his cock still hard in you, "see, you can listen. you can behave."
"john." you whined.
he patted your cheek lovingly, "shh, not now. let it happen." his voice was so calm and cool. the tonal whiplash made your head feel murky.
why did you leave him anyway?
he then grabbed you by the hair and brought you down onto the expensive carpet. he took off he shirt while you were on your shaky hands and knees. he knew your pulse was racing.
"don't worry baby girl." he said as he kissed your sweaty back, "just gotta go a few more times... until it takes."
while re-marriage wasn't common, being mrs. price was your rightful title. especially now that your little girl was born. price got you a nice house on a piece of land out in the country. you could raise your little family in peace.
"c'mon honey." you cooed at your toddler as she tried to stand on shaky legs, "go see daddy." there was such tenderness in your voice.
who would've thought a nice house and a cute little babe would've fixed ya right up!
price watched you try to teach your little girl how to walk on the grass. your hands held her smaller ones. price smiled at the rim of his teacup. for a moment he thought he lost you, but there's no worries now. you were his and next time he wouldn't let you leave. <3
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joeys-babe · 1 month
Joey B Imagine: Simply Shady II*
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Summary: You surprise Joe at training camp!
(Part 2 to - Part one)
Warnings: Fluff, smut (sending nudes, piv sex in a public place)
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Misc.
A/N: Go to the very end to see y/n’s Porsche!! (you'll find out about it later)
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August 1, 2024 - Second day of pads
After my mental walk through memory lane sparked by Joe’s hair, we cuddled in bed for a few more minutes before Joe got up to shower.
Last night, after quite a few rounds of a purely blissful workout, Joe and I were too tired to shower, so he was going it now. Since he was up early to go to camp, I was in no rush to get out of bed, so I declined his offer to join him.
Joe showered fairly quickly and came out of the bathroom wearing a random t-shirt and his pink shorts. He walked over to the bed, a grin on his face as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“I’ll be back home right after practice ends. I don't have any meetings or sessions today.” - Joe
“Alrighty. See ya later, I love you.” - you
“I love you too. Byeeee.” - Joe
Joe drawled the word out as he grabbed his practice bag and disappeared down the hallway. I laid there just grinning at his adorableness.
After staring at the doorway for a few moments, I rolled over onto Joe’s pillow like I always did when he was gone. I loved burrowing my nose into the fabric to smell his familiar scent, something that always helped if I was dealing with separation anxiety.
An hour later, I had just stepped out of the shower when my phone vibrated on the counter.
bengals added to their story
I immediately picked up my phone and clicked the notification. My eyes widened at the video of Joe walking into the practice fields. That black compression shirt was one of the hottest things he could wear, along with his cut-off football pants turned into shorts. God, he looks mouthwatering. After staring for a few minutes, a thought entered my head.
What if I went to surprise him?
Joe and I had been planning on soft launching our engagement for a while now. Every idea we came up with, we didn't like. An Instagram post didn't feel like an us way of announcing it. And Joe didn't want to just blurt it out in a press conference.
What if I went, surprised Joe, and wore my ring?
I couldn't help but giggle when I looked over at it in my jewelry dish. Though I had told Joe I didn't need anything big and flashy, that’s exactly what he gave me. The gorgeous diamond glittered in the light coming from overhead, and you couldn't miss it from a mile away.
After I made my mind up, I quickly threw on a pair of jean shorts and Joe’s yellow Bengals shirt. I blow-dried my hair, did light makeup after, and then pulled my hair back into a slicked-back ponytail. I curled the pony as a final touch, grabbed my lipgloss that I knew was Joe’s favorite scent, and sprayed my fav perfume on.
I was walking out of the bathroom when I stopped dead in my tracks, honestly unable to fathom how I almost forgot the star of the show.
Doing a quick jog back to the bathroom, I grabbed my engagement ring and slipped it on, my eyes going wide when I saw that my curling iron was still on.
“Oopsies.” - you chuckled to yourself
After that, it was smooth sailing all the to the garage and into my car. As soon as my hand touched the steering wheel, I remembered when Joe surprised me with it.
Flashback - October, 2023
It was a normal October day, or so I thought, I was returning home after yet another shitty day at work, but a smile pulled on my lips when I pulled into the driveway to see Joe standing at the front door, waiting for me.
He was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, looking incredibly adorable with his hood pulled over his head. I was quick to get out of the car to run up to him, not even paying any mind to park in the garage like normal.
“Hi, baby.” - Joe grinned
“What are you up to?” - you laughed
Joe just shrugged with a smile, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me close to his warm chest. I could feel his rapid heartbeat, but I just figured it was because he was excited that I was home.
I leaned in to give him a sweet kiss, our lips staying entwined as Joe pulled me into the house and shut the door.
He ended up pulling away out of necessity, both of us a little out of breath from the kiss.
“I have a surprise for you in the garage.” - Joe
I gasped, my hands lightly slapping his chest out of excitement. I tried to think about what the surprise could be, especially with it being in the garage. Joe had just signed his contract extension last month, and with the load of money that had just come into his possession, he was unpredictable.
“Did you get the patio furniture I was looking at the other day?” - you gasped
Joe shrugged, purposely grinning cheekily to lead you on to think that you had guessed it. You couldn't be farther off, though.
A moment later, Joe moved to stand behind me. He put one muscular arm around my waist to guide me before covering my eyes with one big hand.
“Joeyy.” - you giggled
“Just trust me.” - Joe grinned
I did just that, and Joe guided me to the garage, pausing for a moment to open the door before leading me down the steps.
“Okay ready?” - Joe
“Mhm!!” - you
Joe felt a smile pull at his lips at how excited I was getting. With his arm still around my waist and his hand still on my eyes, Joe leaned forward and turned his head to the side to kiss my cheek.
“Three… two… one…” - Joe
Dramatically, Joe removed his hands from my eyes and jumped to the side to watch my reaction.
Letting out a loud gasp, I immediately slapped my hands onto my cheeks when I saw what was in front of me. It was a car. A fucking Porsche, to be more specific. It was my favorite color, blue, and one of the prettiest shades of it at that.
“Joe! You did not!” - you
“But I diddd.” - Joe smirked
After staring at the car of my literal dreams for a few more moments, tears started to form in my eyes. Joe, my boyfriend, who just signed a huge contract, made his first big purchase of it on me.
I turned and looked at him before running into his arms. Joe immediately hugged me tight, slowly swaying us from side to side as he let me cry into his chest.
“I hope these are happy tears.” - Joe nervously chuckled
“They're major happy tears, Joey.” - you sobbed
Joe pulled my head away from his chest before turning around and reaching into the mudroom. He grabbed the key off of the little hanger, handing it to me with a proud smile on his face.
He loved every bit of this. He was making the amount of money where he could buy his favorite person the car of her dreams, and he had never felt so proud of himself.
“Go look.” - Joe smiled
I unlocked the car, opened the door, and somehow cried harder when I saw the interior. Joe seriously picked everything that I would've.
Before I even got a good look, I turned back around and moved back into Joe’s arms. Joe chuckled as he held me close, rubbing my back and peppering my head with kisses.
“Thank you… so much.” - you cried
“You’re so welcome, baby.” - Joe
It took me a few minutes to collect myself, but once I wasn't steadily crying, Joe and I got into the car so he could show me how to work some stuff.
“Oh, fuck. I forgot I got the massaging front seats too.” - Joe
“These things massage?!?” - you
“Yup. They're also ventilated and heated.” - Joe grinned
He really decked me out.
“Why’d you get all of these add-ons for my car when you just got original everything for your own?” - you
“Uhm, that's obvious. I want you to have everything and more, so I'm gonna get you everything possible. Did you see the all-black wheels??” - Joe
I nodded, feeling a little emotional when Joe hooked his phone up to the car and played a favorite song of mine lately.
Joe and I giggled, using our hands as fake microphones as we sang You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. I had my head leaned over onto his shoulder as I sang, lovesick grins on both of our faces.
“I love you.” - Joe grinned
“I love you more.” - you smiled
Back to present day
By the time my walk down memory lane was over, I was pulling into the parking lot of the stadium. My eyes widened when I realized I somehow drove here completely zoned out.
“I won't question it.” - you mumbled
As I walked over to the practice fields, I noticed my favorite security guard already smiling at me from a few feet away.
“Hey, Freddie!!” - you grinned
“Hello, Miss y/n.” - Freddie
Freddie waved, and without thinking, I waved back with my left hand. Freddie’s eyes went wide, and I giggled when I looked down at my hand to see what gave him that reaction.
“Is that a ring I see??” - Freddie
“Yes, sir.” - you grinned
Once I got closer to him, he put his hand out, and I hovered my hand over his. Freddie examined the hefty ring on my finger with a smile on his face.
“I’m glad he finally did it. And might I add, Mr. Burrow did exceptionally picking this out. This ring is huge, sweetie.” - Freddie
“I’m glad he did it too, and yes, Joe did amazing. I catch myself staring at it all of the time.” - you
“Does he know you're coming?” - Freddie
I shook my head no, and Freddie personally escorted me over to the family and friends area. He knew I got a lot of unwarranted hate, and without Joe knowing I was here and keeping eyes on me, he wanted to make sure I got over to the restricted area safely.
When I first got over to some of the other wags, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the amount of adorable babies there were.
Gracie McPherson, Evan’s wife, let me hold their daughter Merritt, and I felt myself melt when I held her in my arms.
Morgan Wilson was standing to the side, silently smiling as she assessed the situation before her eyes fell on the ring on my finger. She let out a loud gasp, making all of us look over at her.
“Everything okay?” - Gracie
“Y/N… what is on your left hand?!” - Morgan
Gracie’s neck snapped in my direction before she looked down at my ring finger, making her gasp as well.
I couldn't help but laugh as Gracie, Morgan, and a couple of the other girls all looked at me with their jaws dropped open. They were waiting for me to say something or at least confirm their thoughts.
“We’re engaged.” - you grinned
All of the girls squealed, Gracie even getting Merritt out of my arms in back in her stroller so that she could pull me into a hug.
“You’re gonna be a wife!!!!” - Gracie
“Oh my gosh! Here comes Mrs. Y/N Burrow, everyone!” - Morgan squealed
We all spent a few minutes giggling, all of the girls congratulating me and poking fun at Joe for finally getting down on one knee.
The rest of the practice was kind of boring. Nothing super significant happened until the practice was finally over. Sam came over to say hi to Jess, his face lighting up when he saw me, knowing I was here to surprise Joe.
“Oh my god! Wait, I'll go get him.” - Sam
Sam gave Jess a quick kiss before running off to get Joe, who was signing autographs. From far away, I saw Joe’s face light up when Sam pointed in the direction of the family area.
Joe signed for a few more minutes before jogging over to me. I giggled when I saw that he was trying to suppress a grin.
When Joe finally made it over to me, he let the grin take over his lips. There was a rope between us, and Joe crouched underneath it.
God, he looks perfect. Joe’s wearing his black cut-off compression shirt with his little white shorts.
“What’re you doing here??” - Joe grinned
“Wanted to surprise you.” - you grinned
“Well, you sure did.” - Joe chuckled
I reached out with my left hand, putting it on Joe’s chest. Joe looked down at my hand and smiled when he noticed that I had my engagement ring on.
“Is this our soft hard launch?” - Joe
“I think soooo. All of the girls were freaking out when they saw it.” - you giggled
Joe’s cheeks were starting to hurt from how hard he was smiling. He was over the moon that it would be public that we were getting married, along with the excitement that I had surprised him.
“Can I get a kiss?” - Joe
“I don't know. You're super sweaty.” - you chuckled
All he did was roll his eyes, wrapping a muscular arm around my waist and pulling me into him before pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was short, still a little heated, though.
Joe just looked way too hot right now. How was I supposed to not kiss him harder than usual?
When we eventually pulled away, Joe’s eyes were a little wide, and his cheeks were flushed.
“Someone’s worked up.” - Joe chuckled
“Have you seen yourself? I'm gonna be a little worked up when my fiance looks like a walking orgasm.” - you
Joe rolled his eyes a little, trying to cover up that his cheeks were blushing before he leaned in for another kiss. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the photographers snapping a picture in our direction, so I made sure that my ring was noticeable.
“Very subtle, baby.” - Joe laughed
“We’re not going for subtle. If I could climb to the top of the stadium with a megaphone and yell that we were engaged, I would.” - you
We spent a few more minutes wrapped up in each other before Joe departed to go take a shower. I walked back to my car with an unwipeable smile stuck on my face.
I was sitting in the driver's seat, waiting for Joe to come out since he said we could go get lunch together, when he sent me a text.
It was a few pictures of us that the photographer had taken, my engagement ring sparkling under the Cincinnati sun. The text Joe sent with it made me giggle.
I’d say I did a pretty damn good job picking that ring 🤷🏼‍♂️
You definitely did babe 😙
I mean… do you see that sparkle?!
I think the space station can see the sparkle, Joe. LOL. But hurry up! I'm hungryyy.
Yes, ma'am 🫡
As I waited for Joe, I laid my head back against the headrest, and my mind wandered back to the end of June.
Flashback - end of June
Joe was done in France and was on his plane home. I was so excited to see him after being apart from him for a while.
I landed and am at the place 😁
What the fuck does that mean?
Wdym? What place?
The Airbnb that we’re staying at for a few days.
My mouth dropped open at his text, my heart rate picking up at the surprise. Where even was he?
We’re? Where are you??
Yes, we’re. You have a flight here to me tomorrow. I'm in Hydra, Greece, baby. 🤍
What the fuck? Is this a joke? Why are we going to Greece?
It’s almost camp. I felt bad that my first big International trip wasn't with you. So why not extend said trip a little so that I can have memories with the love of my life, too?
You’re unreal. Giving me a day's notice to pack is crazy, though. You’re lucky that I'm so excited for this trip, babyyy.
Then you should get to it, babyyy. Ttyl 😘
I had to grin when he used extra y’s in the word baby like I had. He's so adorable sometimes.
Ttyl Joey!! ILYYY. I'm so excited for the trip. 🤭
Joe hearted the message before he put his phone down to take a nap. On his bedside table was the little black box that had been burning a hole in his pocket for a while. He couldn't help but grin when he grabbed it, pulling it to him before opening it to see the engagement ring that was stored inside.
This was it. He was gonna propose. And he was so glad that it was you.
Though packing was a nightmare, I got done eventually and got ready for the night. I don't think I ever slept just tossed and turned out of excitement.
The morning came fairly quickly, and I was practically bubbling when I walked up the steps of the charter plane.
I sent Joe a quick text telling him that I made it onto the plane, ending it with yet another ‘I miss you’.
Scrolling through my camera roll while waiting for a response, I was a little intrigued when the text banner popped up.
Shiesty 💓 - Attachment: 1 Image
I clicked the notification, gasping when I saw the picture, and immediately smashed my phone to my chest to cover my screen.
The image consisted of Joe standing in front of a wall-length mirror, butt naked. The star of the show? One of his huge veiny hands wrapped around his even bigger erect cock.
I miss you too. 💕
I couldn't help but laugh. The insanely revealing and intimate image paired with such a tame and innocent text was baffling. It was so Joe, though.
Joe’s duality never failed to amaze me. On the outside, he was this confident, level-headed star NFL quarterback, and at home with me, he could be multiple different things.
1. An intimate, purely sexy lover who took the reigns in the bedroom.
2. A seriously romantic guy, constantly showering me with love and affection. His more serious side when it came to our relationship.
3. A total softy goofball. Where all he wants is to be cuddled and kissed as he can't help but blush and giggle.
There was never any in-between, and he was always in one of those three modes.
It was a few moments later when I realized I hadn't texted Joe back, so I made sure to quickly do that.
Oh my god, Joe.
Thought I’d send you a little treat after those lingerie pics you sent me last night. 😙
That is def a treat, baby. I wish I was there to have a taste.
You have no idea how horny I am right now. I’m about to bust just from seeing your contact name pop up.
Joe and I went back and forth for a while, just teasing each other before he eventually said that he was in dire need of a cold shower. I had to giggle when Joe sent me a selfie, showing me that his face was completely flushed red.
After my text convo with Joe ended, I decided to take a nap because this was going to be a loooong plane ride.
When I finally landed, it was later in the day in Greece, and there was already a driver for me waiting.
I was antsy the entire way there, just completely excited to see Joe for the first time in a week. When the GPS in the car said arrived, my jaw dropped open at the beautiful house we pulled up to.
Joe was standing on the second-floor balcony, a grin spreading on his lips when he saw me step out of the car.
“Joey!!!” - you squealed
“Hi, baby.” - Joe smiled
Moments later, I helped the driver get my suitcase to the door before I ran into the house. I quickly found the staircase that led upstairs, peeking in every room till I found the master bedroom that Joe was standing in.
When I finally found him, I practically sprinted towards him before throwing myself into his arms.
“There's my gorgeous girl.” - Joe
My legs went around Joe’s waist as his arms went around my waist. Joe held me tightly to him as he slowly swayed from side to side, squeezing me tightly.
“I missed you so much.” - you
“I missed you too, baby. So much.” - Joe
We stayed like that for a while, just wrapped up in each other’s arms before Joe eventually moved around and fell back onto the bed. I fell with him, and I quickly got comfortable in his chest.
“Do you wanna take a quick nap? We have a date later.” - Joe
“A date?” - you grinned
Joe’s heart fluttered when he saw the sparkle in your eyes. He hoped he'd see them again later after what he was going to do at dinner, which would change your lives forever.
After our nap, Joe got ready fairly quickly, but it took me a lot longer. I was surprised to see that Joe was somewhat dressed up when he walked into the bathroom.
“You look handsome.” - you grinned
Joe slightly blushed at the comment, walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder, just watching me do my makeup.
“I love you so much.” - Joe mumbled
“I love you too.” - you grinned
Joe and I walked hand in hand to the restaurant just because it was so close. The hostess immediately recognized Joe and walked us to our private eating area outside.
It overlooked the gorgeous water, and the warm fairy lights above us illuminated the darkness.
“Joe, it’s beautiful.” - you
Joe looked over at me, his baby-blue eyes scanning over every feature on my face as I continued to look forward.
“It is, isn't it?” - Joe
He was talking about you.
Dinner was delicious, and it was incredibly romantic. The slight breeze made Joe’s curls fly around, and there were quite a few times when I caught myself staring at him. The light from the candle on the table lit up Joe’s eyes and made his tan skin glow in an utterly incandescent way.
Joe’s white button-up shirt was clinging to his chest and arms, making him look even more desirable. He just looked perfect all around.
When we were finished eating and Joe paid, we started walking together, but in the opposite direction of our Airbnb.
“Joe, where are we going?” - you
“You’ll see.” - Joe grinned
After walking for a few minutes, my hand tightly wrapped in Joe’s, we ended up at this private beach access point.
“Uhm, are we allowed to be here?” - you
“Yup. I pulled some strings. You might wanna take your heels off, though.” - Joe
I bent down to start unwrapping the strings of my heels before Joe dropped down on his knees in front of me. Joe gently picked one of my feet up, and I grabbed onto his shoulders as he slid the shoe off, doing the same for the other side.
Joe stood back up, holding my heels with one hand and going back to holding my hand in the other. It was a small gesture, holding my heels for me, but it didn't go unnoticed.
As we started walking together, I saw a wooden rope swing in the distance, roses and candles all scattered around it.
“Joe… this is so sweet.” - you smiled
“Wanna swing?” - Joe grinned
I nodded, and we both quickly jogged over. The swing was sort of high up, so Joe grabbed my hips, easily lifting me and setting me down on the piece of wood.
Then, Joe walked behind me and gently started pushing me. The giggles leaving my lips were calming his nerves because silently, he was freaking out. He was now hyperaware of the ring box in his pocket, and suddenly, that pocket started feeling tighter and tighter.
After a few minutes, Joe walked back in front of me, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders to pull him closer and kiss him.
“This is the most romantic thing in the world, Joe. Thank you for everything.” - you
I looked up at him, nothing but love in his eyes as he looked down at me like I was the only woman in the world like I was his most valuable possession.
“You mean the world to me, y/n. You’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, and though I wholeheartedly believe that women aren't possessions, you're the most valuable thing I've ever had.” - Joe
“I was just thinking that! I was just thinking that you look at me like I'm your most valuable possession.” - you
The entire time I was talking, Joe was staring into my eyes with that perfect smile on his face. He seemed a little dazed, but I’ll take it as he's a little tired, happy, and buzzed from the wine we drank at the restaurant.
“You always know what I'm thinking, huh?” - Joe
“That seems to be a common theme!” - you giggled
That’s when Joe got an idea.
“Oo. Let’s test your skills. Close your eyes, and I’ll hold several fingers up. You have to guess, and you can open your eyes to see if you're right after.” - Joe
“Okay!!” - you giggled
I closed my eyes, and Joe silently held a couple of fingers up. With my eyes still shut, I guessed.
“Mmm. Three.” - you
Joe quickly switched the number of fingers from one to three, wanting you to think you got it right because that would make what was about to happen even sweeter.
When I opened my eyes, I laughed when I saw that I had guessed right, clapping my hands and doing a little happy dance.
“I got it!” - you
“You know me so well. Okay, one more.” - Joe smiled
As soon as I closed my eyes, Joe quickly dropped down onto one knee. His heart was beating out of his chest, and his hands were shaking when he pulled the box out of his pocket.
“Mm. I think… nine.” - you guess
Joe took a deep breath before I opened my eyes. I immediately gasped when I looked down at Joe, my hands going up to my face as I immediately started crying.
“Y/n. I don't even know where to start.” - Joe
He nervously chuckled, trying to blink back tears as he took a deep breath and just spoke from the heart.
“Y/n, from the moment we collided on that sidewalk, my life changed forever. It was a chance encounter, but it felt like destiny was bringing us together. Who would have thought that a simple accident would lead to the most beautiful journey of my life? We've been inseparable since college, growing up together, learning from each other, and facing every challenge hand in hand. Your love and support have been my anchor, especially through the demanding world of the NFL. You've been there for every game, every victory, every defeat, cheering me on and lifting me. Your belief in me has been my greatest strength. Now, as we stand on the brink of the rest of our lives, I can't help but look back at all the incredible moments we've shared and look forward to the countless memories yet to be made. You are my best friend, my confidant, and the love of my life. I want to spend every day making you as happy as you make me.” - Joe
Joe’s voice was shaky, along with the sobs that left my mouth as tears streamed down my face. When he was finished speaking, he took yet another deep breath and popped open the ring box.
“Will you marry me? Will you be my forever, my always, and my everything for the rest of my life?” - Joe
I nodded my head, slipping off of the swing and getting onto my knees as well. I engulfed Joe in a hug as I cried into his neck.
“Is that a yes?” - Joe
Pulling back, I cupped his cheeks and looked into his gorgeous teary eyes.
“Yes. Yes, Joe, I’ll marry you.” - you
Joe lept forward, wrapping his arms even tighter around my waist as he smashed his lips into mine. When we pulled away, both Joe and I laughed through our tears as he slipped the ring on my finger.
“We’re gonna get married.” - you sniffed
“Yeah… we are.” - Joe sniffed
We kissed for a few minutes after that, just feeling more in love than ever. Joe was so fucking glad he finally did it.
“My fiance.” - Joe mouthed to himself
Back to present day
I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock on my passenger-side window. I jumped, looking over to see Joe cupping his hands to try and see through the tinted glass.
Rolling down the window a little, Joe jumped back, and I unlocked the door. Joe opened it and slid into the seat with a smile on his face.
I grinned when I looked over at him, he was still wearing his compression shirt and shorts, even after he had just practiced in it.
“Why’re you still wearing that?” - you
Joe shrugged because he didn't have a real answer. He put it on in hopes that it'd work you up enough to have a quickie in the back of the car, and since you noticed it so quickly, he was hoping that's what was gonna happen.
“You look good. The extra weight you've put on is driving me crazy.” - you
I spoke to him as I punched in the address for the salad place Joe and I were going to. We’d just get it to-go and eat it in the car.
When I started driving, Joe reached over and put his hand on my thigh, not knowing what to do since he wasn't usually in the passenger seat.
Joe just scrolled through his phone until that bored him, and then he initiated a game of I Spy.
While we were eating our lunch, I randomly turned sideways in my seat, extending my legs and letting them rest on Joe’s lap. He barely even flinched, settling his salad on my shins as he continued eating.
“Hey, can I post one of those pics? Do you think it would be a good idea to? So that it’s coming from one of us.” - you
Joe shrugged, taking a hefty bite before quickly chewing it up and swallowing. When he was done with his mouthful, Joe put his fork in his bowl and put his empty hand on my thigh.
“You can do whatever you want, baby. You don't need my permission.” - Joe
“I know, but this is a big deal. If you don't want me to post it, that's okay. This is just as much about you as it is about me.” - you
Joe squeezed my thigh, his eyes never leaving my face as he thought of what to say next.
“You can post it. You can even do that collaboration thing where it posts to my account too, if you want.” - Joe
“You want that on your feed? Joe, you've never once posted me.” - you
“Yes, and I realize how fucking stupid that is. You're the woman that I'm spending the rest of my life with, why not post you?” - Joe shrugged
This Joe 2.0 was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. After his wrist injury, Joe had almost turned into a completely different person. But he'd grown for the better.
“You mean that?” - you
“Of course I mean it. I mean all of it.” - Joe
When he said that, Joe reached out and grabbed my left hand, running his pointed finger over my ring, and my heart exploded.
After I gave him a quick kiss, I reached for my phone, saved the photos Joe sent me, put a quick filter on them, and selected them on an IG post.
I pondered the caption before typing what I thought was clever yet funny.
Got my ring. It’s Joe’s turn this season! 🧡
Joe laughed when I showed him, but he thought it was the cutest thing ever. Before posting it, I made sure to turn the comments off before inviting Joe to be a collaborator. I showed him how to accept it on his phone before finally posting it.
“I’m sorry that it took me so long to realize that I should post you. I've kept the greatest thing to ever happen to me in the dark, and it’s gonna break my heart when the inevitable ‘I didn't even know you had a girl’ comments come rolling in. I just want you to know that you mean the world to me. No matter what anyone else says.” - Joe
When I met his soft eyes, my stomach fluttered but my heart broke a little at the apologetic look in his eye.
“Hey, you know that doesn't matter to me. I genuinely don't care what we make public because of how much love we share in private. I know how much I mean to you.” - you
Joe didn't know what to say, so he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips. When we pulled away, Joe dropped his head on my shoulder, feeling a need for closeness.
“I love you.” - Joe mumbled
“I love you too. Always.” - you kiss head
An impulsive thought entered his mind, and his tongue darted out, licking a stripe up my neck before pulling his tongue back into his mouth and giggling.
“Joe!” - you giggled
“Sorryyy.” - Joe drawled it out
After we finished lunch, I drove us back to the stadium so Joe could drive his Porsche back home.
Joe gave me a thorough kiss before he opened the door and slid out. He shut his door before running around the front of the car to my window.
When I didn't roll it down immediately, Joe adorably tapped on the glass, smiling when I eventually rolled the window down.
“I hope you know you're wiping that fingerprint off of my window, Mr. Burrow.” - you
Joe pulled his compression shirt away from his stomach, using it to wipe the barely there mark that I was simply just teasing about. My eyes immediately were glued to the patch of his stomach that was bare, practically salivating at the sight of his happy trail and the thought of what it led too.
“There. But I wanted to know if you wanted to head inside the facility with me. I have to grab something from my locker, and I thought you might wanna see the locker room revamp in person.” - Joe
“Am I allowed? What if a guy walks out of the shower room all naked.” - you
“Practice has been over for like two hours. No one’s there.” - Joe
I contemplated his offer before eventually turning my car off, locking it, and grinning when Joe opened my door for me.
We walked hand in hand to the facility, smiling at the receptionist, Laura, who greeted us.
“Congratulations, you two. I saw your post. Nice ring choice, Joe.” - Laura
“I’d say I did pretty good.” - Joe shrugged
Joe and I kept walking after a minute or so, leading me to these big double doors that needed his key card to enter yet again.
My jaw dropped open when Joe opened the door and gestured for me to walk in. The last time I was in the locker room was after the boys won the AFC Championship. This was not the same locker room.
“Woww. This is so cool, Joe.” - you
“Wait. You haven't even seen my locker.” - Joe
Joe grabbed my hand again, his long legs and excited pace making it hard for me to keep up with him as he borderline race-walked to his area.
“Look! It’s clean. All organized. OH, and look at my fridge!” - Joe
It was adorable how excited he was getting to show me everything. His emphasis on the fact that it was clean was because, with the lack of storage in the old lockers, Joe’s would get majorly messy, and Sam would take a picture when Joe wasn't around and send it to me.
There had been a few times when I’d gotten onto Joe to clean it up, so he was proud to show me his somewhat organized locker.
After Joe’s detailed tour of his locker, he plopped down onto the little chair that sat in front of it. He looked up at me like he was expecting a question, but all I did was climb onto his lap.
Joe’s eyes widened, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned in, kissing up his neck, doing the same to his jaw, and then spreading sloppy kisses all over his smooth cheeks.
“Baby.” - Joe sighed
“You said we’re alone, right?” - you
I slowly started grinding down onto his crotch, while tracing the shell of his ear with my tongue, running it over his jawline, up his chin, and finally pressing a wet and thorough kiss to his lips.
Joe quietly whimpered into the kiss, the movements of my hips getting rougher once I felt something hard below me.
We were kissing like it was our first time tasting each other, pure lust radiating around us as our mouths sloppily moved against each other.
I stopped moving for a moment, moving around till my crotch was right on top of Joe’s hard bulge before I started rocking into him again.
“Fuck. Baby, you're gonna have to stop.” - Joe
“Why, Joey?” - you teased
“I’m gonna fucking cum if you don't stop. Please, stop.” - Joe whimpered
I got off of Joe’s lap a moment, a gush of wetness seeping into my panties as I looked at him in front of me. Joe looked like walking sex.
Fuck, him in that black compression shirt that made his sculpted chest and huge arms bulge out and those shorts that left nothing to the imagination. Joe’s shorts, and the fact that he was sitting, made his huge muscular thighs look fucking perfect. Not to mention the fact that his cock was almost busting out of his shorts. The cut-off football pants already accentuated his crotch, but now that he was hard, every detail of his huge dick was seeable.
Feeling a little bold, I got my phone out of my back pocket as Joe tried to calm himself down.
“Joe. Can I take a picture of you?” - you
“Right now?” - Joe
I nodded, and Joe shrugged, saying ‘I guess’ as I excitedly started directing him.
“Spread your legs more… oh, and put your hands behind your head.” - you
Joe did exactly as I had instructed, purposely flexing both his thighs and his biceps as he smiled for the camera. I bit my lower lip at the image that popped up on my phone. I need him.
“Joe?” - you
“Yeah?” - Joe
I slowly reached for the button of my jean shorts before undoing it, unzipping the fly, and letting them drop to my ankles. Joe’s heart rate picked up as he realized what was gonna happen.
“Are there cameras in here?” - you
“Uhm… I don't think so. Because of the showers.” - Joe
Slowly sliding my panties off, Joe groaned when I walked in between his parted legs and crashed my lips onto his. Joe lifted his hips, yanking his shorts and underwear down before reaching for his shirt.
“You better keep that fucking shirt on.” - you
“Yes, ma’am.” - Joe chuckled
I slid back onto Joe’s lap, hovering over him as I reached down and pumped his cock a few times.
“Baby, please. I need you.” - Joe whimpered
That’s all it took for me to quickly guide his thick tip to my entrance and sink onto him. When he bottomed out, Joe leaned forward and sucked on my neck hard, trying to stifle his moans.
I waited a couple of seconds before slowly starting to rock my hips back and forth. I moaned out from the fullness, Joe’s perfect dick stretching me out.
“Joe, fuck.” - you moaned
Joe reached for my hips, slowly helping me start to pull off and sink back down. His eyes were glued to the way my heat swallowed his thick cock, and it was driving him fucking crazy.
Soon, sounds of skin hitting skin started to fill the locker room as I set a hungry pace, riding Joe into oblivion as he struggled to stay quiet.
“Fuck, baby. You're such a- shit. That's it. That's my good girl.” - Joe whimpered
Joe was going crazy. The love of his life was fucking the hell out of him in the locker room of the NFL team he played for. He couldn't believe this was real life.
I pulled Joe’s head out of my neck and pushed him to where his back was flat against the chair. He looked a little confused, but I couldn't help but borderline drool over his perfect body.
“Put your hands behind your head.” - you
Joe’s eyes go wide before he does as asked, putting his hands behind his head in a way that makes his biceps bulge. He looks like a fucking greek god.
The sight of his thick and veiny arms made my core clench down on Joe’s cock. In response, Joe sucked both of his lips into his mouth, trying his hardest to stay quiet as his face scrunched up.
“Y/n, baby…” - Joe panted
Joe stayed in that position for a while before his arms started to get tired. He dropped his arms and leaned forward yet again. Joe nestled his mouth under one of my ears before he stopped holding back his sounds of pleasure, knowing how much I loved it when he was loud.
“Fuck- mmm, baby.” - Joe whimpered
“Holy shit, Joe.” - you moaned
A few minutes later, I noticed how Joe was starting to get louder. His chest was heaving, and sweat was dripping down his face.
“I’m close. Please… please.” - Joe
I moved faster on him, wanting him to cum for me. How could I not with how perfect he looked?
When Joe’s whimpers got louder, I moved my hands to his lower stomach, moving them under his shirt and running my nails on his lower stomach.
“Oh my god- I’m so fucking close.” - Joe whimpered
A minute later, Joe came, his body shaking as he emptied himself inside of me. Joe was moaning loudly through his whole climax, completely forgetting that we were in a public place.
It took him a couple of moments to collect himself, gaining his breath back, and once his head cleared up, he realized I hadn't finished yet.
Joe abruptly stood up and pulled out, man-handling me to be bent over with my forearms on the chair that he was just sitting on.
Out of nowhere, Joe thrust his entire length into me with no warning. I didn't even get time to adjust before he started moving, and he set a rough pace.
“Oh my god! Joey fuck.” - you whimpered
Joe only sped up, fucking me harder with the need to make me climax in the back of his mind.
“Come on, baby. Are you almost there?” - Joe
“Mm. Yes! Joey, please.” - you moaned
Upon hearing that, Joe started thrusting harder, which I didn't think was possible. Every thrust was hard, hitting that spot inside me each time with his tip.
It wasn't long til I was climaxing. Joe had pinched my clit and gave me a specifically hard thrust that sent me right over the edge.
I moaned his name through my climax, my core clamping down on him so hard that it sent Joe over the edge for a second time. Joe was a mess, whimpering loudly as he shot his second load.
What happened next was something I wasn't expecting at all. As Joe was coming down from his high, he laid a harsh slap on my ass.
Joe left his hand there, bringing his other one over to my other ass cheek as he grabbed two handfuls. That’s how he stayed for a while, letting his cock slowly soften before he eventually pulled out.
When he did, Joe walked over to his mini-fridge & microwave cubby, grabbing some paper towels to clean me up. When he was done with me, handing me back all of my clothes and helping me stand with shaky legs, he cleaned himself off.
Now that we were both fully dressed, Joe cleaned off the chair, doing an all-around assessment of the area to make sure everything was clean.
“I can't believe we just did that.” - you chuckled
“Me neither. That was intense.” - Joe
“Intense and so fucking good.” - you
Joe chuckled, holding me into him tightly as he rubbed his big hands over my back.
“What’re you gonna do with that pic you took of me?” - Joe smirked
In all honesty, Joe felt smug as fuck that I wanted that picture of him. All he could think about was the fact that I thought he looked so good that I needed a picture of it, and it was hard for him to pretend like it didn't give him a huge ego boost.
“Mm. I don't know. Maybe make it my home screen.” - you
“I don't know about that… maybe keep that pic in the hidden album.” - Joe chuckled
We continued talking for a few minutes before it eventually went silent. I was in a daze, staring at Joe and admiring his perfect face before a thought popped into my head.
“What’d you need to grab from in here?” - you
“Nothing. I brought you in here for a tour with hopefulness for a happy ending.” - Joe
“Joseph Lee!” - you giggled
Joe just laughed with me, wrapping his arms around my waist and rocking back and forth between his feet. His head was on my shoulder, his adorable laugh going right into my ear.
“I love you.” - you grinned
“I love you too. More than you can fathom.” - Joe
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pinkyqil · 4 months
can you write something for lia walti x leah williamson x reader?
Yours truly
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lia x leah x r
Summary : you surprise your girlfriends at there game after being on tour for months inspired by this
Author's note : thank you so much to the both anons who sent me this fic idea especially to the other anon who helped me figure out what to do with it I hope you all enjoy the fic and it reaches your expectations 💗.
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Your girlfriends were footballers while you were artist who always found herself in the studio or on tour.
A lot of people tell you it won't work out because of your distances and work load and all but you guys do make it work which was all that mattered.
You had recently got off tour after the making of your third full album and a world tour.
you had told your manager that you would be staying in London for the mean time before needing to get back in the studio after your hiatus.
Your girlfriends don't know about it any of your plans yet as you wanted to surprise them.
Arriving at your shared penthouse which often wasn't used as you weren't always there but things are about to change.
You had texted Beth to let her know about your plans as she was really close to leah and that's how you connected.You needed someone to show you around this familiar city even though you've came to london for tour you never really had the chance to explore it.
So Beth had offered to show your around before their home game against chelsea today. you we're having a lot of fun with Beth as she explained the rivalry between arsenal and Chelsea too you.
It wasn't that you didn't have that much of a football knowledge in fact you did having to grown up in a household full of man and women obsessed.
with the game and took it all seriously especially growing up with brother's who played too.You just weren't fawn of it but for your girls everything mattered.
Beth had drop you back home so that you could change into something more comfortable for the match you decided on one of Leah's sweater that you found and a black pair of high waisted pants that belong to lia.
Arriving at the emirates stadium you first bought yourself an arsenal scaf so you wouldn't get recognized by both leah and lia in the family and friends section and enjoy the game from nosy fans.
Lia and Leah knew something was up with you when you three were on call you kept rushing the call and looking super stressed about something which they planned to call you again after today's game to find out what was happening with you.
Least to say you where able to surprise your girls after they won a 3-1 to chelsea. Once the bell whistle rang Beth immediately came your way helping cross over to get out of the friends and family section. It had the whole team confused plus her girlfriend and yours.
to say the confusion left there faces as soon as they saw you walking towards the pitch.
Leah had grabbed lia's hands so that they could run towards you. saying that you got tacked by your lovers with hugs would be an understatement.
"I can't believe that your here". Lia said helping you get up.
"Well surprise". You told them both
"That why you we're acting all weird on the phone the other day". leah told you.
"No I wasn't".
"Baby you definitely where". she said
"Whatever". you rolled your eyes at her
"Oh come on you guys". beth intervened
"Yeah you two". Lia added in before you all busted out laughing. You honestly missed the dynamic between the three of you and it was obvious they did to.
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all day everyday day with my girls 💏 liked by bethmead katie_mccabeand and 988,506
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
okay, here's the better run down on mafia!Soap as promised (as well as his fem!nurse!Reader gf <3)
like it's sorta referenced in canon, Soap is the youngest of Price's closest circle. he used to do freelance work as a programmer/hacker and got hired by the wrong crowd trying to steal some of Price's information. impressed, Price actually offered the man a job and he took it mostly because Price paid better. stayed because he also grew to like the man.
people legit call the man Soap in this universe too because he can clean hardware and information like no one's business. otherwise, they'll just call him by his last name or Johnny.
has an odd dynamic with Simon in this universe. more of like his annoying little brother than a good friend. they get along fine, but they don't really interact much outside of work. he's actually really close friends with Kyle, though. the two play games together sometimes, and Soap of course teaches him how to torrent games because fuck activision <3
he's got a few piercings. simple ear lobe piercings that he usually wears simple studs in, but he also has a tongue piercing. just the classic, straight through with a simple bar. he got it because he's a fucking munch
i feel like he wouldn't get many more tattoos than what he already has in canon ngl. if he does, they're def something stupid as fuck that have no meaning. something he probably got due to a dare, or while he was insanely inebriated.
he also doesn't have as many scars as he does in canon. certainly not the one on his chin. he def played football when he was younger, and still likes to play skirmishes every now and then. he also lifts on the regular. sure, he's tech savvy, but he goes fucking insane having to sit around too much, so going for a run or hitting the gym is a really good way to get his energy out!
while he doesn't have too many scars, he still is getting himself hurt a lot. not because he's clumsy or anything, he just really, really, really wants to ensure that something gets done right whenever he's sent out to do "field work." usually ends up with a TBI because of it lmfao.
and that's actually how the two of you met (:
being an ER nurse, you saw a lot of weird shit at the hospital, especially on day shift. then you had this loud man with a huge gash on his head and a suspected concussion roll through the door and honestly you're just glad it wasn't another damn car accident. you were tired of looking at compound fractures.
Johnny is just a fucking loon. literally acting inebriated, and poor Kyle is trying to prevent him from saying anything too stupid.
it doesn't work
at first you have a hard time telling if he's being a creep or not. commenting on your scrubs, how he likes the color, but honestly you've heard worse. but it is sort of cute. he's so loopy he's got this dog-like excitement to him and has a hard time focusing on anything in particular. it's more innocent than anything else.
he falls in love with you the moment you bring him a snack (some shitty and dry saltines and a cup of water). he devours one of the crackers like it's crack and thanks you with his mouth half full.
that's when he gets the bright idea to give you his number. a simple thanks isn't enough for the kind gift you've given him! he's got to let you know that he's down to do anything for you! so if anyone fucks with you, if you need someone taken care of give him a call. he won't ask any questions!
kyle is fucking mortified, hiding his face in the corner of the room, but you just smile and kindly take the piece of paper with his scribbled number.
of course you don't actually text or call him. he was a patient of yours, and that's just breaking so many rules! and you certainly don't need anyone to be taken care of. so you leave it be. despite how adorable his loopy smile was or how pretty his eyes were or... christ, you need to throw that scrap paper away.
and Johnny? well, he forgets all about you. not on purpose or anything, the poor man was hardly conscious when he met you, and he only interacted with you briefly. so imagine his surprise when him and Kyle are out on the town and the man points you out to him asking if you ever ended up texting him.
Johnny is fucking confused. why would she text him? (you gave your number to her, idiot) oh. that can't be. (why not?) because he would have fucking remembered if he had given his number to a girl that beautiful.
now he wants to figure out why you never texted him ):<
anyway there's more to this but my shift was long and my brain is frozen from the fuckin -31 degree weather we got so <3 enjoy lore about the idiot
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skylarksilver · 2 months
Hall of Fame (In my Home)
After finishing Cloudcalling, I had some thoughts.
In the universe where Leona likes Yuu and wants to keep them around. Be is romantically or plaronically, both work because he would be underhanded and possessive of his significant other and his friends. But the sneaky lion doesn't talk about that, he just focuses on obstacles that would prevent Yuu from living close by. He's had a plan in the works for a while to keep the prefect close.
But now, Leona has to take care of the obstacle of his own making. The title of Sunset Warrior is a big deal in his homeland. So the names of the participants and winners are probably recorded in a Hall of Fame somewhere. This means the prefects name is put down as a winner of the Bead Brawl. Neji covered for him in the moment. But Leona won't leave it to chance that someone will recognize the prefects name, see them in person, see how they move and realize that it was almost certainly not them who won the Bead Brawl. No, Yuu has to learn enough to act the part should it become necessary.
That's Leona's excuse to spend lots of time with them and he's running with it. He sets aside time to teach them how to fight in the Bead Brawl and persuades Yuu to join him for some one on one coaching. They had looked like they wanted to participate but had allowed his team to remain focused. He prepares to review the rules, but Yuu just grins.
"It's like flag football meets tag. I can play that. Let's do this!"
Leona's ready to write this off as overconfidence. But after several minutes of him trying and failing to get the beaded ribbons that they are using in place of beads, the lion beastman is honestly surprised. Yuu's past experience is formidable, and they honestly seem like they are having the time of their life dodging around him. It's not that they are faster than he is. They just judge his reach, speed, and their own position so well that cornering them is no easy task. And they are very good at deflecting his attempts to grab their agreed upon flag. His hunting instincts are on fire and he is having a fantastic time chasing his herbivore around their makeshift ring. And if there's trash talking? Game on. He's already planning the next session.
He does manage to snatch their beads and stop the training round, but it takes considerably more time and effort than he anticipated. In all honesty, it wouldn't take nearly as long as he expected to get the prefect to such a level where it could be reasonable for them to genuinely have won the Bead Brawl final.
Not that he let's the prefect know that. Nope, he goes straight into breaking down their performance and where they can improve. He's gonna milk as much time out of this as he can. It's time when Yuu's attention is on him and him alone. And his herbivore is both popular with their friends and extremely busy. He's a master long-term strategist, and his plan to coax Yuu to settle in the Sunset Savanna is gonna take years to play out. Especially since he needs them to think it is all their idea and not because he wants them close. But Leona can bide his time with the best of them, especially with such a prize as his herbivore on the line.
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lovelyghst · 6 months
Your last ask about hungry simon and eating your leftovers just warmed my heart!
Like he would have a field day with me cause I can't eat much in one sitting but get hungry easily and sadly get sick fast if I can't eat.
Just Imagine him always having safe snacks on hand and loving strolling around and getting snacks from vendors and such and he just gets more than half of everything cause you get full so fast
Hear me out
You're always cooking for a football team portion wise and and and him praising the food and just really loving it (not me with a praise kink) and you're just glad it doesnt go to waste and he gets to feel full and satisfied
[one, two, three.]
honestly!! simon has to carry snacks around with him twenty-four/seven. like, bag of pretzels being dwarfed by his giant palm while he’s walking around the house, emptying a large bag of beef/steak jerky every day and a whole carton of eggs every two days.
being eyed by the employees of a store while you try on clothes because food and drinks aren’t allowed in store yet none of the staff want to be the one to confront the six-foot-four, intimidating, hulking man with an apple in his hand as he watches you do a twirl for him.
and you’re so real for the last part! si has manners, undoubtedly, and he won’t hesitate to let you know how much he appreciates you and your hard work; he’d be such a fool not to.
just walking into his home office while he’s working at his desk, bowl of cut up strawberries and kiwis in hand for him to munch on as you find your place in his lap, possibly for a quick nap. bonus points if you cut the fruits up into little shapes or cover them in melted chocolate.
he gives the best hugs; it’s a given, considering his mass, and he could never say no to the sensation of your arms wrapped around his neck, pretty face buried in his collar, and the calming rhythm of your breathing against his chest reminding him that he could use a break, too.
he loves the effort you put in for him when he doesn’t even ask, and he always makes sure to pay you back for it. sometimes it tugs so severely at his heartstrings that, despite never wanting children or anything of the sort, he suddenly wants to make you a parent. only with him, and so fucking bad that it makes him sick.
but anyways my american brain is taking over and imagine going to a state fair or carnival with him, or just any theme park in general. you know he’s already getting in line for a vendor while he still has the prior’s food in his hand. the idea of him carrying around one of those ginormous turkey legs is so silly to me.
you’re going home with the half-dozen giant stuffed animals he won for you at the shooting games while he’s balancing two funnel cakes and an elephant ear in one hand, and your bag, filled with various sweets and memorabilia, in the other as you hike back to the car.
also, in my mind retired simon would still work as a consultant on a nearby military base a few days of the month or whenever he’s needed, and now i’m thinking about packing him nice lunches for those days, and how absolutely adorable he finds it. he’s glad he still has his own desk because the little love notes you leave in his box quite literally have his heart racing and knees buckling.
guys the demons are winning and now i can’t stop thinking about how good of a (girl!) dad he would be. i’m in shambles.
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taasgirl · 6 months
blue light - lando norris
summary: y/n is a professional footballer for arsenal, and takes a quick pitstop to the australian gp! her and lando end up taking a liking to each other, and reunite on a night out.
warnings: mentions of acl injury, nothing too bad
word count: 4.2k - sorry if there's any typos lol
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I would be lying if I said that I knew how this worked. I also would be lying if I said that I found this enjoyable. I’ve spent too long concentrating on my career, that I never really cared to watch others; especially not Formula 1. But here I am.
The Australian Grand Prix, my ‘home tournament’ some would say. Growing up in Sydney, no one cared for motorsports - it was more about football, all variations of it.
I was sitting with the girls in one of the many stands. We had been followed around for majority of the day, there were a lot of people asking for photos. But honestly, I didn’t mind, in fact I really loved when I was recognised.
Steph attempted to explain how the races worked to me and the other girls, but we couldn’t get it.
The flag was waved and the race begun. There was a lot of commotion, everyone was buzzing to be watching a Grand Prix. “So what time will this finish?” I asked Steph, “Just watch it Y/N.” The other girls laughed at her focus on the track - the cars weren’t even there anymore.
After a few laps I started to get hungry. “I’m gonna grab food. Any of youse want any?” The girls shook their heads; they were as focused as Steph.
I walked through ‘The Paddock’. The passes we had allowed us to be there and I could tell that they were expensive. There were drivers left right and centre.
I made my way to a hot chips stand and ordered four portions. “A bit hungry yeah?” I turned around and was met with the face of a boy. Well maybe a man. He was fully decked out in the Mclaren gear. Either a driver or a huge fan.
“Nah for my friends.” He laughed and after ordering his food stood by me as we waited.
“I’m Oscar.” He lent his hand out, and I shook it in response, “Y/N.” He smiled at me “I know.”
“So what’s a footballer doing at the races huh?” He recognised me. “Honestly, I have no idea. My friends dragged me along.” He laughed. “Maybe my team can help you out.” He smirked at me. “And what team would that be?”
“So some guy offers his exclusive lounge to you, and you believe him?” Katie was looking me up and down, very obviously unimpressed. “I think he’s a driver. Steffie is there someone from Mclaren called Oscar?” She looked at me immediately.
“You met Oscar Piastri?” I nodded. “And he invited you to the Mclaren lounge?” I nodded and then stopped, “Well all of us.”
We were all sat very lavishly at a bar. Oscar had met us outside the Mclaren suite and brought us inside.
“So if you’re a driver, why aren’t you out there?” I pointed to the TV that was following the cars. “I had a crash a few weeks ago, and I’m still not cleared to race yet.” I winced. The idea of crashing at the speeds that the men were going irked me. “It wasn’t anything bad. Just a concussion.”
“So who’s out there now?” Oscar smiled at me. “Lando. Lando Norris.” His smile was cheeky. “He’s gonna be buzzing when he sees you after the race.” I looked at him nonchalantly. “Honestly, he’s a huge Arsenal fan. You’re his favourite player too.” A smile creeped across my face. I was intrigued by this ‘Lando Norris’ person.
“Do you have a photo of him? I wanna know what he looks like.” Oscar scoffed. “Take a look around. His face is everywhere.”
Oscar wasn’t lying. There were posters everywhere of Lando Norris. Him celebrating, him posing, him and Oscar. He must be a big shot.
“Good looking guy right?” I laughed almost uncomfortably.
But I did find him attractive. In fact, as soon as Oscar had left us for his team, I was already searching up Lando on instagram.
By the time the races had finished, it was a bit past four. After getting the rundown from some of the Mclaren workers, I had kinda figured out what was happening.
Carlos Sainz won the race. Lando came third, and everyone was stoked. “But isn’t third just kinda bad?” Steph smacked Caitlin. “It’s different in racing now shut up.” The rest of us snickered. We had a perfect view of the podium, and all the guys on it.
“He’s cute.” Katie nudged me, earning an eye roll. “You should talk to him. I know you like your English.” Katie was one of my closest friends, she took me under her wing when I signed for arsenal, and for that I will always be indebted to her.
Once the boys had finished celebrating their win, we were brought back to the Mclaren suite.
“Stay here, I’ll bring Lando over.” Oscar held my shoulder before he went looking for the driver. As we were waiting, I was lightly tapped. Turning around, I can face to face with a journalist.
“Hi Y/N how are you?” She was beaming. “Would you mind doing a quick interview with us, it’ll only take a minute?” I smiled at her and agreed.
We were pulled into a less busy part of the room, and she handed over to me a microphone. The camera was directed at me, so I quickly touched up my hair.
“How are you enjoying the races, big fan?” I rubbed the back of my neck and responded.
“Yeah it’s been great. I don’t know too much about the whole motorsports scene but a few people from Mclaren have been helpful in explaining.”
The reporter flipped her paper.
“Speaking of Mclaren, do you have an affiliation with the team? You’ve been in the suite all day!”
“Honestly, I bumped into Oscar while getting chips and he invited us over.” She smiled, signalling for me to go on. “Everyone’s been super welcoming, especially to the dumb questions I’ve been asking.” The camera crew around us laughed.
Finishing up the interview, I made my way over to the girls. “Okay miss popular.” The girls laughed at Katie’s remark.
“Oh that Lando guy is looking for you by the way.” I looked straight at Steph. “Don’t look at me like that. He came around to us and left straight away when he realised you weren’t here.” I took a seat next to Caitlin.
“Y/N, come!” Oscar shouted from across the room. I could see his hand waving over to me, and so I got up.
“This is Lando.” Lando had an arm thrown around Oscar, very obviously tired. “Hey.” We reached our hands out and shook.
“Listen, I’m a huge fan of yours.” I smiled at him thankfully.
“Yeah he’s got about fifty jersey with your name on the back.” Oscar chimed, but was immediately shut down by a light kick to his shin, Lando’s doing. “Okay I’m not that weird.” We laughed together, until the silence turned awkward.
“I never picked you for a F1 enjoyer, who’d you support.” Oscar laughed, earning a concerned look on Lando’s face.
“Would it kill you if I said that I don’t watch it. Like at all?”
He clutched his heart sarcastically.
“I’m sorry! I’ve just never really been into it.” Oscar shook his head. “Ok ok, if it’s you two racing, then I’ll consider watching. It’s the least I can do for a fan.” Lando clutched his chest again.
“Gosh Y/N, you really know what to say to get a man’s heart pumping.” We laughed it off again.
“You should probably get back to your team. Celebrate the win?” It was less a statement than a question. “I’m just gonna shut up before I end up giving you a heart attack.”
He took his hand in mine, and pulled me in for a hug. “There’ll be a party later. You’re all invited to join if you’d like.” I nodded. “I’ll let them know.”
“So what’s the dress code?” Steph walked into my room, taking a look at the clothes still in their suitcase. “Not formal I don’t think. Just like a normal party.” She began picking up my clothes and placing them on my bed.
“You should wear a dress.” She threw me one of my green dresses. “This one. I bet he’ll wanna take it off later tonight.” I laughed. “Yeah not happening Stephie.”
Oscar had given me his number and sent the details for tonight. It was gonna be a party with almost all the drivers, and a shit ton of people.
The girls were already done getting ready, it seemed that I was the only one rocking up in a dress. They were all in skinny jeans. God I really needed to help with their wardrobe situation.
“Hurry up Y/N we’re gonna leave without you.” Katie called from the hallway.
“Holy shit.” We were all stood in front of an elusive door. We could see the lights sparkling from the windows of the home, music blasting. “Now who the fuck gave up their house for a rave?” I questioned, earning an embarrassingly loud laugh from Steph.
Once we had walked inside, it was quite obvious that we weren’t gonna be finding Lando or Oscar anytime soon.
The house was packed. Bodies were everywhere, dancing, kissing, just straight up passed out.
We made our rounds of the party, figuring out our bearings before coming to the kitchen.
“Y/N?” I turned around, my name was almost whispered, but I could still hear it.
I had come face to face with my ex. “Oh my God, hi Jay.” He hugged me. A hug that I had known too well.
“What’re you doing here? I didn’t even know you were back home.” He was holding a red cup. Classic. It was probably filled with beer considering how he smelt. “Just a quick trip back home. We were invited to the race.” He nodded, taking a swig.
Jayden and I hadn’t exactly ended on the best terms. He was my first serious boyfriend and we lasted two years. Until I had to move to London. He was angry at me for choosing work over love. But I had to. I loved football more than I loved him.
“Do you need somewhere to stay? I’ve got rooms in my hotel.” I immediately shut him down. “You’re too kind, but nah, I’m staying at Steph’s house.” As soon as I mentioned the name I could tell he cringed. He never liked Steph, he said she was too protective over me.
“Y/N!” I spun around and saw Oscar. “Having fun?”
“Watch it mate.” Jayden stepped up to Oscar. “Calm your tits. Just saying hello to a friend.” Jayden scoffed at his response. “Yeah well, leave my girlfriend alone.” He spat.
“The fuck Jayden?” I made eye contact with Oscar, "Ex. From a long time ago." I emphasised the 'long'. Oscar nodded, and signalled for me to follow him.
We walked further into the house, and had stopped at what I assumed to be the living room.
Lando, arms splayed over the head rests of the couch he was sitting on, looked me up and down. “Look who decided to show up!” He stood up and gave me a hug. “You look great.”
His cologne was strong, a vanilla scent.
"This is insane." I referred to the house and the people around us. "Yeah in all honesty, I have no idea whose house this is." We both laughed, still standing close to each other.
For some reason, I felt as if there was no one else here. Like it was just him and I. "You know I should probably get your number. Just in case you wanna come to more races." While he reached for his phone, I responded. "Hmm are you sure this isn't actually your attempt at scoring free arsenal tickets?" He passed me his phone, unlocked. "Me? Never." I smiled and created a contact in his phone.
"Message me, Lando Norris."
We had finally landed in London, after way too many hours cramped in a plane, I could finally stretch my legs. "Welcome to London." Katie looked out of the window, rain pouring from the sky. "Is it too late to go back?" I questioned.
Lando still hadn't messaged me, and in all honesty, I gave up on him ever reaching out.
After our conversation at the party, I was drawn back to the girls and didn't see him at all afterwards.
"Anyone for Nandos?"
"I'm gonna find you a hot English guy." Steph was sat at my vanity, fixing up her minimal makeup while I was sat on the floor, deciding what shoes would match my outfit best.
We were going out for a team dinner and I was knackered from training this week. Friday night out just didn't seem that appealing to me. "I'll pass." I settled on an old pair of sneakers. "Not even Lando Norris?" I didn't reply. The girls hadn't stopped going on about Lando since Australia, and were confused when he hadn't messaged me after the party.
"Oh come on. You're telling me that if you saw him you wouldn't immediately jump in his pants?"
"Firstly, ew don't talk about him like that, and secondly, I doubt he'd even remember me. We talked for what? Five minutes at most." She walked over to me and picked me up off the floor. "Come on, we'll be late."
Once we arrived at the restaurant, I took a seat next to Leah and checked the menu. I ordered a well-done steak with a side of salad, along with a glass of red wine.
"How you feeling for the weekend?" I asked Leah. It was her first game starting since her ACL injury, and I could tell that she was beyond nervous. "I'm scared. Like I want to be out there so badly, but I'm so afraid I'll do it again." I smiled at her sympathetically.
"If there's anyone who can bounce back, it's you." I paused, "You know, what I find weird?" She shrugged. "I haven't told you this, but before I came to Arsenal, I had posters of you in my room." She looked shocked. "Are you actually serious?"
I nodded in response. "You are seriously my favourite footballer. I remember when I got the call from my agent, all I could think about was the fact that you'd be my teammate. Not that I was playing in the WSL, or even Arsenal. It was you." She smiled, I could see her eyes glisten a little.
"Every single day you inspire me, and I promise, when you walk onto the pitch on Sunday, you're going to inspire a whole load of other people too." She hugged me.
"You're too sweet Y/N. Thank you." When we detached, I was met with a stunned Steph. "What?" I asked.
"Turn around." I looked behind and saw Lando sat at the bar. "Oh my fucking god." I faced back at Steph.
"Go up to him." I shook my head aggressively. "Absolutely not."
"If you don't, I'm gonna call out to him." I looked her dead in the eyes. "You wouldn't dare." She smiled, "I so would."
No one except Leah ad caught up on what Steph and I were talking about, until I heard my name shouted out from the other end of the table.
"Y/N look!" Katie pointed towards Lando, who had turned around at the crazed woman screaming.
We made eye contact and he smiled at me, getting up from his seat. I quickly got up too, and met him halfway.
"What are the chances?" He hugged me as I responded. "Wow this is really weird."
"How you been?" He asked, his hand on mine. "Ah yeah I'm good, just out with the girls for dinner." I turned around to draw his attention to them, only to be met with the eyes of every single person at that table. "Oh god don't mind them." He chuckled.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Monaco?" He raised his eyebrow at me. "How'd you know I live in Monaco?" My cheeks turned red. "Have you been googling me?" He questioned, smiling down at me.
"I'm so embarrassed oh my god." I took a breath. "Hey, you never messaged me." I looked at him sternly, while he looked at me confused. "You are aware that you gave me the wrong number right?" He took out his phone and opened up his texts.
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I cringed, and tapped on the number. "Oh my god, I did give you the wrong number, see I put 6 instead of 7." I pointed at the digits. "Why didn't you just get my number off of Oscar then?"
He put his phone back into his pocket. "Well as much as I didn't want to believe it, I thought you purposely gave me the wrong number. You know, to let me know you weren't interested." My jaw dropped. "You know, if my memory serves me right, I'm pretty sure I told you to message me."
"Hey, I didn't want to cross any boundaries, plus Oscar pointed out your ex to me, and I definitely was not gonna get on his bad side." I cringed at the thought of Jayden. "He's so gross." Lando agreed.
"I'm sorry about everyone staring too." I referred to my teammates, still looking over at Lando and I. "They're a little bit too interested in my love life." Chuckling, he sent a wave over to them. "Love life huh?" He smirked.
"Come sit with us." Katie (of course) yelled out at him. "Don't listen to her, I should probably let you get back to whatever you were doing."
He scratched the back of his head. "I wasn't doing much, I'd be happy to sit down with you lot." I looked back at the girls, Steph was beaming. "Maybe not, she looks a little creepy right now." He laughed. "Well if you really don't want me around your friends, why don't we just go for a walk then?"
"Why not?" He ushered for me to start walking and soon enough, we were out on the London streets.
"I heard that you have a game coming up." I was looking down as he looked to me. "Uh yeah, Sunday." He was about to speak when I cut him off. "You should come. I'd be happy to get you some tickets."
"Yeah actually that'd be great. I might just have to bring my Y/N jersey." He nudged my shoulder with his as we continued walking.
"You never know, maybe I'll even sign it."
"So what were you doing in a restaurant by yourself? Waiting for a date maybe?" I questioned, making his cheeks turn red. "I wish. I'm here for a few days before I have to fly to Japan. Just wanted a nice meal."
"Well come on, let's go find somewhere to eat." I grabbed his hand and pulled him along. "Don't you need to get back?" I shook my head "They know I'm in safe hands."
"Nah you're having a laugh, are you serious?" Lando and I had found a hole-in-the-wall pizza shop and were sat opposite each other. "No I'm serious, I got my permit like a year ago, but I refuse to drive."
"I don't know Y/N, that might be a dealbreaker. I mean, my whole life is driving." He was laughing. "Yeah well then you can just drive me everywhere." His smile was warm, comforting. "I'd like that."
Once we had finished up eating we started to walk back. Steph had texted me to say that she and the girls had left. "How are you getting home?" He asked me. "Probably an Uber." He tutted and shook his head. "Let me drive you."
"Thank you Lando. I really enjoyed this." I was standing outside his car as he dropped me off to my house. Through the rolled down window, I couldn't stop looking at him. "It was my pleasure. I want to see you again, soon." I started to blush.
"Wait, let me give you my actual number."
He immediately responded, "No need. I just need to change the 6 to a 7." I smiled, he remembered.
"I'm expecting some tickets by the way. And don't you dare put me up in the nosebleeds." We laughed together. "I'll see you later Lando."
"Get off your phone Y/N." I quickly dropped my phone into my bag, and looked up at Katie.
"There are no excuses today. We're giving it our all. These points are ours." The changeroom erupted. Today we had Chelsea, and it would absolutely decisive for us in the title race.
I was unlike most of the girl on the team, I preferred to sit and relax before games rather than getting energised early. "Are you messaging who I think you're messaging?" Steph slid in next to me.
"Shut up Steph." She grabbed my shoulders and lightly shook me, "And to think that you didn't want to go to the race." I shooed her away before picking my phone up to play some music.
I shuffled my playlist, and let saturn by sza start playing.
"You alright?" Leah tapped on my shoulder, to which I pulled one of my airpods out. "Yeah, just trying to concentrate you know?"
It was a pain in my knee. It hurt like a bitch. I fell to the ground immediately and clutched my leg. "Fuck fuck fuck." Steph ran straight to me, followed closely by a few of the other girls.
"Shit." Steph held my right knee. No one wanted to say what we thought it was. The dreaded ACL.
"I'm okay, it's fine." I tried to calm the girls down. I had stuck my leg foolishly into a tackle and twisted it slightly.
The physio who had come to aid me, placed a hand on my knee. "Where is it Y/N?" I pointed to the top of my knee. "Okay, you'll be right. Do you want to come off."
"No." He nodded and helped me stand up. "How's it feeling." I put pressure on it. "It's good." We walked off the field and I signalled to Jonas that I was fine.
After a quick treatment of cream and tape, I was ready to join my team again. The fourth official waited until the referee allowed me to come on, and I sprinted back into place.
"You got it Y/N." Leah shouted to me.
"And you're alright yeah?" Katie came around to me after the match ended. We finished strong with a 2-1 win, the goals from Alessia.
"Honestly, I feel fine. The physio said it was probably just a cork." She nodded in understanding. "Rest up, we need you." We walked towards the bench, smiles everywhere.
I looked out beyond the bench and saw Lando. He was standing up, cheering us on, a smiled crept across my face.
Jonas pulled us in for a group talk and, in all honesty, I couldn't focus on anything he was saying. My attention was completely on the fact that I could talk to Lando afterwards. I wasn't sure on how exactly I could go up to him.
"I'm so fucking proud of you girls." Once we were done congratulating each other, I was able to make my way to the seats above the bench.
I took a plethora of photos and signed many jerseys, still waiting for Lando to appear amongst the fans. Once I had finished with the section, I looked up in search of him.
"Y/N!" My name was called out from behind me. I turned around, and after seeing who it was, I walked over.
I threw my hands over Lando's shoulders, as he held my waist in for a hug. "You scared the shit out of me." He looked at me sternly, but it looked my friendly. "I scared the shit out of myself." He laughed. "Hey, look." He stepped slightly away from me and lifted up his hoodie.
Underneath it was our pink Stella McCartney kit. He pulled his hoodie off completely and showed me the back. My last name stood above the number 10.
"It's nice right?" He questioned. "Mhm." My only response. "Only mhm? I spent 200 quid on this!" I laughed at him. "I think I'll do you one better." I pulled the shirt I was wearing off and handed it over to him. "Matchworn, gotta be worth something." I smiled.
"Oh wow, are you serious?" He asked, holding the shirt in his hands. "You don't wanna keep it?" I shook my head. "Nah, I have plenty. Plus now you can start an official Y/N collection."
"Guess this means I'll have to give you my helmet after a race huh?"
"You're already inviting me to a race?" I asked, batting my eyes.
"Well the British GP isn't for a few more months so-" I cut him off before he could finish. "What about Japan?" He looked down at me confused. "What do you mean love?"
"What if I came to Japan? I'm sure they'd let me go down for a day or two." I couldn't help but replicate the smile that was on his face.
He didn't say anything, and instead leaned in.
His lips met mine as he held my face. I kissed him back passionately. Who would've thought that going to a silly race would end like this?
We pulled apart. "You better come to Japan."
lmk if you guys liked this!! i love lando and football sm, so why not mix the two??
say something is coming guys!! i'm in a bit of a slump :/ but my exams will be over soon thankfully
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billybob598 · 1 year
I Don't Know Who You Are (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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@xxforeverinadayxx I finally did it! Thank you so much for being patient with me. To everyone else, I apologise for not being active at all, it's been pretty crazy with school and football. This blog has kind of been at the back of my mind tbh. I also apologise for how absolute shit this is, honestly I'm not very happy with how this turned out. But I just figured I should write something to get back into the groove of it. Anyways, as always any feedback good or bad is welcomed! Happy reading!
Word Count: 697 (Dont you dare say a thing)
“Sky Sports F1 here, hi Cara! Would you mind just having a quick chat with us?” Martin Brundle speaks through the crowd towards the model and actress, Cara Delevigne.
“No. No,” She dismisses him quickly, barely glancing at him. 
“But the deal now is that everyone on the grid has to talk,” Martin tries to convince her. 
“No. Sorry,” she says curtly. Martin’s face burns red with embarrassment and anger as he continues moving through the crowd
“Okay…well let’s see who’s around. Ah! Y/N Y/L/N! How are you today?” His voice turns happy as he approaches you. You turn and give him a warm smile,
“Hello, Martin. I’m feeling good, how about you?” You respond.
“Ah, I’m okay, I’m okay. And what tricks do you and McLaren have up your sleeve today?” You chuckle at his question,
“You’ll just have to wait and see,” you say slyly, following it up with a wink towards the camera. Martin laughs at your answer just as Leah walks up to the two of you. She gives you and Martin hug, then she settles beside you. With a little grin, you slip your arm around her shoulders. You and Martin continue chatting while Leah stays quiet, amused at how excited you look talking about F1. As the three of you laugh at some random joke made, you’re rudely interrupted by Cara shoving past Leah to get to you. Leah almost hits the ground, but luckily she’s able to catch herself just before she hits it. A few gasps are heard from around you, and Cara is immediately all over you. 
“Hi, I’m Cara Delevigne. Are you a driver?” She sticks her hand out to you and gives you a cheeky smile. You stand there for a few seconds, shocked. Then, you push her hand away from you and move towards Leah.
“You okay, love?” You ask, concern evident in your voice. She nods and gives you a small kiss on your cheek,
“Yeah, yeah. I’m all good, babe, don’t worry.” After confirming she was fine, all of your attention goes to Cara.
“Why did you do that?” You ask a slight hint of anger in your voice.
“Do what?” She says obliviously.
“Push my girlfriend out of the way like that.” Her eyes shift from you to Leah and then back to you again. 
“You have a girlfriend?” 
“Yes, she has a girlfriend,” Leah pipes up from beside you. Cara’s mouth forms a small ‘o’ as she processes it.
“Well, I would say nice meeting you, but I don’t think it was all that nice, to be honest,” you say with a tone of finality in your voice. Embarrassed, Cara turns around quickly and starts working her way back through the crowd. Martin, who was just standing there the entire time, laughs. This makes everyone else laugh, too. Looking directly at the camera, you smile and say, “Do you guys know who that was? Is she like part of a team or something?” The genuine confusion on your face made everyone chuckle. 
“Do you really not know who she is?” Martin asks, amused. A quick shake of your head is all that’s needed to embarrass the model/actress further. 
After the race, you and Leah were heading back to the McLaren garage, your race suit hanging low around your hips, when Cara approached you. 
“You seriously don’t know who I am?” She asks incredulously. Her rudeness takes both you and your girlfriend by surprise.
“I’m sorry?” 
“You should be. Do you live under a rock or something?” She was beginning to get angry now and you had no idea why. You didn’t even know who the hell she was yet.
“Look, lady, I’m sorry if you’re offended, but I don’t know the fuck you are and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know.” Leah then grabs your hand and pulls you into the garage. Cara tries to follow however, she is denied by the security guard who was watching the interaction. Her cheeks burn red with embarrassment. Out of the corner of her eye she spots Leah give her a sly wink before turning back to you.
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youbutstupid · 4 months
What d’you think is the “best” trait the main bau team members have?
OH I love this question thank you so much. There’s a lot so bear with me
Hotch: his compassion for his team. He’s an extremely compassionate and empathetic leader, constantly allowing for his team to leave work if they need to and following them on their hunches, even if they seem unlikely, purely because he loves and respects each of them. Quite often Hotch is portrayed as stone faced but I’ve honestly never seen a male leading character be so openly loving to their team.
Gideon: how much he cares for the victims in his cases. Gideon is often characterised as being a bit clueless to the feelings of his team, yet he never is to the people he is trying to save because he puts his everything into it. He has always been so open and accepting in cases which was rare for a 51 year old man in 2005; he was very willing to let go of his old ways and what he used to know so that he could evolve with the changes in society in order to best help the people he was saving. We also got to see his book of the people he saved. It was amazing.
Rossi: his ability to read and help the people on the team when no one else does. I wholeheartedly believe that if Rossi was present during the Hankel case, Reid would not have gone through his addiction alone. Rossi is always the one to call out people who try to hide their problems and he puts in so much effort to help them, even using his hours outside of work to do so. We see him waking up early to help Hotch coach Jack’s football matches, him inviting Penelope over for scotch so that she can finally disconnect from technology and him hosting the cooking class, the wedding and Strauss’ funeral dinner ar his house. His character development from being weary about the team to adoring them all individually was amazing.
Reid: I love how despite him admitting that he has trouble with emotions, he is always the one doing everything he can to be an emotional support when people around him are struggling. We see him try and comfort Elle when everyone else disconnected from her, he stayed with Garcia the entire time when she was shot, he is the one to call Emily to ask if she wants to hang out when she started disconnecting due to the Doyle situation, he is the one to try and help JJ with her PTSD in season 10 and so on. He doesn’t like the idea of the people around him going through things alone despite the fact that he often tries to go through things alone and he is extremely selfless in this sense.
JJ: I am constantly inspired by how throughout the show, she is repeatedly putting in effort to try and improve herself as a person and as an agent. We never see her get cocky, even when she deserves to be like she was in the FBI from a very young age, she had one of the most challenging jobs as the press liaison and then she was able to work herself up to profiler where she was one of the most formidable people on the field. Despite how impressive she really is, the audience are never given a chance to consider it because she never boasts about it and instead spends everyday striving to be better.
Morgan: he is always willing to take on a leadership role when he has to, yet he is always willing to give it back to Hotch when he doesn’t need to take it on anymore. I’m not just referring to season 5 either, I’m talking about any time when Hotch is unable to take on his role. Morgan respects Hotch a lot and is always willing to support him by taking on the role of team leader when Hotch can’t anymore, yet he never tries to take the role permanently for himself, despite being told he could by Strauss. Despite his years of experience and his leadership skills, he is willing to give up the role because he sees it as what is best for the team and he respects Hotch too much to keep it.
Elle: her protection of women. Elle was, in my opinion, ahead of her time. She previously worked in the sex crimes division and in season 1, she was the only female profiler and she did not step away from her previous role as an advocate for women in sex crimes just so she could better ‘fit in with the men’ of the BAU; she instead brought her perspective with her and implemented it in her cases. She was the only one in episode 3 to look at the woman who was assaulted and realise how uncomfortable she must have been surrounded by men. She ended her career in the BAU fighting for women and it hurts me that the BAU lost her.
Garcia: she never, ever stops being herself, even when people question her or bring her down for it. Sadly, because Garcia is the brightest person in the room, she is quite often the one who the profilers take their frustrations out on; we have seen JJ, Morgan, Hotch, Rossi and Emily all do this. Despite this, she doesn’t waver, she doesn’t stop being the brightest person in the room just because someone is simply not in the mood for her to be because she knows that she does not need to apologise for simply existing as her authentic self. In the episode The Black Queen, 9x12, her ex tells her that they both used to make fun of girls like her, and she corrects him saying that he made fun of girls like her, this was who she always wanted to be. This is so empowering to me.
Prentiss: my love, she was so unbelievably loyal to those around her and this was clear from the beginning. She was the only one to question Reid’s suffering in season 2, she literally uprooted her life and faked her death so that her team’s lives could be protected in season 6. When she found out JJ was in danger in season 9, she was so quick to jump on a plane back to help her. When the team calls for favours whilst she is in London, she always answers to help them. When Reid got arrested and imprisoned in season 12, she didn’t once believe that he committed the crime of which he was accused and even risked her entire career tampering with possible evidence so that it couldn’t be used against him. She is loyal to a fault and so many don’t acknowledge that.
Todd: we only got Todd for 9 episodes but I loved how human she was. She was the first character to make the audience realise that none of what we were looking at was normal. By season 4, the audience became very desensitised to the crimes that we were looking at and Todd broke us out of that and she also was not afraid to call out the fact that it wasn’t normal that the profilers were desensitised either. I respect how in the end she would rather admit that she couldn’t do the job anymore than lose that human side of her. I also loved how she made sure Hotch never took JJ for granted.
Seaver: we never got to see much of Seaver’s development because of the writers, but I loved her willingness to learn. Seaver hadn’t even graduated from the academy when she joined the team, she was not a profiler, she wasn’t even a qualified FBI agent. Watching her learn and grow in such a traumatising field and take it all in her stride was so incredibly interesting to watch. I also loved watching her friendship grow with the team; going to the cinema with Reid, Morgan and Garcia, gaming night with Rossi and going out for curry with Reid. 
Blake: Blake was so incredibly talented and so unbelievably smart but instead of using it as a way to get ahead of her team, she used it as a way to relate to them and bond with them. She almost became a protective figure over them and she took that role very seriously too. It was honestly amazing watching her mind work and how easily she was able to take on her role as a profiler because of it. I know I just named multiple good qualities but it is incredible to me how much her character was able to grow and be adored in just two seasons, she had no idea what dynamic she was getting into when she joined the team yet she fit in perfectly and adapted to it so quickly in order to help them and gain their trust.
Callahan: her confidence. She went into that bullpen being unapologetically herself from the beginning and she fit herself into that team without an ounce of apprehension. She made so much effort to establish herself and she was not shy about it which I adored; she had banter with Rossi, she opened up to Reid, she carpooled with JJ, she became a close friend for Garcia and she gained Morgan’s trust all within a few episodes; the last two being hard to do as a new member of the team. I love how she didn’t question where she belonged, she knew she belonged.
Simmons: to me, Simmons was just so incredibly sweet. When he first joined and I saw that he was buff and conventionally attractive, I was weary that he was just going to be another jock detective that we see in other shows, but he wasn’t. He, again, was an incredibly strong and skilled agent yet when he arrived on the team he took everyone for who they were and never once acted like he was in any way better than them because he had skills that they did not have. He was just a nice person and that may sound like a basic description but to me, it’s the best description to give a person. I felt genuinely safe with Matt’s character on the screen because it was just lovely to see a man on the screen who was just good.
Lewis: OH I love this woman. Tara brought a new element of self assurance to the screen and also humour. She, again, was very unapologetically herself and she knew her worth, as we saw when she went through her breakup, which was so refreshing to see because it is rare you see a woman know her value and not be portrayed as cocky for doing so. She is also a character that marked her place on the team and I also love how unafraid she was to come out and say that she was dating a woman, which was a risk in itself because the BAU had never had an openly LGBTQ+ profiler before. I also loved how she brought ‘your mum’ jokes to the show because watching a 50 year old woman with a doctorate make multiple ‘your mum’ jokes is all I needed from the show if I’m honest.
Alvez: I don’t want to repeat things too much but I also love Luke’s loyalty, which is something we also saw from very early on in his time in the show. Bear in mind when Reid was in prison, Luke was only on the team for a very short period of time, yet he believed wholeheartedly that Reid was innocent and even made threats for his safety. I also love how he took Garcia’s original dislike of him in his stride and honestly embraced everything about her, whether it was her distrust in him or her ‘quirkiness’ as the team would dub it, he took it all in and loved her because of it all, not in spite of it.
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inkedobsidian · 7 months
~ Loyalty ~
prompt: #59 “Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face”
requested by @handyulset
summary: Y/N & Honda go to protect Ji-an after Jin-man’s request and only one of them gets out
pairing: Y/N x Jeong Jin-man
warnings: violence, blood, someone dies
word count: 2,534
a/n: I skipped the morgue scene just bc it was already hella long with just setting up the story. Requests are open! Prompt list is there if you guys want extra ideas
Master-List - Prompts
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Y/N wasn’t actually sure how many years it had been since her and her brother had seen Jeong Jin-man but she wished she could’ve said it was under better circumstances. Y/N and Honda had heard stories about Bale along her life and even had the misfortune of working with him from time to time so they weren’t surprised when Jin-man spoke about everything that happened on their previous missions.
Y/N had hoped that Jin-mans visit meant he was here to finally settle with his family but then again that would be better circumstances. Now Y/N and Honda find themselves racing in Honda’s car to what was inevitable death most likely. Jin-man had called Honda panicked finding out Bale was back and with his family. He had pleaded with them to go protect his niece which didn’t need much convincing from either of them
Speeding through the streets they only hoped that they were in the clear when they got there. Jin-man informed them that Ji-an wouldn’t let anybody in if they didn’t answer her riddle, smart kid honestly. As they parked up and ran in, in synchronized silence they could hear movement further up the stairs and a small voice on the other side.
As they advanced up the stairs they could see a man peak into the room and duck out slowly, probably looking to see if Ji-an was alone. Then he opened the door again and started to advance towards Ji-an but before his whole body got through the door Honda lurched forward to grab his arm and pull him back hitting his face on the wall. As he did he dragged him back into the hallway closing the door to Ji-an.
As Honda landed an initial punch Y/N who has just under him on the stairs grabbed the mans right leg pulling him straight to the ground. As Y/N pulled him Honda took the time to put on his brass knuckles incase the guy proved more a fight than he looked. As the man hit the floor he scrambled back pulling a knife out of his holster and decided to go for his closest target which was Y/N. She dodged as much as much could but a step only gives you so much lean so she was caught on her cheek but it didn’t make much of an impact to her.
In one movement Honda kicked the guys extended arm throwing him against the wall again and making him drop the knife. As Y/N picked up the knife she followed the upwards movement hitting him with the butt of the knife which was followed by Honda football kicking him one more time knocking the man clean out. It was a good thing Honda closed the door so Ji-an didn’t see any of that. Before moving the man Honda slid into the room to type ‘Stable Tennis’ on his mobile to show Ji-an, the answer to her riddle.
After asking Ji-an to hide in her room Y/N and Honda had moments to decide what to do from here.
“I am not leaving you in here alone Honda that is suicide.” Y/N signed to him angrily. Her brother did always have a death wish when it came to protecting people.
“One of us needs to be first defense what if they wipe us out.” Honda signed back. He knew what had to happen but he thought he had a pretty good chance anyway. It was worth it to repay Jin-man, he promised he’d protect Ji-an. Y/N didn’t have long to argue because they heard people coming up the stairs and Honda took the time to shove Y/N into the room with Ji-an.
Y/N got down to Ji-ans height smiled and waved hoping to not make this more scary but Ji-an was just looking at the cut across Y/N’s cheek. Then the door squeaked open and Y/N put her fingers over her lips to motion Ji-an to be quiet. Y/N motioned Ji-an over to the corner of the room near the window and stood in front of her listening to the sounds.
Then it was a quick sequence of sounds and with every sound Y/N could feel little Ji-an behind her jump. First there was someone crashing through a door then it was silenced gunshots. In that moment Y/N turned around to cover Ji-an’s ears with her hands to cover the sounds of violence but there was no one there for Y/N. She heard the entire exchange having to picture what was happened as she was completely blind and couldn’t move or Ji-an would hear too.
“Who the hell is this bastard.” She heard come through the door. In this moment she started to look around and noticed the very limited options they had. Y/N tried to focus on the conversation but she heard more footsteps and no more punches which only meant one thing. Y/N looked out the window to the drop below and knew the only option she had.
“Can you hang on the other side of the window, down to the pipe?” Y/N wrote on her phone and Ji-an nodded enthusiastically or maybe it was adrenaline. She really was Jin-man’s niece. As Ji-an lowered herself Y/N pulled her knives out of her pocket and positioned herself out of view of the door slightly behind a bookcase, not enough to hide but enough that they wont notice initially.
Y/N waited until at least 1 person had walked completely through and she took a quick wide step into view and hit the first 2 people in her view with a knife in the eye for each dropping them instantly. She low dashed forward to grab the weapon that the first person dropped. As she picked up the axe the 3 people in the living room all turned from looking at Honda on the floor to her. One pulled a gun quickly and shot her in the left shoulder which she retaliated by throwing the newly acquired axe in their head putting them down.
As she adjusted her shoulder another one lunged forward to grab her, as her body got thrown into the living room right next to Honda she finally noticed his arm. While she was preoccupied with her brothers corpse someone landed a kick across her face sending her closer to the front door. Having to adjust quickly Y/N stood up and grabbed one of the umbrellas from the rack to her right. Not exactly a knife but what choice did she have. She lunged forward with the umbrella using it to knock the wind out of the closest guy to her. As his leant down reacting to the hit Y/N grabbed the back of his head and went forward with her knee colliding the two and knocking him out instantly.
She noticed that the other 2 men had gone through the room to Ji-an and she dashed forwards and she could only see one man in the room. Y/N dashed forward grabbing the man before he could notice and sending his head through the unopened window next to him. As he his head split open from the collision with the glass Y/N dragged his body back with so much force he hit his head on the wall on the other side knocking him out.
“JI-AN” Y/N screamed out the window as she could see the other man who had already reached the floor. Y/N flung herself over the window ledge and down the surfaces until she was an ok distance to jump down to the sofas. Just as she landed she heard the car collide with Ji-an and it made the man stop in his tracks. Y/N darted towards Ji-an and the man took the moment to dash in the other direction to avoid her. Luckily someone had already called the ambulance because by the time Y/N got to Ji-an she collapsed from the head wound she didn’t notice.
Luckily the hospital let Y/N sit beside Ji-an after her many protests, she was handling her injuries well and frankly with no guardian for Ji-an present the hospital felt bad for her. So that’s what Jin-man returned too. Ji-an was sleeping in the hospital bed covered in cuts and bruises and Y/N was across the couch with even more cuts and bruises. Y/N was on attack mode woke up just from the sound of the door but settled the moment she noticed it was Jin-man. She stood up and walked towards him motioning to go out into the hallway to let Ji-an sleep.
When she stepped into the light properly Jin-man could see all her injuries, well at least the ones on her face and arms. She had a full slash mark across her cheek and it looked like the bone close to her eye had been busted open. Her arms were covered in contact bruises and ever cuts from the shards of glass from the window. Jin-man struggled to contain the panicked look in his face.
“Are you hurt?” Y/N whispered. He couldn’t believe she was asking him in the moment.
“Are YOU hurt?” He returned the question because frankly it didn’t matter what happened to him.
“No.” She shook her head as she spoke almost dismissing his worry.
“Then why are there bruises all over your face.” He said softly but making sure to add a level of sarcasm. Y/N let out a small laugh in response and Jin-man’s face softened towards her as she looked back into the room towards Ji-an.
“She’s a lot like you y’know. Climbed out a window to survive,” Y/N let out a breathy laugh as she did she turned back to Jin-man who was looking at Ji-an and it was Y/N’s face that softened now, “Doctors said I’d be fine it just hurts like hell, had blood running out of my eye so it will stay red for a while.”
This comment made Jin-man turn back to Y/N and he properly noticed that the white of the right eye was completely red and the eye around completely yellow and purple bruised. He nodded at her comment and couldn’t settle the guilt, he’d gotten her injured and her brother killed.
“It’s not your fault Jin-man,” she spoke clearing the dead air. Maybe she could tell what he was thinking, he chuckled at that thought. If there was anyone to know what he was thinking it was her no matter how neutral his expression, “Honda would’ve done it all over again to protect that little girl, and so would I.”
Y/N reached up and put his hand on his cheek transferring her warmth to him and his shoulders relaxed for a brief moment.
“I’m going to get more sleep you’ll need to find the nurses and get the forms I can’t fill them out because I’m not family, I’ll keep an eye on her.”
Y/N let her hand fall from his face and she walked back into the room. Jin-man just stood there for an extra second to take in the whole situation before he walked towards the nurses desk.
“Excuse me? I’m Jeong Ji-an’s uncle, I got told I needed to fill out some forms?” He said quietly. The nurses head from behind the desk shot up and she shot him a wide customer service smile even if it was 4 in the morning.
“Ah yes, it does need to be a parent if possible?” The nurse replied.
“Mmm, There was an accident both of her parents are gone. It’s just me actually.” As he spoke the words settled in. Bale had killed his brother, SIL, friend and he knew he’d also killed his mother he just couldn’t prove it. He noticed how the nurses face dropped in horror and she stuttered a reply.
“I’m so sorry sir your girlfriend mentioned an accident but didn’t know the details I’ll grab it now.” The nurse whisked away before Jin-man even understand her comment let alone even correct her. When she came back he decided to just fill it out in the waiting area since he needed the light. As he did he kept thinking about the situation over and over again.
As he slowly got further through the paperwork got to emergency contacts. He wrote down his contact information first and then stared at the piece of paper for a while where it said ‘Emergency Contact 2’ His mind wrestled with the thought for a while before he decided to add Y/N’s name as well. He submitted the papers back to the nurse and made his way out of the hospital towards the convenience store across the road.
When Jin-man finally returned Y/N was still awake but she was sat with her back in the corner her eyes fixated on the door like a security turret she was shrouded in complete darkness and her pistol concealed in a pocket with the silencer pointing with a clear shot of the door. Once Jin-man entered in the room Y/N let herself exit the darkness and the moonlight hit her perfectly. Jin-man nodded towards the door for the pair of them to leave Ji-an to sleep.
They walked in silence towards a table that had a clear view of Ji-ans door and they took seats either side and Jin-man pulled out the convenience store bag of food and Y/N chuckled noticing it was everything she normally picks out.
“So what do we do now?” Y/N sighs after taking a bite of food. Jin-man raised his head from the table to look at her and cocked his head to the side raising an eyebrow.
“We?” Was all he managed to save. She lost her brother and she was still willing to help him.
“Of course. Jin-man we have known each other for years. We help people in need and right now Ji-an needs everyone she can, poor little girl just lost her parents.” Y/N spoke so matter of factly in the moment it was throwing Jin-man off internally but he kept composure.
“Honda…” It seemed like he could only speak in one work sentences.
“Would do the same for you if it was me on the floor that day. We have been through hell and back before Jin-man, you think I care for you so little that I’d abandon you now?” Jin-man had never known loyalty like it, he had never known a person who was able to care so deeply in such a horrific world, with everything she had seen and done.
“First I need to go to Babylon, this stops now.” Jin-man hoped that if he said he’s stop hunting Bale then Babylon would call a ceasefire. Y/N nodded slowly. She started to slowly think about what Jin-man had mentioned to her and Honda a couple of days before. He knew her so well it was like he could see the cogs moving so he cocked an eyebrow at her urging her to speak her mind.
“You mentioned a website?”
And that’s how murthehelp began. Y/N took her and her brothers business online and her and Jin-man moved it out into the countryside along with Ji-an. Now to multitask raising a kid and running a shop for killers.
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crowandmousewritingco · 2 months
Water Cooler Courting
Pairing: Frankie (Catfish) Morales x gn!reader
Words: 1.4k
Rating G: (brief mention of divorce)
Summary: There's a new coworker that catches the eye of a certain salesman.
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: This is my entry in AU August challenge by @punkshort and got the prompt of coworker!Frankie. I hope you enjoy this cute little drabble!
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You didn’t think an office job was for you, but when you started working in advertising for Standard Oil, it was honestly the best job you could’ve asked for. The working environment was idle for your working patterns. Most of your team was amazing and you could feel yourself getting in the grove of your daily work schedule. 
One man in particular piqued your interest. A sweet middle aged man who wore the same company hat everyday, who you had seen in sales, tried to make subtle glances your direction. In the breakroom, he peaked over the rim of his coffee cup in the morning only to turn away when you looked over at him. And you knew that he didn’t pay attention to anything that happened in that budget meeting. You had to admit he was cute so you decided to keep an eye on this interesting man. 
“You have to talk to them,” Benny commented leaning against Frankie’s cubicle. 
Frankie, who was putting all of his concentration into organizing the same stack of papers since the beginning of this conversation, didn't look up at his best friend. If he did then he would have to acknowledge what he was implying. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” 
“Come on man, I saw how they were looking at you during the budget meeting. They were thinking, ‘How much will it cost me to take this handsome man out for dinner?’” Benny responded leaning on the edge of the cubicle. 
“It wasn’t like that. They probably just liked my shirt,” Frankie retorted though he knew it was a flimsy excuse. 
“Give me a break Frankie. You have to at least try. How long has it been since you’ve been on a date?” 
Frankie stood from his office chair and gently shoved past Benny on his way to the files room. Benny had been trying to get him out in the dating scene since the beginning of the year. He swore up and down it’s what he needed, but he wanted to deny that maybe he was right. But Frankie wasn’t gonna tell him that. 
“I don’t need to go out on a date. I gotta concentrate on work and my kid,” Frankie rolled his eyes as he turned the corner. 
Benny groaned. “That’s the same excuse you always use. Remember when you liked that girl from what two weeks ago, and had an amazing time yet you ghosted her.” 
Frankie shook his head as they weaved their way through the maze of offices. “She wasn’t the right fit.” 
“She literally said she wanted to go on another date with you while you were still on the date,” He deadpanned. 
Frankie paused in front of the files room and with a sigh turned to his friend. “Okay maybe that wasn’t my best move.” Benny rolled his eyes and Frankie rubbed his temple. “But it’s not a good time really. I just…haven’t been able to get over her. And who knows. Maybe they don’t want some office romance. They did just start four months ago.” 
Benny sighed. “Okay fine but at least get to know them. They’re a cool person. I talked to them about football for like an hour yesterday. Give them a chance and if things go the way that they do, they let it happen.” 
“Will this get you off my back?” He smirked at his best friend. 
“Only time will tell. But for now I must unfortunately return to my humble abode.” He stated as he walked about. Benny turned over his shoulder and called out. “I better see some flirting happening!”  
Frankie took a deep breath as he saw Benny slip around the corner and set the files in their intended slots. His thoughts were running quickly through his head when he heard a familiar giggle. He turned and saw you joking along with a few of your teammates. A blush creeped into his cheeks and he pulled his well loved hat down as he returned to his cubicle. Dammit you were too cute for his own good. He took a sip of his since chilled coffee and sighed. 
Attempting to work was not happening for Frankie. He had been staring at the blinking cursor for well over 15 mins. All he could concentrate on was that laugh. It rang throughout the cubicles in a way that made his heart skip a beat like he hadn’t felt since he met his ex wife. 
“Dammit Benny being right all the time,” Frankie groaned and stood up from his desk. Maybe water would fix his system. He didn’t even wanna tempt himself with the breakroom so off to the water cooler it was. Hopefully the cold water could wake his system. 
A dull thud behind your eyes started to develop as you continued to stare at the design you were currently working on, but god only knows the amount of fights you were having with Photoshop. It was evident that your productivity had greatly decreased, and you weren’t finishing this project anytime soon. You sighed and grabbed your mug of coffee though when you realized you already finished your second cup, you rubbed your temple with your knuckle. 
“Guess I should have water then,” You sighed and stood up from your ergonomic office chair. Not even bothering with the break room you stopped by the water cooler in the corner of the office spaces. You set the coffee up below the blue value and sighed when the familiar bubbling sound as water filled your empty cup. 
“Seems like we had the same idea,” A voice commented behind you and you turned to see Frankie standing behind you. 
You smiled as you turned off the tap. “I ironically couldn’t do another cup of coffee. Had to have water at some point today.” 
Frankie chuckled and leaned against the wall. “I get that. Been tryn’ to kick that habit but you see how well that’s going.” He gestured with his empty mug. 
“Well I’m right there with you,” You smirk and hold up your own mug. 
“I see we’re doing amazing.” 
“Just the best. I blame art school. Four years of late nights in the studio really made me dependent on the stuff,” You grinned. 
“The years spent in the military did the same to me.” Frankie added. 
“Oh really where did you serve?” You asked leaning against the wall so Frankie could have a turn. 
“South America,” He answered, turning on the tap. 
You nodded at his answer. “My brother did a tour in Iraq.” You added. 
“Had more in common then I thought,” Frankie remarked tilting his head to the side. 
A smile formed on your lips. “I guess we do.” You took another sip of your water before asking. “How long have you worked here?” 
Frankie thought for a second as he switched the water off. “I think around 4 years. Got the job a year after I got out of the army.” 
“Was sales something you’ve always wanted to do?” You asked looking up at the man curiously. 
“Maybe not a dream of mine but always wanted something stable to support my kid,” Frankie explained with a slight blush. 
You smile softly and felt your heart flutter. “That’s actually really sweet.” 
“Thank you. I’ve been tryin to give her a nice life, but ya know how life is sometimes.” Frankie rubbed the back of his neck. 
“I really do. My dad always tried his best when it came to me and my siblings. I can tell you’re a good dad.” 
This time Frankie couldn’t hide the blush that flushed his cheeks, and you chuckled. “How about I buy you a coffee sometime? I really would like to get you know you better.” 
Frankie had to blink a few times to process the information he just heard. YOU were asking HIM on a date. He had to shake his head to get his thoughts. “Yes um ya I-I would love that.” He replied quickly. 
Heat flushed your cheeks and you nodded. “How about Friday after work? My friend runs a cute cafe just around the corner.” 
“That sounds amazing,” Frankie answered with a smile. 
“Perfect, I will see you around,” You said as you turned back towards your office. 
Frankie watched you return to your cubicle and he couldn’t help but smile like a love sick puppy. This interaction would fuel him for the rest of the week. He turned to walk back to his office when he saw Benny give him a thumbs up from his office. He sighed. He hated when he was right, but maybe this time he would let it slide.
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Pedro Character Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges @carusolikey @thebeldroramscal @morallyinept @lady-bess @pedrostories @rivnedell
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hwayangyeon · 1 year
really loving the idea of sunghoon who seems really cold and distant when he's just a himbo that knows how to fuck and nothing else 💀 like u've been dropping hints left and right and he still thinks ur being friendly... like u have to downright demand he fucks u lmao
nsfw brother's bff sunghoon x virgin reader // you're eager to lose your virginity and your brother's best friend helps you out // smut, unprotected sex, use of word slut // 600 words
okay so imagine you're going to move across the state for university soon, but there's a problem - you're a virgin. and there's no way you're going to start university as a virgin.
thank god your brother is hosting a party this weekend and his best friend, sunghoon, is going to be there. he's your typical sports captain, known for being kind of a player, the list of the girls he fucked is long but the list of those waiting is even longer. so it's going to be easy, right?
fast forward to the party and... you're unsuccessful. no matter how low you bend and accidentally flash him your panties, how you push your chest against his arm as you handle him a drink, he's not paying any attention to you.
defeated, you sit down on a sofa and look at the people dancing around you, that is until some random guy joins you and puts his hand on your thigh, moving closer. this is your chance!
well, not really. the second the guy leans in and you can smell his cologne, sunghoon pushes him off and takes your hand, guiding you to your parents' bedroom.
he closes the door behind you and after you get the idea of where this is going, you climb onto the bed excitedly.
"shit, y/n," he says and starts unzipping his pants wobbly, his eyes not adjusted to the darkness, "i promised your brother i wouldn't do this."
he comes closer, "but if anyone has to fuck you tonight, it better be me."
sunghoon grabs your thighs and pulls you to the edge of the bed. his dick brushes against your core, which is enough to cause your first moan to escape.
"when did you become such a slut?" he touches you down and feels your wetness, "this will do."
he slams his dick inside you and honestly, there's nothing romantic about this. he knows it's your first time, but he also knows how to make a girl feel good so he's not wasting any time. it's better than you opening your legs for a random guy, right? your brother would hate that. sunghoon is basically taking care of his best friend's younger sister. right?
"fuck... you feel good," he says as he leans forward and rests his arm on the mattress next to your head, while his other hand holds your waist down.
the feeling of his dick stretching you out is overwhelming. he's not used to having a girl this sensitive, mostly because he doesn't really fuck virgins. it's hard for him to adjust the pace, so you're heating up very quickly. you arched your back literally the second he entered you, making you feel him even more.
he hasn't felt anyone clench on him like that in a while, he's kinda embarrassed because of how fast you got him worked up. not that you would know how it normally is, but it's definitely not a moment he's going to brag to his football team about.
a weird knot had been tightening in your abdomen for a while and it's only a matter of seconds for you to come, making you close your eyes and throw your head back into the mattress.
the view makes him so close he has to pull his dick out, stroke it in his hand, and cum on your stomach. he wishes he could do that while still inside you, but he's not trying to get his best friend's sister pregnant.
after you both calm your breathing, he pushes himself off the bed and starts dressing himself up. he looks back at you and the sight of your chest rising up and down with droplets of his cum glistening in the dim, outdoors lamp really fuck him up. "yeah... i think it's better if you don't tell your brother about this."
idk if this is what you had in mind anon, but thank you sm for the ask 💔
after hotel.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 1 month
Bleeding in Moonlight: Chapter One | Chapter Two |
CW: Some brief moments of dehumanization, referenced captivity and torture, referenced death/murder
“I have no idea where we’re even going.” 
Eden flexed his fingers, stretching them out and then closing them back around the steering wheel. His head felt like it was full of wet cotton, heavy and soft and soaking into every wrinkle of his brain. 
Apparently driving on two hours of sleep wasn’t the best way to handle these things. Not that they had a choice. Well, they did have a choice, but Anaya wasn’t about to let him make it. She was determined to keep going as long as they could.
“Just drive east,” She said, as if she could hear him thinking. “We have a full tank of gas, we can go for hours.”
“Hours?” He couldn’t quite suppress the way his voice sounded pouting, a toddler throwing a tantrum in the middle of a store. He took a deep breath and tried to straighten his spine.
Still, every pothole, bump in the road, or swerving too-tight turn brought an answering whimper or soft whine from the back and Eden’s nerves were fraying more every single time. 
His heart twisted at the simple sounds of pain, sure - he knew it had to hurt like hell, lying there with a stitched-up leg and only some expired hydrocodone from an old surgery Eden had had years ago for the pain, but Eden’s own head was throbbing with a lack of sleep, his eyes felt hot and dry, and a muscle in his jaw had begun to twitch as he kept grinding his teeth.
He had to push down the urge to snap at the boy to quiet down. It wasn’t his fault, Eden knew it wasn’t, but the anger still rose with every pulse of his heartbeat he could feel behind his eyes.
Added to all the other bullshit about today, they were in the middle of nowhere, a good hour from the next place Eden could think of to even grab half-decent coffee. They needed to find somewhere where they could park, somewhere nobody would look in the back and then ask about a thousand increasingly uncomfortable but honestly really understandable questions about the naked teenage boy back there.
The naked teenage boy covered in scars and wrapped in blankets, who badly needed a haircut and a hamburger and who hadn't spoken a fucking word since they started driving.
“Not too many. Four more hours of driving would get us to Missoula,” Anaya said, a little distracted, looking down at her phone. “I have a friend we could crash with there. Vanessa… she has an extra room, she says. Yeah. Four hours and twenty minutes to Missoula and then we can spend a couple days figuring this out-”
She blinked and looked over at him. “What?”
“We absolutely cannot take him to Missoula.” Eden had the urge to drop his head into his hands even as he made his careful way on the winding road, the darkly forested mountains they had been camping in rising high and dagger-edged behind them. Like they were angry at them taking the boy out of the woods and towards civilization.
Well, that was a weird thing to think.
“Of course we can,” Anaya said, frowning, puzzled. 
“No. We can’t. Missoula is in Montana."
"Yeah, I'm aware. But it's also only four hours away."
"Going to Missoula... that is a full on crazy idea, Naya, and you know it.”
“I don’t know it. Why exactly is that crazy?” Anaya, bristling, set her phone down and twisted around in her seat to look back at the blanket lump behind them that was Misae, whose eyes were closed even as his expression was pinched with pain. “We all need sleep, right? All three of us do. Vanessa won’t ask too many questions.”
“If we show up with him, she probably should!”
“Anaya, for God’s sake… Taking a minor across state lines is fucking kidnapping!”
“Sure, if we had kidnapped him, but we didn’t! Somebody else did!”
“Okay, first of all, that isn’t how kidnapping works. We’re not playing fucking flag football with a human being. Also, we don’t know that he was kidnapped at all!”
“He said his family is dead! That means he was kidnapped by whoever killed them!”
“We. Don’t. Know. That. It just means they’re dead, it doesn’t say anything about how they died or how he ended up where he is. You’re… you’re just guessing at things we can’t prove, that might not even be true!”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Her voice sharpened.
His own voice rose in response, louder than he intended. “He might have lied to us or something!” 
The boy in the back flinched, hands moving to cover his head, visible as a sudden shift in the rearview mirror. Misae groaned, muttering something to himself. Eden’s chest twisted in dismay as he realized there was a tiny spot of red starting to show through the blanket, which meant the poor kid had started bleeding through his bandages at some point. He needed them changed. Eden must not have done a good enough job putting pressure on the wound. The stitches were doing their best, but Eden’s first aid kit wasn’t great, and stitching someone up in the woods in a hurry was never going to work well anyway. He needed to redo the stitches, hopefully after a few hours of sleep and with steadier hands. Guilt prickled. “Sorry... I'm sorry, man. I don’t really think that you’re lying, exactly, it’s just… Maybe you told us what you thought we needed to hear so we’d help you. I’d honestly understand if you did.”
“Eden!” Anaya smacked at his shoulder. “You can’t just accuse him of lying!”
“I’m not trying to be accusing! I’m just trying to keep us from getting thrown in prison. Taking a minor over state lines isn’t just illegal, it’s a felony. We do not have enough knowledge about this situation right now to commit felonies for total strangers, even if they are bleeding all over my backseat!”
She huffed and rolled her eyes. “You took out the backseat.”
“... please don’t do that thing where you nitpick everything I say because you’re mad at me even though you know I’m right.”
Anaya opened her mouth, then closed it and looked away. "Yeah, okay." For Anaya, that was a white flag raised high. 
He took the truce she offered gladly. “Okay, so, we don’t know him well enough to commit a felony on his behalf, even though he’s bleeding all over my trunk.”
She relaxed a little - his acknowledgement of the nitpick was his way of flying a white flag, too. Then she sighed. “Well…” Anaya trailed off, then turned back around and looked at the road ahead as if it were personally offensive to her. “Okay, I can see your point. Maybe… maybe you’re right about this. Still, we don’t even know he’s from Idaho at all, he might have already been taken over state lines? We’re… there’s no way we’re the bad guys for helping him, is there?”
“No, I didn’t say that. I don’t think we are, and I absolutely agree that he needs help. I’m just… I’m just too tired to think straight about this, or maybe I’d have a better idea of what we should do. We need to stop so I can nap, so we can all nap. Yeah?”
“Fair enough.” Anaya tipped her head back against her seat, her black hair spilling in messy waves all around her shoulders and down to her ribcage. The clear light of morning turned her skin  Eden fell in love all over again.
He usually did, every time he looked at her. 
“Naptime for everybody,” She said, a little dreamily. “Sounds good. Does that sound good to you, too, Misae?”
The boy had to hear them, they weren’t keeping their voices particularly low, but he didn’t answer. He was lying down in the back of the car, everything but his injured leg curled up as tightly as he could get, existing in a kind of numb silence. 
Shock, Eden had thought at first. Now his mind skipped back to the sight of the scars the kid was covered in, and he wondered if he just was too used to being hurt and simply didn't think this kind of thing was worth even remarking on. Or... maybe he was used to getting hurt worse if he spoke up about the pain. Maybe it had been safer to be silent.
Still... at least the kid seemed to be getting some sleep. He'd clearly dozed on and off for most of the drive. He didn’t even seem to be listening to them now, when they were specifically talking about him. 
When Eden checked the mirror, all he saw was that reddish-brown hair with gray scattered throughout, sticking out like a puffball above the blankets he’d curled himself up beneath, which Eden did not allow himself to think was cute. The red stain on the blanket - was it a little bigger than the last time he’d looked?
“Right." He hummed, changing lanes. "Also, not to like harp on this or anything, but… what if somebody’s still looking for him?”
Anaya’s thoughtful frown deepened. “He said that his family-”
“Is dead, no, I know he said that. I’m not talking about family, not exactly. But that guy with the gun, he said something about finding bodies on their land before, remember? Like this isn’t the first time. And he was clearly hunting that wolf. So… would they just give up looking?”
Anaya’s worry had her thumb shifting upwards, until she was absently nipping at her thumbnail, catching it between top and bottom teeth and worrying at a torn spot of skin along her cuticle. “I don’t know. I guess I figured they would, if he wasn’t on their land anymore, but…” 
Eden sighed, half-smiling as he reached out and put a hand over hers, pulling it back down and holding tight. “Stop that, baby.”
She blinked. “What?”
“Stop eating your hand,” Eden said, with long-suffering affection. Her fingers twined into his and he gave a short squeeze. She squeezed back.
“Eden, seriously, I’m not eating my-” Naya glanced down at her thumb, the nail already torn at one corner. She smiled a little. “Oh. I guess I was. Well, anyway, we should still help him, right? We can’t just leave some kid to bleed to death alone. If we don’t go to Missoula, what do we do next?”
“I honestly… I don’t know.” He had to pull his hand back - this road was way too full of curves to be safe to drive one-handed - but the simple gestures, old habits long built between them, settled his racing heart a little. He and Anaya had been together since before he’d dropped out of his residency, even, as friends at first and then they had realized more or less at the same time that 'just friends' had started being more without either of them noticing it. The memory of their simultaneous attempts to officially ask each other out, awkward and sweet, made everything about the day seem suddenly a little easier to handle. He took a deep breath. “I’m just saying that we don’t know anything about this kid, except that he got shot and he’s running from somebody named Bill.”
“We also know that he’s a werewolf,” Anaya pointed out. When Eden didn’t respond, she frowned, narrowing her eyes at him. Eden chanced a glance sidelong so he could see it - her squinty eyes always made her adorable, even if she’d get really, really mad if he told her that.
She saw him thinking it anyway.
Her eyes narrowed even more, but the corner of her mouth twitched upwards. “Eden Yarrow, you quit that.” Anaya hissed, badly hiding the smile that kept trying to creep over her, “This is not me joking. He’s a werewolf! You saw him being a wolf! We both saw that he’s a werewolf!”
“No, we didn’t. We definitely saw a wolf. We’re agreed on that. Then, later, we saw a kid hiding under my car. Two totally different events that happened literally hours apart.” He paused, letting the silence draw out. The radio droned in and out of whatever stations it could pick up this far away from anything at all. He winced when he heard a scrap of a sermon. The sound was too familiar not to feel like ghosts haunting him down to the bone, the echo of his father’s own thundering disappointment. “We don’t, technically speaking, actually know that they’re even related events.”
Anaya didn’t respond, but the sheer weight of her answering stare burned hot against his right cheek. He could have seen it with his eyes closed. He was vaguely afraid he’d end up with some kind of burn as a result.
Eden tried to wait her out. The silence drew out. The radio played part of a hip-hop song and then went back to static. 
Naya had always been better at the quiet game, though, and after only a couple of minutes he gave up trying and just sighed. “Okay, I admit it would be a really big coincidence-”
“Yeah, I’d say it would be one hell of a coincidence!” She drew the word out, gave it syllables it didn’t even have. “I mean, sure, it’s a coincidence, in the same way that Batman and Bruce Wayne are coincidentally never seen in the same room at the same time-”
“Don’t you bring Batman into this.”
“Fine. Clark Kent and Superman, then.”
“Now you’re just listing every superhero.”
“Look, if you want to play this game, I could do this for days. We’ll die of dehydration before I run out of superheroes and their secret identities.”
He didn’t know if she looked as smug as she sounded, but he knew if he looked he’d start laughing and this whole conversation would be a wash.
“... Fine. Yeah, okay, you win. I’ll accept it. Werewolves are real. Men who turn into fucking wolves on the full moon, totally real. Oh, and cherry on top of the sundae, there’s one in the back of my car right now. Pure insanity, but sure.”
“Insanity. Right. But wouldn't you-... wouldn't-" The corner of her mouth twitched upwards again. She muttered under her breath, and had to put her hands up over her face. Her shoulders shook a little.
Eden sighed. His headache was getting worse. Even his arms felt weirdly heavy. They passed a road sign advertising a rest stop coming up, and he shifted into the right lane, not bothering with a turn signal. There was nobody but them and a handful of tractor trailers and like two other cars on the road right now anyway. “What?”
Anaya shook her head. She still had her hands over her mouth. “You won’t like it.”
“Why not? Just tell me. What’s so damn funny?”
“Would you say it's insanity... or..." She said, her voice slightly cracked with suppressed laughter. “Eden. Listen. Wouldn't it more accurately be... lunacy? Get it? Like the moon? Lunacy? Werewolves and the m-”
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Eden muttered. “Isn’t the guy in the relationship supposed to do the stupid dad jokes? Anaya, I am not laughing.”
“Hi, Not Laughing, I’m Anaya.” She threw her head back, the sound of her laughter bouncing around the inside of the car. A little delirious with her own exhaustion. It made Eden feel warm to hear it, even as he heard the boy in the back shift around for the first time. In the mirror, he caught sight of those unsettling light brown eyes, glinting gold with reflected sun, as the kid lifted his head enough to stare at Anaya like she’d grown four new arms. 
Wolf eyes.
He had to admit it.
The kid did not have human eyes at all. 
He took the exit for the rest stop, relieved to break eye contact. It had felt almost like a physical weight, demanding to be recognized even though the kid remained quiet. 
He was unsurprised to see a few semi trucks already parked alongside three regular cars. A small family sat eating what was clearly a kind of picnic breakfast at a small table in the morning sunlight. Another man had a dog on a leash sniffing around the edges of a trash can.
The boy must have seen the man with the dog, too. He made a sound, low in his throat, shifting over to get a better look through the backseat window. The sound he made was like a rumble, eyes laser focused on the man and his dog, and suddenly the mess of his hair seemed almost to stick out more than it had before. He shifted as Eden’s car passed by the two, his injured leg dragging a little as he tried to kneel, hands against the glass. 
Eden pulled into a parking spot at the very end of the row, as far away from anyone else as he could get, and just sat there, blinking. Then the nature of the sound seemed to suddenly make itself clear to him all at once. “What the hell? Dude, are you trying to growl? Anaya, he’s growling. Like a-”
“Wolf?” Anaya asked the question in a tone of pure and perfect innocence. When Eden glanced at her, her eyebrows were raised nearly to her hairline. “Would you say it was a wolflike sound, there, Eden? Canine, perhaps?”
“No, I wouldn’t,” He snapped, but his heart wasn’t in it. Anaya reached out to take his hand, pulling his knuckles to her lips to kiss them, one by one. He found himself relaxing until his head dropped back against the headrest. The world swam in front of him, the trees that lined the rest stop shifting in and out of focus.
God, he needed some sleep. 
Anaya yawned, Eden yawned - and then, in the back, he heard the unmistakable sound of Misae yawning, too. Anaya rolled her shoulders, then shifted to open the door and step out. “I’m going to go check and see if this place has one of those coffee vending machines. You want anything?”
“Granola bar or protein bar, if they got one. Also coffee. Not that it'll do much good. Anything for you?” He looked back at the mirror again when there wasn’t an answer. “Hey. Wolfboy.”
Misae looked away from him. Eden could read his expression well enough, though. He looked… hurt. His shoulders slumped, inching up towards his chin, and he sat back down. 
Anaya frowned. “I think we just insulted him.”
“Oh.” Eden cleared his throat. “Uh… Misae. Is ‘wolfboy’ bad? Not a good nickname?”
The boy’s eyes dropped down as he licked at his lips, taking in a deep breath and then slowly letting it out. His eyes cut off to one side, refusing to look back. An uncomfortable, heavy silence weighed all of them down. 
Just as Eden was about to give up waiting for him to speak and tell Anaya to go on and get the food, Misae cleared his throat. His words came out halting and hesitant, speaking slowly. “It’s fine. Just water, please.”
Anaya nodded. “You got it. Any food for you? You’ve got to be hungry by now, right?”
Misae didn’t respond this time, no matter how long they waited. He just blinked. 
Anaya sighed and then shrugged at Eden. “I’ll get him something,” She said, voice low, and then walked away, the car closing gently behind her. Misae watched her go, eyebrows furrowing a little in something like worry. The two men watched Anaya disappear into the rest stop building.
After a couple of minutes had passed, Misae whined. The tone was a little different than it had been before - not pain, but… concern. It was a deeply familiar sound, one Eden had heard a hundred times in his life or more. 
“Oh, stop it, she’s coming right back.” 
Silence from the back. 
Eden caught himself, and then made a sound somewhere between a groan and a laugh. Even he wasn’t sure which he meant to do. “Sorry. I know you’re not a dog.”
"Was... shifted, for too long. Can't remember which I am sometimes."
"Oh. Uh... Sorry?"
Eden sighed. “Boy, you are not a talker, huh.”
The quiet drew out for a while longer. Eden’s mind wandered, and he found himself picking up the silver bullet, turning it in circles so he could run his fingers over the markings carved into it. They looked almost like… runes. Only not like them at all. But the idea was the same - symbols drawn in straight lines and dots, the occasional half-circle curve. Some of them had been partly obliterated by being fired into a human being - or not a human being, maybe, at least not all the way - but he could still get a sense for them by running his fingers over the curves of the thing. 
It felt oddly heavy in his hands. When he tipped it to one side and then the other, something seemed to shift inside it. Was it full of buckshot? It was a miracle it hadn’t filled the kid’s body with shrapnel. If it had broken apart the way Eden had thought it would…
Well, sewing up the wound wouldn't have been enough to save him.
His lips pressed together into a line. Then, he turned to look back at Misae, who was watching Eden and the bullet, his eyes locked with unconcealed dread on the way the silver glinted in the sunlight. Eden’s eyes narrowed in thought. “Hey.”
Brown-gold eyes flicked to his, then back to the silver. 
“Will you hold this for me?” Eden held the bullet out, only to watch with wide eyed as Misae flinched violently backwards, crying out in pain as his injured leg was forced into motion. He stopped only when his back was pressed against the back windshield. He had to clutch at the blankets and pull them back up to cover himself, but briefly all his scarred-up nakedness, the parade of bruises in various stages of healing all over his body, the mix of uneven welts and sharp, perfect straight lines of damaged skin were all on terrible display.
Eden looked nervously out the windows, but nobody seemed to have noticed them. Good. The idea of having to explain what Misae doing in his car was... not even scary, just something so exhausting he couldn't even stand to think about it. He dropped the bullet back into the cupholder. “Silver really freaks you out, huh?”
Misae slowly nodded, but he didn’t relax or move back close. “Bad,” He said, hoarsely. “It’s bad.”
“Silver is bad? Like, it hurts you? Like mythology?"
“It hurts.” Misae’s chin jerked down in the nod, and he crossed his arms in front of himself. His face was pale, white under the darkened freckles. “It… burns me, cuts me, doesn’t heal.”
“It doesn’t heal?” Eden thought of the wound that was still, somehow, bleeding even though he’d stitched it up and bandaged it heavily. “Like, ever?”
“If it comes out, it will. Different then.” Misae’s shoulders hunched near his ears and he looked down, hair falling forward to shadow his eyes. “Heals too slowly. Always scars. I don’t… like to see silver.”
“Oh. Uh… sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I didn’t think… that it would scare you like that, but that makes sense. Hey, about earlier… do they call you that? The, uh, the people… where you’ve been living? Do they call you ‘wolfboy’? Is that why it bugged you when I said it?”
Another long pause. Speaking with Misae felt like dropping a coin into a well and having to wait way too long before you hear it splash. Eventually, those narrow shoulders shrugged. “Sometimes they call me that. Sometimes other things.”
“Other things?”
“Worse things.”
“Like what?”
Misae looked at him through shaggy bangs, lips thinning.
“Yeah… okay. You probably don’t want to just tell me the nasty bits, you barely know me.” Eden sighed, leaning over until his forehead touched the steering wheel, closing his eyes. He wondered if he’d just… doze off, if he kept them shut for too long. He started talking just to try and keep himself awake. “This has been… the weirdest day, man. I have a werewolf in my car. An injured werewolf. An injured teenage werewolf.” With his level of exhaustion, it suddenly seemed like a reasonable possibility. Sure, why wouldn’t there be werewolves? Why not? Why wouldn’t there be a werewolf with knobby elbows and long legs in the back of his stupid old car? 
Maybe Bigfoot was out there, too, and they’d catch him hitchhiking. Or fucking little green aliens in flying saucers. Why the hell not? Or even vampires, maybe. 
Maybe they’d find a vampire staked through the wrong part of their chest next with a thumb out for a ride and have to take them on a road trip, too. Like a fucked-up road trip movie. Maybe he’d walk into a fairy circle of mushrooms one morning and vanish, never to be seen again. Or wake up in three hundred years the same age he was when he went to sleep, or…
Maybe all of it was real, legends and myth. Maybe he didn’t notice because he’d never tried to read between the lines of reality before. 
If he was having thoughts like that, he desperately needed sleep. He had to force down a half-hysterical giggle and make himself focus on his next train of thought. It was getting more difficult to think at all. “The guy who shot you. The one we saw in the woods. Who is that?”
Pause. “Austin.”
“... Is Austin one of the people… you live with?”
“Sort of.”
“What… what does ‘sort of’ mean?” God, it was like pulling teeth that just kept growing deeper roots every time he asked a question, fighting harder to give him nothing. Kid didn’t exactly make himself easy to rescue, now did he?
No. That wasn’t fair. He’d gotten right into the car, he’d let Eden and Anaya drive him away without protest. He just… didn’t seem to find it easy to speak. 
“Austin lives in the house.”  
“Where do you live?”
Silence again, other than the soft sound of Misae breathing. 
Did he not want to answer? Or did he not know what Eden was asking, not pick up on it? Maybe he thought Eden was making fun of him somehow. Eden frowned, trying to think, to reword the question. “I’m asking seriously. Did you not live in the house? Where did you sleep? Come on. Talk to me, I’m trying to understand.”
Misae shrugged again. “Outside.”
That seemed to be all Misae was willing to give him. 
Eden listened as the boy behind him just laid back down against the back of the car, hissing through his teeth at the pain in his stitched-up leg. Eden glanced back in time to see him cover himself until even his hair vanished beneath the layers of quilted cotton blankets. Just an unmoving lump with a red splotch near the bottom. 
The boy was literally hiding from having to continue the conversation.
“Okay, guess we’re done with that, then,” Eden muttered, rubbing his hands over his face. His stubble was scratchy under his palms along his jaw, and the sensation sent a warmth through him. Felt pretty damn good, even though he knew it would drive him crazy if he didn’t get a chance to shave in the next couple of days.  
He decided, glutton for punishment that he was, to try one more time. “Are these people going to keep looking for you, even though we got you off their land?” After a long pause, he let his frustration bleed into his tone, and stopped trying to gentle it. “Just fucking answer me, okay, man? Are the people who shot you going to keep looking for you now?”
Misae’s muffled voice came, barely audible from under the blankets. “Yes.”
“What happens if they find you?”
“God damn it, kid-”
“Containment!” Misae’s voice trembled, now, enough for Eden to hear it. The word seemed forced from him against his will, spat out like poison. He wondered suddenly if he wasn’t hiding from the conversation itself, but trying to hide his tears from view. Ashamed or even afraid of his own emotions. “Quarantine.”
A pit opened somewhere between Eden’s chest and his stomach. He shivered, despite the warmth of the sun shining on him through the window. Goosebumps raised on his arms until he rubbed at them with one hand. “What?” 
He glanced over at the rest stop building and saw Anaya through the glass doors. She stood off to one side at the vending machines, choosing something, looking down at her phone while she waited.
“Been in quarantine so he could fix us. But… but I left.” Misae hitched in an uneven breath, a whine at the edge of his exhale. Twisting canine noise into human speech. “Left.”
“Why did you leave?”
Misae looked to the side, his hopelessness a heavy weight in the car, pressing the both of them down. “Bill decided no one would ever get better. Can’t be fixed.”
“What does that mean? ‘Getting better?’” 
“Not… becoming. We might still hurt people. Make them sick, too."
“... You hurt people?”
“I… I didn’t mean to…” Misae licked at his lips again, looking away and then back, and Eden had trouble with the combination of a very human body echoing very canine traits over and over again. 
“So you were… kept in quarantine to keep you from hurting people?”
"From making them sick."
"... oh."
Eden felt like the next pause between sentences like a hammer bashing at his brain. His heart beat too hard. He looked up and saw Anaya heading back their way, a coffee in each hand, somehow balancing a water bottle between her arm and her side and with protein bars stuffed in her pockets. He swallowed, feeling a surreal and completely pointless urge to tell her to stay away. Get out, run, get help.
To what? Save him from the exhausted, frightened, injured boy in the back who clearly couldn’t have hurt a fly in his current state? The thought was ridiculous. Misae was the epitome of fucking harmless. 
Bill, whoever he was, was clearly a liar.
Then again… Eden thought of the wolf racing in the moonlight, stumbling through their campsite. 
In the end, Misae was the first one to speak again. He just said, voice flat, “Silver was supposed to fix us. Make us safe. But Bill said it wasn’t enough. It’s… it’s like rabies.”
“What’s like rabies?”
"The bite."
Eden cleared his throat. “Okay, so… that’s why you’re on your own? Because of what this Bill guy said about it not being treatable? So you ran away?"
Misae’s throat moved, adam’s apple shifting up and down. His lips twisted into something like a snarl before he closed his eyes tightly. He pulled one knee to his chest, the injured leg still stuck out straight, and closed his arms around it, hiding most of his face. His shoulders shook, and the tears in his voice couldn’t be hidden no matter how soft and hoarse he kept his words.
“I thought I did a good enough job pretending."
A pause.
“I didn’t know Austin would see me when I climbed out of it.”
“Out of what?”
“... The hole.”
Eden stared sightlessly ahead, feeling somehow like it would be easier for Misae if he wasn't looking. His heart beat hard and ice pushed through his veins. "The hole?"
"We were all buried together. I had to wait. I was... I was the only one who climbed out of the... it was a g-grave..." Misae began to cry, sobs shaking thin shoulders, hoarse rasping sobs that filled the whole space inside the little car.
Anaya returned, balancing coffee and water and granola bars stuffed into her pockets. She opened the car door and then froze, staring. Her eyes went from Misae to Eden. "What-... what happened while I was gone?"
Eden felt like his own eyes were too wide, ringed in white, when he met her gaze.
"We, uh." He cleared his throat. "Get in. You were right. Let's stop to sleep in Missoula."
@finder-of-rings @burtlederp @scoundrelwithboba @shrimpwritings
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pinkyqil · 2 months
- Running with you
Pairing: salma x reader
Warning: none
A/n: more annoying gf salma fic I didn't forget about the series just didn't have any ideas but here with are hope y'all enjoy the fic and as always feedbacks/requests are welcomed 🫶🏾
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You loved times like this when you get to spend the entire day with salma and today was one of them as.
you planned on going on a run with her knowing it was one of her favorite things before she had to quite athletes so that she could focus on football full time.
It wasn't that she quite running all together just that she couldn't participate in the competition like before.
so you decided to use going on a run for one of your couple activity you both normally do. instead of going on fancy dates it would be going for a run near the beach side and stopping at the pizza place that was right next to it.
But as always it wouldn't be a good afternoon of salma hadn't start with her annoying tendency which was honestly getting on your nerves.
You had been looking for your running shoes only to realize your girlfriend had them with her then either time and refused to give them back to you unless you could reach her. Which to you was quite impossible due to your height distance and she knew this but does things like this no matter what.
"Salma give me back my shoes". You told her while trying to reach out for them but everytime you got close she just goes for an higher distance.
"Nope". Was all she said knowing you were already getting annoyed at her.
"Fine have it your way and we won't be going on the run". you told her.
"Okay you can have them back". You knew that tricked always worked on her there was no way you wouldn't go for your date with her.
"Thank you and now let's head out already we wastes enough time cause of your dumb antics". You told your girlfriend
"There not dumb you just lack a hood sense of humor". She told you
"How is stopping me from getting my shoes sense of humor to you". You asked her
"Well it isn't ". She told you before picking up her pace.
The rest of your run consisted of you and salma going back and forth with each other. earning you both looks from random strangers on the street as you guys ran quite fast especially you having to keep up with salma and her speed. You were able to end your day with wachting the sun set and having pizza while you both just talked each other's ears out.
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Te amo mi molesta salmonella tagged @salmaparalluelo liked by vickylopez,ona.batlle and 7,123 others
Comments limited
Salmonella esa es buena verdad 😭🤣 @salmaparalluelo
Replied to vickylopez
por que el pequeño vuelve a hablar 🙄
Dónde está mi invitación?🥲
Replied to ona.batlle
En la papelera
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girlgenius1111 · 5 months
Does Sol like watching football or is she indifferent and only wants to support Ingrid and Mapi? Or is it complicated for her to support Ingrid’s football now, given that her parents always prioritized Ingrid’s football over her softball and such when she was a kid? How do Ingrid and Mapi help her navigate that?
And do Sol and Fresa go to Barça’s games together once they get together? Happy for @wileys-russo ‘s thoughts too, about them together or about Fresa :)
Side note: do y’all consult about headcanons before you post them bc they align very well lol it’s very cute
sol really really loves to watch her sister (and mapi) play football. she likes the sport because she’s been watching it her whole life, and she understands it really well. she’s never really held any of the things her parents did against ingrid because honesty, she saw ingrid as the perfect, worthy one too.
she’s just proud of her older sister, honestly, because playing at this level with this much scrub it’s and under this much pressure is more than sol could take and she is endlessly impressed that ingrid thrives in that environment.
she isn’t used to being prioritized, though, and it’s something ingrid and mapi have to be patient with. when they put her before seeing their friends or a work commitment, she always lashes out a bit because she isn’t used to the feeling of being important. it’s a tricky adjustment.
sol and fresa definitely go to games together once they get together. they share this really unique thing of their sister being so so good at something, and being proud of that while also feeling a bit insecure about themselves and their talent. that’s one of the things that draws them to each other. they just really get the other person.
@wileys-russo chime in bestie 🙂🙂🍓🍓
also. yes. bailey and i have a google doc of fresa and sol headcannons that is like… 11pt font, and maybe 9 pages long. and it’s missing so much stuff we’ve talked about too.
when we consult on headcannons though, i cannot tell you how many times bailey and i come up with the exact same idea. we share one brain. i think she’s had it for a couple weeks at this point 🫣
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stevesbestgirl · 2 years
It is so damn cute watching the other littlest look after the little baby reader.
Like the one with the football game. How little Peter looks after her. That was adorable!!! I couldn’t stop smiling.
I do like how they regress to a younger age.
Would love to see more little baby reader with more cute scenes with her daddies but also the other littles and caretakers.
Headphones put on her when it gets loud. Maybe at a gala and telling a loud douche to be quiet. (Badarse scary protective mom Nat).
Please please would you write more protective badarse stucky.
How would all the avengers especially stucky and maybe even the other littlest react if the baby reader was taken? After all the others are littles but still heroes while baby doesn’t have any powers (or does she) ;) 😂. Seriously though imagine the littles all finding out baby has been taken and then the door where the others are opens and the littles are no long littles but pissed off Loki. Scarlett witch , Spider-Man etc.
So sorry for writing so much. Just really love your fics. Can’t wait for any more you write. I hope you have a lovely day 🌸
Ohmygosh, this is so sweet, please don't apologize! I love hearing what people like about Their Girl 🥰🥰
I don't usually do requests, but your ideas are great and I got a little inspired ❤️
Daddy!Stucky x little!f!reader
2989 Words
Warnings: brief swearing, crybaby reader (as always), sfw age regression
In the early days, you never left the compound; your daddies were protective. They didn't want anything bad to happen to you- or for you to run into someone who might recognize you; that could be just as damaging to all the work they'd done to make you happy.
But eventually, as trust built, they started taking you out in public. First the zoo, like they'd promised, and then other places. Soon, you were allowed to tag along when they went grocery shopping and trips to the park become normal. You even had a special day at the mall with Steve.
You trusted all of the adults to keep you safe while out and about; you remembered one of Tony's fancy parties where a man had drank so much that he was shouting, despite the soft music and low hum of chatter in the room. Bucky had only agreed to bring you to that party because Tony promised it would be quiet. But the man was determined to be heard by the pretty girl he was talking to, though she didn't seem to want to talk to him.
You knew your daddies were close by, so you tried to be brave, politely tugging on his jacket and asking him to use his inside voice. But the girl saw her opportunity to leave, disappearing while his back was turned and then he got annoyed.
"Who brought a fuckin' kid to this party?" he called out to the room, making you shrivel beneath all the attention he was drawing. "Honestly, can't a guy even get laid-"
It wasn't Bucky, or even Steve, who marched over and put themselves between the two of you, it was Natasha. "You need to tone it down."
The man had smirked, giving her an obvious look up and down, "That's not the only thing that could stand to go down." He clearly thought himself quite smooth.
When she didn't fall down at his feet, he added, "Why? This yours?" He tipped his chin derisively at you, scorn plain in his tone. You winced; you didn't understand why he was being so mean, but you knew he was.
"She's not the problem here." You knew Natasha's warning voice well enough to recognize it, but this man was either too drunk, too stupid, or too distracted by her pretty face to notice.
"She's a problem for me." He reached in your direction, like he was going to push you away, drawing a resigned sigh from Nat.
Natasha caught his arm, twisting it to a funny angle and making the man cry out, "Then I guess I'm your problem too."
By then, Steve had noticed, steering you away and shielding you from the ruckus, but you peeked out just in time to see Nat take the man down, not even mussing her hair. Steve stayed close for the rest of the night, thinking you were traumatized, but you were really in awe of Natasha. Looking at your daddies, it was obvious they could protect you. But Natasha was much tougher than she looked and she hadn't hesitated to step in to keep you safe.
You had murmured a shy thank you to her later in the evening, to which she smiled, "Of course, dovey. We take care of our kids, don't we?" She'd kissed your forehead and you realized that you were part of their family; they would all take care of you, just like they did their own babies.
The adults had collectively decided that taking more than one baby out at a time warranted at least two caregivers. They weren't taking risks with such precious cargo after all.
Generally, things went smoothly. Surprisingly, Loki was the one who tended to get into trouble when out and about, but you were still very grateful to be allowed; you weren't about to rock the boat now. Not that good intentions would keep you out of trouble.
You hadn't meant to wander off in the store, but it wasn't like you went out often- you'd forgotten how easy it was to get swept up in the crowd. Especially with Thor and Tony as chaperones; Thor's supervision wasn't quite as comprehensive as many of the others and Tony tended to get distracted by Peter. It wasn't until you were shuffled away from the group, distracted by the pretty backpacks on display, that you realized they were gone.
Looking up from a sequined one you'd been admiring, you realized you were all alone. You'd always heard that you should stay put when you were lost, but that seemed kind of silly. After all, you knew you'd been with the group back by the clothing, so you shouldered the backpack you wanted and made your way back there.
But there was no sign of any of them. And now you were a little scared; when was the last time you were alone outside the compound? Just asking yourself the question unearthed the faint memory of your nightmares, which hadn't plagued you for quite a while now.
With a whimper, you climbed inside the clothing rack; it was stuffed full and provided excellent cover for someone who didn't want to get grabbed by a stranger. You camped out among the clothes for a few minutes- only long enough to realize that if someone had come back to look for you, they wouldn't know you were here. So you cautiously climbed out, keeping an eye out for any kidnappers.
You waited again, but what if they'd come to check for you while you were hiding? You might have missed them. Or what if they hadn't even noticed you were gone? What if they left without you?
You knew you shouldn't go out in the parking lot alone; you were supposed to hold someone's hand. You weren't even sure you remembered where the van was parked. But the little voice in your head insisted that if you weren't by the car when they came out, they would leave you behind.
Looking carefully both ways, you took a step into the lot, but you were quickly pulled back, an unfamiliar voice barking, "Where do you think you're going?"
Wheeling around, you were gazing at a grumpy-looking security guard whose badge read "Bennett." Locating your voice, however muted, you answered, "I got lost."
"Mm. And I take it you were going to pay for that bag too?" He didn't sound particularly accommodating.
"I don't have any money, but-"
"I thought so," he grunted. "Come with me."
Far be it from you to argue with a security guard; your daddies had told you to be wary of strangers, but there were no other grown ups around. So you tearfully followed Officer Bennett back inside and through a set of double doors. Behind those, everything was gray and dirty- it wasn't pretty like the rest of the store. But he kept walking, towing you firmly by the arm until you were in a tiny security office.
Entranced by the wall of TVs, you forgot you were in trouble until he snapped his fingers, "Sit down." You dropped into the chair against the wall.
He stood while you sat, hands planted on his hips, looking down his nose at you; he thought you were a thief. But nothing you said made a difference; he had an answer to everything, a way you could have been lying. He started asking for your information: your name, your birthday, where you lived. But you knew you weren't supposed to tell him those. So you told him that.
"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
His face twisted into a mocking sneer, "You've got to be kidding me."
Missing the sarcasm, you shook your head earnestly, "I promise I wasn't tryin' to steal-"
"I don't want to hear it. Unless you're going to tell me your name, I don't want to hear a peep out of you."
Intimidated by his bad attitude and his badge, you went quiet. You sat in the uncomfy, wooden chair, kicking your feet and watching the security cameras. You were compliantly quiet, at least until you saw a familiar face on one of the many screens. "Wanda!"
"That your name?"
"No, but-"
"Don't care then."
"Shut up."
Surprised, you replied again, voice thick, "That's mean."
"Don't care." He turned back to his computer, making a pointed effort to ignore your sniffles and hiccups as they became more and more pronounced.
You debated about running away, but you weren't super like everyone else; you couldn't do anything. The small amount of relief granted by the knowledge that they hadn't left you behind- at least, not yet- didn't comfort you in the face of utter helplessness.
You tried to stay quiet while you cried, finding Wanda on the cameras again. You could at least keep an eye on her. Wanda looked right into the camera and you wanted to believe that she saw you, but you knew that wasn't how cameras worked. You watched her lean over and mutter something to Peter, who, in turn, whispered something in Loki's ear. You couldn't see Tony or Thor on the screen anywhere.
You did a quick scan of the other monitors for the grown ups and when you returned to Wanda's, she was gone and so were the others. You'd lost them.
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat before speaking, "What's gonna happen to me?"
"Don't know."
"Am I goin' to jail?" Would Steve and Bucky be able to find you if you got arrested?
"Maybe." He sounded like he was entertaining the idea.
That prompted you to cry in earnest- you didn't want to go to jail. You could usually admit when you'd done something wrong, but everything that had happened today was an accident. You were a good girl.
Your internal monologue cut short at a knock on the door. With a heavy grunt, Officer Bennett heaved himself out of his chair and opened it, positioning himself between you and the other side, so you couldn't see past him. Whatever he saw on the other side gave him pause, then he slipped through the gap in the door and closed it behind him.
You were alone in the security office. And Officer Bennett had left his cell phone on the desk.
You scrambled over and were amazed that he didn't have a passcode on it. You remembered Steve complaining about how tedious it was to change that setting. Figuring it was an old man thing, you thanked your lucky stars and managed to open a text chat.
It had been a long time since you used a cell phone for anything other than games or taking pictures and even those typically had Steve or Bucky over your shoulder, telling you what to do. The last time you'd owned a cell phone, holo-screen tech didn't even exist.
You did, however, know your daddies' phone numbers by heart. They were now well versed in positive reinforcement. So you'd gotten a canopy for your bed in return for reeling off their phone numbers without any mistakes after weeks of practice and positive encouragement.
You dialed those numbers with shaky fingers, glancing over your shoulder to make sure the door was still closed. You weren't good at texting, though you dimly remembered being good at it once.
You typed out, "Help." "Scared." You wanted to type "officer," but you couldn't spell it, so you backpedaled, breaths coming faster as fear of being caught settled over your shoulders. You typed the name of the store instead and sent it, even though you knew you'd spelled it wrong.
And then you remembered to send your name as the doorknob rattled, so you only typed half and hit send before tossing the phone back down on the desk and getting back in your chair. You were barely seated when the door opened and an irritated-looking Officer Bennett shuffled back in, still carefully blocking your view. Once the door was closed, he clicked the lock.
He turned around to sit back down and noticed his phone- not even close to where he left it. Slowly turning his head to face you, he asked low, "Did you-"
You were trembling in your seat, but he cut off sharply, head turning to stare at the doorknob, which had started glowing with odd, red light. You were close enough that you could hear the faint clicking of metal on metal.
He looked at you, "What are you doing?" His face paled further as an eerie green glow seemed to seep in through the cracks around the door, "S-stop!"
He shrieked and you ducked your head as the door burst open and hit the wall with a crash. You suspected it had cracked the cement wall behind it.
Tentatively peeking out from under your hands, you squinted at the dust that had come loose at the impact floating through the air. Then Loki stumbled inside, closely followed by Peter and Wanda.
Loki ignored the terrified Officer Bennett, straightening indignantly, "Don't push."
Wanda rolled her eyes, "You were the one who had to be first." She smirked at him, "Feels good to save the day, doesn't it?"
"Why don't you-"
"Guys?" You finally found your voice, though it was still thin and trembling.
"We came to save you," Peter piped up.
"By the gods, what you have you three done?" Thor's voice echoed over Wanda's shoulder, just out of your sight.
Then Tony's voice, "It's bad enough I have to pay these insurance premiums when there's a crisis, now I can't even do my shopping without something getting broken?" You couldn't tell if he was serious or joking.
Tony ushered the others out, extending an arm to you, still in your seat, "C'mon kid, let me sort this out." You hesitantly stood, waiting for the guard to stop you, but it seemed like Officer Bennett was in shock because only Tony spoke, "That's it, come on. Let's get you out of there."
He steered you out of the office and back into the main store with Thor, who hoisted you off the ground and onto his hip, "Trouble always seems to find you, doesn't it, little one?"
You stared at him, suddenly nervous, "Am I in trouble?"
"No, you aren't in trouble. Don't worry, the grown ups are handling it."
Ten minutes later, you were all back in the car. Your backpack had been paid for and was in the trunk with the other bags. Your carseat was in the back row, as Peter's occupied the middle. Loki was in the backseat with you and Wanda in the middle with Peter.
You kept your voice low, hoping Tony and Thor wouldn't hear over the classic rock playing on the radio, "Thanks for saving me." You left a pause before admitting, "I was really scared."
Wanda surprised you by rolling her eyes, "Of course we would never let anyone take you away. You're our friend."
"We love you, pretty girl," Peter added, the only one who was very free with that particular word.
You glanced at Loki, who looked almost guilty, giving you a reluctant nod, his cheeks flushed silver.
You smiled and nodded, settling back into your seat and contemplating a nap. But Tony pulled off the highway early, stopping at a little diner. You were allowed to unbuckle yourself, so you climbed out of the van with the others, staying close by while Tony got Peter out too.
"Uncle Tony, are we having dinner?" Wanda chirped.
"I was thinking about it, but if you guys aren't hungry-"
Wanda took the bait, "I am! But what about Mommy?"
"You can bring something back for her, sound fair?"
You tugged on Tony's sleeve, "Me too?"
"You want to bring something back to Natasha?"
"Uh-uh, for my daddies."
"No need, squirt." He pointed behind you and you saw Steve and Bucky coming up the sidewalk from Steve's car parked a few spaces down.
"Papa!" You took care to get on the sidewalk before running over to them and jumping into Steve; you weren’t taking any chances on getting in trouble for running in a parking lot. But you hadn't realized how badly you needed to see them after something like that until they were there to make it better. You were safe with your friends, but things were better with your daddies around.
Steve held you like he'd had a scary afternoon too, pressing a frantic kiss to your forehead and holding your head tightly into the crook of his neck while he hugged you, "My sweet girl, are you alright?"
You nodded, "It was scary, but Wanda and Peter and Loki saved me."
Steve buried another kiss in your cheek, "Lucky for that security guard they did, or he would've had to deal with me-"
"Steve, it's done. Tony handled it," Bucky reminded him.
Steve grunted his understanding, a sure sign he disagreed but couldn't be bothered to argue; he had his baby back now.
Bucky leaned in to kiss your forehead too, "Let's get you something to eat, hm? Being a felon is hungry work- I'd know."
Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky grinned. Peter chimed in, reminding the three of you that everyone else was waiting, "We can get lots of food, my daddy is paying."
Thor cheered, which prompted Wanda and Peter to copy him, drawing a laugh from Steve.
"You know Pete, I'm starting to think you're only here for my money."
Peter's indignant reply was the beginning of another tangent, leading to more teasing and more laughter. And as you sat in a too-small booth, sitting on Steve's lap and blowing straw wrappers at Wanda and Loki, you realized that your bad day, as with all the bad days that had come before it, wasn't worth remembering because you were the happiest you could ever remember being.
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