Me .vs. The World
45 posts
Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet.. Keep reading for more days in the life of a Trucker's Wife.. I'll be here.. the same me.. Just a different zipcode..
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
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September 9, 2017 - Kingsville, Texas 📌 My puzzle of the day..
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
August 1, 2017 - Kingsville, Texas
📌 Hi Everyone.. So Sorry that is has been a long while to return to my blog.. so much has happen this few weeks.. They found the killer of my dear friend Raul “Daddy” Rodriguez.. Happens to be a old friend of his.. not every nice.. and to top it off.. the guy had an accomplice.. who happened to be my friends ex-girlfriend.. who was actually dating the guy who killed him.. lovers coral.. thats what it was.. STUPID.. if you asked me.. But the worst of my weeks.. was the passing of my wonderful.. loving brother-in-law.. He passed away July 23, 2017.. on my younger brothers birthday to be exact.. what a sad day for so many of us.. we are going to miss him so much.. He was what kept the family together.. but we are going to stay strong for him.. he meant the world to us.. RIP Javie Bueno. We love you Papa! You will always be in our hearts.. #RIPJavieBuenoJuly232017 #JusticeForRaul"Daddy"Rodriguez #FeelingSad #TryingToMoveOn #StayingStrong #KingsvilleTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
July 15, 2017 - Kingsville, Texas
📌 Sorry everyone.. that I have not posted any blogs lately.. These past 14 days have been crazy.. So much has been happening.. With the sickness of my brother-in-law.. Who was given only 2 or 3 weeks of life left.. To my dear friend Raul “Daddy” Rodriguez.. Which they caught his killer.. Who happened to be a friend of his.. & he had an accomplice who happened to be my dear friends ex-girlfriend.. Can you believe it!? What is this world coming to? I just don’t understand.. This world used to be such a beautiful place to live in.. Now there’s so much bad happening in it.. Like people have gone crazy throughout the Years.. Not everyone but some.. Everyday I’m just wowed with things that are happening.. #ShockedAtTheWorld #KingsvilleTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
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July 1, 2017 - Topeka, Kansas 📌 Today I lost a childhood friend.. Someone stabbed him to death right outside the front porch.. He didn't deserve to die this way.. He was a loving.. caring person.. with a good heart.. always doing things for friends & family.. I hope they find the person that did this to him.. R.I.P. my dear friend.. I'll miss you.. 😢😭 #InShocked #ICantBelieveHesGone #BrokenHearted #R.I.P.Raul"Daddy"Rodriguez #TopekaKansas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 28, 207 - Limon, Colorado
📌 Be thankful for what you are now.. and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.. #InThought #LimonColorado
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 27, 2017 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
📌 I don't think you will fully understand how you've touched my life.. I don't think you could ever know how special you are.. that even on my darkest nights you are my brightest star.. #Feeling #OklahomaCityOklahoma
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 26, 2017 - Laredo, Texas
📌 Let people do what they need to do to make them happy.. Mind your own business.. and do what you need to do to make you happy.. #AlwaysInThought #LaredoTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 25, 2017 - Corpus Christi, Texas
📌 Be there for others but never leave yourself behind.. #InThought #CorpusChristiTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 24, 2017 - Kingsville, Texas
📌 What's on your mind becomes what's in your life.. So think the thoughts you want to see.. #InThought #KingsvilleTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 23, 2017 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
📌 FRIENDSHIP isn’t about who you’ve known the longest.. It’s about whose walked into your life and said, “I’m here for you” and proved it.. #Quote #CorpusChristiTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 22, 2017 - Laredo, Texas
📌 State something POSITIVE that happened today 😄 #StayPositive #CorpusChristiTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 21, 2017 - Kingsville, Texas
📌 These couple of days have really been crazy.. with everything that has been going on with my brother-in-law.. it hurts to see him be so scared of everything that they do with him.. I mean what really happened in that ambulance? Did they hurt him or what? Why didn’t they let my mother-in-law go with them in the ambulance? What happened.. why did they stop on the road with him? I’m sorry but something happened.. he got hurt in there or something.. cause since that ride.. he hasn’t been the same.. I don’t know.. but i’m going to investigate and get to the bottom of this.. if it’s the last thing I go.. #Pissed #KingsvilleTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 20, 2017 - Corpus Christi, Texas
📌 Sometimes having coffee with your Best Friend.. is all of the therapy you need.. #LoveMyBestFriend #Corpus Christ, Texas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 19, 2017 - Corpus Christi, Texas
📌 When you finally let go of the past.. something better comes along..
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 18, 2017 - Corpus Christi, Texas
📌 It's so very hard to see my brother-in-law so sick like this in the hospital.. It reminds me so much of when my dad was there sick & then passing away.. Its barely going to be a year in August.. And now this my brother-in-law.. I just want him to get better.. Its hard missing loved one especially so close together in months.. Please give me strength 😇 #StayStrong #CorpusChristiTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 16, 2017 - Corpus Christi, Texas
📌 My brother-in-law is still in the hospital.. Its a slow process.. but he is slowly getting better.. Still keeping him in our prayers.. We love him so much.. #TeamJavi #WeLoveYou #CorpusChristiTexas
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truckerswife79-blog · 8 years ago
June 15, 2017 - Corpus Christi, Texas
📌 If you have family that loves you.. a few good friends.. food on your table and a roof over your head.. You are richer than you think.. #LoveThisQuote #CorpusChristiTexas
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