troyage-blog · 11 years
Lets make food together.
serious. your version of mac'n cheese, spanish breakfasts, nachos, crepes, pizza. anything, that is in your mind absolutely delicious. 
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troyage-blog · 11 years
Tonight at Design It Together
Hi friends! We have a "bad news, good news" situation going on... The bad news: Looks like another Spacey, Stretchy, Cool is cancelled. Our intrepid yoga teacher Jocelyn would be traveling from Clifton Park and we think it best for her to stay put tonight. The next one is this coming Troy Night Out and IT WILL HAPPEN!!!! The good news: We are discussing holding a "Snowpocalypse 2013 Printing Extravaganza" tonight. Troy friends within walking distance, and those brave enough to drive are welcome to stop by, hang out, possibly drink a little wine, listen to a little music and print some shirts for a yet to be determined "suggested donation". Could be fun! Does this interest anyone? This is just an idea we are tossing around, but if there is interest, we just may do it!!! Let us know :)
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troyage-blog · 11 years
We’re kicking off our first Spacey Stretchy Cool on Friday, Feb. 22th at the Design it Together Studio at 291 River St! THIS TROY NIGHT OUT! The idea of this class was to offer some light, meditative exercise (though we might offer more advanced classes in the future) with spacey sounds from local musicians and discussion of recent trends in astronomy and physics. We hope it’s a fun blend of exercise for the body with meditation and wonder-inducing cosmological ideas to awaken the mind!
In the words of Carl Sagan, “Our species needs, and deserves, a citizenry with minds wide awake and a basic understanding of how the world works.”
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troyage-blog · 11 years
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winter night adventures
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troyage-blog · 11 years
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sunset+court house + troy library
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troyage-blog · 11 years
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driving home - the great all mighty prospect park in the distance
there is something about low quality pictures that i really enjoy, brace yourselves i may post a butt load
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troyage-blog · 11 years
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troyage-blog · 11 years
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2nd Street
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troyage-blog · 11 years
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troyage-blog · 11 years
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the fringes of prospect park - PJM
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troyage-blog · 11 years
my friend the garden hose and i like to explore
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