toocutegameart · 5 years
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This is what it’s like to have dyslexia. Web developer Victor Widell is hoping to shine a light on the learning disorder with this creative coding simulation.
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toocutegameart · 5 years
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toocutegameart · 5 years
art giveaway!
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the last giveaway i did was at 300 followers, so let’s keep going with the trend! i’ve met a lot of wonderful people through tumblr, and as a show of general appreciation to those of you who have stuck with me so long, here’s a treat!
you must be following me (i will check!); therefore, please reblog to your main blog or otherwise have your main blog easily accessible on your side blog.
no giveaway blogs (i will check)!
likes count as one entry.
you may reblog up to once a day; each reblog counts as one entry.
one portrait from @chandeloor! along with the banner above, you can see examples of her art here!
giveaway ends on may 1st, 2019! i will select the winner via a Random Number Generator. they will have 48 hours to respond before i select someone else! good luck to everyone!
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toocutegameart · 6 years
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toocutegameart · 6 years
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Okay here is the april raffle winners picture. Lets make a new one, but this time, not a sketchy pic will be the reavard, but a fully rendered bust:
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RULES: 1. Reblog and FOLLOW!
2. We have to reach the 100 followers on this tumblr acc, then i will make the random listing, and choose the winner. 
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toocutegameart · 6 years
your mental illness is mean and it’s a liar. You are never as horrible as you think. People love you. You are worthy
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toocutegameart · 6 years
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Stickers, mugs, pillows, totes, phones cases!
Enjoy Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy XIV? Then please come check out my shop or support me on Patreon! The more interest I get in both the more I can and will update my shop and Patreon with more goodies for people! Tips on Ko-Fi would also be nice. (Due to Tumblr BS, Ko-Fi link is found on my page sidebar.)
Patreon | Redbubble
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toocutegameart · 6 years
I do bot believe love needs sex. I believe sex is like the other love languages. Being in agreement with my husband that we will not be having children, it servers as much biological purpose to me as eating a nice sharp cheese. There is a physiological need for him, because he ties sex mentally to being a good husband / wife. If this mental belief was not there I likely would not have sex.
Love without Sex
I’m doing a Philosophy paper on Asexuality. Please reblog if you think Love without Sex is possible! I really need the data. Like if you think love has to have sex.
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toocutegameart · 6 years
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toocutegameart · 6 years
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I was trying a second ink stile and i think it is way to messy. I am a comic stile artiest so this does not make me happy 
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toocutegameart · 6 years
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Inktober is upon us!  This is a Lefi from Creataverse  The mosey ones are poisonous 
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toocutegameart · 6 years
Discord Admins Heads Up
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This is a bot that has been joining several servers this morning. It seems to be spreading itself quite fast. When you find and click on it in the members list it may disappear, I managed to click/ban on it by selecting the option cause it remained there, but otherwise you need to search for it. It also changes it’s name rapidly.
This is not exclusive to FFXIV communities (I’ve asked on Discords Hypesquad server) and other communities are seeing similar problems. Obviously do no join anything the bot is advertising for. It may be spreading itself via existing permalinks.
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toocutegameart · 6 years
200 Followers? Time for a giveaway..
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Oops. Look at that. Looks like it is time for a giveaway!!!  Like that sketch? Well, on my birthday… 9-18… I will do a free sketch headshot for a lucky raffle winner. All you have to do is reblog this post! Don’t have to follow me or nothing. Just reblog~ Following is nice.
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toocutegameart · 6 years
Things i need to add to Akyhi’s wiki
Scar - bite on right shoulder Tattoo - watcher’s talon clan - watchers talon Plot - Dark ambitions (starting on the 25th) Ring - picture found for Fay’s ring Pictures - face / body claim found  Dagger colection
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toocutegameart · 6 years
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Some one is ready for the beach 
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toocutegameart · 6 years
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its a lil ace bee
source/credit: @shadeykris 
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toocutegameart · 6 years
This is possible Even cross server Discord rp 
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