tsar-bxmba ¡ 9 months
Bro I just realized how much the quality tanked 😭😭😭
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Designs of Raven, Apple, Ashlynn, briar, Maddie, and kitty
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tsar-bxmba ¡ 9 months
Okay lots of people don’t like Dizzie (Daring/Lizzie) and say they have no chemistry. Which is fair IN THE TV SERIES. but I’m a wonderlandiful world? Even tho Darings barely in it he still has so much chemistry with Lizzie. Maybe it’s just my theatre kid heart (hahaha) but like they’re so adorable.
Okay minor spoilers for a wonderlandiful world, I’m going to put some of my favourite Dizzie quotes from there.
“Now, kneel.”
Cedar was surprised to see Daring do so without argument.
Through some twist of magic, Lizzie’s butter knife had enlarged with him, now as big as a sword. She picked it up, solemnly touching its flat side to each of Daring’s shoulders.
“I knight you a defender of Wonderland, Sir Daring Charming. Heroic, loyal, fuzzy doom.”
“Yes, exactly like a pirate,” Lizzie said. “I would be much more comfortable speaking with you if you were a pirate.”
Briar put a finger to her chin, considering, and promptly glided to the ground, fast asleep.
“Arrr, Lizzie Hearts! Have ye killed Briar Beauty?” a voice asked from behind.
Daring Charming sauntered up and saluted her. He’d been so accommodating with her pirate request that Lizzie felt certain her mother couldn’t disapprove of their friendship.
“Aren’t you supposed to be racing?” Lizzie asked.
“No rush,” he said. “I always win. Even when I don’t.” He winked at her. “Ahoy, matey.”
“Daring swooped into a royal bow and said, “Be still, my heart! A fair princess has arrived!” And, strangely, he was looking at Lizzie, not Apple. Daring’s complimentary, showy stuff seemed to set the Ever After girls’ lashes aflutter, but Lizzie raised an eyebrow.
“If your heart were still, Mr. Charming,” she said, “then you would be dead.”
“Excuse me?” Daring asked.
“You said ‘be still, my heart,’ thereby commanding your heart to stop beating,” said Lizzie. “If your heart is obedient, I expect you to drop dead at my feet.”
Daring stared at Lizzie. He opened his mouth and seemed surprised when a chuckle escaped it. Lizzie smirked. She didn’t often hear Daring Charming chuckle.”
Off with its head!” shouted Lizzie.
Daring drew his sword with a flash of steel and an equally brilliant flash of a white-toothed smile.
“I’m just the prince for the job,” he said.
Lizzie smiled in surprise that someone was actually taking her seriously.
Daring winked
Lizzie lifted one hand, posing as she had on the amphitheater’s stage. “I
have returned, Boreas, wind-herder, to watch you writhing in the agony of age and death.”
Daring laughed heroically. “What a battle. Bards will sing of my deeds! Or perhaps a pop singer. Do you listen to Katy Fairy?”
“I do not!” Lizzie said grandly. “But I shall listen to her squalling posthaste as you are my friend, and friends recommend music to each other!
The audience gasped. Lizzie smiled. Maybe this strutting-about-a-stage business wasn’t so bad. She glanced at the anxious face of Headmaster Grimm for inspiration and decided to make up a few more lines. “I will not be the daughter who does nothing but watch her wrinkled father writhe with the agony of age and death, your voice slowly becoming more nasal and oddly high-pitched, as if you were being strangled by a possum or a really weak octopus or something.”
Daring pressed his lips together, valiantly attempting to hold back a laugh, and ultimately failing.
Darabella, Darise, Dapple or Farring could never. Also Dizzie technically got the beauty and the beast (well daring as a beast and Lizzie is always obviously beautiful) arc first. Even if it was sadly under developed.
Anyways Shannon Hale obviously ships Dizzie (well probably idk if she’s said anything on the matter) and it’s the best Daring ship. I suppose Kizzie (Kitty x Lizzie) kind of comes close but they just don’t have that romantic tension like her and daring do.
Anyways I think more people should appreciate them.
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tsar-bxmba ¡ 9 months
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Designs of Raven, Apple, Ashlynn, briar, Maddie, and kitty
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tsar-bxmba ¡ 10 months
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The what
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tsar-bxmba ¡ 10 months
A headcanon I think about at least once a day is about Cupid:
You know, in ever after high she helps people into falling in love and helps them to confess that love. But then she falls in love with Dexter Charming, which is obviosly in love with Raven Queen, and Raven is in love with Dex-
Yes, we get it. But I don't really like it, so I'm gonna change it >:( with this idea.
C.a Cupid is aware that those two are in love with eachother. When she first came in eah she saw them and with her abilities she understoon what was going on.
They are so in love that they can't even express it.
So Cupid decides to help them! She takes it as a challenge.Raven and Dexter MUST confess to eachother.She has been dealing with love since forever! Helping those two into confessing to eachother can't be that difficult, am I right?
W R O N G. They are so dumb- so helpless-
She tries, and tries, and tries- BUT NOTHING!Cupid is so fucking pissed that every plan she makes,every advice she says EVERYTHING goes wrong and everytime it creates a very embarassing situation between those two.
Cupid is so stressed-
You know the "Into the woods" episode? Right, except that our little cherubin goes with Ashlynn because she can't handle Raven and Dex!Like, give her a break.
She knows they were going to a date together, so she was like:
"I swear to zeus, I'm gonna leave them to they're destiny because I can't do this anymore, they are impossible! Can you belive it Ash?? I try my best into confessing they're love and WHAT DO THEY DO?? EMBARASS EACHOTHER!!With you and Hunter it was easy, WHY AREN'T THEY!??!"
Then Raven, Dex and company come to the rescue and ""save"" the group in the dark forest.
Cupid sees them and she's like "ARE YOU FOR REAL-"
Raven tells her how it went, and it was great! The date.was.great.
So cupid is :))))))) you mother fucker :))))))))
P.s I'm tagging @xxcherrycherixx and @blajah-blaster because I want ur opinion on this
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tsar-bxmba ¡ 10 months
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Ashlynn Ella’s debut, ft. Her accidental gigantic cranium 💀
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tsar-bxmba ¡ 10 months
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tsar-bxmba ¡ 10 months
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I’ve been working on drawing EAH characters and making some design changes, like for Apple White I gave her a more “apple” shaped body (referenced HeyitsFei for this) since her colors are also supposed to resemble an apple!
Also side head cannon that because the designs aren’t similar to their parents like 90% of them time is because these characters are just descendants and their “original” stories happened many many generations ago (also why the whole “you must follow your destiny!!!!” Thing is very very common)
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