True Man
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MHA RP. semi selective. semi-active.
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truexman · 19 hours ago
"You know what I realized when trying to understand people? Don't try to understand them." (From Sansa!)
Naomasa let out a thoughtful hum as he proceeded to stack his case notes neatly and slide them into a folder to go over for later. They were put into his desk so he wouldn't forget in the morning.
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"Did you understand too much? Or nothing at all?"
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truexman · 20 hours ago
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Aquarius Sentences, Condensed
(Sentences from Aquarius (2015-2016). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You don't even know how important you are in all this, but you're going to find out."
"I don't work with liars. It's not a moral thing - it's a safety issue."
"I've got a lot of patience, but I don't like it to be tested for no good reason."
"Why are you here? Why are you not there?"
"When it comes to lying, I teach a masterclass."
"You're a lot of stupid things, but you're not a rat."
"I'm in charge of you, and I still like you enough to give you one good piece of advice: drop it."
"If you want to win a war, you've got to fight ugly sometimes."
"Is there anything that you don't screw up? Have you ever done anything in your life right?"
"You're a cop? Why the hell would you become a cop?"
"The thing is, what you're asking, it isn't easy - and it sure isn't free."
"So how come you look so handsome, and how come you look so uncomfortable about it?"
"You know what I realised trying to understand people? Don't try to understand them."
"You did this? Had me arrested and dragged down here like a common criminal?"
"You are the most stubborn creature on this earth!"
"He didn't have to die. I wanted him to die."
"You do recall being told not to do what you just did?"
"You're at the pinnacle. Everybody's hero. But you know what? A pinnacle means there's only one way to go, and that's down."
"You know, I thought getting a medal was going to be a lot more fun."
"No one ever talks about how exhausting it is to be right all the time."
"Do you ever have one of those moments where suddenly you understand everything?"
"Are we drunk? How drunk are we? What's happening?"
"I know you believe in what you're doing, but you've got to try to stop making it worse!"
"Don't lecture me on a job I've been doing since you couldn't wipe your ass!"
"What were you trying to prove by doing this? Just showing me that you're good at sneaking into places you're not wanted? I already knew that!"
"I think that's what being a parent is. You love them, and get a lifetime of pain in return."
"Good for you. You finally figured out how to be a father."
"You're good at this. You're strategic. That's not going to work for me. I need a maniac who's going to burn the house down while standing in it."
"I can destroy you in ten words or less."
"We all have secrets. We all lie."
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truexman · 21 hours ago
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"I will have to politely decline."
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truexman · 22 hours ago
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Naomasa in Vigilantes appreciation post.(probably part 1)  ;A;They make him so pretty I love him
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truexman · 4 days ago
"I don't think this is going to work..." { Hello! It's been a while! :3 }
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"Well what if we just.... No.... Maybe if it's moved-- No....That might not work either." Nao frowned, tapping his chin in thought before letting out a soft sigh.
"You're right. It's probably not going to work. I think this calls for a break. My brain is tired and I haven't eaten all morning."
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truexman · 5 days ago
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i just think he’s cute ;A;
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truexman · 5 days ago
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Nao's birthday being (4/4) and the Vigilantes start date being (4/7) is absolute perfection
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truexman · 5 days ago
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General Sentences, Vol. 8
(Assorted original sentences. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I've been thinking about you."
"Why are you being so weird about this?"
"How's your head?"
"Did you see that?"
"You're not going to go through this alone."
"And what is your excuse for not telling me this until now?"
"You already know who we're looking for, don't you?"
"I'm fine. I have to be."
"Your dad hates me, doesn't he?"
"No, we are not discussing this!"
"You look peculiar. What's wrong?"
"I don't think this is going to work..."
"You know, I think I quite like your mother. "
"I fear that I am becoming obsolete."
"You're an idiot."
"I'm proud of you."
"Why haven't you answered my calls?"
"On second thought, I don't think I want to know."
"You're lying!"
"He's my father but he's not my dad."
"Oh, so this is all about you?"
"You deserve more."
"I know why you hate me."
"You're not doing anyone any good in this condition."
"Have you ever actually been in a fight?"
"Yeah? Well, if you're in such great shape, why did you come to this hospital?"
"If you think this is bad, you should see the other guy."
"You won't regret this, I promise."
"I've known you long enough to be able to tell when you're lying."
"You're not going to recover unless you get some sleep!"
"But... That's illegal?"
"I can't help you if you won't let me."
"Please, take care of yourself."
"I know you're happy with him, but would you be happier without him?"
"Why are you still here?"
"Getting away with murder is an incredible feeling."
"We need each other."
"I was told that you weren't afraid of anything. Is that wrong?"
"You've done a lot of research on this, haven't you?"
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truexman · 5 days ago
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"That's a lot of activity."
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truexman · 5 days ago
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"I appreciate the honesty at least." He chuckled, taking a step back. "I'll get the information I need out of them after, if they're still awake."
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"I suppose I'll try," He muses with a hum, cracking his knuckles as he pops his neck.
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truexman · 18 days ago
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Vigilante updated key visual
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truexman · 1 month ago
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"It wouldn't be ideal for you but for anyone looking for you, it's a gift, wrapped with a neat little bow."
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"That would be a nightmare and a half..."
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truexman · 1 month ago
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"That was smart. Wouldn't want you to sneeze yourself into getting caught."
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"Heh... Yeah. Glad I set that reminder this year."
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truexman · 1 month ago
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"That would be a smart idea."
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"...I should pick up my allergy meds before spring comes..."
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truexman · 2 months ago
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truexman · 2 months ago
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"I-- Well yes, I've noticed." He huffed out, not able counter that fact. "If it does come down to physical violence just try not to break too many bones."
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@truexman asked: ❛ Could we, like, maybe not, with the physical violence? ❜ @ toshinori
He sighs, lowering his fists slightly, "What other option is there? Talk it out? That hardly ever works, if you hadn't noticed."
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truexman · 2 months ago
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Leaning against the counter, he watched the ongoing situation through the window. He tipped his head towards the other at the question and gave a shrug.
"It certainly couldn't hurt and I think we deserve a little treat. They smell good at least." He peered at the cookies in the case. "The peanut butter one looks good."
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"Sounds like a decent deal to me." He gave the detective a quick lived nod in appreciation then turned back to the counter, idly tapping his fingers against the yellow famed goggles around his neck and giving them a little rub with his sleeve to dismiss some of the dirt covering them. "Did you want a cookie or something?" He then broke the silence. "The sugar might keep us going if we're burning the midnight oil."
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