trancegemini12 · 6 years
Check out this social network where you are NOT the product!
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
Fight RapeCulture
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
Net Neutrality
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
Free Speech???
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
Does anyone else watching this and other recent videos get the sense that the Powers That Be have more than a few reasons to be afraid??? I am beginning to believe that they are having trouble sleeping nights. That is the root of all their varied efforts to shut our voices down by any means possible. That is the cause of the daily distractions of violent activity by ‘terrorists’, madmen with guns (what was the final story for Las Vegas?), and anyone else with an evil bent. Also, the cause of the constant mainstream attention to what the establishment wants us to notice…SQUIRREL!! They must be thinking that they can keep the population distracted, that maybe those that cannot be bought can be made to disappear. I have come to believe that it is already too late for the current aristocracy. The Spotlight of Truth has begun to shine in the darkest corners of their bought off public lives, illuminating every horrible sin that their living victims can testify to. Through the power of voicing our own humiliating stories of ravagement and degradation at the hands of persons who believed themselves to be in some way superior, we have awakened our spiritual, truthful souls. In owning our individual truths, the hidden power of the downtrodden cannot be overestimated. The aristocracy (oligarchy, plutocracy, NWO, any name you want to assign to them) should be afraid. The people are done with their ‘capitalist’ BS. Science tells us that we need to embrace our positions as stewards of this planet and begin a wholehearted attempt to restore balance to her systems if there is any hope for the future of humanity. We are waking up, the zeitgeist is changing… humanity is not going to drift off gently into that smoggy night… the times, they are a-changing. Mark my words. There will be much more violence all over the globe before the old ways ‘give up the ghost’, families and communities will be affected in horrific ways by the death throes of our current, repressive, artificial system…But we have a secret that the free market just cannot allow for… we are beginning to remember the meaning of LOVE, the many, varied ways that it can carry the day! Caring for one another, and all of the life on our planet, respecting the sanctity and beauty of our existence… these are the things we can and must learn again how to do. Relearning is no easy process but we have begun to awaken to the hollow lies fed us at full volume constantly. (I’m talking about you, Gas Station TV!) People are increasingly willing to turn loose of their material desires for the opportunities that life affords for experiences, relationships. That is where ‘the meat’ of human existence is found. Those are the memories to guide us through our darkest despair. I know that I am evangelistic but my life, my experiences, my relationships are the very things that led me to this realization. Please open your eyes, if you can… A Storm is Coming but we can survive together. I know what many people who bothered to read this far will say. I can hear y’all say ‘she has gone off the deep end’, ‘she always was weird’ and my favorite ‘aw, come on...you can’t carry the world on your shoulders’. But just as it is natural for the audience to dismiss me, it is imperative in my heart that I share. With Deepest Respect and a heart full of love… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pq57Zmp_hA&feature=share
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
Stay Woke!
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
Las Vegas shooting facts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU3yoBX8XaE&feature=share I
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
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These Strawberry Crumble Bars have an irresistible crust and crumble topping that’s full of texture – no oats necessary! These fruity bars are gluten-free, paleo, and vegan.
RECIPE: http://www.bakerita.com/strawberry-crumble-bars-gluten-free-paleo-vegan/
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
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Botanical Gardens, Chapel Hill, NC 
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
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Botanical Gardens, Chapel Hill, NC 
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
😱My neck of the woods!
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Milky Way from Waterrock Knob, NC
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
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Quote from Stephen King.
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
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No-Bake Key Lime Pie
Recipe source: Marsha’s Baking Addiction
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trancegemini12 · 7 years
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