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totallytobobo · 28 days ago
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my final for my intaglio style printmaking class! It took a lot out of me, but I’m really satisfied with the end product :-)
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I had to make 5 prints for the finale, each page was about 12 x 13 inches, and printed from 3 separate copper panels.
I was in the studio for 10 hours on the last possible day (work kept my weekends busy) and left at 2am…If I had to guess 1 print would take a good 15-20 minutes to ink. Professor was picky about alignment, so I spent probably 30 minutes going delirious on making a template. I was also paranoid about having clean edges, and even ink distribution, so I was working slow.
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here is the original sketch/concept, I cleaned it up digitally, flipped, and sectioned it off to print. the class ran out of tracing paper so the teacher made me some, forgot what it was called, but it was just a highly pigmented loose powder. then we had the first pass of printing where i just did the basic line work.
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I had the most fun with the arm panel because of all the line textures, slowly chipping away at all the implied shapes. there’s a second pass, for most of my test prints i just taped scraps of paper together because i didn’t wanna waste big sections. so i had a good idea of the final product, but never saw it all together until the very end.
the class ended up having a problem with the hot plate and ground. the rollers were dirty which got debris imbedded in the wax, and thus etched away in the acid. the carnage is most noticeable with the last panel on the right. it was frustrating in the moment, it always sucks to spend hours on something just to etch imperfections you never noticed. but i learned to love it… especially with the off white paper i printed on, I feel the texture adds a nice weathered effect. happy accidents.
I highly suggest taking a printmaking class if you have access to one! it’s time consuming, and may drive you just a little up the walls, but it’s a very rewarding experience. I kinda miss it 🍁
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totallytobobo · 5 months ago
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Color experiment 🪶
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totallytobobo · 5 months ago
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A small handful of doodles 🌾
a mix of brief animal studies, and “guys what should I draw” bored classroom moments
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totallytobobo · 6 months ago
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a very fun assignment for one of my classes :))
acid etching into 5x7 copper plate, intaglio style print!
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totallytobobo · 7 months ago
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Baby Melody
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totallytobobo · 7 months ago
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Artfight attack for @filurig 🪿
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totallytobobo · 7 months ago
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Artfight attack for @winterfoxo 👨‍🍳
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totallytobobo · 7 months ago
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Artfight attacks for @marf244 >:))
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totallytobobo · 7 months ago
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Last of the attacks! I had a blast as usual :]
Character credits in order:
silveroakleaf_art | L3m0nS0da | Leiren | @winterfoxo | @totallytobobo
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totallytobobo · 7 months ago
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More attacks from the last couple weeks!
Character credits in order:
wintthered_rose | @bathylychnops | @estimaation | @totallytobobo | @imjustavagrant | @strawberrytiramisuu | stealingpotatoes | lumiistra
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totallytobobo · 7 months ago
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revenge for @totallytobobo !
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totallytobobo · 7 months ago
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Batch of attacks for the first half of artfight 💥
Character credits in order:
betablindspots | @estimaation | @totallytobobo (x2) | turtletones | mutedoot | cliffsyde_illustration | dirt_666 | @accidentallyatekneecaps | stirsen | Toby again
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totallytobobo · 8 months ago
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totallytobobo · 8 months ago
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Every trio needs their aroace girl 🔥🔥🔥
Melody is a 19 year old husky-based hybrid that was born and raised in Kilgore. Due to the stigma around dog-based hybrids, she often fails to correct people when they mistake her for a wolf. Mark found her on the doorstep to his cafe one morning, and her questionable condition influenced him to take her in. Once she came to, she was very afraid and hostile towards Mark, but after getting a chance to converse, the two of them found a truce. Turns out, they had quite a few things in common, and though Melody would act cold and unforgiving, she did grow a soft spot for Mark. Melody stayed living in the cafe with him, and the pair would develop a close friendship. Though they’ve been friends for 4 years, they still hold secrets from each other. This was made evident when Ender arrived, Melody immediately not trusting him but Mark seeming otherwise. Who is this guy? What’s his deal? Why did Mark never mention him? She kept a close eye on them, eventually loosening the reins once she saw how genuine Ender was. Ironic how he joined her list of people she feels a need to protect.
Mel grew up in a very hostile and competitive environment, resulting in her being distrusting of others. She has an amazing poker face, being able to smoothly lie about the smallest things, and maintain her story unscathed. She cuts out small talk to get to the point, and she can be brutally honest. She is constantly on guard, making it a privilege to know whats going on in her head. Once you get past those defenses however, she is very loyal and caring. She has unconventional ways of showing affection, usually leaving finished tasks or gifts behind for the receiver to find. She’s not much of a hugger, but no one can turn down a Mark hug. Though she forgets to say it, she does cherish those important to her.
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totallytobobo · 8 months ago
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Get Marked on ☕️☕️
Mark Amor is a 20 year old cat based hybrid who was born and raised in the bustling heart of Hollowcrest. Growing up he was a papa's boy, functioning as Fazil's shadow. As a teenager, he would take up odd jobs to help out his family (more so his dad's workload), he would often tag along to his father's job and took great interest in his tinkering work. Though he was sociable he struggled to make his own meaningful friends, often hanging with his older brother's group who weren't very fond of him. One day while selling newspapers, he was robbed by an older kid. When Mark gave chase, he ended up finding the culprit tripped by another kid who happened to be seated in the alleyway. Mark wanted to thank them for helping, and took them to replace the apple that the kid had dropped while tripping the robber. "Ender", the kid would go on to introduce themselves, "My name is Ender." Their friendship quickly blossomed, and the duo would often be seen together about the city. Their living situations would result in some lonely days, but Mark always looked forward to the next day he would be able to see his friend. However; after 6 years of their friendship, Ender was nowhere to be seen. One day after another. One week after another. One year after another. Mark had grown to miss his best friend.
Mark is very expressive and easy to read. He is skilled at masking, and pulling a forced tone or expression seamlessly. He's a very physically affectionate guy, and a big hugger. Though he struggles with confrontation and expressing his deeper emotions with words, he is a smooth charismatic talker, and can easily get on the good side of most people. He'll approach any stranger with this sense of confidence that baffles the more introverted Ender and Melody. Mark wants to please the people around him, and takes pride in maintaining his smile. Mark struggles with communication, and is inexperienced with teamwork which results in his habit of overburdening himself. He has a logical problem solving attitude towards issues, and often tunes out his emotions. Though he's independent and seems to have everything under control, he subconsciously craves reassurance, support, and stability.
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totallytobobo · 8 months ago
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ENDER TIME ❤️🧡💛 ෴⚘₊
Ender Willowmite is a 21 year old deer based hybrid who was born in the lush mountains that hug Hollowcrest. His parents raised him in their quaint little house in the woods, secluded from the city and its people. He took a great interest in birds (filling up majority of his sketchbook) after discovering they were fond of him, never seeming startled by his presence. One day he was suddenly forced out of his home and hastily thrown into the heart of Hollowcrest, where he met Mark Amor shortly after. Mark became Ender’s first real friend, and the pair made efforts to be around each other despite their living arrangements. Ender wasn’t allowed to rest just yet, running away from the city at the age of 18, fleeing back into the woods where he came. He would remain illusive for the next 4 years, only returning after gaining hopes of rekindling old bonds. Filled with hope and desire for the first time in years, Ender was off to finally search for answers regarding that faithful night where he was forced away from his family 11 years ago.
Ender is quiet and keeps to himself, walking with his head low and his shoulders hunched. They speak soft, calm and thoughtfully, often relying on nonverbal queues and gestures. They are an avid listener that enjoys the presence of only a few people. Ender gets easily overwhelmed, and heavily dislikes public crowded spaces, often seen in alleyways or sides of roads while in the city. He struggles with relaxing in these environments, only seeming fully calm in the middle of the woods. They deal with self image issues, and believe that allowing people to care for them is selfish. However; deep down he craves companionship, and to live a life that he can lead himself.
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totallytobobo · 9 months ago
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Sona attempt number one thousand
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