The Actual Waterboy
29 posts
I come here to talk about my fixations.
Last active 3 hours ago
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tosbestospoisoning · 19 hours ago
At what point is it too much, because I applied for a job today so I could save to buy a new PC to run elden ring better....
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tosbestospoisoning · 2 days ago
I don't understand this idea I have seen popping up around within the last few years that every new character has to be this unproblematic, likable person.
Maybe it just has to do with the fandoms I have been in semi-recently, but when did we decide liking a character meant also agreeing with their actions? I love all kinds of truly and deeply evil villains, but that does not mean I think it's alright to go around and harm others. But when I see that argument made, it also bugs me because it's usually in tandem with "Well, I like them aside from the bad things they did..."
No, I like them because they are interesting, and some of that interest comes from them being a monster. If you really like the character, you'd learn to accept their horrors while knowing that is what they are.
Also, give us more strictly evil villains who do things simply because they want to. Please.
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tosbestospoisoning · 2 days ago
Just bought Shadow of the Erdtree. Wish me luck...
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tosbestospoisoning · 3 days ago
I'm trying to explain Elon Musk's Elden Ring build to my mother, but the only games she has ever played are Legend of Zelda OOT and Majoras, as well as Final Fantasy 11, and I am not well versed enough in either game to get my point across. I really need her to know the absolute travesty this is.
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tosbestospoisoning · 3 days ago
I'd actually lose it if people did this. I welcome all questions about my OCs, always.
The fun thing about people with ocs is that you can just ask them about their ocs opinions. Like oh what would your oc say about this. What would they think. How would they tell me good night. It's great
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tosbestospoisoning · 3 days ago
did you know you can do anythingh with your ocs and no one can stop you.. did you know you can make aus of your ocs. you should make aus of your ocs
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tosbestospoisoning · 5 days ago
I have been spending a lot of time thinking about Morgott. Please tell me about him. I love him.
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tosbestospoisoning · 21 days ago
Guys, I think the arcane hyperfixation is beginning to diminish after 5 months. That doesn't mean a whole lot, though, as I am beginning to develop an Elden Ring fixation.
I am addicted to this game, I want to consume it omg. The world building- the characters- the DESIGNS!!! RAAAGHHH omg.
I have gained around 120 hours in the last 3 weeks (although I'd say about 20 of those are just from leaving the game open throughout the day. (My computer loves me!))
I'm not really playing to make the game super hard, mostly because I want to get past the bosses so I can explore the world. But ever since the start of the game, I have been talking so much shit about how Melenia isn't that hard, and I'm going to absolutely stomp her...Guess who made it to the base of the halligtree the other day? She is still not dead, but I have had more fun getting cut to bits by her than I have any other boss. The only fight I enjoyed this much was MAYBE Godrick.
I love this game, I love Melenia, and I need to consume everything there is to it.
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tosbestospoisoning · 1 month ago
i'm SO laid back, i only care about like 3 things in the world:
my favorite fictional characters and music
every person on this earth and their opinion of me
the crushing psychological weight of being alive
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tosbestospoisoning · 2 months ago
I'd like to bid farewell to my 1617 saved Jayvik edits. I knew I'd never go and save all of you, I'm sorry for giving false hope.
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tosbestospoisoning · 2 months ago
I've met a girl.
I have met a girl and oh, I love her. Love is such a difficult thing; I can't claim I didn't love my other partners because I'm sure there was a point where I did. This is just so overwhelming though.
I want to be better because I want to be good enough for her. I need to do well in my classes, not just for me but for her now, so I can make sure I'm able to give her everything in the future. I want to wake up next to her every day. I'm terrified of hurting her somehow because she deserves to never be sad again. If I wake up one day and regret this choice, I will cast myself into the lake. Her happiness is the most valuable thing.
I want to be the one to make up for everything that has happened to her. There would be no greater joy than to plan a life with her.
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tosbestospoisoning · 2 months ago
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The self-made immortal and his mortal heart.
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tosbestospoisoning · 2 months ago
What is everybody's favorite Jayvik fic's? There's so much to sort through, and it's so overwhelming for me right now.
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I need the comfort for my real-life breakup.
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tosbestospoisoning · 3 months ago
I was in the car with my mother, talking with her about how we have both been recently.
I tell her that I've been wonderful, and I really haven't had a bad day in the last few months, and she asks if it's because of the new guy I've been talking to.
Cue me explaining that it's actually because I have consumed so much fandom media recently, and it's basically impossible to be upset because I just open any social media and see two fictional men being in cosmic love.
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tosbestospoisoning · 3 months ago
If I see one more post about LOL Jayvik and Arcane Jayvik without a LINK TO THE DAMN FANFICTION I am going to LOSE MY MIND!
If you can tell me about the Jayce on Jayce violence, you can write me a 30k word universe hopping au about it.
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tosbestospoisoning · 3 months ago
I really feel like my obsession over ships and fanfiction comes, at least in part from my own difficulties with romance.
I have been out as queer for most of my life because I'm lucky to have such a respectful family, and yet I still really struggle with labeling myself as aromantic or arospec. A lot of the stress comes from not entirely knowing if what I'm feeling really counts.
I do like being in love, I like flirting, I like pining over people, I typically enjoy dating, or at least I don't like not being with someone. But at most points, I just don't really see a difference. I love my partners in the same way I love my best friends. I'd be happy to spend the rest of my life with them, I'd even kiss them if it was socially acceptable.
And it feels like just as much as I enjoy the typical parts of a relationship, I also hate them. I find myself getting irritated at the people who I am seeing for simply expressing that they love me. It feels so wrong because they're being kind, but it doesn't make me happy. It just makes me want to be away from them. After expressing this to several people, they tell me, "You just haven't met the right one yet." And maybe that's correct, but it's so disheartening. I want the fun, cute relationship things in theory, but I hate it in practice, and it's so unfair to the people I date.
It also feels like such a heavy label. I can not imagine meeting someone I genuinely adore and having to explain to them that sometimes I just can't love them and that I can't see a difference between them and my close friends. So I just power through it until I get so miserable that I push them away.
In media, though... I love romance media, and I love seeing the unrealistic confessions and the cutesy moments. The point in the story where they finally admit to liking the other? That's everything to me! If I experienced it, I'd probably die from embarrassing, but when it isn't me, it's like...
I wish feeling the love of a real person made me that happy, and I wish I really understood what was happening with me so I could at least know how to work with it.
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tosbestospoisoning · 3 months ago
I'd kill for these two
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First post..,,. Hi
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