drivencrazymad · 1 year
Not friends or enemies, just strangers with memories.
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drivencrazymad · 1 year
Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington slow burn fic that starts with shared cigarettes in the school parking lot when they’re both kicked out of the house for the night. Dark jokes slip out from loose lips and a trauma bond is forged out of desperation for someone to be there. No one realised when exactly Hargrove and Harrington seemed to be tied to the hip with lazy arms thrown over tense shoulders. Or when Harrington always seemed to bring a second lunch for Hargrove. Or when Hargrove accompanied Harrington the bathroom when Harrington got those squirrelly eyes he got now a days. No one knew how or why it started, but they fit together smoothly so no one questioned it. When Billy saw the dead demodog stuffed into the fridge he just stared at Steve and muttered “better be glad you’re worth this shit, Harrington”.
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drivencrazymad · 2 years
If byler is platonic I better apologize to my friends for not staring at them longingly more
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drivencrazymad · 2 years
reblog if you’re on team “I acknowledge that Billy Hargrove is a highly flawed individual and in no way condone the shit he’s done, but I strongly believe he was deserving of a redemption arc and it hurts my soul that The Duffers chose not to explore that”
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drivencrazymad · 2 years
Steve(about his baby daughter):...I'm scared, that I've scarred her for life.
Dustin: You haven't. You know how I know that? Cuz this is not the first kid you raised...that was me.
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drivencrazymad · 2 years
Consolation prize
And Even thought I'm supposed to be used to all of it. It still hurts when I'm just your replacement. Because everyone wants you, yet no one wants me. And I get it, you are the pretty one, the relaxed one, the golden one. And I'm just the one that is easier to get. Since you were born I'm always second. I get the good grades and tried to always be polite. I'm the one that care about family and future. The one that wants an exit from the place I'm at now. Yet you are the golden one. Even when you prefer friends over family, even when you failed every class. Even when you are rude and give a shit about your future. It's always the same. I'm the second you are the first. I'm trying to fight the urge of screaming yet it's impossible when even my friends prefer you. I'm just the consolation prize for those who can't have you. Even the family prefer you. If feel like it's better if I just disappear. It will be easier than living as the second place.
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drivencrazymad · 2 years
I'm in love with the HC
eddie definitely calls steve ‘pretty boy’ one day out of the blue before they start dating and steve just pauses, points to himself, and repeats “pretty boy?” hesitantly and in his mind he’s like freaking the fuck out because steve ‘bisexual panic’ harrington did NOT expect a man to so openly call him pretty, especially not eddie munson.
but eddie would just smile and nod, replying with a firm, “the one and only.” because he is a fucking SAP.
god i am weak for this man if anything happens to him i’m going to take a walk into a national park and never be seen again
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drivencrazymad · 2 years
Delinquent's House
(Stranger Things) Eddie Munson x Male Reader 
TW: Drugs, possible abuse
Summary Eddie runs to the “Delinquent's” House for help.
Universal POV 
It had been a long day for Y/N. He had been working a 12 hour shift for almost a month trying to save up enough money for a new guitar. He had barely got home from work, he was about to take a shower when someone knocked on the door. Y/N decided to walk to the door even if he was shirtless. When he opened the door he saw Eddie Munson, he was hurt, he looked weak and had a busted lip. Ed was shivering, bleeding, and scared. When Y/N looked at Eddie's eyes he could see a slightly dazed look in his eyes; Eddie had been drugged and assaulted.
 Eddie looked at Y/N up and down, he was barely standing up. “I didn’t know where else to go” Eddie mumbled before passing out in Y/N arms. All Y/N could do was carry Eddie inside and take care of his wounds.
 Once Y/N set Eddie in bed, he decided to carefully take Ed’s shirt off. His torso was full of scratches, some deep cuts and a lot of bruises. Y/N went to the bathroom for the aid kit and started cleaning the cuts and applying ointment on the bruises and scratches. After making sure he had cleaned all the cuts in Eddie’s torso and put ointment on the bruises and scratches he carefully put a tshirt on Eddie, then covered him up with a blanket. 
Y/N decided to leave the room to let Eddie rest and take the opportunity to shower. After the shower he put some boxers and shorts on but decided to not use a shirt because it was a hot summer night. As Y/N laid down on the couch he started to wonder who could have done something so terrible to a sweet person like Eddie. He remembers the first time he and Eddie laid eyes on each other. They shared the same math class and the teacher had paired them up together for the mid semester project that involved making a scale model of different buildings.
Y/N Pov 
I was running late to my math class because stupid Harrington decided to wait for me in my locker to talk about the fact that we had just lost our jobs at the mall because of a fire and he along with robbing had been thinking about where we could find a job. 
“Stupid Steve, and his stupid hair, with those stupid eyes that keep on distracting me”. I mumble just before sitting on my chair and looking at the teacher who had stopped talking when I came in.
 “... as I was saying I would choose the partners and Mr. Y/L/N you would have the pleasure of working with…” she was scanning the classroom looking for someone who I didn’t talk to “ yes, you will work with Mr. Munson…..” She kept on talking and assigning partners as I looked up and turned my back to see how Eddie seemed like he was giving terrible news. 
I stood up and started walking to Eddie to sit next to him, he explained the project and we began planning. It was the first time I have talked to him and it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I could even hear him hum some Bon Jovi songs as we worked.
 Once the class was over me and Eddie decided to keep on working on the project today after class in his house. He said I could follow his van after school. 
 It was barely lunch time and I was sitting down with Steve, Robin, and Nancy. We were talking about random stuff as we ate. Minutes later we all turned to Eddie's table as he was walking on the table shouting to the jocks table and laughing. Mike was at that table and it seemed like that was something regular. Before Eddie sat down in his chair again he turned his gaze to my table and said something along the lines of “ This school should be like them, mixed, a Jock, a Bad geek, a teacher pet and a delinquent all in the same environment like it's normal, no stereotypes”. When he said that Steve and Robin Flicked him up and me and Nance just ignored him and kept on eating and talking now about founding a place that could hire three of us.
 The school day was done. I was about to go home when Eddie approached me in the parking lot. “Remember we have to work on the project, right?” he asked and I only nodded even though I had forgotten, “ Ok, just follow my van”. He took off to get in his van as I got in my motorcycle. I just followed him to his “house”, I had been here before. Max lives in front of him. I got off of my motorcycle and followed Eddie to his living room where we began to work with some music in the background. 
“You hungry” before I could even answer my stomach growled. “ That sounds like a yes, what do you think about Pizza?”.
 “Yeah sure, I'm not picky”. 
“Ok, let me go so you could take a break from work and, I don’t know, go outside” we both went outside and he started his van to go for pizza. As I was outside I saw Max so I decided to go to her and talk a bit.
 “Hey little red” as I got close to her I messed with her hair and she just gave me a mean/funny face.
 “Hey, what are you doing here?” 
“Doing a Math assignment with Munson, He went for Pizza to eat and I decided to take a break from all the planning, building and math”.  Max and I just started walking to her dog, when we got to the dog we sat down on the floor.
 “Why do you have to do the assignment with Munson” “I was late for class so the teacher put me with him as a weird way of punishment I think”. 
We kept on talking until Eddie patted my back, he had three boxes of pizza in one of his hands. I quickly stand up and give Max a hand. 
“Who 's this?” Eddie was looking at Max up and down like if she was a weird animal in the zoo
 “ This is Max, she is part of Mike’s party and like my little sister” Eddie only nodded and smiled at Max
 “Wanna eat with us, seems like I bought enough for you to join us” Max accepted and we went to Eddie's trailer and started eating while talking about school and how horrible the teachers were and how much homework they left every single day.
 After we were done eating Max left and me and Eddie kept on working on the assignment. But this time we talked and sang and laughed as we worked. I discovered that we were alike even though he called me a delinquent. He was quite charming. We had the same taste in music, movies and even in books. He then showed me his guitar and even played a song.
 Without even noticing it was already 11 pm, Eddie had insisted on me staying even more after the history of Hawkins and I accepted. I slept on the couch after we got done the project and the next day we had to turn it in.
 When I woke up Eddie was already ready for school and he was eating some cold pizza that was left from yesterday.
 “ Here, use some of my clothes, you can change them in my room”. He gave me a pair of ripped jeans, an AC/DC shirt and a leather jacket. When I was done changing I came out of the room and as he looked at me he said “ you need some rings and chains”. He then proceeded to give me some of his rings and went to his room for some chains.
 After that he took on the project and we went to school. I gave Max a lift to school. Once we got to school I helped Eddie with the project and we were lucky that today Math was our first class so we didn’t have to carry this around all day.
 Last day of the semester before the winter break and I had already done the Math, English, Science and Gym midterms and had at least got a B on all of them. It was already lunch and everyone kept staring at me like I had something in my face. When Steve, Nance and Robin got to the table I turned to them to ask “ Why is everyone looking at me?Do I have something on my face or what?”.
 Robin was the first person to say “it's probably because you are wearing Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson’s clothes”.
 “DON’T call him a freak” that was the first thing that came out of my mouth “ He ain’t no freak he’s just different like us”. 
“Why are you defending him?” Steve wondered “ YOU used to call him Freak not long ago”.
 “And he is kind of a freak” that was Nance.
“well He might be weird but so are we, and he is not weird to me, we actually have a lot in common. Like the fact that we both like Bon Jovi and AC/DC, yet we believe that Queen is way better, or the common interest in fantasy books, we are alike”. When I said that someone tapped my shoulder, as I turned around I saw Eddie and Max smiling at me.
“ Let's go for some Pizza?” I was sure that Eddie had heard what I said, But he didn’t seem to care about it or see it as weird so I only nodded and we left the cafeteria to go for some Pizza.
 That kept on going, we had become like a little family. Eddie, Max and Me. Along with the little families that formed in the party, every kid had a kind of father/mother figure.For Mike and Lucas it was Nance and Robin and for Dustin, Will and El it was Jonathan and Steve. We were small families making a big family.
 We started hanging out together in school and outside of school, Steve, Robin and I found a job together. Robin and Nance started dating and the whole group loved it. Steve and Jonathan started going on dates but have not gotten formal and Me and Eddie were still friends. I like him But I wasn’t sure he felt the same way.
 Universal POV 
It was already 8 AM and Y/N was getting ready for work when they heard a low moan, as he turned around he saw how Eddie was trying to get up. He quickly went to the bed and prevented Eddie from sitting because he still was a bit weak. 
“Hey, it 's ok. You need to rest, some wounds are still open so if you move too much they are going to start bleeding. I'm going to take you to the hospital to get stitches” Eddie only nodded and kept on avoiding looking at Y/N. Y/N grabbed Eddie's chin to make him look at him “You want to talk about what happened to you?” It seemed like Eddie was having an internal fight with himself about whether to tell Y/N or not. 
“I was on a date with Jason. We were going to get some ice cream and then go to the arcade. It was fun but once we started walking to his house I started to feel dizzy. I told him and he only smiled, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to an empty alley… I tried to fight him so he started… he started hitting me all I could do was close my eyes… he then grabbed a… he grabbed a pocket knife and started cutting me… then someone hit him before he could do anything else, I got up and started running here. Then I got here I don’t remember anything else” Y/N carefully hugged Eddie as he cried on his shoulder. 
Moments later they pulled apart and Y/N cleaned Eddie's face and helped him stand up. Y/N took Eddie to the hospital and called Steve to tell him that he was not going to work today to take care of Eddie who was in the Hospital and then hung up the call to stay with Eddie. 
Eddie was waking up again and he saw how Y/N was sleeping with his hand grabbing Eddie and his head close to their tangled hands. The only thought in Eddies mind was how peaceful Y/N looked sleeping and how grateful he was of having him in his life.
Y/N started moving in sign of waking up. Eddie kept his gaze steady on Y/N and once Y?N was completely awake Eddie decided to go in for it and kissed Y/N. At the beginning Y/N was surprised but before Eddie could pull away Y/N reacted and started kissing him back while carefully pulling him closer. 
After a minute when they were both in need of air they pulled apart but kept on looking at each other's eyes with a goofy smile and hands intertwined. They both had been waiting for this moment for too long that now all they wanted was to hold each other. 
But like destiny and the universe are bitches someone had to interrupt that beautiful moment. 
“ Shut up kids, The doctor said Eddie was asleep '' Steve had come into the room with the full group behind him with some balloons and flowers along with a big teddy bear. 
Before Steve could turn around all the kids ran to Eddie and hugged him while screaming ‘you're alive’, and Steve ended up on the floor, along with Robin and Nance. 
That day everyone stayed with Eddie in the hospital even with the multiple complaints from the nurses. That day Y/N and Eddie were closer than ever. That day Eddie and Y/N started dating. That day Hopper arrested Jason for what he had done. That day Steve was happy about being out late last night. That day Max was filled with joy with the fact that her parents were now dating. That day Robin and Jonathan won $20 bucks in a bet that they had with their significant other. And that day Eddie was happy about running to the delinquent’s house for help. 
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drivencrazymad · 2 years
I love you and Sorry
(Stranger Things) Eddie Munson x Male Reader 
TW: Suicide and mention of alcohol and weed.  
Summary: Eddie and Y/N used to be friends, High school cliques tore them apart but they fake to be friends in front of their parents. They like each other. 
Authors POV
Eddie Munson has been Y/N's most strong desire. They have known each other almost since birth. They had been there for each other every time the other found himself in trouble. They had some rocky parts during middle school and finding out who they wanted to be and who they were going to be in high school. After middle school they both were part of a different clique. Eddie was one of the outsiders who in the future were going to be shitty fathers and with millions of addictions. And Y/N was the golden boy in the soccer team that was destined to get out of Hawkins and become famous. In school they barely even looked at the other. At home they “hung out” just so their parents could stay friends. If they were totally honest the only thing they did when they were together was listen to music and sometimes when their parents were close to the room they would “talk” and laugh enough to deceive their parents.That was the only type of interaction they had. 
Monday was hard for two reasons; 1 It was the beginning of the school week and the end of the relaxation, 2 the fact that my parents and I would  always go to the Munsons house to eat and stay there until 8 or 9 in the afternoon. 
As soon as I woke up I had the feeling that something bad was about to happen, it was probably the math test, or the history report that were due today. I could not put my finger on what was wrong so I just tried to forget the feeling and start to dress with a normal white t-shirts, old ripped jeans and some combat boots and the soccer team jacket that had my name stitched to it along with my number. When I was done I realized that if I didn't run I was going to be late and I would not let that happen as last week I had a talk with my coach talking about the fact that if I missed my math test I was going to be on the bench until I made it up. 
I ran as fast as I could and made it just in time before they closed the door of the classroom. 45 minutes later the class was done and I had a feeling that I was gonna get at least a c plus that ensured the fact of me playing in the friday away match. The next class was Spanish and the only class where I had an A. As soon as I stepped in I was able to read the board that said “Presentación Oral sobre tu legado familiar” (Oral presentation about your family legacy). I had totally forgotten about it. I was freaking out. My family history was big, sure but I only knew a bit about it. I could only pray that the teacher would not pick on me today and let me do it tomorrow. And as always I lacked luck being the first person called to present, to be honest i barely remember what i said, I remember standing up and starting my presentation with a “siempre los pendejos primero”(always the stupid first).After that I just remember saying my parents name the place im from and that some part of the presentation I said Eddie Munson was part of my life since I remember making him part of the leagcy to. When I came back I heard people clapping so I directed myself to my seat waiting anxiously for the class to end. 
It was already time for lunch, as I sat down at the table along with all the other kids in the soccer team I let my eyes wander around the cafeteria being able to see that everyone was minding their own business and they ate, talked and laughed. I started eating what seemed to be mashed potatoes and broccoli to then be interrupted by Lopez; the captain of the soccer team. 
“ so I hear you and munson have history” Lopez seemed to be quite interested in what i was gonna say. 
I could only nod to answer the question, the whole table stayed quiet and if they were waiting for something more. So i started to talk, “ Me and Eddie have known each other since i have a memory, our parents are friends so we became friends”. That was all I said before standing up and throwing away the trash and walking to the library in an attempt to get away from Lopez and his interrogation. As I was going up the stairs to the library room someone pulled me aside and into an empty room that had been under repair for the last year. 
“ I heard you were talking about me in your spanish class” Eddie was still holding my arm to prevent me from leaving the room. When he saw I was not talking he decided to speak again “ What did you say about me that has everyone pumped up talking about the past”.
“ I don’t know” I said as i got away from Eddie’s grip, he raised his eyebrow and a way of showing his confusion so I decided to talk again “ I was not ready for the presentation so I started to rumble and I don’t remember anything I said, I remember saying we used to be friends but that about it”. 
Before Eddie was able to speak again the bell rang so I went to the rest of the clases I had today. 
The day was over so I headed home to leave my backpack and to go with my mother over to Munson's place. As soon as I got home I only got the chance to set down the backpack and get in the car to go over to the Munson’s house. 
The ride in the car was about five minutes so we talked about school and work and as we got to the place I stepped out of the car waiting for my mom to walk up to the door that was opened by Eddie who let us in and led us to the table to start eating. 
The whole time we ate my mom and dad talked to Eddie and his parents leaving me out of the conversation. To be honest I was used to it. when we were done Mrs. Munson told me and Eddie to go ahead and hang out in his room. 
When we got to his room he decided to put on a song by Bon Jovi. I sat down in one of his bean bags as he wandered around without looking at me. It has been like this since we part ways just before ending middle school and yet it's still hard to get used to the fact that he won't even bother to look at me for a split second. I should already be used to it. I should be able to not care even when you don’t look at me. It’s not supposed to hurt that much. But I will always pray for you to look at me. I want you to touch me, even a slit touch would do. I was fine until you touched me at school. I wasn't able to just stay there. I can't stand one more second being in the same room and feeling like I don't exist. 
So I ran. I had to get away from Eddie if I wanted to be able to keep on going. I was getting used to all of it. I didn’t stop when I heard my mom scream my name nor when a car almost hit me. I just ran. I was not sure if someone was following me and I didn't care, I just had to get there. When I was able to see the lake I decided to slow down. When I got to the beginning of the lake I stopped completely. I took off my clothes and went inside the lake. I had to breathe and relax. The lake has always been the place where I'm able to breath without hurting. But before I realized it, I was already crying, tears going down my face as memories of me and Eddie flooded my head. I remember how when we listen to music he always used to move his head up and down making his wavy hair bounce and how I used to laugh and everything was ok. I remember how when we used to have sleepovers and it started to rain  and lightning was heard we used to go under the covers and hold each other's hand until we fell asleep. But mostly I remember how Eddie was my first crush and kiss. After his crush Chrissy had let him down I decided to tell him how I feel about him and then give him a little kiss to which he corresponded. And I remember how the lake was the place where we spent most summers just relaxing and playing around as our parents talked about whatever adults talked about. 
As I went down the water I felt a pair of arms grab my waist and drag me out of the water. When I was out I opened my eyes to see Eddie wet and looking worried as he took the hair out of my face. When I saw him all I could do was cry and get away from him. when my back hit what seemed to be a tree he kneeled down to look at me. It was then when I realized that it was only me and him at the edge of the lake. He cupped my face in his hands as a way of making me look at him. 
He hugged me. I couldn’t move because of the surprise. When he stopped the hug he again grabbed my chin to make me look at him. “Why did you run away?Why did you get in the lake? what were you thinking Y/N?” 
I decided to answer after hesitating for a bit, “ I ran because if I stayed a moment longer in the room with you i was going to do something i was going to regret, the only thing i could think of while running was that i had to get to the lake before it was to late, I had to clear my mind, I had to get away from you”.' he only whispered a low why so i decided to answer, “ Because if I stayed close to you I was not gonna be able to ever let go again. It took me years to get over the fact that you were not going to look at me anymore, that you were not gonna hold me when Im scared like when we were kids. that we were not friends anymore. And that I was not allowed to kiss you anymore”. When I said that Eddie backed away from me, I decided to grab my clothes and started walking away from Eddie, away from what could have been the solution to this mess. 
It’s been over a month since the lake incident. My mom was ok with the fact of me not going over with the Munson anymore, I was getting better at soccer and school  and according to the coach if I keep on like this I could be the captain for next year. And I have only seen Eddie in the hallways now. But everytime we look at each other he looks the other way trying to not make eye contact with me. And the few classes that we had together he decided to either drop them, change them or just started being absent. I'm not gonna lie, it hurts to have to do this. But this is what he decided to do, now he is dating the girl Chrissy  and every time we are in the same room they seem to be all over each other. 
And I started dating Nancy Wheeler, she is a really nice girl and seems to be ambitious and I really like that. I was honest with her since we decided to date, telling her that I like both boys and girls and she was ok with that. It even seems like she already knew. 
Today we were going to go to a party at Lopez's house, his parents were out of town and we had just won the championship in soccer so we had to celebrate. I was going to take Nancy and some people were talking about the fact that Chrissy was taking her boyfriend. At the beginning it bothered me but then I realized that I had to get over the fact that I was going to be under the same roof as Eddie.
It was almost time for the party to begin so I just put on something casual like a white t-shirt, old ripped jeans, the team jacket and my black converse. Dad had let me use his car so I stopped to pick up Nancy to go to the party. She was wearing a beautiful red dress that made her stand out in what seemed to be the correct places but she was still wearing her white converse instead of some high heels. Which I personally love. Once we got to the party everyone was staring at Nancy so I passed my hand by her waist to make her feel more secure.  
We made our way to the kitchen to get a drink and to get the party started. I danced with Nancy during the night while drinking, having a good time and making sure she was comfortable. After dancing for a while she told me that she was tired so we sat down on the couch and started kissing. After some time kissing Nancy had to go to the bathroom so she left and I decided to go for another drink. As I entered the Kitchen i realized it was completely alone. But not for long, as I heard someone else come into the kitchen. I didn’t pay much attention until I felt a hand on my waist. And how someone was letting their head rest on my shoulders. 
Before I could say anything I heard him say, “ You know you should not be here with her, let's be honest you would prefer to be dancing with me and that the one kissing you was me”. As Eddie talked he left small wet kisses on my neck, “ Or tell me, right now will you prefer her kissing you, touching you”. His free hand started to trace my body as he talked. I wished I could say it did nothing to me but I'd be lying. “ Come on pretty boy you know you belong with me, you know she doesn't get the same reaction from you that I do”. he spun me around and as I looked into his eyes I realized he was high, drunk and his eyes were darker and dilated. 
Before I was able to talk he kissed me. He tastes like weed, tequila and a more delicate taste of strawberry. He had a strong grip on my waist and he started moving, creating friction between us causing an erection and to make me let out a moan that permitted him to slide his tongue into my mouth that then became a war to see who would dominate. Before this could get any worse I pulled away, I wanted this but it wasn't right, I was here with Nancy and he was drunk so he would not remember anything. When I got away from the kiss I too got out of his grip just in time because someone came in. Chrissy is looking for Eddie. As soon as he saw her he pulled her in for a kiss, I started to feel my eyes itching so I left. I had to find Nancy to take her to her house. 
Moments after I found her. She was kissing Steve Harrington. It didn’t hurt but it helped me realize that it was not working with her. I tapped her shoulder and when she saw me she started apologizing. “ Hey Nance, it's ok, I was just going to ask you if you wanted a lift home because I'm leaving”. she only shakes her head. “ Hey and Steve, take good care of her, she is the best thing that has ever happened to you and she is going to accept you no matter what. And Nance be happy and know that I hold no grudge against you and that I wish to still be your friend”. Then I just walked outside knowing that a lot of people were watching and some were already talking and gossiping but I didn’t care. 
Once I got in the car I started heading to the lake. Once I got there I took off everything and just got into the lake. I started swimming and admiring the moon that seemed to be full. I stopped being connected to the real world until I heard steps. I was debating whether to get out of the lake and dress or just to stay in and not give a crap. I decided to  not give a crap and just close my eyes and relax. 
“ I heard that you and Wheeler are not together anymore”, It seemed like he was following me everywhere. “ You know that you deserve better, right?”.His voice was getting closer so I started thinking that he was getting in the water. “ You deserve to be with someone that will be there for you, with someone that holds your hand when you are scared, with someone that knows everything about you”. His voice was now just a whisper in my ear and his hand was going up and down my body. I kept my eyes closed as he got closer and as he started to kiss my neck once again. I could feel his skin next to mine. He to was naked. 
“ And who do you believe I deserve Ed?, someone like you that will only come when you're drunk, someone who will run and disappear once you tell them what you feel, is that what you want for me Ed?”. I turned around to look at him, the moon gave enough light to be able to see his face. 
Eddie grabbed my chin and my hand as he spoke, “ I didn’t run, you were the one who left, and I love you every single day, every single hour, every minute, every second. And I need you”. As he said that he kissed me and this time i kissed him back. Once our lips parted he led me out of the water into the edge of the lake. 
He started to kiss and bite my neck going down, once he got to my nipples he started to lick and bite the left one while he played with the right one with one hand, after a minute or so he kept on going down. Once he got to my junk he grabbed it and started masturbating it with his hand before using his mouth. I was so turned on that I grabbed his hair and decided on the rhythm, after a while I came without a warning in his mouth. He licked his lips as he came back up to kiss me. He started to play with my entrance and I could not bear it any longer. I needed him inside me. As he put three fingers in front of me I started to lick them to get them well lubricated. Once they were lubricated he slid one finger in, he started with circular motions until he slid the second one and started stretching me. Once more he entered another finger creating the motion of penetrations. After some time he pulled the finger out and aligned his cock in my anus and started going in slowly to make sure I was ok. Once he was in and I was used to it he started moving. He started slow and strong but after a time he went fast and hard. until he found my point that he gave some hits more to make me cum and as I was in heaven he kept on going until I felt him fill me up. He got out of me and cleaned me. 
Before I fell asleep I heard him say I love you and sorry before drifting into morpheus arms. 
That was a week ago, after that night I woke up alone on the edge of the lake covered up with my jacket and the only sign of yesterday was the pain in the bottom of my back. That day I got dressed and got home. My dad was mad but relieved that I got home safe. Mom never knew. That day I tried calling Eddie and he wasn’t answering so I decided to go to his house. Mrs.Munson told me that he was in his room and when I opened the door I saw him and Chrissy about to do it. I just closed the door and left. That night Eddie went to my house and told me to forget about everything that happened. And before he left he gave me one last kiss. Now I see him in the halls with Chrissy and I have nothing. I look at him but he never looks my way and it hurts so much that I decided to put an end to it. 
After school I went to the lake for the last time. I picked up some rocks and put them in my pocket and I went into the water. I could only whisper I love you and I'm sorry. 
Authors POV 
Y/N's body was found 3 hours later by officer Hopper. His parents didn’t know what had happened. He seemed nice that morning when he got to school. Most of the thinking is because of the break up with Nancy Wheeler but only 3 know the truth; Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington. 
That day Eddie Munson got drunk and cried himself to sleep as he held his own hand hoping it was Y/Ns. 
That day Nancy Wheeler got mad and screamed and cried at the fact that Y/N was no longer with them. 
That day Steve Harrington held Nancy as she screamed and cried and at the same time he cried. 
The day of Y/N's funeral Eddie got beat up by Nancy and Steve. The Day of Y/N’s funeral Eddie came out to his family as gay. The day of Y/N’s funeral Eddie was kicked out of his house not because of his sexuality but because of the harm he did to Y/N.The day of Y/N’s funeral Y/N regretted taking his life. And the night of the Y/N funeral The whole soccer team made a pact of never keeping secrets from each other. 
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