Hollyeyes second chance!
14 posts
My OC Hollyeye and her sisters getting a second chance! Clangen style! Text-based. Asks open. Mun 21+.
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
Let that old man lay down! (Moon 7)
Ashendust retires after a significant amount of gentle nudging from his mate.
Hemlockmoss has finally recovered from her broken bone.
As soon as she gets a clean bill of health, Applebranch softly asks her to nest with him. And after she agrees, he asks her to be his mate. She agrees to that too, and he beams.
Serpentpool has a litter of three kits.
Doveplume announces that she is expecting kits.
Slinkingshadow makes it home with a broken bone.
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
Updated sprites (Moon 6)
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
Branch and moss (Moon 6)
Ivystar climbs onto the Root stone.
"Applepaw, you and Hemlockpaw come on up please."
He guides her up. Despite her much larger size, her weak, injured leg, combined with missing an entire other leg, well it made it very difficult for her to stand much less walk. Applepaw was the only one she allowed to help her. Her siblings, Hollypaw especially, were strong but Applepaw was larger and sturdier.
"I, Ivystar, leader of Torrentclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Do you two promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your lives?"
Applepaw beams, happy to accept alongside Hemlockpaw. "I promise." He purrs, tail looping with hers.
She smiles. "So do I."
"Then you two will be known as Applebranch and Hemlockmoss respectively."
"Hollypaw, come on up."
He obeys. A stoic expression on his face.
"I, Ivystar, leader of Torrentclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Then you will be known as Hollyeye."
"Laurelpaw, come up."
She does so nervously.
"I, Ivystar, leader of Torrentclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Ye-yes. I Promise."
"Then you will be called Laurelsnow."
"Tinykit, come up."
He scurries up. Ivystar smiles. He was still small, but he has filled out nicely. Fur glossy, and bones nicely covered.
"You will be known as Tinypaw, and you will be mentored by Sunwave."
He comes up and they touch noses.
Hollyeye has been sneaking around lately..
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
New cat, kits, and updated sprites. (Moon 5)
Littlepatch (Cis molly, she/her, 48 moons)
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Shorekit (Tom)
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Shrubkit (Tom)
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Muddykit (Tom)
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Lavenderkit (Molly)
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Ashkit (Molly)
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
Kits are here! (Moon 5)
Smokedusk is nervous helping his daughter have her kits. Its a large litter, shes a small molly. Her first llitter.
He remembers how rough Mistfrosts birth was.
He remembers red blood slick on his paws as he desperatly tried to keep his mate from bleeding out so many moons ago, as she gave birth to Slinkingshadow.
Ivystar has a smooth, easygoing birth. Smokedusk is incredibly relieved.
Ivystar has a litter of five.
Serpentpool announces that she is expecting kits.
Sunwave takes over todays ceremony, as Ivystar has only just had her kits. He leaps easily onto the Root stone.
"Applepaw, come up."
He gazes longingly at Hemlockpaw, who sat in the mouth of the medicine den, her wounded leg sticking out to the side.
"I can't."
"Not Without her."
He hums, and nods. "I understand. We can revisit this next moon then, ok?"
He nods firmly. "If Hemlockpaw hasn't earned it, then I haven't either."
When Applepaw comes back to Hemlockpaws side she's staring at him with a shocked look. Tears welled up in her eyes. He simply lays next to her and presses against her side. She cries.
An injured loner is taken into the clan. Her jaw is badly broken. She takes on the name Littlepatch.
After many, many moons. Ashendust confesses his feelings to Smokedusk. The two toms become mates.
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
Sprite update, and new cat (Moon 4)
Serpentpool (Cis molly, she/her, 35 moons)
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
First ceremony (Moon 4)
Mistfrost comes out as a tom. Using he/him pronouns.
Hollypaw watches her with a hard-to-read expression.
Patridgekit begs to be Smokedusks apprentice.
Ivystar climbs up onto the Root stone and calls her clan to her, needing to sit as her kits are too heavy to keep standing.
"Partridgekit come up." She calls to her adopted kit sister.
She does so, movements unsure.
"You will now be known as Partridgepaw, and Smokedusk will mentor you."
He's delighted to come up and touch his nose to his youngests.
A kittypet joins the clan.
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
New cat (Moon 3)
Stalkwhisker (Cis molly, she/her, 105 moons)
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
Splish splash (Moon 3)
Ivystar announces that she is expecting kits.
Ashendust offers to join Smokedusk on a gathering patrol. Between his injured Granddaughter, his new daughter, and everyday sniffles and scrapes Smokedusk was overworked and tired.
Ashendust splashes some water at the medicine cat. Smokedusk bristles, whips around, and the splash war begins.
Soon enough the toms are laid out in the wet sand and laughing like playful kits.
Ashendust decides Smokedusk is beautiful when he laughs.
A traveling healer asks to settle in Torrentclan. She is welcomed.
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
New kit (Moon 2)
Partridgekit (Molly, 4 moons)
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
Dogs..(Moon 2)
Smokedusk leaps into action when Applepaw enters camp, dragging the much larger Hemlockpaw. The two had managed to sneak out without their mentors it seemed. "What happened?" He asks, gripping his granddaughters scruff and hauling her with effort to his den. She was a big hefty cat, according to Slinkingshadow she took after Carol a lot.
Applepaw was in hysterics. "There was a dog! It was so big! I-I went out on my own, and..I..I guess she followed me, cause I didn't even know she was there 'till the dog tried to get me and she jumped in front of me and-"
"Shh shh, it's ok. I understand, I got it from here. Go find Sunwave."
He nods, sniffles, and takes a last look at her before scampering off.
A kit is found bundled up asleep in a patch of grass. She is carefully awoken and inquired about her parents whereabouts. She squeaks that her mother left her here to start her life as an adult.
She was not even 5 moons.
She is taken in and adopted by Smokedusk.
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
Updated sprites, and new cat (Moon 1)
Applepaw (Cis tom, he/him, 8 moons.)
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
Swamp apples (Moon 1)
A Swampclan apprentice begs a Torrentclan patrol to join. His fur is too light in colour, too long, and he hated walking in muddy water. His clans territory is misery. He is accepted into the clan, and Sunwave takes him as his apprentice.
Hollypaw is already showing hunting prowess.
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torrentclan-clangen-story · 8 months ago
The cats and starting story.
Ivystar(shade)! The Leader. 61 moons. Cis molly, she/her. Her kin includes: Smokedusk (Medicine cat, Father), Slinkingshadow (Warrior, Brother), Strikefoot (Warrior, Mate), Hemlockpaw (Apprentice, Niece), Hollypaw (Apprentice, Nephew), and Laurelpaw (Apprentice, Niece). 6 lives.
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Sunwave! The Deputy. 42 moons. Cis tom, he/him.
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Smokedusk! The Medicine Cat. 111 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His kin includes: Ivystar (Leader, Daughter), Slinkingshadow (Warrior, Son), Hemlockpaw (Apprentice, Granddaughter), Hollypaw (Apprentice, Grandson), and Laurelpaw (Apprentice, Granddaughter).
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Ashendust! Senior warrior. 114 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His apprentice is Hemlockpaw.
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Strikefoot! A warrior. 83 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His kin includes: Ivystar (Leader, Mate). His apprentice is Hollypaw.
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Slinkingshadow! A warrior. 39 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His kin includes: Smokedusk (Medicine cat, Father), Ivystar (Leader, Sister), Carol (Barn cat, Mate), Hemlockpaw (Apprentice, Daughter), Hollypaw (Apprentice, Son), and Laurelpaw (Apprentice, Daughter).
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Doveplume! A warrior. 33 moons. Cis molly, she/her. Her apprentice is Laurelpaw.
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Mistfrost! A Mediator Queen. 19 moons. Cis molly, she/her. Her kin includes: Tinykit (Kit, Son).
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Hemlockpaw! An apprentice. 6 moons. Cis molly, she/her. Her kin includes: Smokedusk (Medicine cat, Grandfather), Ivystar (Leader, Aunt), Slinkingshadow (Warrior, Father), Carol (Barn cat, Mother), Hollypaw (Apprentice, Brother), and Laurelpaw (Apprentice, Sister). Her mentor is Ashendust. She is missing a foreleg.
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Hollypaw! An apprentice. 6 moons. Cis tom (?), He/him (?). His kin includes: Smokedusk (Medicine cat, Grandfather), Ivystar (Leader, Aunt), Slinkingshadow (Warrior, Father), Carol (Barn cat, Mother), Hemlockpaw (Apprentice, Sister), and Laurelpaw (Apprentice, Sister). His mentor is Strikefoot. He has a blind eye.
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Laurelpaw! An apprentice. 6 moons. Cis molly, she/her. Her kin includes: Smokedusk (Medicine cat, Grandfather), Ivystar (Leader, Aunt), Slinkingshadow (Warrior, Father), Carol (Barn cat, Mother), Hemlockpaw (Apprentice, Sister), and Hollypaw (Apprentice, Brother). Her mentor is Doveplume. She has vitiligo.
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Tinykit! A newborn kit. Tom. His kin includes: Mistfrost (Queen, Mother).
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Carol! A barn cat. 48 moons. Cis molly, she/her. Her kin includes: Slinkingshadow (Warrior, Mate), Hemlockpaw (Apprentice, Daughter), Hollypaw (Apprentice, Son), and Laurelpaw (Apprentice, Daughter). Lives in a barn a ways off from Torrentclan.
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Dahliabreeze! Starclan guide. Previously mentored Smokedusk.
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Torrentclan is one clan of four. Torrentclan, Forestclan, Knollclan, and Swampclan. Some generations ago they had been called Riverclan, Thunderclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan.
Several moons ago Slinkingshadow had disappeared. This moon he returned with three apprentice-aged kits trailing behind him. One with a recent amputation wound. One with a recent wound over his eye.
He explains that he had gone off to stay with the barn cat Carol. They'd had kits together. But Carol was..too much. She was too rough, too harsh, too cruel to the kits. His eldest had nearly died of a rat bite due to her uncaring nature twords them, and his middle kit had lost vision in his eye after an altercation with a magpie.
Ivystar cuffs her brother softly across the ears.
They are welcomed into the clan, given clan names, and assigned mentors.
Smokeshade checks their injuries and redresses them, treating them.
That night Mistfrost gives birth to a single, tiny, frail kit. She names him Tinykit.
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