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ao-ailen · 2 years ago
He's my banker⁉️😟
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ao-ailen · 2 years ago
The Most Hated Person In Nalii'an History...
William Berthul, he was a 20 year old German explorer who "discovered" Naliiaa and built there with is crew. After almost a year The crew ended up asking the Nalii if they Could cut down some trees for land, obviously the Nalii said no, William and his crew where very angered at the response and burnt down half of Naliian forest land, the spirits rebelled by drawing as guard separating the burnt land and the Germans from naliiaa and the Nalii'ans. This greatly diminished spirit in the German occupied area (soon to be known as leeria) causing mass deaths and plagues leading to a multitude of consequences for the Germans even over a hundred years later.
The Revenge
When William was 58 he was assassinated by Notoen spys on 15 September 1881 who where fighting for the Nalii'an side. Iikak'uut'sainaa is the celebration of Williams death, it traditions range from a traditional bonfire to drinking alcohol, it's incredibly joyous and lively and is seen as the first sign of libation by the Nalii. Around this time Nalii'ans declared themselves free giving birth to a flag and name, Naliiaa (view flag in picture section below)
Brief Of The Notoens
The Notoens are the people of Nata or midlands these used to be burned land full of hated and evil, that was then taken back by Leerian escapees (German area) who fought back against the evil and fought for the Nalii assassinating the oppresser. (More on them soon)
Even though Nalii culture is very adamant on forgiveness is not expected or even okay to forgive someone who took and burnt your land, stole your people, killed you off, and more. such wide spread hate and death is not to be forgiven or forgotten.
Happy Iikak'uut'sainaa!
Pictures For Visuals
Picture of William Berthul At 49.
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Gun used for assassination.
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Although the actual gun was destroyed in 2019 a replica was made, the assailants used a M71/84 German Mauser. It had unique decorations: "nata" carved on the stock, a carved line painted with yellow paint on the upper stock, lines of colour painted on the main body.
First Nalii'an flag
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Digitised version of the first flag of Naliiaa.
Details: blue, red, and yellow stripes, conifer tree with The Great Elk in front of it, Nalii'an flower Emblem or Nanuutaa emblem
Blue: loyalty, bravery.
Red: passion, power.
Yellow: wealth, joy.
Green tree: strength, health.
Elk: peace, safety, love.
Nanuutaa: culture, perseverance, hope.
Iikak'uut'sainaa Bonfire
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Major bonfire is placed in the middle while smaller fires are made in a circle, those who are brave enough will step in and feel the heat.
|☆| sorry this took a while, I have to do soooo much to make these, picture editing and all that also just writing the history out lol. Anyway I hope you liked this one put alot of work into it!<3|☆|
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ao-ailen · 2 years ago
Let's talk about: The , Nalii'an religion!
The spirits (kinda like gods)
Suunii'uuk, the first spirit born. She created luu'tu'uuk and luu'uu'uuk, they both were sisters and the daughters of Suunii'uuk, later on Suunii'uuk created Mudai'kiiaa with the idea of creating life that wasn't a divine spirit and soon with the help of her daughters they created life on Mudai (earth) one of which is the Nalii (fictional culture)
Spirit types
With the 3 spirits creating these lives (animals) each one had a majority spirit within them (whoever added the most spirit to the created live) those are: luu'uu, luu'tu, and the rarest suunii. These are known by the day that your born, hot and sunny: luu'uu. Cold and dark: luu'tu. In-between or other: Suunii.
The spirit types affect your job, clothes, birth, death, bonding (i will talk about these things soon...). Ect.
They also affect your kun'kuun'iit (protective device) as kun'kuun'iits are for protecting your spirit your spirit type obviously affects your kun'kuun'iit. Luu'uu kuuns are made to be more pointy in what way is up to the Hiisas (leader) interpretation, they're also made with lighter coloured metal or wood. While luu'tu kuuns are made smooth and round also made with darker metal or wood. Suunii is quite different as there made blindly by the training hiisaa and have no specific features.
Let's also talk about Iituu'kaa the sister to luu'tu'uuk created by Suunii'uuk as luu'tu'uuk was very lonely soon after Iituu'kaas creation she became increasingly jealous of the praise the other spirits got compared to her, she decided to "steal" spirit from mudai'kiiaa and the lives and spirits living there, this caused mass deaths all over the world as spirit is what makes things alive eventually the other spirits where able to stop her and reluctantly banish Iituu'kaa. Permanently, mudai'kiiaa was injured and could no longer retain spirit leaving Suunii'uuk to create a layer of protection called the Iituu'kamaa, even after hundreds of years of recovery mudai and Suunii never fully recovered.
Overall this religion (I need name suggestions) teaches
Forgiveness, generosity, attentiveness,love, and more.
Ofcourse this is a small portion of the history and its much more nuanced and complex than this.
Btw what's your spirit type? Mines luu'tuu ♡
Pics for visuals:
Representation of Suunii'uuk
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Representation of Luu'uu'uuk
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One of the lives that live on Mudai
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Representation of luu'tu'uuk
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A kind of kii'uutii (there are many different kinds)
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FACT: kii'uutiis are a result of the absence of spirit (caused by Iituu'kaa) That is why they are so dependent on collecting spirit from others.
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ao-ailen · 2 years ago
|☆|First post|☆|
First Post so I thought I'd explain what the blog is about, it's for my world building project focusing on on particular region. I'll talk about conlangs, lore, culture, religion ect., I think I'll be able to post every day but idk. We'll see :)
Some pictures, get an idea of what it's about.
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