With all due respect, I’ve only posted in the anti tag when antis came after my shipping.  So talk to your own community about not coming after others, bud.  I mean, if you look back to where my fight with antis started, it started when someone sent me an anonymous ask because of a post that I didn’t even tag with anti.  I thought I had.  But I didn’t.  And someone came and found it and whined about their interpretation of canon to me, so that one is the fault of the anti who started it.  And the one who continued it on their buddy’s behalf, because I tagged the ask “anti-Destiel” in hopes that antis would realize, “Hey, this rando was being a dick to that shipper, let’s not do that.”  Or even look into why I got the ask at all, which no one in the discussion seems to have bothered to do because they didn’t correct me when I said I reached out to antis, I didn’t, that anti found me specifically.  Tumblr can now block tags, so you can do that now, and if someone isn’t tagging properly, sure, ask them to tag stuff properly.  But a lot of people ship it, so when antis come to us, we’re not all just going to tag it with Destiel and pretend it’s our problem.  If something of MINE isn’t tagged right, 1, look for a potential reason (ie, an anti came to me acting like I’m stupid so I want the anti community to see it), and 2, if you can’t find one, feel free to politely ask me to alter the tags.
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Just looked back at it, guess what?  I didn’t even tag my original post that must’ve gotten the rude anti asks with anti.  -_-
So it was just some troll in the Destiel or Supernatural tags who was triggered by my idea.  -_-
See, this is why I hate antis.
Dear Antis,
I’m done talking to you.  So if you reblog my discussion of Destiel, I will not reply.  Just in case anyone bothers to check my page at all, because I’m not tagging this with anything since tagging things antis have said to me with “anti-Destiel” is somehow bullying or whatever, according to your own.  I’m over the anti side of the fandom, and I will go back and retract my reaching out to that side.  I will leave you all alone as long as you leave me alone from now on.  I’m not leaving this fandom again because of you, so.  That is all.
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Dear Antis,
I’m done talking to you.  So if you reblog my discussion of Destiel, I will not reply.  Just in case anyone bothers to check my page at all, because I’m not tagging this with anything since tagging things antis have said to me with “anti-Destiel” is somehow bullying or whatever, according to your own.  I’m over the anti side of the fandom, and I will go back and retract my reaching out to that side.  I will leave you all alone as long as you leave me alone from now on.  I’m not leaving this fandom again because of you, so.  That is all.
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The same writers who murdered the longest running queer character bloody in a motel bathroom.  And a deaf woman with invisible hellhounds.  Sorry I don’t trust them to understand when they’re being daft, and many idiots think it’s TV suicide to have a queer main character.
On a linguistic note, do me a favor and never type or say “transgendered” again.  It implies a false past-tense that can never be, at least not yet.  Maybe in the future transgendered people will exist, but they don’t today, so.  Just a pet peeve of mine.
I never said only straight and closeted people don’t think Dean is bi, I said in my experience, it’s either straight people or a certain type of queer folk.  While that may be a bit out of line, I stand by the idea that most people who think Dean is straight are also straight.
So is anti-white racism a problem in America?  Oh wait, it’s not...  This whole idea that “oh no, you said a character some people think is straight isn’t, that’s the same as saying someone who isn’t straight is!  Even though most people are straight and Dean seems in love with Castiel to at least some people!”
I was referring to other things which I tagged with the anti tag.  This I tagged because people think it’s ok to go around sending anon asks about shippers (or for that matter antis) being wrong and then to pile on when someone is clearly not in the mood for their beliefs to be attacked.  If I saw something in the Destiel tag where an anti is defending their position from an anonymous shipper who just came to fuck with them, I’d be ok with that.  Hell, I’d say it was necessary.  I never said turning on anon was brave, I said I did it in case anyone was shy, but now I turned it off, but apparently the less scrupulous among you have decided that it’s acceptable to do the same on or off anon.  And I hope you go look at that ask, because it seems that is the sort of person you’re throwing your lot in with.  Also, I’m the bully?  When I went off on a single rude anti who, by the way, I don’t know if you looked, also sent me an ask saying that CHARLIE’S DEATH was overdue and basically implying that there was nothing wrong with that, when the image of it stuck in my head for days after I first saw it, and days after every other time I’ve seen it.  Just so you know what sort of people you’re throwing your lot in with.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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"Dean has been very emotionally hurt in the past, but never before to the point of being overwhelmed completely as he was when Cas died." Wow um No. Have you even seen this show? Dean talked to Sam's dead body for three days and wanted to let the world end then sold his soul just to bring him back. Dean kept on going when Cas died something he's never been able to do when it was Sam.
Why are you people so triggered by me having a different interpretation of canon events?  I have repeatedly said I don’t give a damn if you think Dean isn’t into Cas, that’s like, your opinion, and that’s fine.  But I dare to think that Cas and Dean are canonically into each other and the entire anti community has decided that I’m the enemy because something-something Jensen (an ostensibly straight man, for all that he’s wonderful, it’s hard for someone to understand something they haven’t been through) says he’s straight something-something he’s fucked women (and by the way squicked me out quite a bit, if anyone was wondering, but y’know, everyone is supposed to be ok with straight sex showing up in a TV show because it’s straight) something-something.  This is likely the last anti ask I’m going to respond to.  Also, damn, you’re rude.  At least some of your buddies aren’t outright rude.  I didn’t go to anyone specifically to tell them how I see the show, I just put stuff out there and people decided to attack and debate me for some reason.
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God didn’t give two fucks about humanity, canonically.  He just wanted to wander around and have fun.  It seemed to be more about him being overwhelmed by his creation than loving it.  Maybe I’m just jaded, but it seemed like he was just trying to escape responsibilities and have some fun with no regard for how his creations have been torturing one another.
Fun fact, in S1E13 (Route 666), we met Dean’s “first love”, a woman named....  Cassie.  And taken alone, that’s not proof, of course, but go back and listen to how he greets her.  Doesn’t that sound familiar?  And hmmm, they end up having (very passionate and loving) sex (it made me personally very uncomfortable, straight sex always does because female bodies squick me out a bit because having one is super weird for a nonbinary guy).  Just figured it was interesting, Dean nicknamed Castiel (in order of how much each spelling annoys me) Cas and Cass (because who needs a nickname’s spelling to line up with the original).  Just thought that was an interesting tidbit and example of Dean being emotionally attached and how he sounds when he is.
Dean has been very emotionally hurt in the past, but never before to the point of being overwhelmed completely as he was when Cas died.  And he didn’t give a fuck about Crowley.  Might’ve respected him more in the end, but not cared about him emotionally.  As for the assault, well, that’s the oldest bit in the book, isn’t it?  A boy pulls on a girl’s hair and what does her mom tell her?  “He likes you, dearie.”  Now, that’s abuse, but let’s look at it, Cas actually beat Dean up once literally because he was so angry that Dean was going to give himself up to the angels.  Cas beat the shit out of Dean because he was so pissed that Dean wasn’t making the best decision for himself personally.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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God is a bisexual stereotype, as I see him, he’s scared of commitment of all kinds.  And they made god a joke more than anything else.  He’s the Deist’s god, the hands-off wanderer hippie that is more a joke than a serious deity.  Even compared to the other deities, he’s very hands-off and unserious, plus he’s hardly even a recurring character, let alone a main one.
I said very specifically in regards to being in the closet that I used to do girly things and call myself a girl in one of my responses, just to point that out.
As for the canonical evidence, let’s look at S12, shall we?  Specifically, this.
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Dean is physically overwhelmed by the emotional pain of losing Castiel.  Not only that, he’s emotionally overwhelmed to the point of not having words or tears for it.  He’s just overwhelmed by the whole thing, and he can do nothing but fall to his knees and look up, as though asking someone, anyone, to help.  Maybe Dean isn’t very into guys or agender angels, but he fell for this one, as far as I can tell, so he’s at least a little bisexual or pansexual.  When it’s Sam, he does something.  He screams, he cries, he picks Sam up, something.  But here, you see a man losing a piece of his soul, as far as I can see.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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You LITERALLY used the WRITERS’ WORDS as evidence.  That IS writer is god trope.  Suddenly writing him out of the closet in an episode would be weird, but they could at least start him down that path, especially after he was so goddamn overwhelmed by Cas’ death that he physically fell to his knees.  As I remember it, no words, no crying, just.  That.  He fell to his knees and looked up, disbelieving and seemingly broken.  But fucking whatever, this is why I left the goddamn fandom, you antis crying about what is and is not canon while ignoring subtleties.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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I am done being civil with you goddamn antis.  “oh, god iz bi so stfu abt reprezentaton.”  God is also a fucking wuss.  Now, check your tags. “put on your big girl panties”.   Check what I’ve said about gendered clothing specifically and my screen name.  Now, do you really think that’s not either sheer idiocy or outright transphobia?  Because I’d say it’s one or the other.  And tonight is definitely not the night to assume I’d be lenient with an idiot or a transphobe.  Though I suppose the latter are also idiots.  Also, why the fuck do you all subscribe to the “writer = god” trope that sucks so much?  It’s a shitty fucking trope that lets cowards force their will onto their characters.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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You might want to stay out of this.  You want to message your buddy, that’s understandable, but to say that arguing with me is frustrating and painful when your friend is the one basically saying my beliefs are inferior because of their fucking choice to side with the shitty writers over nuance...  Well, look who’s calling the kettle black.  And your buddy had a chance to be civil with me.  They chose to push the issue.  But then again, at least 25% of antis are asswipes who I think get off on making shippers feel like shit.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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Ah yes, god, the flaky boy who didn’t want to help anyone and who has repeatedly run away.  Great fucking representation right there.  Someone who doesn’t do commitment and who just wants to float around his creation not doing shit.  10/10 accurate bi representation, not a stereotype at all.  I’m so fucking over you goddamn antis trying to say my point of view is less valid because writer is god.  Writer is god is a shitty trope that shitty writers rely on because they can’t create good characters or because they’re scared of the characters they create.  Have you once brought up anything other than writer is god and “well we haven’t SEEN or HEARD ABOUT him fucking a guy”.  Writers who think they’re the god of their own universe write shitty work, and the writers of SPN know that, because that’s not Sam.  Sam grows organically.  Dean does not, and he deserves better.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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You know, bold works very well for civil emphasis.  CAPS AND BOLD looks very much like yelling.
“Writer is god”.  That’s what’s wrong with so much of TV nowadays- the idea that the writer, the creator, has all the power and the characters are seen as nothing more than puppets to be moved however and to be whoever the writer(s) claim.  This makes 2-dimensional, unrealistic characters.  It makes flat characters who feel like shit.  And the funniest thing is, they can write a damn good character when they aren’t controlling asshats.  Sam is a great example of that, he’s realistic and he’s 3-dimensional.  They may not be technically sentient, but...  Have you ever written your own character before?  At all?  Not fanfiction, not an OC made for a specific, pre-made universe likely based on you, a fully-fledged character for a universe of your creation.  Because if not, you don’t know what they do.  How they have a sort of life of their own.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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I’m trying very hard to control myself, because you antis have decided to attack me on a night when I’m already upset.  I’m trying very hard not to unleash all my anger on you, because that would be unfair to you.  But you don’t seem to care about being fair to me.  Do you want me to leave the fandom again or do you not give enough of a fuck to look at the post I referenced in my original response to the rude anon?  Because this is why I left- antis piling on when a shipper decides we want to maybe reach out and doesn’t just ignore any anti who is a rude fucking coward.  You can’t always look at canon and statements in a bubble.  You have to look at who you’re dealing with, and in this case, it’s American cable television, a genre so closed off to anything slightly unusual that I don’t know if there are any LGBTQ+ recurring characters in it at all, let alone who are protagonists.  And you have to look at- this is the same writing team who offed a geeky lesbian woman in a bathtub, an image that stuck with me for a long time after because it’s in such poor taste to me, and a deaf woman with invisible hellhounds that a deaf person was especially vulnerable to.  So, do you really trust them?  And as much as I respect and care about Jensen, he’s unlikely to have ever written a character as far as I know, so he’s going off of who the writers tell him Dean is.  Not off of who the Dean they accidentally created is.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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Oh no, after I warned you that I’m not in a good mood, I was annoyed at you for continuing to come after me specifically, someone who once left the fandom over exactly this type of fighting and over antis attacking shippers for shipping unapologetically.  Oh no, you happen to not be straight.  And you still don’t have a good example of why you think Dean is straight beyond “people say this and he has in the past had sex with women and not men.”  So is someone not really bisexual until they’ve fucked a man and a woman and/or until EVERYONE knows they’re bi?  Or is it just in fiction, everything is always as stated with no nuance and no plot twists?  Oh wait, nuance and plot twists do exist...
I doubt you give a damn about representation in media and you probably haven’t been in the closet, not seriously.  Maybe you just didn’t tell people, but I doubt you’ve ever felt the need to hide your sexuality, and if you have...  How the fuck do you not see yourself in Dean in that way?
Why are you so goddamn mad at ME for bringing up how I interpret Dean’s behavioral patterns?  Why haven’t you agreed with me that your buddy who sent me that ask is a fucking rude coward?  If you condemned them, maybe we wouldn’t have such a problem because maybe I wouldn’t still think hey, maybe this kid is that asshat.  Maybe you’re just like that asshat.  Maybe a slight bit braver, but maybe you do the exact same thing, send rude, cowardly asks to Destiel shippers you don’t feel are deferential enough to the antis’ side.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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No, I gave you an option to continue the discussion in a civil manner.  You chose not to take it because you seem to want a fight.  Allow me to single out where I said things that you seem to have ignored.  “ I don’t mind if you THINK Dean is straight.  I think you’re wrong, but you can stay in your life and I can stay in mine.“  “ 2, you can come back calmly with facts and evidence.”  Also, it’s funny how your “facts” so far are “straight people think he’s straight”.  I can think I wrote a heterosexual character all I want, if that character isn’t straight, they’re not straight. I put it in the anti tag because I want to remind antis that it’s cowardly and rude to come on anon to a Destiel shipper and try to shove your opinions on us.  I’m not going around and sending antis stuff about how Destiel is real, so why is it ok to send an anon saying that Destiel isn’t?  I put things in tags so people see because I want diversity of opinion, and I said I respect antis, but I don’t respect rude cowards like the anon who sent the ask. It’s always funny to me when antis say that Destiel shippers are projecting onto Dean and Cas when I doubt more than 5 antis are queer folk who have ever been in the closet.  In my experience, most of you are cishet people who don’t give a damn about representation or the LGBTQ+ community, and those who are queer are rude and don’t have more than “if we say Dean is bi even though people think he’s straight, people might say a queer person is straight even if they’re not.  You’re dumb for shipping it.”  So, kindly either piss off or bring real facts, and I recommend the former, because I’m over people firing shots at Destiel for no goddamn reason other than that a shipper dared to tag something outside of what’s orthodox.  You can block the Destiel tag if you don’t want to see anything about it, you know, so it’s not up to me to censor what I want to say to antis.  It’s up to you to shield yourself if you want to.  If you’re so fuckin’ triggered by Destiel, block the tag.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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That’s like, your opinion, as I said before.  As a queer person who has been in the closet for multiple reasons, I see a lot of my behavior in him- playing up my qualities that match up with non-queer behavior while not directly stating it.  This whole “Dean is straight because he says he is/because that’s how he was written/because he only bangs women so far in the show” thing is removing all the complexities of being in the closet.  I think Dean is in the closet to himself, so he’s hiding his sexuality on sheer instinct, something I did for a long time.  And when I was in the closet to myself, I wore dresses more often than I strictly wanted, I bought makeup and jewelry I had no intention of wearing, I called myself a girl every chance I got, and that was my “flirting with every girl above a 4 who’s remotely interested” in comparison to Dean.  I never said he’s bisexual because he has a soft side, I simply mentioned how he’d strayed from what I feel was the writers’ intention was.  Please, I don’t mind if you THINK Dean is straight.  I think you’re wrong, but you can stay in your life and I can stay in mine.  But when you come into my life to say that I’m wrong and to imply that I’m stupid just because I disagree.  So, the way I see it you have 3 choices that don’t make you an asshole.  1, you can leave this alone.  2, you can come back calmly with facts and evidence.  Or 3, you can come back and agree that we can disagree politely.  This is the only time I’ll be polite to someone who tries to imply that I’m an idiot, so choose carefully if you don’t choose within those 3.  I’m in no mood to be fucked with tonight, so I recommend you either take your sweet time or choose very carefully.
Lol its already written as them being only friends
I almost didn’t dignify this with a response given my earlier plea for the fandom to quit the “Destiel is real and if you don’t believe you’re an idiot”/”Destiel is fake and whoever believes in it is a stupid teenage girl” bull.  But at the same time, I feel like it’s up to those who receive cowardly anon asks about the subject to call it out.  So, first off, that’s like, your opinion, so.  Second, I’m a writer.  I write things, and characters are the most complex things to write.  You start out with a heterosexual Midwestern hero who doesn’t give a fuck about sexuality and wants to bang every chick he can……  And you end up with Dean, a bisexual (arguably pansexual given Castiel being an angel) Midwestern protagonist who is insecure about…  Just about everything.  Dean isn’t a big ol’ strong man, as I see him.  And you can see him different, that’s fine, I don’t care.  But when you come to me, on anon (which I’m now debating turning off) like a coward, and you argue for a simplistic version of a character who deserves so much more than what he gets, that’s where we have a problem.  So either come off anon and discuss this like a civilized human being or don’t bother showing back up in my inbox.  I turned on anon in case anyone was too shy to let me know who they were, not so cowards could attempt clumsily to insult my beliefs.
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Also Charlies death was way overdue and its her own fault she died.
This…  This is why I left the fandom in the first place.  The negativity.  The hostility.  Charlie deserved better and the imagery of a beautiful, bright, happy-go-lucky lesbian dead in a bathtub, bloody, just for what, so Dean could get pissed enough to go hulk on some no-name nobodies who might have become a big plot-line?  That was in poor taste, and the character deserved better.  I’m only surprised no one stepped forward and said, “A queer character dead in a motel bathroom might just look kind of awful, especially contrasted against Jared’s Always Keep Fighting campaign, just saying, maybe we can have her get attacked then she just disappears somewhere to live happily ever after in the minds of fans?  Or something less viscerally disgusting than that?  Maybe?”  Then again, with Eileen’s death, that just continues the pattern of poor taste in the deaths of minority characters and degrades my trust in the writing team further.  Now, you can come off anon and discuss this like a civilized adult or you can piss off and stop bothering me.
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