Your Local Doctor
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The best doctor of all Helios!
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triage-the-doctor 15 hours ago
Fearless Perseverance - Lane Turgeon
Sounds like coffee over paperwork in the clinic
Huh. It does! It does give off the idea of the calm atmosphere where i am not rushing and i am just...going through papers and sipping some coffee!
I like it!
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triage-the-doctor 1 day ago
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triage-the-doctor 2 days ago
Doctor's Journal - Entry 1
I don't want to be pessimistic...I really don't...but I can't but think Sleuth wants Venge. He seemed too sure when he said he should've "opened a case for him again". This isn't what I needed now...this isn't what Venge needed now! Do you know what Sleuth, the most sadistic, heartless detective on the island looking for him means!? It means shoving Venge right back to his trauma! If it was Noir or Gumshoe...I really wouldn't mind, they are the complete opposite to Sleuth...Back in Helios they were actually called to hold an interrogation with Venge and I was there as I knew Venge and he needed a familiar face around. They were super calm and gentle, not one time their voices raised, they didn't tie Venge, they let him roam free around the room as they talked! Eventually Venge suddenly snapped and shoved us away to escape- but I think I'm proving my point that Sleuth, is nothing like them.
I saw Venge the other day...I held him. That poor man, shaking like a leaf, his huge body looking so fragile infront of a man who'd have no power infront of him. On the one hand...I'm happy Vebge is not responding with means he doesn't get instantly defensive! But on the other hand...he now first responds with fear and it breaks my heart...I'm sure he still snaps with some triggering, his mind is coded to be that way...but seeing him look so powerless when he clearly isn't...
I just can't let Sleuth find out Venge is here. I won't let him. I've seen Venge go through enough. He needs rest now.
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triage-the-doctor 4 days ago
Shh. It's okay. He's gone. He's gone. He won't get you...I'll make sure he can't find you if he comes back here...okay?
*He cradled Venge's head, softly caressing his hair to calm him*
Why don't you stay here for a little? The beds are empty, you can lay down a bit to sleep the fear off...
*He was working in his office like normal, until a knock on the door was heard*
Come in!
*The door opened, a man in a familiar trenchcoat entering the clinic. This time wasn't that trenchcoat*
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triage-the-doctor 4 days ago
*Sleuth had a way of changing the atmosphere in a way that was a mistery to Triage. After making sure he was fully gone, he sighed in relief, approaching the vent, tapping it with his finger, tiny whimpering noises could be heard*
Venge...Are you still there? You can come out if you want. He's gone.
*He was working in his office like normal, until a knock on the door was heard*
Come in!
*The door opened, a man in a familiar trenchcoat entering the clinic. This time wasn't that trenchcoat*
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triage-the-doctor 4 days ago
*he quickly shook his head, deciding to hide behind a lie to protect Venge*
Oh no, no no no, never heard of him ever since our last case together on Helios! He...vanished into thin air! It is practically impossible to even have the slightest idea of his whereabouts!
*He was working in his office like normal, until a knock on the door was heard*
Come in!
*The door opened, a man in a familiar trenchcoat entering the clinic. This time wasn't that trenchcoat*
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triage-the-doctor 4 days ago
*The sudden snap on Sleuth's mood, and a faint tiny shuffly coming from the nearby vents was enough for Triage's blood to freeze. He knew Sleuth had terrible intentions for Venge...well not as bad as the Society members and allies...but still bad. He couldn't let Sleuth know the man he hated so much was in this very room. Hidden.*
Ah...yes, Vengeance...jeez what a i right?
*The words rolled on his tongue in a awful way, he truly hoped Venge wasn't listening. Which was impossible.*
*He was working in his office like normal, until a knock on the door was heard*
Come in!
*The door opened, a man in a familiar trenchcoat entering the clinic. This time wasn't that trenchcoat*
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triage-the-doctor 4 days ago
Ohhh right! Well, many weren't so hard to identify! Others...woo...really, really hard. I'm surprised we could only do those little mistakes! You on the other hand were more on the look out for the culprit, all the time.
*He was working in his office like normal, until a knock on the door was heard*
Come in!
*The door opened, a man in a familiar trenchcoat entering the clinic. This time wasn't that trenchcoat*
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triage-the-doctor 4 days ago
Ah! Great...pleasure to see you indeed, Sleuth! It has been a while, isn't it?
*He broke the handshake, there was always something about Sleuth that didn't sit right to Triage, perhaps the backstory? Perhaps the way he'd talk? Perhaps the way he'd do his job....* have you been? any criminals recently?
*He was working in his office like normal, until a knock on the door was heard*
Come in!
*The door opened, a man in a familiar trenchcoat entering the clinic. This time wasn't that trenchcoat*
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triage-the-doctor 4 days ago
*He was working in his office like normal, until a knock on the door was heard*
Come in!
*The door opened, a man in a familiar trenchcoat entering the clinic. This time wasn't that trenchcoat*
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triage-the-doctor 10 days ago
*It had been one of those nightshifts where Triage had barely anything to do...fortunately, he was on his desk, looking at old documents to pass the time as his dear husband would randomly send messages to see what he was doing. Well what was better than suddenly walking through memory path?*
"That's enough ------------ back u-----and-------med----in"
*He could barely tell what the voice on the other side of the door, it was harsh, yes, but not loud enough to understand fully. He had no idea why he was called in this place, by Society of all people too.
The door opened, and three guards made their way out before the last one shut the door instantly*
"Are you the one we have called?" asked for Julien Jones and here I am.
"Good. The wretch is on the other side of the door."
"No questions, mr. Jones, enter that room and do. your. job. We will provide payment later."
Well, actually-
"Do not. Speak further."
Okay, okay! jeez....
*As the guards left the room completely he approached the door he was supposed to enter. As his hand got close to the door-knob his ears could pick very faint sounds: growling, groaning, sometimes laments. What the hell did they want him to work on? Had they mistaken him for a vet? Sure, he had the qualifications for that too, but aiding an animal was quite r-*
holy fuck.
*he vocalized his shock as his eyes wandered over the sight before him, on the other side of the room. A man...a Jones, bound with chains to a chair, and apparently he was the source of the "animal-like" noises. That Jones looked fairly similar to the original, if it wasn't for his large, jacked, tall body that barely fit in the chair and scruff on his face he could have been easily mistaken for John. The worse part was the man being full of cuts, bruises and more injuries all over his body
The Jones looked at Triage, breathing heavily and growling, with a face that told Triage this wasn't going to be easy.*
...I see we are both-
excuse me?
I- I can't leave...I won't leave... I need to cure you...okay?
*He glanced to the door, then back at the Jones*
I suppose they did this to you?
*The Jones looked down at his own body, before beginning to trash around and scream*
*Triage had to thank he had headphones on, or his ears would have began bleeding from how loud the man was* need to calm down, the guards are not here now...I'm here to help you...
*Triage got closer to the Jones, extending his hand, everything would have gone well if it wasn't for the Jones biting Triage's hand so hard it had actually caused a wound, through the glove.* got strong teeth...way too strong for a human. But strong teeth.
I'm not a human...i'm a monster...
Now that's not true! I'm sure we can work this out...! Somehow...
*He looked at his hand, blood seeping out softly , staining his glove, he quickly patched himself up and tried getting close again. But each step would get the Jones more worked up, more angry, the laments of pain almost being overwritten by snarls and growls of anger and clear hostility.*
I need to calm him down...but how...?
*He had suddenly got an idea, something that hopefully would bring the Jones to a little calm state of mind.*
馃幖...there is no pain, you are receding...
...a distant ship, smoke on the horizon...馃幖
*He kept getting slowly closer as the Jones' growling grew quieter, little cries of pain coming up instead*
馃幖 are only coming through in waves...
...your lips move, but I can't hear what you're saying...馃幖
that's it...listen to the music, focus on the melody of my voice...
*He kneeled down, gently placing his hands on his lap, humming the melody of the song*
Julien, but you can call me
*The Jones whimpered for a while, sobs shaking his chained body*
Focus on the melody,'re safe with me...
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triage-the-doctor 14 days ago
Hah. Deserved, again.
Skull walked into Triage's clinic, Leaning on the reception desk.
"I saw the rest of the RW's been getting check-ups, So I thought might as well get one too, just to be safe."
*Triage looked at Skull*
Oh hey Skull! Ehh not all of them, Evie came here the other day, the other i'm yet to see them for an actual check-up. HAH.
Anyways, glad you decided to get checked up, sit on the bed and i'll see what to do for ya.
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triage-the-doctor 14 days ago
HAH! Deserved! That's what he gets for car-smashing around.
Cool that you can control your body in such ways, you dead people are interesting when it comes to your abilities.
Skull walked into Triage's clinic, Leaning on the reception desk.
"I saw the rest of the RW's been getting check-ups, So I thought might as well get one too, just to be safe."
*Triage looked at Skull*
Oh hey Skull! Ehh not all of them, Evie came here the other day, the other i'm yet to see them for an actual check-up. HAH.
Anyways, glad you decided to get checked up, sit on the bed and i'll see what to do for ya.
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triage-the-doctor 14 days ago
woah! That's awesome! Do you control it even if it's detached? Or does it gain like a mind of it's own like some sort of horror movie creature?
Skull walked into Triage's clinic, Leaning on the reception desk.
"I saw the rest of the RW's been getting check-ups, So I thought might as well get one too, just to be safe."
*Triage looked at Skull*
Oh hey Skull! Ehh not all of them, Evie came here the other day, the other i'm yet to see them for an actual check-up. HAH.
Anyways, glad you decided to get checked up, sit on the bed and i'll see what to do for ya.
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triage-the-doctor 14 days ago
*Triage nodded*
Can't deny you might actually be a great one, your boss wouldn't have to worry about making you sign a contract about how your handing them your body and they do not hold responsible for any damage. You're practically immune to that. You lose a part and can just pop it right back in
Skull walked into Triage's clinic, Leaning on the reception desk.
"I saw the rest of the RW's been getting check-ups, So I thought might as well get one too, just to be safe."
*Triage looked at Skull*
Oh hey Skull! Ehh not all of them, Evie came here the other day, the other i'm yet to see them for an actual check-up. HAH.
Anyways, glad you decided to get checked up, sit on the bed and i'll see what to do for ya.
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triage-the-doctor 14 days ago
*Triage began laughing with Skull, almost doubling over from the laughter*
Gosh, dude! You're one great actor!
Ahhh...but seriously you really gotta thank that you zombies don't need funerals, that would be one huge cash grab given the prices.
Skull walked into Triage's clinic, Leaning on the reception desk.
"I saw the rest of the RW's been getting check-ups, So I thought might as well get one too, just to be safe."
*Triage looked at Skull*
Oh hey Skull! Ehh not all of them, Evie came here the other day, the other i'm yet to see them for an actual check-up. HAH.
Anyways, glad you decided to get checked up, sit on the bed and i'll see what to do for ya.
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triage-the-doctor 14 days ago
Alright then!
*He began running various check up tests on Skull, yet pretty much all results had numbers that only a dead man could manage to give. He looked confused at first but quickly shook his head as he remembered Skull was, infact, a walking dead man.*
Welp, all results here tell me you're as dead as ever! I suppose that in your case this is...good news? You'd probably get more shocked if you had any number linked to the living.
Skull walked into Triage's clinic, Leaning on the reception desk.
"I saw the rest of the RW's been getting check-ups, So I thought might as well get one too, just to be safe."
*Triage looked at Skull*
Oh hey Skull! Ehh not all of them, Evie came here the other day, the other i'm yet to see them for an actual check-up. HAH.
Anyways, glad you decided to get checked up, sit on the bed and i'll see what to do for ya.
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