totallynotandoryu · 26 days
Im scared to talk to other tumblr ppl. :<
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totallynotandoryu · 26 days
welcom back :D
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totallynotandoryu · 27 days
So; according to a twitter user, his friend actually found the backrooms it was located in 811 Oregon St, Oshkosh, in Wisconsin. They said that the picture was taken back in 2002. There was a link from that photo that leads to a some sort of archive blog titled "The New Revolution Raceway". The 2 backrooms images are the only ones which seems viewable via the way back machine.
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totallynotandoryu · 27 days
Hope yall aint mad at me now, look at the pinned comment. Hppe yall would understand. I just want my career back, for my family.
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If yall r still toxic at me to this day, Ill block you. You heard me right. Cuz, I rlly dont like destruction nor wrathness.
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totallynotandoryu · 30 days
Thats right, Im no longer depressed and Im now a happy 16 yrs old kid. Nevertheless, Im still clinging to my doubts if my progres would go on bc of the post.. So umm *Coughs* yes that was me but I've learned my lesson from that drama—dont forget to do a 10 second rule. And no it dosent mean all the time I dont do a 10 second rule its just because Im rarely forgetful. From now on I will never commit that mistake ever again as promise to not only myself but also everyone around. If yall are still clinging to your doubts on me, I've already suffered the consequences, which is a form of accountability or smth.
However if someones being toxic at me even if I already New myself, I have no other choise but to block him/her to prevent further destruction.
Just me, sitting in the corner and thing about what I did. I dont want to happen like this. Someone spreading rumors about me now how can I get my career back? How can I get my popularity back? Everyone dosent like me anymore... Please I want my life back. BRING ME BACK. BRING ME BACK. Im not letting my intrusive thoughts win, its just that I want my life back. I just wanna be a part of the Harem again but they dont want to. They only want to intimdate me..
im so stupid, Im So Stupid, IM SO STUPID.
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