toothclxw · 6 years
Peter was still nervous over the fact that Gideon was hurt, that Alistair was still out there and that there were still goblins running around. He felt like such a burden to both of them, the fact that he couldn’t do anything, couldn’t fight, couldn’t defend them, couldn’t do anything. He heard Alistair’s call out to them as well, but didn’t want to leave the kitsune behind. He growled at the nip to his scruff, pulling away before Gideon shoved him with his head to make him move in the right direction. Peter didn’t want to leave but Alistair had told them and so he began to move, tail tucked between his legs until they were finally back at their own home. Peter still felt so useless, so pathetic, so he whined as he wandered into the peach tree orchard to hide. 
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Gideon followed after Peter quickly, his body hurting more and more the closer they got to home. He tried not to show it but the act was wearing thin. He was limping by the time they got back to the house and as soon as they reached the villia, Gideon’s fur withered. His paws became feet and hands and soon enough he was a man again. His hands gripped his side as he watched Peter run off towards a peach tree. He walked towards the tree and slumped down against it. Pushing one hand into Peter’s fur, Gideon closed his eyes. “I am sorry.” he puffed. “I didn’t want to see you get hurt. I’ve seen a lot of people get hurt and I just couldn’t-” He paused and looked at Peter. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I am sorry I yelled at you.” Gideon leaned his head back against the tree and stroked Peter’s fur, scratched behind his ear. His other hand still holding his side. His eyes set on the door as he waited for Alistair to come home. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
Peter kept running until they had a moment to breathe. It was easier to keep away from the goblins when he was on four paws, able to smell them even stronger than before, hear them all around. It was pretty amazing and he almost wished he could be a wolf all the time. He came to a stop when they reached the small grove, looking around before he set amber eyes on Gideon. Peter’s nose twitched, able to smell the other’s blood and it made the pup whine.
“You’re hurt.” Peter said softly, worried he’d bitten the other too hard when he’d gotten angry for being yelled at. He was still angry at being yelled at, but mostly Peter was just scared. He moved closer, licking gently at Gideon’s side before shaking his head. “No, I can’t find his scent anywhere. But Gideon you should rest.” He didn’t want the other to collapse or for the goblins to show up and take Gideon down because he was feeling weak. Peter would protect him if it came to that, but he knew he wasn’t much help, he was pretty useless and it made him whine. Why couldn’t he do anything to help? Peter should learn to fight, as if having a small epiphany he set his mind to it. He’d find someone to teach him so that he’d never be useless again.
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Peter’s words where totally lost on Gideon. He knew he was hurt and he knew he should be resting but he wouldn’t be able to. Not toll Peter and Alistair were out of harms away. Once they were were all home, then and only then, could he tend to his wounded side. Of course, his body still ached painfully as he stood with Peter. The cut hadn’t been so bad when it had first happened. But after being tossed around, running, and fighting the goblins it had gotten worse. If the roles had been reversed he would be saying the same things to Peter. He couldn’t think about that now. Not till he heard Alistair’s voice telling them to go go home.
Gideon stiffened for a moment. A low whine broke his muzzle as his ears dropped back against his head. He did not want to leave Alistair here but he didn’t want defy a direct order either. Pawing at the ground Gideon looked at Peter and then back towards Alistair’s voice. He had to keep Peter safe. Nipping at the younger’s scruff, Gideon took a step towards the house. “Come on. He’ll meet us there. We can’t stay here and worry him.” Gideon told Peter before pushing his head into Peter’s side to get him going. The pup was just as loyal as Gideon was and leaving Alistair here was hard but they had to trust him now. ‘He’ll be okay. He had more power then those goblins could ever dream of.’ Gideon pointed out both to himself and Peter as they they started away from the battle and towards Alistair’s villa. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
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Alistair nodded his head, his own eyes wide with worry, brows knitting into one another as he battled his own heart rate. It seemed implausible that the kitsune who fought feelings for many years, only to care deeply for his pet before these, and to love the two he claimed now so dearly, and yet it was the reality. Gideon was capable of caring for himself, Alistair knew that, but it didn’t prevent his worry, though it was somewhat heightened for Peter, a pet who was fast, possessed impressive agility but no combat skills whatsoever. Alistair grunted as they fell to the ground, squeezing the other gentle before pushing him from his body, his fangs protruding and a crackle of electricity sparking between him and the goblin, before wrapping around it’s body, tightening around the creature as though it was made of rope. The creature twitched and convulsed before falling to the ground, “Move fast, don’t hesitate for anything,” The kitsune ordered, extending his hand to the taller male and tugging him off in any direction.
The amount of power that Alistair held inside his body really was something else. Among werewolves, the biggest tended to be the strongest but Alistair was small and more powerful than just about anyone else that Gideon had ever meet. It must have been something, really something, to keep that under control at all times. He was so impressive. Everything about Alistair. His body, mind, and control was almost overwhelming and for a moment Gideon ground himself caught up in those thoughts as Alistair took the goblin down as it was made of paper. As if it was nothing. His eyes widened as the monster went down and Gideon nodded and grabbed Alistair’s hand. He couldn’t loss sight of Alistair now. Not when people were dying all around them. As much power as he had, Gideon did not want him to be alone in all of this. “Hold on!”Gideon ground to a halt and tugged Alistair. “I smell him.” He hissed and pulled Alistair to the right. “Come on, he’s this way.” He started forwards again before another few screams of pain came from near by. Gideon glanced back at Alistair. He wanted to help. He could help. He knew Alistair didn’t want him too but this was hard. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
Peter whined when Gideon seemed so angry with him, when he’d nearly gotten the other wolf in trouble by not running. His head dipped down, practically hiding under his front paws before the elder wolf picked him up and all but dragged Peter away. He could still hear the goblins in the distance, knew they were still in danger but Peter felt so guilty, chastised by Gideon. 
They were safe for a moment at least and while they were Peter took the growls and clear anger from the other wolf. “I didn’t want to leave you.” Peter whined before he gave an angry nip at Gideon’s paw then turned and started to move away when he was nudged by the larger wolf. He started to run, making sure to keep away from any sound or scent of goblin, trying to find Alistair but his ears were still pinned back, tail tucked between his legs from the scolding he’d gotten from Gideon. 
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Yes, Gideon did feel bad for yelling at Peter. He didn’t want to yell or growl at him. He didn’t want to force the other to do what he wanted but he’d rather peter be alive and upset then dead. Gideon would take Peter hating if thats what it took to keep him alive. So dragging him off didn’t feel good. The look on Peters face didn’t feel good. But the fact that he was out of harms way for just a moment did feel good. It was a breath of fresh air after struggling to keep them both alive for so long. 
‘You’re not leaving me. You’re doing what I’ve asked you to do.’ Gideon assured him before pushing his face into Peter’s shoulder to urge him forwards. The pain in his side was getting worse by the second. He watched Peter start to run and waiting till he was a few strides ahead to run after him. He was slower but bigger. His body twithing with every thump of his paws on the ground. They broke the tree line and Gideon looked around frantically. ‘Do you smell Alistair? We need him. We need to get him and go.’ Gideon wheezed, feeling slightly light headed now.
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toothclxw · 6 years
Peter didn’t want to leave Gideon, he wouldn’t just turn around and abandon him when these creatures were getting closer, seemingly more appearing from nowhere. He was afraid, more afraid than he’d ever been in his life before and before Peter knew it he was shifting. He’d only managed to shift a few times in the past, usually with the help of a full moon and something serious to cause the change, so now the fear and adrenaline pumping through him forced him to turn. 
When the pup stood on shaky legs he saw one goblin lunge for Gideon and the wolf bite down into its arm. But when Gideon was tossed away and there was distance between them Peter growled. He pounced on one of the goblins, biting and tearing at whatever part he could sink his teeth into, but Peter wasn’t coordinated, he was acting on instinct alone and before he knew it he was being tossed dragged away by other goblins, getting ropes around the small wolf. 
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Gideon couldn’t take this. He could barely concentrate on fighting off the goblins with Peter so close and in so much danger. He did his best to keep the monsters at by but every time Peter made some sort of sound Gideon’s attentions snapped to him again. Which left him open for attack. He was nearly hit a few times because of it and if he hadn’t shifted, he probably would have been dead the second this fight had started. He’d never been so thankful to be on all fours before now. 
When the ropes found Peter, Gideon’s heart sank. He snapped forwards and grabbed the rope to rip it apart. His body twisted till it snapped and and Gideon grabbed Peter by his scruff. HE was rough. He didn’t mean to be but he was. Dragging the smaller wolf off, Gideon took a few long strides away from the goblins and let go of Peter. ‘I told you to run. Now go, for fuck sake Peter.’ Gideon snapped hoping that Peter’s wolf would back down to a more dominating presences. ‘Find Alistair.’ Gideon ordered him with a snarl. His head butting against Peter’s shoulder to push him. He was going to be right behind Peter the whole time but he didn’t ant to be ahead of him. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
Alistair looked over the other, eyes raking over his frame until noticing the crimson seeping through his shirt, “Gideon,” He dismissed his words, shaking off  the touch from his arm, lifting up his clothes to access the damage. It wasn’t too bad, but it was going to attract more of them. “We have to find Peter, I will be fine, stay at my side, do not waver, do not protect the pets. Me, Peter, we are your family, we are the important ones. Do you understand? I can’t lost you, Gideon.”
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Looking at Alistair’s own wounds, Gideon’s hand’s shifted away from his side as Alistair lifted his shirt. His jaw tensed and his heart kicked up in his chest. “Peter is here?” he asked looking at Alistair with a new level of panic in his eyes. He was worried about Alistair but he was also aware of how much a power was often held inside of a Kistunes body. He knew that Alistair could handle goblins. Peter, on the other hand, was a halfling with no combat training what so ever. He nodded. Nothing was more important than Peter and Alistair. “We need to find Peter.” Gideon hissed as he looked around. “I can ca-” Gideon started before jolting forward and grabbing Alistair around the waist. He pushed them both to the ground as a Goblin’s weapon swung over head. He pressed himself against Alistair and looked over his shoulder at the Goblin. A loud growl ripping through his body. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
When Peter felt the weight on his back disappear he finally pushed himself to his feet. He could see the wolf and he just knew it was Gideon even before the other spoke. He watched as the wolf ripped into the goblin, holding it back from him. Peter’s heart was racing, he was scared. He was pretty sure he wasn’t far behind in turning himself, his whole body shaking, his skin felt too tight almost uncomfortable. “But…but what about you?” Peter asked, afraid to leave the other behind.
Peter hesitate and in the moment of pause more goblins seemed to descend upon their position, coming out from between the trees towards them. “Gideon, there’s so many of them.” Peter said, eyes wide looking at the goblins surrounding them. His body seemed to shake even more, eyes glowing a bright amber. 
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Glancing around at the three goblins that were closing in on them, Gideon snarled and snapped when ever one got to close. He backed up closer to Peter. Standing in front of him. ‘You love to run Peter, so run.’ Was the only response he gave Peter. ‘I’ll be right behind you.’ He promised because that was probably the only way he could get Peter to leave. It wasn’t fair. Not to Peter. To die here. He was far too young with a life so full of promise up a head of him. He needed a chance to get away and Gideon was going to give it too him. Whether Peter wanted him to or not. 
One of the goblins lunged at them and Gideon snapped his jaws around the monesters arm. He dug in deep, pressed hard till his teeth hit bone and the creature snarled right back. He flung his arm and Gideon with it. Sliding on the ground, Gideon scrambled to get his feet back under him. Snapped a warning to the goblins in the form of a snarl. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
Alistair searched frantically for his boys, they seemed to be nowhere in sight until finally, he came across the scent, the scent that he knew so well and he automatically felt as though he received a punch to his stomach. The kitsune’s heart pumped faster, he’d already acquired some bites from greedy goblins, a few wounds from flying arrows, scolds from fire-head punctures. Alistair lunged for Gideon the moment he’d seen him, tackled the goblin to the floor, tore it’s heart from it’s chest and stood protectively over his pet, “You’re not hurt, are you?”
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When he hit the ground he must have rolled across something sharp. Or maybe it was the weapon that the goblin had hit him with in the side but he was bleeding. In the moment he hadn’t noticed anything was wrong. Just felt the sharp sting of it before Alistair was there. Standing over him with a few wounds of his own. “Yes,” Gideon answered as he looked up at Alistair. Pushing himself up, he groaned painfully and gripped his side looking at Alistair. “Ali, you’re bleeding.” Gideon hissed one of is hands coming away to press against the Kitsune’s cut up arm. “We need to get you out of here.” He ground out and nodded towards the edge of the camp. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
Peter couldn’t fight, he didn’t know how. Maybe he should have learned, it was a thought that crossed his mind as he ran, chased down by he didn’t know how many of those things, every time he looked back it seemed like more of them join in the chase. A couple of times the wolf almost tripped, but his quick reflexes were the only things that had saved him this far. He’d stumble and catch himself just in time to keep going, but he knew it was only a matter of time. 
Peter could see a break in the trees, but from the sounds of it the fighting was likely worse in the clearing, but he couldn’t turn back. The wolf came stumbling through the treeline, falling just as the goblins pounced on top of him. “No!” Peter cried out, feeling their rough skeletal hands clawing at his clothes, tearing through the fabric trying to tear him open. Peter struggled, trying to kick them off, wriggle away, get up again. He was able to turn over onto his stomach, trying to get his knees under him by they were all over him. “Gideon! Alistair!” He called out, likely fruitlessly as he’d not seen either of them. 
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Under extreme chases of stress or pain halfing wolves ere known to shift. Gideon hadn’t been on four legs since the day one of his fathers was put to death but when he heard his name cut through the noise of the battle, Gideon didn’t have much control. It was like someone flipped a switch in his brain and it was all over. His skin was ripping away and replaced by fur. His teeth sharper and the pain in his side dulled by the need to get to Peter. Peter who was scared and hurting and unable to get away from the massive creature on top of him. He wasn’t nearly as big or as imposing as full werewolf might be but he was stiill a wolf and he was still ready to do what he had to.
Leaping across the land between himself and Peter, Gideon let out a sharp howl before launching himself at the goblin. His teeth sunk into one of its arms and used what weight he had to pull his hand away from Peter. The monster roared and swung around to try and hit Gideon off but he jerked back and pulled the creature over. Snarling and growling, Gideon looked at Peter. ‘Run! Get going. Find Alistair and keep running.’ He snarled, teeth shredding the goblin’s flesh before his grip slipped and the creature was free. Gideon snapped at him and took a lung at the goblin’s leg, snapping his teeth around it for a moment before pulling away and darting back to put some room between himself and the monster.  
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toothclxw · 6 years
Pushing himself up off the ground, Gideon grabbed his side as it ached at him. He could feel wet there and wasn’t sure if it was his blood or someone else on him. This was chaos. He could hear goblins war cries and pets screaming. It sounded like at least a few Elites had shown up now. Which was good because he didn’t feel like he could keep this up very much longer. Looking around, Gideon noticed another pet on the ground and took a step forward before feeling his knees wobble. Pain shot up his side and he finally looked down at his own hands. 
He was cut rather badly up his side. Deep enough that Gideon was worried. Pushing both his hands into his own side the halfling shuffled forwards and sat down hard behind a tent that clearly had been on fire but wasn’t anymore. He pressed back against it and pulled his shirt off over his head. A low growl came from the back of his throat as he bunched up the shirt and shoved it hard against his side to try and stop the bleeding. He closed his eyes for a second and let his head fall backwards. He’d been in pain like this before. In the colosseum. This wasn’t the worst he’d been hurt in the past or maybe it was but he couldn’t let himself think that way. He pushed himself up out of the mud and looked around trying to find a clear path out. There wasn’t one. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
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It seemed to happen very quickly, before he knew it, they were under attack and he was moving out of his home to the approaching attack. Alistair swore under his breath, moved inside to check on his boys who were nowhere to be seen, “Gideon?” He called out, frantically looking around, “Peter?” It seemed to be then that the kitsune realised what had happened and he wasted no time in darting towards where the chaos seemed to be centered. 
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He’d been on his way back to Alistair’s Vila when they attack had first started. Gideon didn’t take a second to think about it before running back towards the camp. There were a lot of pets in there that couldn’t take care of themselves. A lot had never thrown a punch let alone been a fight for there lives. The goblins were hardy folk and didn’t go down easily but that just made Gideon want to help more. He ended up picking up some sort of short sword on his way to help a smaller Pet. He was able to fight the goblin off rather quickly before turning to help someone else up. When he leaned down to give the pet his hand, Gideon felt something hit his side full force and he tumbled to the ground. His arms came up quickly to protect his face as Goblin struggled to get control of him.
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toothclxw · 6 years
Alistair reached out for the other as his hand curled around his elbow, soothingly rubbing over the arm that held him, concern concealing his features. He could easily pick up on the emotions Gideon was experiencing, and none of them were good. He sighed softly, leaning in to wrap his arms around the halfling’s frame, “My love,” He crooned, though there was little he could say to provide comfort to the pet. After all, Alistair would never encourage him to fight, not even in this circumstance, but he didn’t care much for other pets and he’d slaughter anybody that attempted to take his boys away from him. 
“If the city loses pets, then the city loses pets. Gideon, it’s not your responsibility to fight this battle for a city that cares nothing for you,” He shook his head, the kitsune slipped his hands up, cupping the halfling’s jaw. He knew he would lose him one day, but he hadn’t expected that it could come so soon. “Is this really something you wish to consider?”
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Letting out a shaky breath, Gideon curled around Alistair as well. They probably shouldn’t have been showing each other this much affection in public but Gideon couldn’t help it. He needed the comfort that Alistair could give him and everyone else be damned. HIs hands held the fox tight against his body for a moment and he could almost smell the fact that Alistair didn’t want him to fight before he even spoke. God he really did love the kitsune. Most Elites, no matter what they may have promised, would have tossed him into the tournament right away. The fact that Alistair wasn’t willing to give into pure pressure just showed how strong he was. Gideon breathed out and pulled back just enough to look at him. 
“They’ll be worse off with the birds, Alistair.” Gideon whispered looking down at him. Swallowing Gideon felt like he could have broken down. He didn’t want to fight. He didn’t want to kill anyone. He also didn’t want people to suffer. His heart was torn too ways. “I don’t know.” He finally answered his voice shaking slightly as he looked down at Alistair. “I don’t know.” Gideon said again. “Just tell me what to do. I don’t know, Alistair.” He swallowed. Could he even help? Maybe he was getting to old? Not a lot of halflings here were half his age. Would he be any good in the ring anymore? Or would he just get himself killed?
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toothclxw · 6 years
This was a truly simple moment, a truly simple moment, but such a powerful memory. Alistair was sure he’d favour these days most when his pets got too old to repeat the same actions. He smiled to himself, choosing not to dwell on such a moment and burst into the infectious laughter that seemed to overcome the three of them as they collapsed on one another. The fox slipped beneath the water and resurfaced rather quickly, releasing Gideon only when he, too, popped out of the water and only to brush his dripping curls from his eyes.
The kitsune did not stop there, he flashed the two pets his electric blue stare before lunging at Peter, curling around his frame just as he had done with Gideon and attacking his face, jaw and neck with kisses. He knew the impact would sink them and he welcomed the secondary sink beneath the water, capturing Peter’s lips in a kiss almost in the instant that they did. His hand reached out, grabbing at the first available part of Gideon and tugging him downwards, sharply.
Peter laughed with the two of them, certain he’d never had so much fun before in his life. He’d always been alone, had to play games alone growing up, entertain himself, now he got to feel what it was like to have friends, others to enjoy things with. It certainly beat everything he’d experienced up until this point. The pup pushed his own dripping locked from his face, the dark strands sticking up at all angles before he noticed Alistair lunge for him.
Peter yelped before he was tackled and kissed within an inch of his life, grinning and squirming in Alistair’s hold as they both fell back into the water once more. Peter wrapped his arms around Alistair’s waist, holding him close as he returned the kisses, reveling in the press of Alistair’s lips against his own when they were underwater. It was certainly one way to make the wolf hold his breath that was for sure. 
Watching Alistair jump Peter was nothing short of adorable. Gideon couldn’t take his eyes off of them. The way they held on to each other and fell all over one another and then into the water. He chuckled lightly and didn’t expect to be grabbed. Giving a shout, Alistair tried to keep himself steady but his foot slipped and he was falling over on top of the two of them. He was careful were he fell. 
He did reach out and wrap his arms around the two of them. Pulling himself as well as Alistair and Peter up  at once. Gideon stayed with most of his body under water but his lovers held close. This was truly one of the highlights of his life. “You two have really worn me out.” Gideon teased, head falling back against the wall of the pound. “I need a nap.” He pointed out before kissing the side of each of there heads. His hands resting one on Peter’s side and one of alistair’s side. He did love having bot of them close.
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toothclxw · 6 years
Alistair had noticed what was happening, he couldn’t exactly ignore it. He wondered if his hand would be forced when it came to Gideon, would he really be encouraged to place his pets in danger to save a city that cared little for their existence? He wasn’t willing to give up the safety he had promised his pets from the moment he claimed them. 
The kitsune spotted his pet now, doing as he pleased, roaming around the city before temptation, and perhaps a little concern, had him calling out Gideon’s name. He moved closer to him and placed his hand on his arm as soon as he was within reach, “Tell me your thoughts, mon cher.”
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Upon seeing Alistair through the crowd of people, Gideon made a B-line for him. He was careful not to shove anyone out of the way but he was disparate for the comfort he knew Alistair could provide him with. Besides that the foxes mind would be good to pick on this topic. He knew that Alistair wouldn’t force him into any of this but surely he was feeling the same pressure Gideon was. 
Taking hold of Alistair’s elbow as well, Gideon looked shaken. He had a lot on his mind. Almost too much to sort through in order to tell Alistair about it. Where did he start? “I’m really glad to see you.” Gideon breathed out first. “I don’t know what to do about this whole tournament, Alistair.” He admitted looking at the fox. He just wanted Alistair to tell him what to do. “I don’t want to fight but if the city looses those pets-” He stood back and wiped a hand down his face, stomach twisting. Gideon shook his head, shoulders tensing.
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toothclxw · 6 years
Peter was their excited puppy, the childlike spirit that always moved at one hundred miles an hour, quite the contrast to his rather relaxed counterparts. “Amour, I promise we will find something to amuse you, always, I am an old soul, despite the body – I enjoy watching the world, slowing down to enjoy the quiet or soak in the sun. I don’t expect you to do the same, don’t worry.” Alistair assured the youngster, laughing as they drove themselves into Gideon, only to be dismantled almost immediately.
The fox glared up at Gideon, but the lazy smile hanging on his mouth said he was anything but unamused, “You think you can take me just because you are big, cher?” Alistair slinked forward, pressing his palm against Gideon’s chest, a smile spreading over his pearly whites. Of course, if the halfling made the move, Alistair would happily play along, this was all in good fun, but he was sure that if he was going beneath the water, so was Gideon. He playfully swatted at the other, jumping onto his back, legs wrapped around his torso as he nipped at his ear, “I go, you go.”
Peter smiled when Alistair assured him that he wouldn’t be made to sit around and do nothing just because that was what Gideon and he liked to do. When the elder wolf so easily removed him from Alistair’s back and tossed him into the water, Peter gave a yelp before he was submerged under the water. He resurfaced with a splutter and pushed his wet hair from his face, giving a playful growl at Gideon for having thrown him. 
“Make him pay Alistair.” Peter encouraged as he hopped out of the pool and walked around the edge, lining himself up with the two of them before Peter gave a grin and jumped in, tucking his knees to his chest so as to create a big enough splash to soak the both of them. 
Giving Peter a large smile as the wolf popped up, Gideon winked at him. He loved the little growl that came from the others lips. He looked back at Alistair spoke and touched his chest. He hummed softly. “Yes, my tree-like size does give me a very good upper hand.” Gideon pointed out as he was swatted at. He tried to lean forward and grab Alistair around the waist but the little fox was too fast and somehow managed to scramble up his back. Grunting, Gideon stood up and reached back to try and grab Alistair again as he bit his ear. “I have to take one for the team then. Call it a tie.” He spoke far to dramatically as Peter got out anr walked around the edge. He half expected the wolf to jump on him as well. 
His lower-back thanked the gobs when peter didn’t join Alistair. 
“We’ll break this tie next time fox.” Gideon growled playfully as his arms seized Alistair’s legs to keep him on his back. He made a move to dunk them both as Peter jumped in the water. All three of them ended up under at the same time. He couldn’t hold his laughter as he stood back up, Alistair still on his back as he looked at Peter. Laughter still bubbling up from the back of his throat as he pushed his hair out of his own face. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
Peter watched as Gideon sat up, still feeling slightly uneasy about having to ask about the full moon and explain to Alistair about his little vial of wolfsbane, explain where he got it and why he kept it. But then Gideon was cupping his face in that way that always made Peter listen, and reassured him at the same time. It felt good to know that he didn’t have to ask alone, and that he just generally didn’t have to be alone, Gideon was there, and so was Alistair, they were his pack now. Peter was surprised Gideon offered to come hunting with him, he knew neither of them liked hunting the way Peter did and he didn’t mind, but sometimes Peter did wish that he could hunt with them. “You don’t have to. I know you don’t like it, like Alistair doesn’t like it. Maybe I shouldn’t like it as much as I do…” Peter replied biting his lip lightly, feeling guilty. “I don’t want you both to be bored watching me running around wishing you were elsewhere doing other stuff. I don’t mind hunting alone, I used to always hunt on my own.”
He happily let Gideon pull him into a tight embrace, nuzzling against the bare skin of the elder wolf’s shoulder and neck as he listened. Peter liked listening to Gideon, he made everything make sense to the young wolf, especially when he didn’t understand something. “I know. Alistair takes good care of us, and I don’t mind following the rules, I’m just…not used to it. My mom didn’t set many rules, just ‘don’t be stupid Peter’.” He replied, voice fond but a little sad when Peter mentioned his mother before he looked up at Gideon with a smile when he said they could go to the woods the next day. “You sure? We don’t even have to hunt, we can just climb stuff or look around, I found a cool little waterfall, it’s pretty.”
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At first it had been strange to be in a house with other people in it. With Marzia and Alistair and Peter. He was used to being on his own but he didn’t ever like being on his own. After all, Gideon had grown up in a home full of people. His fathers small pack and all of there pets along with everyone his full wolf father employed. Having a pack again settled in easily for Gideon. But from what Peter had told him it was easy to gather the guy had never had a pack. Never had more than his mother. Gideon could understand that this transition was going to be harder on him. Or, at least, take more time to settle in with him. Peter was smart, a lot smarter than he gave himself credit for. He’d understand and settle in time. “No, no, hey.” Gideon shook his head quickly. “Don’t you do that. If you like someone hold on to it. You can’t just drop things that you enjoy because others don’t. Not everyone likes the same things Alistair and I do. It’s good that you like different things than I do. It makes you interesting. It makes you, you. Don’t you lose that.” Gideon told him firmly, his hands still on the pups face as he looked at him. It made him mad to think tat Peter thought he should change. He was perfect just the way he was. 
Holding Peter tightly, Gideon pushed his fingers through the others hair, kissed his cheek. “That’s okay. It takes time to get used to new things. Even if those things are good.” He assured Peter before pulling back enough to look at him again. “Lets do that then. You can show me the water fall and I’ll sit there, read, while you hunt? That feels like a win-win if you ask me.” Gideon smiled brighting at Peter. Kissed him again. Smoothed his hands over the younger wolves shoulders. “Maybe we can ask Marzia to cook whatever you kill?” He offered. 
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toothclxw · 6 years
Alistair smiled a little brighter at Gideon’s words, he was right, of course, good did not seem good enough. Of all the words in his vocabulary, in their shared vocabulary, what a waste to offer something so mundane. “Bellisimo,” Alistair purred, adjusting in the new position, stroking his fingers gently up the halfling’s spine. “I do… I just,” It wasn’t often the fox was stumped for words, in fact, most of the time, he had a hard time keeping quiet, but words only seemed to disturb this moment. “I’m glad I have you, I’m glad we crossed paths that day, and the first time. I am happy that you exist, Gideon, you and your brilliant mind.” What an understatement that had already come to be, before he had come across Gideon again, before he had met Peter, Alistair wasn’t exactly happy, his life consisted of slaughtering innocents for the thrill of it, and spending most of his days alone, transcribing music, writing music of his own and reading. Now, he was much more fulfilled, even in just one day.
As someone who had, unfortunately, out lived some one he loved, Gideon could guess how hard it was to admit to someone that you did love them and know you’d out live them. His one father was dead. Killed in front of a crowd that Gideon had been a part of before being dragged off to jail. Maybe not all of Alistair’s loves, all of his friends and pets, had been killed in such a fashion but it wasn’t a quick death then it was slow. It was Alistair just watching someone he cared about die. Gideon couldn’t imagine what that did to a person. He could imagine that made things very hard. That saying it out loud made things harder. He didn’t blame Alistair for not saying. He felt it and that was enough. More then enough. “I’ve never been so happy. Its all because of you and your brilliant mind.” Gideon answered back as he leaned up and kissed Alistairs lips once more. Thanking him. He was very much in love with the fox. Gideon was realizing now that part of him always had been. No one really came lose to Alistair. Maybe thats what he’d never taken a mate when he’d been free. 
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