travelling-azure · 2 months
It tilts its head at him, staring curiously. It’s true, they weren’t the best thing.
Aster reaches up with a paw, booping Azure with a chitter. -⭐️🐇
Azure blinks a few times, surprised by the boop. Then he returns it with his own hand. "Boop!"
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travelling-azure · 2 months
Aster lets out a small sigh upon finding out that the prizes weren’t Star Bits… oh well..
Azure doesn't totally understand, but he sympathizes anyway, because he's an optimist. "Yeah, I guess coins aren't all that in the long run, huh? It's good to have, but in the end, it's not the answer to everything."
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travelling-azure · 2 months
”Prizes!” Aster’s eyes shine at the concept. Prizes like star bits?
"Yep! They're different from show to show, I think. A lot of the time it's coins. Shy Guys Finish Last gives away things like vacations, though, and I think that's why everyone likes it."
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travelling-azure · 2 months
It tilts its head at Azure.
“Show? Games??”
"A game show! They broadcast it on TV, and a bunch of people get together and compete for a prize. There's one called Shy Guys Finish Last that's pretty popular recently."
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travelling-azure · 2 months
Aster nods enthusiastically! It was very pretty too! The starbunny turns to the path, hopping along ahead of Azure.
"Y'know, my new friend Kersti said that some kind of game show is hosted in these woods," Azure says casually. "I wonder if we'll see anyone filming here?"
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travelling-azure · 2 months
Aster leaps down, picking the flower gently. The star bunny hops back over to Azure, holding up the flower to him.
“Happy flower!”
"Happy Flower! Nicely done!"
Azure takes the flower from Aster and tucks it by the stem into the brim of his hat.
"Maybe this'll come in handy!"
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travelling-azure · 2 months
Aster points at a flower with its paw, chittering!
"Ooh, good find! Looks like a Happy Flower. Some say they bring wealth! Do you want to take it with us?"
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travelling-azure · 2 months
“Critters!” The starbunny rides along on top of his hat, peering into the forest! It was so dark! So many trees, almost like mama’s!!! Aster’s gaze darts around in excitement!
"Let me know if you see something, okay? I might be able to tell you about it!"
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travelling-azure · 2 months
Aster peeks up, chittering. “Tree? Lots of tree!”
It wiggles slightly from atop his hat, tapping its paw in excitement!
"Lots of trees! And lots of critters, too. If we're lucky, we might see some Wigglers- ooh, or even a Flutter!"
Down the path they go, into the forest. The trees become dense, and there's lots of shade, but the path is still clear and wide.
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travelling-azure · 2 months
“Comfy.” The starbunny peers over the brim of Azure’s hat, blocking his view. It was cozy. AND it had a new friend to take it home! They were gonna be there in no time!
"Perfect! I hope you don't mind thick forests, we'll have to pass through quite a few to get to the Mushroom Kingdom from here."
Azure beams at the bunny, not caring that he can't see the road.
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travelling-azure · 2 months
Aster perks up from its mount on Azure’s head, pointing with a paw at the road ahead of them.
“Go!! Let’s go, Zure-Zure!!!”
"We're off! Are you comfy up there?"
Azure marches confidently down the path, but considerately of his starbunny friend.
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travelling-azure · 2 months
Do jewel sprites stim?
"Some do! I like to wave my hands around, personally!"
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travelling-azure · 2 months
petition to send Azure to smash (as a support trophy)
"I could be a healing item!"
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travelling-azure · 2 months
Azure, can you use water gun?
"I can! But it does cost energy."
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travelling-azure · 2 months
exactly, friendo!!
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travelling-azure · 2 months
buddy :3 friend pal
"Chum compadre amigo?" :D?
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travelling-azure · 2 months
Azure I will boop you times A MILLION
"Woah! That's a lotta boops!"
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