traumabasin · 4 months
So, Deteriorating Waters Heart went to the hospital at one point via being stabbed with Soul's Trident, and I was doing my daily pacing-in-my-front-yard-imagining-myself-answering-a-Q&A-as-if-I-was-famous, yeah? (Well, except this time I was imagining DW Heart was real and he was being interviewed by my fanbase, my fantasies get pretty wild.)
I imagined DW Heart would have an adult version of Gruelling Duty in his universe…
…what's Gruelling Duty? Well, in the Pillow Club universe, Gruelling Duty is a cartoon about superheroes in Hawaii of all kinds of species in the Pillow Club universe, all in one place, as if they all evolved together as one in the same environment.
This is also where the fictional "God-Killer" concept was first used in the Pillow Club universe; at first, it was only told in mythology of gradient sticks (a type of stick figure from one of my original stories), but it quickly became a trope in the PC universe instead, similar to how things like zombies or mummies are taken from mythologies or cultures and pop culture-ified.
But that's besides the point; I had the idea that in Deteriorating Waters, yk, Pillow Club but edgier, that Gruelling Duty is instead an adult animated show, to reflect how DW is an adult series instead of the children's series that PC is.
Which leads me to my idea that DW Heart, who was a """""freshmen""""" (heavy quotations bc DW takes place in Iceland but has intentionally (in a bad way) very American-based societal structure), so like around fourteen-fifteen for his species due to weird Axon-species-workings, wouldn't be allowed to watch an adult show in the hospital.
Instead, I imagine that DW Heart, with three big holes in his belly rapidly gushing out acidic blood, half-conscious probably hooked up to a lot of things and too weak to hold his phone to tell his friends he doesn't know when he'll be back, or even tell them he's gone at all, away from home for weeks and cut off from the outside world with the corrupt healthcare system of the Deteriorating Waters universe, had to watch propaganda young children's cartoons teaching him that he's a cuck for not having magic and deserves to be working class and have a fraction of human rights in the most condescending way possible for all those agonising days he thought his insides would spill right out of his torso.
Enjoy, I hope that was as much of a roller coaster for you as it was for me thinking about it.
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traumabasin · 5 months
Context for my main blog's Elsewhere Reflective shitpost:
-This is a heavy worldbuilding character-centric hero-villain crossover AU.
-Heart's species hunt to survive and will only eat humans (or sapient species in-general in crossover AUs) should they taste the flesh on one. This implies that (Villain) Heart has done this before.
-Everyone comes back when they die unless they truly want to die, the person's fine, don't worry, I don't like meaningless/excessive/comedic murder in my stories.
-This is not out-of-character for (Villain) Soul but he generally isn't really all that evil; he moreso just… doesn't care. Before the events of this story he had been stuck in a timeloop over two-hundred and forty times (yes, technically he's over two-thousand years old) so he just stopped caring about everything and subconsciously views everyone (somewhat less so Heart and Mind) as disposable even if he's no longer in the time loop and once something happens, it can't be undone. In the AU he's kind of like a Chaotic Neutral, "{everything is funny if you squint at it right}" who wreaks havoc and because he's the most powerful creature in the AU he can kinda just have his way, albeit he deep down does care.
-This is only slightly out-of-character for (Villain) Heart.
-The art commission person who was scammed is Mike from, uh, the stick figure comic. You know the one… the one with the red tendril-black stick figure, and the white one with the tie, and the girl in the poncho, the crown guy, the dommy mommy milf, the child who is entirely irrelevant in every AU I've ever made… yeah, I'm not saying the name of it as to not summon the fanbase, I absolutely hate its fandom and it's kinda sorta panic attack-inducing so… pretend you've never heard of him if you know who he is, m'kay?
-Also Mike and Heart are dating. Why? Because fuck you, that's why, they'd be GREAT together and I don't care if I'm the only one in the world who ships them, y'all are just LOSERS.
-Heart has a visor instead of a blindfold that changes display based on emotion and action. It is not mechanical, it is supernatural.
-I-I-If you w-wanna know more… I-I'd be happy to infodump to you… Pwease… 🥺
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traumabasin · 6 months
TW: Pro-ship (not in a supported way), mentions of grooming, paedophilia, and incest (with a happy ending)
So, I thought of like twenty minutes ago (probs not even) about how, since technically in Pillow Club characters from any universe (mostly nearby but not always) can enter Whispering Retreat, I thought of that it's likely that characters from universes where problematic ships are prevalent would likely end up there, too.
As a result, I put some thought into what it would be like if the characters apart of those ships got there.
First and foremost, it depends on what kind of problematic ship we're talking about.
Let's say William x Elizabeth Afton, as that's one I've seen lately.
This is both incest and paedophilia. Obviously, there's a clear bad guy in this relationship: William.
I imagine upon entering Whispering Retreat, as soon as it was established these two were a "couple", Elizabeth would be removed, and William would be detained. Since in their native universe they most likely never faced difficulty for this relationship (as, in most pro-ship stories, the relationship isn't depicted in an accurate way as to how grooming works), I highly doubt they'd be aware how super illegal this was, making the job pretty easy.
Elizabeth would likely be sent to one of these things in-universe known as H.A.Cs, which are located primarily in Autumn Lake (a town popular for starting families and raising children) and are large, apartment complex-like facilities dedicated to housing children, as well as providing age-appropriate activities, sustenance, entertainment and education (through the use of another foundation), as due to the nature of Whispering Retreat she will, unfortunately, never truly grow up.
Whispering Retreat has a fairly good mental health system, although it's even better for children in Autumn Lake! This is due to the town's Ambassador (which is like the mayor of the town but also a physical manifestation of it) dedicating resources to protecting children and assuring that they will be happy and healthy, as they will never grow up, therefore it's only fair they get to enjoy their forever childhood.
Whispering Retreat also heavily condemns grooming of any kind. As a result, Elizabeth would probably be given treatment for the trauma caused by being in such an unhealthy relationship, as well as be aided in learning to trust adults and fatherly people again, and would get to be with kids her own age and form appropriate connections. She'd get to have what she deserves. :)
Meanwhile, William would most likely be staying in prison for… well, probably until he perma-dies. Whispering Retreat takes crimes against children, especially one as detestable as that, very very seriously. He'd probably be trained to understand that relationships of that kind aren't okay to have with children, but would not be permitted internet access nor allowed in proximity of children for as long as his days last. He'd get to still live a life, of course, but it would be behind bars and closely monitored; hopefully he could learn something from his actions against minors. Maybe his desires stemmed from a traumatic childhood experience of a similar nature. In a story focusing around problematic ships, I wouldn't say it's unlikely he had a childhood relationship with an adult himself that was also framed as positive by the narrative. Trauma's just one big descending loop, you know?
Now, for an alternative problematic ship within universe: What about Asriel and Chara?
They are of the same age, yes, but they are siblings.
I imagine they'd be frightful and confused as to why no one understand their relationship; believing that this was perfectly okay.
It's likely someone kind-hearted and experienced, perhaps a counsellor or an officer, would help guide them to a better dynamic.
They'd explain to them that some people come from universes where the world portrays these types of dynamics in a "healthy" light, but would say that these relationships, albeit equally advanced in technology and rights, are of an undeveloped ethicality, certainly because of the mind of a broken person or even a twisted one.
They'd be taught how to be siblings; watching them evolve as they learn to bicker and fight, share the same possessions and what-have-you, but not like lovers.
Their relationship would slowly heal to be that of brother and sibling, rather than that of two souls trapped in the dollhouse of a plagued brain.
Eventually, they'll be comfortable walking in public with one another again. Maybe with a playful shove, or an inside joke jabbed at the other, but not ever once with a romantic kiss or anything more intimate. They're just siblings now, and they understand how to be healthy again.
Woo, that was a ramble. Is it obvious I wanna be a psychologist specialises in trauma yet?
This is my first lore dump for Pillow Club, but as I wanna do a WHOLE LOT of worldbuilding on fandom culture and alternate universe-making as a whole, I thought I'd cover a common attribute in dark stories in a way that seems hopeful.
The idea of the characters shipped in such ways getting to heal and be better makes me happy, especially as someone with trauma from pro-shipping. :)
Should this somehow gain traction, play nice everyone. We can be friends, I'm not looking to start fights or anger anyone, I'm just looking to write some cool, creative stories.
My photophobic eyes are on fire from staring at a bright screen, by the way.
Pillow Club is a crossover AU built-on the "cringy", "poorly-written" idea of multifandom AUs where your favourite characters all live in one big house and go on angsty adventures together. I had one of these years ago, and now I want to make my own sequel to that story with that element; all my favourite characters going through horrible things in a supernatural slice-of-life. In a strange supernatural territory of Iceland where characters are drawn to, where death is (usually) not permanent, where society is built on crazy entities and bizarre creatures in a rural series of towns, and where characters go through some pretty crazy and challenging stuff, you got three characters all stemming from Tally Hall-based stuff and then some green axolotl adrenaline junkie. It gets deep.
Please reblog, instead of like. It helps my story spread.
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traumabasin · 7 months
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A week or two ago I drew them both in feminine clothing <3 this will probably happen in a future episode (it will definitely happen)
Pillow Club is a crossover AU built-on the "cringy", "poorly-written" idea of multifandom AUs where your favourite characters all live in one big house and go on angsty adventures together. I had one of these years ago, and now I want to make my own sequel to that story with that element; all my favourite characters going through horrible things in a supernatural slice-of-life. In a strange supernatural territory of Iceland where characters are drawn to, where death is (usually) not permanent, where society is built on crazy entities and bizarre creatures in a rural series of towns, and where characters go through some pretty crazy and challenging stuff, you got three characters all stemming from Tally Hall-based stuff and then some green axolotl adrenaline junkie. It gets deep.
Please reblog, I prefer reblogs over likes. They help my story spread.
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traumabasin · 7 months
Pillow Club is a huge passion project of mine!! It's a multifandom/huge crossover AU with a long intricate detailed and complex storyline because I looked at those "cringy" crossover AUs where all your favourite characters are in a big house together going on adventures and said "HEY, I LIKE THAT! I'M GONNA WRITE AN AU ON THAT AND HAVE FUN!"
It takes place in a supernatural territory in Iceland where ooooooOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOooo fictional characters and supernatural creatures live, and there's four towns each with their own culture and the such!
There's also Deteriorating Waters, which is a darker timeline AU of PC, Elsewhere Reflective, a hero-villain AU where every character lives in an always-night-but-also-kinda-not(?) city and it's got hero-villain stuff (including hero x villain but it's a crossover AU so brace yourself), Bouncy Castle, an AU where every character (including AUs of AUs) all live in the Pillow Club, and Fallen Thornbush, which is basically a separate story altogether but it's basically PC but in England with AUs of AUs as the main protagonists instead of normal AUs!
Also the characters are REALLY canon-divergent so be prepared!
#pillow club - FOR PILLOW CLUB
#break of dawn/#sorcerer's way/#autumn lake/#red moon - FOR THE TOWNS
#pillow club [character name]/#pc [character name] - FOR THE CHARACTERS IN PILLOW CLUB
#deteriorating waters [character name]/#dw [character name] - FOR THE CHARACTERS IN DETERIORATING WATERS
#elsewhere reflective [character name]/er [character name] - FOR THE CHARACTERS IN ELSEWHERE REFLECTIVE
#bouncy castle [character name]/#bc [character name] - FOR THE CHARACTERS IN BOUNCY CASTLE
#fallen thornbush [character name]/#ft [character name] - FOR THE CHARACTERS IN FALLEN THORNBUSH
#deteriorating waters - FOR DETERIORATING WATERS
#elsewhere reflective - FOR ELSEWHERE REFLECTIVE
#bouncy castle - FOR BOUNCY CASTLE
#fallen thornbush - FOR FALLEN THORNBUSH
#happiness id denied - FOR ANGSTY STUFF
#happiness id granted - FOR FLUFFY STUFF
#ha ha moment - FOR FUNNY STUFF
#*repeats for free* - REBLOGS
#the blues and greens - FAVOURITE POSTS
#important - IMPORTANT STUFF
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traumabasin · 7 months
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Man, I am not nice to Deteriorating Waters Heart.
'X' on back of head - Head trauma (severe concussion)
Constant teary eyes - Constant crying + shaming for the such
Lack of eyes - The 'Sun Gun' incident
Bruised neck - Strangulation (see: Sudden Unexplained Heart Failure)
Sensitive upper arms - Common area to be forcibly grabbed
Lightning bolt-patterns throughout body - Frequent electrocution via Mind's abilities
Holes through torso - Trident
Blurry waist - You guys aren't responsible enough to know that.
Charred fingertips - Attempting to block Mind's electricity
Sensitive hands - [SPOILERS]
Wings that, if ruffled, begin to bleed - Forcible grabbing/Plucked until there was no feathers left several times
'X' on tongue - Regret from talking back
'X's on hooves - [SPOILERS]
Sensitive hearing - Being shouted at a lot
Coughing up water - [SPOILERS]
Constantly fast heartbeat (spare for moments of true calm) - Constantly on-edge due to never feeling safe
Deteriorating Waters is an AU of my crossover AU Pillow Club; an 'edgier' AU, if you will. A darker timeline where every character who was turned more good is now more bad and vice versa, nearly every character has suffered even more at the brutal hands of I, the author. In a strange supernatural territory of Iceland where characters are drawn to, where death is (usually) not permanent, where society is built on crazy entities and bizarre creatures in a rural series of towns, and where characters go through some pretty crazy and challenging stuff, Deteriorating Waters is an angsty comedy-psychological drama-supernatural slice-of-life crossover AU with dark themes Pillow Club could not capture.
Please reblog, don't like. Thank you.
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