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Get To Know Dark Matter!
Most of the universe is made up of dark energy, a mysterious force that drives the accelerating expansion of the universe. The next largest ingredient is dark matter, which only interacts with the rest of the universe through its gravity. Normal matter, including all the visible stars, planets and galaxies, makes up less than 5 percent of the total mass of the universe.
Astronomers cannot see dark matter directly, but can study its effects. They can see light bent from the gravity of invisible objects (called gravitational lensing). They can also measure that stars are orbiting around in their galaxies faster than they should be. This can all be accounted for if there were a large amount of invisible matter tied up in each galaxy, contributing to its overall mass and rotation rate. Astronomers know more about what dark matter is not than what it is. Dark matter is dark: It emits no light and cannot be seen directly, so it cannot be stars or planets. Dark matter is not clouds of normal matter: Normal matter particles are called baryons. If dark matter were composed of baryons it would be detectable through reflected light.  Dark matter is not antimatter: Antimatter annihilates matter on contact, producing gamma rays. Astronomers do not detect them. Dark matter is not black holes: Black holes are gravity lenses that bend light. Astronomers do not see enough lensing events to account for the amount of dark matter that must exist. Structure in the universe formed on the smallest scales first. It is believed that dark matter condensed first to form a “scaffolding,” with normal matter in the form of galaxies and clusters following the dark matter concentrations. Scientists are using a variety of techniques across the disciplines of astronomy and physics to hunt for dark matter:
Particle colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider.
Cosmology instruments such as WMAP and Planck.
Direct detection experiments including CDMS, XENON, Zeplin, WARP, ArDM and others.
Indirect detection experiments including: Gamma ray detectors (Fermi from space and Cherenkov Telescopes from the ground); neutrino telescopes (IceCube, Antares); antimatter detectors (Pamela, AMS-02) and X-ray and radio facilities.
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NGC 1512: A Panchromatic View
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{Carlos is my most neglected muse and that makes me feel bad.}
((Oh hey P.S. outofnightvale = internsofnightvale = transferstudentscientist you can blame my laziness and Tom in general for the other two not being active I am sorry))
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"Oh... That's... nice." Carlos was a bit disappointed that it had turned out to be a mere flight of fancy. Still, the idea that the universe was actually a living creature was something worth looking into. He would have to do some research. "Yes, yes they both work. Do you want help making tea? It's really not that hard once you learn how."
"Nice to meet you!" she shook his hand, holding tight with her cold one. "I always tend to use pick up lines on people I want to get to know, that's why I do it." she smiled, giving his hand a squeeze before letting go. "Did you just move in?"
Carlos was a bit uncomfortable with the prolonged handshake. As a rule he wasn’t too fond of touching in general, but hand touching was one thing that got exponentially less comfortable the longer it occurred. “Nice to meet you, as well. That’s kind of a strange way to begin to get to know a person, don’t you think?” He pulled his hand away as quickly as possible without looking rude. “Yeah, not too long ago. A week or so. Time doesn’t move quite right here, though, so I’m not positive. Are you a local?”
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"That- What makes you believe that the universe is a frog? That is a fascinating hypothesis. Why a frog though?" Carlos looked thoughtful. "Have you tried wetting a washcloth with hot water and then putting that over your nose for a little while? That usually helps at least a little. And tea with lemon and honey is good for a sore throat."
"Nice to meet you!" she shook his hand, holding tight with her cold one. "I always tend to use pick up lines on people I want to get to know, that's why I do it." she smiled, giving his hand a squeeze before letting go. "Did you just move in?"
Carlos was a bit uncomfortable with the prolonged handshake. As a rule he wasn’t too fond of touching in general, but hand touching was one thing that got exponentially less comfortable the longer it occurred. “Nice to meet you, as well. That’s kind of a strange way to begin to get to know a person, don’t you think?” He pulled his hand away as quickly as possible without looking rude. “Yeah, not too long ago. A week or so. Time doesn’t move quite right here, though, so I’m not positive. Are you a local?”
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Hi Carlos!
Hi there person I don’t know! May I help you?
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{Hello friends yes I'm sorry I know I'm super slow. And I know that I do drop threads sometimes, because I can't think of anything to say or I feel like you want it to be dropped but feel obligated to continue for my benefit because I'm an idiot who can't understand subtle social cues or I just forget. But if you poke me I'll get to it. For some reason I always get swamped on this blog, which is more often my fault than anyone else's. I have a lot to respond to and not a lot of energy with which to respond. I'm dumb. But if I say I'm getting to a certain reply I will get to it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even next week (by which point I'll feel like crap about it and will think you probably don't even want it anymore), but I'll still do it. So. That's just what to expect from me and I'm sorry I can't do better. And I am also sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm not feeling very coherent right now.}
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"The coffee machine was screaming? Oh no." His head was beginning to feel funny. Was this place real? Was he just dreaming? He had to be dreaming. "Can't have a screaming coffee pot... I wouldn't say I'm all that intelligent... I just really like science."
"Oh, I'll just have water. Maybe a muffin. What kind do you have?" He glanced over.
transferstudentscientist has wandered into the studio
"Fascinating…" Trained? Breed? This surely was the most scientifically interesting place he’d ever been. The idea that she was just pulling his leg did indeed occur to Carlos, but she was being so nonchalant and serious that he didn’t think so.
"Uh, yes please." He looked around the break room, probably hoping for more carnivorous appliances. At the last, he squared his shoulders and trained his eyes on the ground. "Oh. You. I’m not that. I’m going to be a scientist," he squeaked. 
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"That’s good. Learning is the most important thing." He took a small step back. "I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll see if I can find some helpful home remedies if you know what you’ve got. Ah, see. I don’t watch Doctor Who. Which ‘The Truth’ are you talking about? That’s a fairly common title."
"Nice to meet you!" she shook his hand, holding tight with her cold one. "I always tend to use pick up lines on people I want to get to know, that's why I do it." she smiled, giving his hand a squeeze before letting go. "Did you just move in?"
Carlos was a bit uncomfortable with the prolonged handshake. As a rule he wasn’t too fond of touching in general, but hand touching was one thing that got exponentially less comfortable the longer it occurred. “Nice to meet you, as well. That’s kind of a strange way to begin to get to know a person, don’t you think?” He pulled his hand away as quickly as possible without looking rude. “Yeah, not too long ago. A week or so. Time doesn’t move quite right here, though, so I’m not positive. Are you a local?”
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Not a bad choice. I prefer the rock 'n' roll myself, but who can turn down some nice jazz?
So are you a Night Vale local or are you another transplant?
So I hear you like '80s music.
I like all kinds of music, kid. Jus’ most of my more popular music came from me workin’ here in the 80s.What’s your name? 
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"That doesn't sound like a great internship, then. Sounds like they aren't exactly training you in radio," he said. Then again, he couldn't come up with anything better to do with a radio intern. "...I can recognize that those are references but I do not understand them."
"Nice to meet you!" she shook his hand, holding tight with her cold one. "I always tend to use pick up lines on people I want to get to know, that's why I do it." she smiled, giving his hand a squeeze before letting go. "Did you just move in?"
Carlos was a bit uncomfortable with the prolonged handshake. As a rule he wasn’t too fond of touching in general, but hand touching was one thing that got exponentially less comfortable the longer it occurred. “Nice to meet you, as well. That’s kind of a strange way to begin to get to know a person, don’t you think?” He pulled his hand away as quickly as possible without looking rude. “Yeah, not too long ago. A week or so. Time doesn’t move quite right here, though, so I’m not positive. Are you a local?”
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Ah, I see. What's your favorite, then?
I'm Carlos.
So I hear you like '80s music.
I like all kinds of music, kid. Jus’ most of my more popular music came from me workin’ here in the 80s.What’s your name? 
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"I suppose that's one way of looking at it... Oh, the radio station. I know where that is. Fascinating place. Do you ever get to speak or do they keep you in the background?"  He pulled a face. "But... it's time. It- It's supposed to move forward in a predictable fashion, namely one second per second, and there's not supposed to be chunks missing or added in."
"Nice to meet you!" she shook his hand, holding tight with her cold one. "I always tend to use pick up lines on people I want to get to know, that's why I do it." she smiled, giving his hand a squeeze before letting go. "Did you just move in?"
Carlos was a bit uncomfortable with the prolonged handshake. As a rule he wasn’t too fond of touching in general, but hand touching was one thing that got exponentially less comfortable the longer it occurred. “Nice to meet you, as well. That’s kind of a strange way to begin to get to know a person, don’t you think?” He pulled his hand away as quickly as possible without looking rude. “Yeah, not too long ago. A week or so. Time doesn’t move quite right here, though, so I’m not positive. Are you a local?”
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Reblog if this is your first Halloween on tumblr.
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Hey, I'm heading out for the night. Take care everyone.
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