too-many-units-blog · 7 years
Or maybe some of us don't say anything because is stupid to make a rampage over a freaking game? Maybe some of us only wanted to play and have fun and we don't care about who wins? You know, there are people that only want to have fun
Not sure if you were trying to direct this at me or not. Seeing as I was one of the people who was only in the Gauntlet for fun before people started ripping on Cam in the tags. Not even making a rampage over the game either. More so just getting annoyed with the constant hate filling the tags (granted I didn’t make it much better with that recent post and for that I’ll admit fault to).
The point of the original point was pretty much poking fun at those who took the game way to seriously and started attacking fans and the character. 
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too-many-units-blog · 7 years
Ephraim. Boom.
Not really. A little different circumstances. The only one Eph utterly demolished was Leo (without the use of a multiplier because first gauntlet). His battle with Chrom was neck and neck the entire time (which is why it was the best fight we’ve had) and then he got destroyed by Lucina.
I get what you were going for here. But no. Completely different.
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too-many-units-blog · 7 years
Really I haven’t seen a single Team Camilla member being salty over losing. They are just annoyed over how people continue to insult her and her fans.
Meanwhile those on Team Ike and previously on Team Lyn have been nothing but whiner - especially Team Lyn. It’s a mobile game. Get over yourselves. And I’d you really wanted older characters to win where were your SHEER BIG NUMBERS during previous gauntlets? There wasn’t multipliers back than and if you were SOOOO sure you’d win without them….
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too-many-units-blog · 7 years
Dear those drawing Ike victory art,
You have some awesome styles. I dig it. Maybe want to do everyone a favor though and stop putting ‘Thot Destroyer’ and ‘Cowmilla’ on it? Because you honestly make your boy Ike 10x less appealing.
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too-many-units-blog · 7 years
So logging into this account after a MILLION years to just talk about one thing. The Voting Gauntlet. Now this one of course has been tense and I’m not gonna hate on anyone or anything like that. Just some reminders.
First of, Team Ike. Guys, chill. This is coming from someone from Team Camilla. There are only three hours left and there would need to be a 4 billion point difference for us to get a multiplier. Yes, you won. And honestly, that is awesome! I’m glad to see an oldie and on top of that a MALE victor in one of these gauntlets!
That being said, lets keep the tags salt free, yeah? And I mean that from both teams. Things got incredibly volatile after Cam vs. Lyn. And while I understand why (trust me I was on Team Leo last gauntlet I understand Lyn’s pain) we all need to remember its just a game. This last round was back and forth and it was a good game!
But again, lets keep things civil. Team Ike (and the Team Lyn members that joined them as revenge) try and take your victory in stride, okay? No need to gloat or say ‘the thot was destroyed!’ be respectful. You guys earned that victory no doubt about that but don’t soil it by being rude and turning others away from the greatness that is Ike (cause yeah sorry guys, you already soiled Lyn’s image for a lot of people).
And Team Camilla, good fight, friends! We did out best! But to you guys too, take the loss in stride. We put up a good fight and it was fun! Don’t hate on any Ike supports and congratulate them for a fun gauntlet!
Thats all I gotta say on that. To future Gauntlets!
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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ファイアーエムブレムif 聖戦の系譜風
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
*playing Fire Emblem Awakening*
Someone: Robin, you are a brilliant tactician with an unparalleled mind for strategy.
Me eating chips on my bed: thanks
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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i’m a talented tactician, don’t try me
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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Fire Emblem Fates Vassals Anthology
Chapter 1
Odin ask Leo to give him some missions to do. At first he didn’t wanted, but after the constant insistence of Odin, Leo accept.
Azama is resting near the Pearl lagoon (you know, the one from My Castle) and is bored, thinking about how Hinoka probably wants to give him too much work (or she actually give him some work and he didn’t want to do it, ‘m not sure) and Mitama is just sleep somewhere. For his luck, Odin appears acting weird.
Odin explaim him about his missions, and that he is looking for something. He searched under a chair, in the grass, inside a jar… Even in the onsen when the girls were taking a bath! But nothing. What he needs is a pearl, one that Azama happyly give it to him after taking one out of the lagoon. Odin can’t accept Azama’s help for the missions, but after realising that he didn’t know how to accomplish them, he accepts the help. Both of them proceed to follow the list of missions, like finding veggies in the farm and feed Lilith.
After finishing everything, both of them return to Leo, who in exchange for his efforts, give Odin a new tome (???). Azama is happy for Odin, but then, Hinoka appears screaming at him, and he start running away of her.
While Hinokais trying to catch Azama, Leo was left with dealing with a super happy Odin.
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*Plz, take in account that my interpretation of the dialogue can be wrong*
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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I’ve been working for a while on this set of images ; I wanted to create cute pictures with flowers and a sense of nobility, suitable for postcards, of the Nohr family.
available on Etsy if you are interested! :)
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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Fire Emblem Fates
N O H R   P R O M O T E D   C L A S S E S ,   P T . I I
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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Azura’s tired of their constant bickering, takes matters into her own hands.
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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welcome to smash, you big nerds.
better late than never \ ˚▽˚ /
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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[inigo + gerome]
when spear lessons get flirty with a showoff and a flustered grump
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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I’ve finally gotten time to play Revelation again AND I GOT TO HAYATO’S AND BENNY’S SUPPORT CONVOS AND WTF THEY ARE SO CUTE
(I was also lazy and didn’t want to draw all their armor so I designed them some normal clothes LOL XD) 
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too-many-units-blog · 8 years
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※ Permission to upload this work was granted by the artist.
Fire Emblem if by carlmary
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