trendyd · 7 days
Yes it is
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trendyd · 4 months
El mejor regalo que me ha dado mi madre, no ha sido la vida sino, a mi hermana ✨
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trendyd · 4 months
A veces te extraño… en lo más simple y sencillo. Pero tú ya no existes.
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trendyd · 1 year
Someone else's past can hurt but if you weren't in it you always get over it. Give it a chance.
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trendyd · 1 year
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Luche mucho porque nos encontráramos, trabajé en mi, sané y esta es una señal de que seguimos haciendo todo bien… ta♾️
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trendyd · 1 year
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“I used to say: ‘I like to watch TikTok, or YouTube.’ But I don’t really like to describe myself that way anymore. Because if you think about it, that’s not really something you do. It’s just something that pulls you in. It made me feel connected. Like, I know this person. But I really didn’t know them at all. And I’d sit at home getting sucked into this endless void of whatever I was watching. Windows closed, AC on. My dad would say: ‘Go outside and do something, it builds character.’  Most of the time he’d only say it because he wanted me to take out the trash, or go on an errand with him. So for a long time I didn’t think it meant anything. But it really does, if you think about it. Because every time you do something, it adds to who you are. You learn from life. Recently I joined a group called The Veggie Nuggets. There’s seven of us: me, my friends, a couple neighbors. We made a mural. We made a garden over by 69th and the bridge. We lobbied a little bit at the capital for climate change, because it’s kinda a disaster. I had to develop a certain mindset when I did those things. I had to affirm to something. I had to be motivated. And that’s a real thing,  motivation. It’s a trait. And now it’s part of my character.”
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trendyd · 1 year
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Y cuando menos lo esperes, ese alguien especial te encontrará y amará así tal cual eres, sin cortar tus alas…
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trendyd · 2 years
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Hoy me regalaron esto; hecho para mi, inspirado en mi… me siento muy agradecida, muy especial, el regalo más original e increíble
Abrazo fuerte al artista 🫶🏽
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trendyd · 2 years
Se comen a besos con tan solo verse a los ojos. La moral no los deja, solo queda en su imaginación. Ironía de la vida #10F4V&30
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trendyd · 2 years
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He’s always good for me 🐶
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trendyd · 2 years
Perder para mi no es opción, solo me queda ganar.
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trendyd · 2 years
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Ya no se amar sin el mar
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trendyd · 2 years
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Can I see you? Us? Me?
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trendyd · 2 years
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-Las ventanas siempre se abren, dan paso a una nueva visión de la vida, esa siempre nos dirigirá hacia la puerta del camino que nos llevará a una vida menos desdichada y con más aprendizajes…
-Ok, confiaré…
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trendyd · 2 years
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trendyd · 2 years
Fuiste mi venganza, pero al final el vengado fue él… tú nunca dejaste de ser el instrumento.
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trendyd · 2 years
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¿Cuándo dejaré de extrañarte? Tu recuerdo me parece infinito…
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