tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
I'll get to replies later tonight or tomorrow, I promise. I've been feeling sick lately and unfortunately it's making me lazy, because I've been around but I just sort of stare at the dash and go "I don't have the energy for scripts right now..." So, yeah. ;-; I'm sorry guys. I'm still here.
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
30-40 for Minha
30: What I hate the most about work/school
I have a biiiit of a short attention span. So with school, and any work I try to do, I can't always focus. That's mostly what I hate because I become bored and restless easily due to it.
31: What my last text message says
"Where are you?" from a friend. Or, that was the last message I've read, I don't have my phone with me now.
32: What words upset me the most
Any kind of cruel words upset me. I try not to be too affected or let them change me or my ways too much... in most cases, but they do still make me upset. There are a few words that hurt more than others but I'd really rather not repeat them...
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
Anything about me being nice, caring, a good listener, things like that. I'd rather be told I'm kind and a good person than be complimented on my looks.
34: What I find attractive in women
... Warm personalities, a sense of humor. Physically, I don't have a specific type, but I love nice smiles.
35: What I find attractive in men
This would be easier to answer if I was attracted to men...
36: Where I would like to live
Honestly? I would love to go back to California, it's been a very long time since I lived there.
37: One of my insecurities
I suppose my sexuality. Even without being ashamed of myself, it's hard not to be a little insecure with everyone constantly telling you how wrong it is. I guess more than actually hating it myself, I become uncomfortable because of judgement from others.
38: My childhood career choice
It's not really anything unique or creative, but I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was young. I love animals.
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
Ohh.. anything with a lot of chocolate. Though I can't turn down a classic like strawberry.
40: Who I wish I could be
No one in particular, really? Just myself, but like.. a better version of me. I don't know if that makes sense... oh, I'm bad at answering these.
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
I’ll make a post for that in a few minutes!
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
0-44 xoxo
… No.
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
A maybe means it's not an instant no, so I am in fact thinking about it, but that doesn't automatically mean it'll be a yes. -raises her brows at the yelping sound and repeats her gesture to try and inflict the same reaction a second time, unable to resist giggling softly as she does so- H-Hey! Related to the Scream man? That's just mean. -starting to pout in an attempt to garner pity and guilt, she drops the surprised expression and leans her head to the side curiously, though it isn't long before she begins chuckling quietly to herself- All I can think about when you say eating cake as punishment is that scene in the movie Matilda.. do you know what I'm talking about? -bites her lip, feeling as ease as she looks back down to their feet, focusing on this once more- I'm glad we got to talk too, you keep saying you're not talkative or pleasant, but you seem to be with me. -gasping dramatically as she's gently kicked, she quickly attempts to wrestle their feet together, becoming a bit competitive- But just because I like you doesn't mean I'll let you win!
A maybe means you’re thinking about it, and that answer will be a yes, right? -tries hard to stifle a yelp at the ticklish sensation on her side, hands flying to cover her mouth; Yes, it seems so very hard to believe, but I’m absolutely perfect. There’s nothing wrong with me, nothing at all. However, you look like you could be related to the Scream man with that expression. -laughs softly at your failed attempt at remorse and just shakes her head in response; The world’s not a nice place, never was, never will be. I just happen to live on the better side of it, at the moment. Who knows, maybe the so called punishment is like being forced to eat cake or something of the sort. -watches you try hard to regain your composure, clearly amused at how badly you’re doing; I told you, not the most talkative or pleasant person here. However, I am glad I got to talk to you. -looks back up, a small, flickering smile on her face as she responds back to your gentle kicks with her own; Also, I think I’m winning this fight.
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
-smiles softly as she peers up, sensing the other's embarrassment and finding it amusing, so with only a little hesitance she reaches up and taps your arm as their gazes meet again- It's okay to be nervous, you're in a new place, your job can't be easy. But it'll be fine, I'm sure! -blinking at the compliment, her smile brightens and she lifts both hands to pat her own cheeks, pretending as if she's blushing- You're very sweet, Dr. Cho. I hope you meet other patients you get along well with. If you're this nice to everyone, you won't have any problem, I'm sure. -drops her hands and gives a nod in reply, starting to laugh softly at the idea of a concocted story- Oh dear. Well, I'm sure you'd make it interesting if you did that? I look forward to it.
-smiles slightly down at the ground, a bit embarrassed with his outburst- Thank you very much. I’m not sure what’s gotten into me today, perhaps I’m still a bit nervous to be in a new place like this. -meets her gaze again- Though I feel much more at ease knowing there are such lovely people here. -straightens up with a sense of purpose- But yes; I’ll be sure to do that, if you do as well. I can’t promise I’ll have anything interesting to say, since this is work for me, but I’m sure I can concoct some story to entertain you if all else fails -laughs-
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
Six months? -her eyes widen in surprise and she gasps sharply- I didn't aware they kept some people here that long.. I-I'd heard it was a brief program? -shaking her head, still trying to process this information, she only half hears your words until she's inquired about her story, expression softening while she shrugs her shoulders indifferently- My father had given me a chance before to change my lifestyle, and when I was still.. the way I am, he persuaded me into coming here. That's about it. -tilts her head- And you?
Wouldn’t we all, though? {’ sighs.} Oh, tell me about it. Did you know some patients are here for more than six months? I’m hoping no one here has to endure that. {’ pouts.} Interesting? How so? {’ tilts her head.} Anyways, at least it’s not terrible for you. I don’t think any of us would want that. So, if I may ask, how did you end up here? 
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
Getting lost is fun in general! You know, if you're somewhere safe... -smiles at the thought, offering an example as she turns a corner and gestures for you to follow- Like, I'd rather get lost in a building like this than, say, in the woods. It's an adventure but you're not going to die if you don't find your way soon. -starts to laugh, nodding to answer your question- Yes, it's all pretty much like this... but it's not so bad.
Yeah, you’re right. There is something fun about getting a little lost around here. At least then things will be interesting. /nods along as she looks around/ So, everything kind of looks like this? /tilts her head as she looks back at you/ … I guess it could’ve been worse. /chuckles lightly/
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
Exactly! Interesting can be good or bad, so if I say things here are interesting... it's true, and also not really an insult or a compliment. Just an observation. -nods her head seriously, watching the other before she lifts a hand and rubs the back of her neck idly, her nodding gestures continuing to show she's listening- That makes sense. People are angry to be here, but not really lashing out at each other because we're all in similar situations and right now we need friends more than we need enemies. Something like that, I guess. -smiling faintly, she bites her bottom lip, suddenly feeling sympathy towards the other as she takes a small step closer- I'm sorry. My father wasn't as bad, he just.. told me to come here or I would be disowned. -pauses- What are you planning to do once you get out? Do you think this treatment actually works?
(/ a chuckle escapes her lips and she nods) Polite word, that was nice. I guess the word ‘interesting’ can be interpreted in both positive and negative way, so that kinda solves the problem. (/ nods again, crossing an arm across her chest) Well, I guess that’s mostly because most of us hide their anger quite well. Also, people here are craving for nice people and they know if they act like an ass, they won’t be able to find them so they approach everyone in a polite way, hoping that they’d return it. I guess? (/ furrows her eyebrows and curves her lips into a small pout) And jaded is quite an appropriate word to describe the patients here. (/ nods) Ah, same here. But they didn’t really give me ultimatums, though. I am disowned until the moment I get out of here.
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
Shut up, I like dramas. They're funny and interesting. Usually. -lets out a quiet but playful huff, before her defensiveness becomes more genuine and she gives the other a hurt look- Hey, don't joke about that. I didn't abandon you when I graduated. You didn't exactly try to keep in touch with me either once we had to part ways... -blinks, her serious attitude immediately disappearing as she becomes amused again by the stammering, bursting into laughter at your complete indignation- Oh, of course, yes. Absolutely. You have so much game. All the game in the world. It's just you weren't hooking up because you hated everyone. I got it, forgive me for being so terribly, terribly wrong. -after a pause, when she thinks on it some more, she gives another poke and asks curiously- So.. have you dated any guys at all since high school, then? -her question is followed by a slap once her weight is poked fun of again, shifting around on the other's back to get comfortable while she rolls her eyes- If you're so confident you can sleep with this guy you have a crush on-- -corrects herself after saying this intentionally, hiding a grin- Sorry, guy you want to bang-- why are you asking for my help with him, hmm? Someone with as much game as you could pick him up in no time. -her teasing eases up and she smiles after a moment, feeling a little guilty now, as your shyness really is rather endearing- You should just talk to him, what is the worst that could happen? It'll be okay. -trying to offer some comfort, she runs her fingers through your hair idly and rests her head down again, humming softly in response to the remark about other girls- I'm not a princess or anything, Myungsoo, I just need someone I like spending time with. What do you consider good enough for me?
In dramas? (`barely attempts to stifle his laughter, staring at the other in surprise) You still watch that shit? God, you made me waste hours watching it with you. It never ended. That was the one good thing about you graduating and, might I add, completely abandoning me. (`leans away, not wanting to get abused further) I’m not being a jerk. (`nearly chokes on his own words as he stammers, not able to believe what he’s hearing) I have no game? Me? Kim Myungsoo? Did you also get in a car accident over the past few years or something? Have you lost your memory? For your information, I could have dated anyone I wanted to back then… It’s just that no one interested me. Got it? (`coughs as if he’s dying once more pressure is added to his back) I swear, you need to go on a diet or something. (`glares over his shoulder) You call that nice? One, I’m not cute. And two, he is not my crush. (`finally stops complaining, living with the billion pound weight on his back) Are you questioning my abilities to get a guy to have sex with me? (`perks up at the idea of a new challenge, thinking through this logically) No matter what type he is, I’m sure I could accomplish it in a few hours time. (`becomes dejected, his face falling into the mattress again) That is, if I could actually talk to him. (`flails a bit, throwing a tantrum from overwhelming frustration) Why is this so goddamn hard? It’s not fair. I give up. (`goes limp once he runs out of energy) I don’t see why not. I don’t think anyone here is good enough for you, though. I’ve talked to most of the girls and they’re nothing special. 
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
i know you wanna be nosy. here's your chance.
0: Height
1: Age
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if...
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school
31: What my last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career choice
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who I wish I could be
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
-widens her eyes slightly at the laughter, though her mildly bewildered look soon turns into one of amusement, pleased she'd gotten such a reaction without really trying- Well, I'm always open to making friends, and you seem like a very interesting person, so I look forward to us getting to know each other more while I'm here. -nods, seeming a bit thoughtful as she ponders over your words- Yes, friends do make friends feel welcome. Well then, if I ever need someone, I'll come to you then, since you insist. And you're always free to talk to me as well if you'd like. It may be weird since I'm a patient, but I promise, I'm a very good listener!
-laughs openly, hand rising up to cover his mouth in surprise at the sound- No no, I agree completely. You’re not forgettable in the slightest. -removes hand, offers her a bit more personal space- And I do so hope that we can be friends. That’s my goal here, after all. To ensure your well being, make sure your stay isn’t for naught. Friends make friends feel welcome, no? And that includes if you ever…need to get something off of your chest. I’ve never had many friends myself, but I’ve been told I’m a good listener. -smiles wryly at his own admittance-
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
Maybe means maybe, you silly goose. -speaking in a matter-of-fact tone, she giggles and reaches her arm over to gently elbow your side before echoing the snort next- Of course. So straight-laced and perfect, how could I assume otherwise? Oh goodness, forgive me. I must be shown the error of my ways. -places her hands to her face in mock horror, trying to appear remorseful in spite of her struggle to remain composed and not begin laughing yet again- So if you're the one who supplies the alcohol and invites me to drink, but I get caught, my punishment is allll on me and you're not responsible at all? What a cruel world I'm living in. -makes a quiet snorting noise at last, unable to contain her amusement anymore, though her eyes go wide and she quickly covers her face with her hands after making the embarrassing sound, starting to laugh rather hard- Oh god.. -still shaking from her quiet fit of laughter, she keeps through her fingers at you, doing her best to get serious again and pay attention to what you're saying, at last managing to settle down enough to clear her throat and nod- ... W-Well, the offer is open. If you do get lonely, or bored, or anything, I'm here. -with a firm nod, she goes back to the fight between their feet, giving yours another gentle kick for good measure-
So that maybe means yes, right? -dramatically rolls her eyes at your indignant expression, snorting quietly; What kind of trouble? Truthfully, I have no idea, I’m a straight-laced, clean individual who’s never done anything wrong. I’m perfect, really. -raises an eyebrow in slight exasperation and amusement, biting her lip to stifle a laugh at the absurd expression and gestures your making; Trouble? No, of course not. I can’t be responsible if you’re punished for caught causing trouble. -lets her eyes narrow slightly, becoming more competitive as she keeps her kicks soft, but on the mark; Lonely? -contemplates for a moment before shaking her head, head cocked slightly to the side as she answers back softly; No, I don’t particularly think it’s lonely. It’s more of a security barrier, nothing more, nothing else. After awhile, it gets harder to notice it. -draws her eyes back down to the battle of their feet, trying to avoid the other’s eyes; I’m sure to take you up on that offer one day. Thank you.
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
They do in dramas... -mumbles defensively, feeling silly for wanting something so cheesy to happen to her- I just wanted a normal teenage crush and I never got one, okay? -rubbing the back of her neck, she lets out another indignant noise and slaps in your direction a few times without making proper contact, grumbling after doing so- I'm not that scary looking, can you not be such a jerk to me? Don't blame your lack of crushes on me just because the guys at our school weren't hot and you have no game whatsoever. -sprawling herself on your back, she pushes her full weight down on you once you begin to protest how heavy she is, even bouncing up and down a few times for added effect- You really are so mean to me, and to think, I was being nice, calling you cute and agreeing to talk to your little crush for you.. -puts emphasis on the word crush, hoping to get another whiny response from you as she lays her head down against your back, making herself comfortable in spite of any complaints you have- Even if you don't want to date, there's little chance it'll be easy to just sleep with him either, especially if you think he's the angry type. But yeah, next time I see him around I'll talk to him. I've been trying to be polite and make conversation with everyone anyway, so it won't be too weird. I'll report back to you. -after a small silence lapses, she lifts her head and asks quietly, sounding uncertain- ... Should I risk trying to find a girl here, or should I just play it straight, literally, until I get out?
You really think normal teenage girls do that? (`blinks, his expression blank) And keep in mind that I was a teenage boy, too. And do you know what I did? Nothing. I blame you, though. You scared everyone from me with that face of yours. (`listens more seriously now, actually interested) So, it basically just started and that’s it? (`just stares for a second in disbelief) Are you serious? Come on. You know you’d get accepted again in a heartbeat. It’s not like you have control over this situation, anyway. (`smirks in a playful manner) And, if she didn’t, I’d have a few words with her and change her mind before you knew it. (`wipes the cute look from his face instantaneously, replacing it with a scowl) Nooooooo. Stawwwwwwp. (`unable to keep himself from pouting again, he points out) You’ve never once called me cute in all the years I’ve known you. Up until now, that is. (`lifts his head up to speak more clearly, still visibly upset as he denies it) Shut up. I don’t like him. (`groans at the immense weight on his body) You’re soooo heavy. You’ve always weighed like a billion— (`goes silent, craning his neck to properly look at you) When did I say I ever wanted to date the guy? I hardly know him, anyway. (`becomes quiet again, deep in thought) But, you’re right. I think he’s the angry type. Or both. You should really find out for me. 
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
I'd hope not. I'd like to think I'm not entirely forgettable. -pouts out her bottom lip, a bit exaggeratedly, one hand retracting from her pocket to poke her own lip after- I try to make myself at least a little memorable. How else will I gain friends, hmm? -nearly taking a step in reverse out of instinct,  she watches the other approach to rest a hand on her shoulder, blinking upwards before the moment of hesitance that flashed across her face is gone and her smile returns- That's kind of you, but I promise, I'm in perfect health. I'm not one you'll need to worry over too much.
-nods a bit, a smile flickering on his lips though a shadow almost seemed to cover him for a moment- I’m certain as well. As much as I’ve seen so far, not many patients smile so nicely as you. Spotting you couldn’t be too hard at all. -his focus turns more outward as she mimics him and he relaxes, shoulders giving a bit- Well I am here to help you physically. And stress certainly has its physical properties. If you ever wanted to talk, I wouldn’t turn you away. -walks over, rests a hand on her shoulder- After all, I’m here to help you get better.
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tsmiyoung-blog · 11 years
Maybe. -her arms fold across her chest in a playfully indignant manner, making a noise between a scoff and a laugh at your confident tone- And what kind of trouble do you think I would get into if I was caught drinking with you, hmmm? -points a finger to herself before she widens her eyes to try and appear innocent, batting her lashes in hopes of adding to the effect- I'm not supposed to be causing any trouble, remember? -lets out a quiet huff once her foot is nudged harder, accepting the challenge by returning the gesture a bit more firmly, bordering on a light kick- I guess I understand why you don't like getting close to patients, but it gets lonely after a while, distancing from everyone, doesn't it? -lifts her gaze from the battle between their feet to look at you, expression softening- You can talk to me whenever you want, you know, you don't have to distance yourself from me. And you don't have to be intoxicated for me to find you fun.
That’s what you say, but I’m sure considered the offer for a brief moment. -waves her hand dismissively, a confident air coming from her; I’m one of their best, and only, therapists. I’m sure they’ll let a small incident slide once. -chuckling along with the other, she places a hand against her own mouth to help stifle the sound; What? I’m not doing anything! -keeps her tone light and innocent as she nudges harder with her foot, giving a mock look of surprise; I tend not to get too close with the patients, it proves to be a complication in the future. I suppose that’s one of the reasons why I purposefully decided to shy away from everyone, easier for them and easier for myself. -her smile turns wryly as she toys with a strand of hair; Actually, it is a lie. The first time was when I was slightly intoxicated.
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