tsarina-anya · 4 years
“I will hold you to that promise.” It was nice to think about having more children, but he wondered if it was possible now that his brother was gone. For the longest time, he thought that once his brother was out of the picture, he could freely be with Anya, but he was quickly realizing it wasn’t that easy. Without his brother there, it would be obvious that any kids she had were his and she was still someone else’s wife. Still, he pushed the thought away and indulged in their fantasy. “Then I suppose I’ll have to give you both. How did I get so lucky that I have the most beautiful woman in the world in my arms and my son is now tsar? It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.” 
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Anya smiled at him, running her hand over the back of his chair once more. When she spoke, her tone was conversational. “Did you know that when somoene is declared to have lunacy, especially among royals, that a marriage may be declared as ended. Completely ended. And the other parties may remarry?” There was no change of her tone, no inclination. Justs stating the facts as if she had seen something interesting in the palace. The moment Alexander spoke, her heart felt like it was full. This, this was why she loved this man. These little moments. “Most beautiful woman in the world? My, you are the charmer.” She teased him, leaning in to give him another tender kiss. It was a lot to think of, the fact that her little boy was Tsar. 
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
“I would’ve enjoyed being the first person to hold my son,” he replied, though he laughed at her teasing. Alexander had always tried to look at his life in a positive light, but he had to admit that seeing his brother pretend to be his son’s father was always hard. “I’ll be there for all of them. What is it that I owe you? A gaggle? Or was it a hoard? A whole kingdoms worth of children,” he promised, grinning into the kiss.
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“I promise that you will be able to do that with every other child we have.” She promised him, her heart aching for him. Alexander was generally positive despite the adversy they faced. She knew that it would hurt her to not be able to hold her Viktor and call him hers. She couldn’t think what Alexander would be feeling. But she wanted to give him another child. Hopefully once her marriage was annuled, they would be able to be together. “You owe me more children than I have arms. A gaggle or a hoard, both are completely acceptable.” She pulled back the tiniest bit, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of his nose. 
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
death had been on the minds of far too many people these days, and she didn’t want them at all. but she would be ready to kill many people to shorten the war. that was her plan. “thank you, i have always found myself extremely careful, and it is not always approved of. and i appreciate that you think i am brilliant, but unfortunately i only have models to work with, rough sketches. i do not know if anything actually works. but if it does i would be very glad to help the russian army. war benefits none, and i do not stand for bullies who would stand on the throat of other for their own gain.” henriette shook her head. “and that is what norway is doing.”
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“I pray for haste in your accomplishments, then. If these such technologies take so long I do not pray for a long war to see them come into existence.” Anya spoke softly, thoughtfully. Her mind was filled with the soliders and their mothers, sisters, their children. The families left behind. The woman did a lot of charity work within Russia and that was always towards her subjects. They were always on her mind. “The day that I can banish the Norwegian forces from my terriroties will be a good day indeed. But your brilliance, it is magnificent to see. I do hope that many support you.” Her smile was gentle as she looked at the woman.
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
“I could never argue with that. I wish I would’ve been there,” he admitted with a small sigh. It would have caused too much suspicion for him to have been by her side when she gave birth, so he spent the whole night worrying away from her. He didn’t get to see Viktor until much later, but he was enamored with the babe instantly. “I’ll be there for the next one. No, your life would be far less eventful without me,” he agreed, closing the distance between them.
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“There was a lot of screaming, so I’m not sure you would have enjoyed it.” She tried to tease lightly, trying to lighten what was a sad moment. She had wanted him by her side, wanted him to be the first person to revel in the happiness and pride that bringing a baby into the world had brought. Instead Nikolai had gotten that privilege. In her mind, the moment Alexander had seen his son had instantly been much more special. “You’ll be there for the next one. Or two. Or three.” She wound her arms around his neck, happily returning his kiss. Her body pressed closer to him and she wound her fingers through his hair tenderly.
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
“He never felt such guilt towards me, did he?” he asked, though he didn’t expect an answer. He knew that his brother felt nothing but hatred for him and he should feel the same. He did, to an extent, but he still wasn’t sure if it was to this extent. “And here I was thinking you learned of love through me,” he teased, pulling her closer to him. “Sounds like a very eventful two years, but I don’t think you ever truly lived until I came into the picture and started distracting you.”
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Alexander’s question caused her to sigh softly, a miniscule shake of her head the only answer she wished to give. The bad blood between the brother’s was something that ran deeper than she could comment on. She had seen the repercussions of such a rivalry for many years however. The mention of love made her smile, a laugh soon following. Anya pretended to consider, attempting to hide the smile on her lips. “I suppose I did. I would argue that I never felt the purest form of love until I held our son in my arms. I do love you, but that boy...he owns my heart. And I don’t think my life would be quite the same without you causing trouble.” She closed the distance between them, placing her hand tenderly on his cheek to guide his lips to hers for a kiss.
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
“You know I don’t want him back on the throne, but that does not mean I don’t feel guilty about hurting my brother. I know this was my idea, but it doesn’t- He’s still my brother, terrible as he is. I’m glad he’s gone, I am. I just mourn the child he once was,” he admitted, though he knew that they made the right decision. “You did it, but we are in this situation because of me. He married you not because he loved you, but because he hated me enough to take you from me. I will move on from this, but for now, the guilt will linger for a bit.” He needed to move past it if he was going to lead Russia to victory and be there for his son and Anya. “And what exactly did you learn in the three years you were alive and I wasn’t? What ancient wisdom have you been keeping from me, my love?” he teased. 
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Anya sighed softly, her fingers moving to fiddle with some of the intricate beading on her dress. It was something she did when she was working through her own emotions. “It shows what lies truly in your heart, my love. That you feel guilt such as this.” She answered gently, moving to press another kiss to his hair. It had always been a toxic dynamic between the triangle that had been created due to the siblings hatred for one another. The woman moved so that she was leaning against the arm rest of the chair, leaning against her lover. They would need to support one another through the turmoils that would come. Pretending to consider his point, Anya tapped her chin a few times, humming. “Well, I learned how to walk. And talk. Apparently dance too, if the tales my mother says are correct. The fact that you always wanted to chase me around helped that I could run faster than you.” She tilted her head, giving him a smile. “I learnt of love. And life. Of summer and winter. And seasons. Such ancient wisdom. All before you graced the land with our presence and distrated me for the lsat thirty-two years.”
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
“Is that what we’re telling ourselves so we feel less guilty?” he asked, though he knee his words were harsh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I think it’ll be good for Viktor to see him eventually,” he said, not quite sure if he meant it. “He’s going to be a good Tsar, that I’m sure off. We’ll lead him down the right path and he will be as great as my father was.” He tried to remember all that his father taught him, even if he didn’t always listen to him back then. He was glad that he had Anya there to help him, but he still felt there were some things he had to do himself. “By three years; that’s hardly ancient!” he replied, finally letting out a small laugh. “You’re simply just as old as I am.”
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Anya visibly winced at Alexander’s words, feeling her fingers tighten the tiniest bit into the chair he was in. “One word and I can have Nikolai back on his throne. I can have it found that there was someone in the kitchen’s poisoning our Tsar and the world will resume as normal. He will continue to send Russia in a ill-advised battle plan to their deaths. He will continue to be at odds with myself due to jealousy and hit and treat me roughly when things do not go his way. Is that what you wish?” Her voice was soft, attempting to mask the hurt that she felt.  One word from her lover though, that the guilt was too much, that what they did was wrong, and Anya would reverse it all. “Alexander, I did it. I made the plan. I gave the orders.” She did not want him to feel guilt. This had been her doing. Her heart knew that Viktor would be a better Tsar then her husband. Her husband had never won the love of the people, instead showing immense jealousy that his wife had. Viktor had a big heart. He would be beloved, she would be sure of that. They would be sure of that. “A lot can happen between three years of life, my love. We may be old together, but I will retain that by the decree that I am ancient.”
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
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“let me see. i think that i have some in my desk,” he said, opening a desk drawer and beginning to rifle through the papers and items in them. “but do take a seat for the time being. no need for you to stand please,” 
he gestured over to the couch that was across from his desk. there was a space to sit there, and he hoped that the woman would take it. “i do hope to be of help, if i can be.” 
The Tsarina had been seeking a map of the town, hoping to explore. She had seen Austria many times, however, it had been the castle. Or with a delegation. Her interest rested with the injured. She wished to visit the tents. Assist medically. The woman would get restless when sitting idle. “I am sorry to have intruded, but your guards did tell me you would be the best person to ask of a map from. I apologise again for the intrusion.” She took the seat, giving him a gentle smile. “Thank you for your warmth. You have been incredibly welcoming to the Russian delegation. I hear my ambassadors have been working quite closely with yours. I hope good news will follow.”
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
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Anne Boleyn + Crowns
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
Alexander let out a small laugh at her comment about his mother. “How I wish that were true.” While he had always been his mother’s favorite, his memory lingered on a moment where she had confessed to him how hard it was for her when she almost lost his brother as a child. He was breaking his mother’s heart and he only hoped that the good he would do was enough to mend it. “No, you’re right, as always. He can come back for his coronation and return once the festivities are over. I just worry about how this will effect him,” he admitted, wondering if he would be able to understand anything past his ‘father’ being sent away and his new title. “God, my son is about to be crowned Tsar. When did I grow so old?” 
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Her heart twisted at his words. Alexander was at war with himself and it ached her to see such a thing. At the mention of Viktor, Anya considered for a moment before speaking. “We will take him to see Nikolai once he is calmed with the herbs and medicine they have at the Sanitorium. He may find happiness there. A freedom he never had. Freedom from court. From us. From hatred.” Anya tried to gently comfort Alexander, a sigh leaving her lips. It was for the good of Russia, firstly. But she knew most of her motive resided behind her own selfish intentions. “Our boy...he has a heart as pure as gold. He has always been raised to believe he would be Tsar. And with me behind his motives and the ideas for him, he will be beloved. He will adjust. He is still too young to rule anyway.” She attempted to reassure her lover, her fingers brushing through his hair in a show of gentle reassurence. Anya gasped in slight offence, giving his arm a smack for good measure. “Alexi! If you are considered old my love, then I am ancient. I am older than you.” She teased him, feeling a smile grow onto her lips.
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
There was the hint of a smile on his face when he saw that it was Anya who knocked. She always seemed to know when to show up. “I am doing what I must, I suppose,” he replied with a sigh. “I can handle the politics, though I spent so long avoiding them. It’s the thought of what my mother would say if she were here that troubles me,” he admitted, though he didn’t want to worry her. He would get over it, he knew. The slight on his conscience was a small price to pay for the well being of Russia as well as his family. “On that, I have to disagree. I do not wish to have Viktor here so soon. The war is far from under control and he doesn’t need the stress that will await him here. Let them stay in Spain for a bit longer. If the Spanish nobles form a familial connection with the new tsar, we can secure their alliance.”
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There was the same gentleness that came over Anya the moment she spoke with Alexander. It was evident how much she cared for him. “You are doing a brilliant job. And your mother would call me the manipulative little witch she always believed I could be.” She answered with a little laugh, pressing a gentle kiss to his hair. The relationship of Anya and the mother of her lover and husband had been a special one. Close but there was always that touch of gentle teasing. Anya gently ran her hand over his shoulder, shaking her head. “I would agree, however, the people need to be able to celebrate the appointment of the newTsar. They need to see Viktor as seperate from the mistakes of his father. This will allow you to act in the best interests of Russia with the support of the royal council. Once this has happened , he and Natalya may return to the safety of Spain. However, I am only a voice on the council. You make the final decisions. I can send a second letter telling her of your decision for them to stay.” The offer was wholehearted. Anya had ended up throwing Alexander into the front of politics with her actions. He seemed to be doing so without complaint and she would follow his lead if he insisted.
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
A letter to Natalya
My dearest Natalya,
It is with a heavy heart that I write you this letter. By the time my letter has reached you, you may have already heard the news. Your brother, Nikolai, he has become incredibly ill mentally. There was an incident within the war room. It was unlike anything I have ever seen before. My husband threatened myself and the Tsarevich’s safety. He would have hurt both of us if he could. He raved like a mad man and even attacked one of the advisers. We worry for his mental state.
To allow him time to heal, he is being transported to the Siberia Sanitorium. It will allow his mind to heal. However, there is little hope in his recovery. He has been stripped of his title due to lunacy. My heart aches to write such things of my beloved husband. We may go visit him once he is settled. He shall not suffer alone. 
All of these events has led to Viktor, being named the Tsar. You must keep Viktor close and you must bring him back to Russia. This I cannot emphasise enough. He must be here with us. It is paramount. Your uncle will be acting regent for him. I trust with my whole heart that he will help save Russia.  I anxiously await you and my son’s return.
With all my love,
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
The news of the Tsar’s deposition had spread through the court quickly. It would not surprise her if the enemies they were fighting would soon be aware. Everyone was doing their best to show that Russia was stronger than ever under the soon to be Tsar, Viktor, and the regency of her lover. Anya had to play the grieving widow in the coming week, while real guilt did bubble. The man did not deserve to be locked within a Sanitorium due to the herbs she had ordered him given. However, his mental state had been slipping, it would have been an inevitable occurance. The noxious herbs had just sped that up. Or so she liked to tell herself. 
Anya entered the room, tilting her head at him in the tiniets bow of greetings. “I came to see how you were adjusting. I noticed you had barely touched your breakfast." The concern in her voice was evident as she closed the door behind her. "You know you can call on me whenever. I have dealt with these issues for years. And we attended the same classes.” She tried to get a smile from him, moving to peer at the papers on the desk over his shoulder. “I have written Natalya. She is to bring Viktor home immediately.”
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It was already a long week for Alexander, having to assume the duties of his older brother while being haunted by the ghosts of his parents asking him if he knew what he was getting into. If he was being honest, he would admit that he had no idea what he was getting into. He felt like an intruder as he sat in his brother’s study, thinking back to when they used to play fight as children and wondering how they got there. It was a horrible thing to betray a brother and while Alexander felt that the initial betrayal had not come from him, he still felt guilt eating away at him. He had entertained the idea of getting rid of his brother, even being the one to initially suggest it to the Tsarina, but he could not have predicted how he would feel when it was finally done. It felt real and it was a nasty feeling. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Come in,” he yelled, quickly composing himself. 
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
@whiterosesofscotland liked!
Russia’s stability and ability to remain in the war currently was all due to Scotland and its queen. It had been a desperate plea by the Tsarina at the time, attempting to broker support from anywhere, anyone. An attempt to undo the devestation her husband had caused with his illjudgement.The Scottish Queen had answered the woman’s call tenfold. The support she had given was allowing Russian troops to regain their footing. The war was still brutal and cruel, but a turn was coming. Anya could feel it. The appearance of the Scottish Queen was one that happened at an ill time. The news of her husband’s deposition due to his mental state was travelling quickly as the Russian court attempted to reorganise themselves. 
“Dearest Valentina. I appreciate you travelling so far to my court by ship, especailly with the tragedy of what happened to your husband. We mourn your loss and pray for his soul.” Anya greeted warmly, moving forward to greet the woman as she entered the throne room. “It seems we are both having horrendous luck with our husbands in this war. It is quite devestating, but we can find solace in our grief together.”
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
“Thank you, neither can I. My dearest husband must have experienced quite a turn to threaten myself and our beloved son.” Anya said slowly, looking as if she was still in shock. The letter that she had been composing to the Grand Duchess lay forgotten for a moment. Everyone was treading quite gently around the woman, who presented a perfect picture of shock and grief. “I do understand this is what is best for my husband, myself and for Russia. I will miss him though.” 
“Please. I cannot think of my poor husband’s delicate mind much longer.” The other King’s offer immediately got her attention, a weak smile moving onto her lips. “Do make me laugh, please.”
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“i just heard the terrible news your majesty,” carlos said sitting down next to the tsarina. “i cannot believe it. for a king to go mad? that is unbelievable, it is much better that he is pressed to the side.” 
“can i do something to take your mind off of the issues? there is only so much that can be thought of with the issues of bad life.” he said, unsure of how to proceed with the discussion, much more sure of how to make people happy. 
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
Plot drop: 
Mistrust had bred throughout the Russian court. The inability of the Tsar to strategise and prepare the country for war had bred hatred. Not to mention the Tsar’s erratic, dangerous behaviour. Such behaviour had been bred due to a noxious mixture of herbs and potions added to anything the Tsar would ingest by trusted advisers: tea, cakes, meats. Anything. It caused intense paranoia and hallucinations.
Following a dangerous breakdown in the war room, with the Tsar threatening to murder his wife, he has been deemed mentally incapable. For his safety and for the safety of the Tsarevich and the Tsarina, he has been transported to a Sanitorium in Siberia. The cool air will be healing and calming for his fragile mental state. Due to being deemed mentally incapable, the Tsar has been deposed and stripped of his title. He will henceforth be referred to as a Grand Duke within the Sanitorium. The people working within the Sanitorium are completely loyal to the Tsarina.
The Tsarevich, Viktor, will assume the throne, being named as Tsar. Due to his young age, his uncle, Grand Duke Alexander will act as his regent. His mother will be known as the Dowager Empress henceforth and sit on his council.
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tsarina-anya · 4 years
Alexander let out a small laugh as he trailed kisses down her neck when she explained what a gaggle was. “Are you sure? I think a gaggle of geese would really liven up the palace,” he teased, lips quickly returning to hers. A voice in the back of his mind telling him that being so affectionate out in the open in the middle of war was a bad idea, causing him to pull away reluctantly. “If we don’t stop, I will end up giving you all those children right now.”
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Anya was struggling to focus as Alexander’s lips moved over her skin. When she spoke, her words were more breathy, more forced. “For your next birthday that is what I will give you. A gaggle of geese. You’re being a tease, and teases get geese.” She declared, letting her words die on her lps as he kissed her once more. This was better in her books. At least he was not teasing her. She heartily returned the kiss, one of her hands running down his back tenderly. The moment he pulled away a pout moved onto her lips, a sigh escaping. “Is that such a bad thing? Viktor keeps requesting a sibling. We give him everything he wants. He comes to expect such things.” She teased him with alittle smile on her lips. She knew Alexander would never pull away without reason and she gave his lips one more gentle peck. “We may return to our ride. A race back to the castle, perhaps? Or would you prefer to enjoy our little oasis together a bit longer?” 
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