To My Beloved
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tomybeloved777 · 2 years ago
Scout Reverence⚜️😇
In this Scouting Month of October, we meditate on the traditions in the world of Scouts. Particularly focusing on the Scout Oath and the Scout Law, we look into the exemplary values being inculcated and imbibed into the youth. Let us read them. Scout OathOn my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
To Those Who Are Having Trouble with Their Temper 😤😠😡🤬
To Those Who Are Having Trouble with Their Temper 😤😠😡🤬 GOD’s Word works. It works in me, and It should also work on other people, because It works on countless others before me, and It is written.
I met a friend online. She was having trouble with her temper. She was desperately in need of a solution to her problem because she felt that everybody around her was against her. It was a very difficult position. I know because I had been there, and I was no better. Nevertheless, where humanity fails, GOD remains victorious. GOD’s Word is alive and most powerful to penetrate the deepest recesses…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
The True Sabbath of the Lord🌴
The True Sabbath of the Lord🌴 A Sabbath Law fanatic is plaguing an online Bible study group with annoying posts forcing everybody to keep the Jewish 7th Day Sabbath Law.✌😌❤️🙏
A Sabbath Law fanatic is plaguing an online Bible study group with annoying posts forcing everybody to keep the Jewish 7th Day Sabbath Law.✌😌❤️🙏 Whether he is a Jewish fanatic or a fanatical Jew, we were never able to determine exactly because he is not saying.  Despite a lot of questions from different people asking whether he is Jewish, Hebrew, or what, he is just not admitting to…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
How to Give Tithes?💸
How to Give Tithes?💸 A grim predicament of false christian communities is where exactly do their tithes go?!?!? And it only raises more confusion like where do I give tithes, to the town church where I am right at?!? Or to the mother church?!?!?
Matthew 6:33 (Modern English Version, MEV)“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you.” This is probably one of the most “worn out” verses in the Bible, it is probably one of the most widely and most frequently used verses in the Bible, that anybody who studies the Bible knows it. Ironically though, false pastors, who preach their members…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Cain’s Offering Is Rejected for Not Containing Blood?!?!?🩸🐑🍋🌴🌾💐🌽
Cain’s Offering Is Rejected for Not Containing Blood?!?!?🩸🐑🍋🌴🌾💐🌽 There is a prevailing heresy that the reason why Cain’s offering was NOT accepted by the LORD is because it DOES NOT CONTAIN BLOOD. This is INCORRECT, FALSE, and NOT BIBLICAL,✌😌❤️🙏
There is an ongoing heresy that Cain’s offering was not accepted because it does not contain blood. I also thought the same when I was a kid, of course now I understand, it was childish reasoning. Here is one of the comments I received after explaining the True Reason from the Bible. Check it out. “God did not reject Cain’s offering because he is wicked. It is because it doesn’t contain blood.…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Useless Fighting Each Other 🥊
Useless Fighting Each Other 🥊 My disposition especially in these social media groups is to (1) keep the peace, maintain respect, decency, civility, (2) attack the argument not the person...
In a Bible study group online, someone posted that the Lord Jesus Christ did not die but gave up the ghost, and this sparked a battery of arguments, people arguing against each other, debating to the point of exchanging hate words. I remember, my argument was quite simple and direct, if the Lord Jesus Christ did not die, then your sins are not yet paid for, you are not yet redeemed, you are not…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
The World Love Titles 👩‍🎓👩‍✈️👩‍⚖️
The World Love Titles 👩‍🎓👩‍✈️👩‍⚖️ Religious leaders use words like “Evangelist” and “Pastor”, attaching it to their names as honorable titles, some sort of status symbol, or symbol of authority over their unwitting followers.
Here is a post online in one of those Bible study groups. Please forgive the wrong spelling, most people on social media are not fluent in English, especially those coming from non-English cultures. Here it is. “What is the difference between Evanglist and Pastor???????” Of course, she was referring to the position and work of an evangelist and a pastor, and how they differ from each other. But…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Culture Or Christianity? - You Choose. 🎭🩰🎨🎬🎤🎧🎹
Culture Or Christianity? - You Choose. 🎭🩰🎨🎬🎤🎧🎹 Culture is a huge part of our society, and most of the time people of different cultures face the same challenge of choosing between their native culture or Christianity.
Culture is a huge part of our society. The traditions we inherit from our parents, from our grandparents, from our ancestors, form part of who we are. And when it comes to Christianity, most of the time people of different cultures face the same challenge of choosing between their native culture or Christianity. Here is a post from a Bible study group online. Let us consider it. “Is there…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
To Be Holy means... 🕊
To Be Holy means... 🕊 It always boils down to the custom that whoever is holy, you have to respect him, revere him, venerate him. And then comes the issue of priests and pastors molesting young children and women. What does it mean to be holy again?!
When I was young, (well, I still feel that I am ✌️😄) – when I was young, I was totally spaced about the thought of being holy. I just don’t get it. I had this picture of a priest wearing white habit, motion so calculated, smooth and gentle, no sudden or abrupt movement. Then, I had this idea of a pastor, preaching passionately, the exact opposite of the priest. So, you could just imagine my…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Magic or Miracle? 🧙‍♀️🎩🐰✨
Magic or Miracle? 🧙‍♀️🎩🐰✨ Magic is a trick, a deception, meant to take you away from GOD. Miracle is a truthful and powerful act, meant to make you a better person for GOD and bring you closer to GOD.
Here is the post. Please forgive the post author, they are not very fluent English-speakers in their country. Here it is. “WHAT IS THE DIFFERENTBETWEEN MAGIC AND MIRACLE” And it is really magic or miracle that they actually accepted my explanation without any Bible passage or verse just my own words. I do not intentionally do that because I intend people to believe in GOD’s words and not mine,…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Why Some People Don’t Go to Church? ⛪️🕌🕍🛕
Why Some People Don’t Go to Church? ⛪️🕌🕍🛕 Why do some people don't go to Church? Curious. But, the number of atheists in the world has been steadily increasing for the past 40 years. And, this has been a growing concern...
Why do some people don’t go to Church? Curious. But, the number of atheists in the world has been steadily increasing for the past 40 years. And, this has been a concerning issue for most churches who believe in GOD. Here is the post online… Guys, why did some people refusing them selves, to go to church on Sunday???? And here is one of the comments that took quite an attention… I don’t go to…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Where Do Spirits Go? 🙄🚦◀️🔽👻🔼▶️🚥🚏
Where Do Spirits Go? 🙄🚦◀️🔽👻🔼▶️🚥🚏 Where do spirits go? Where indeed? ✌️😄
Where do spirits go? Where indeed? ✌️😄 Here is the post online… Where does the spirit go when we die? 🤔 And here is my reply… Where does the spirit go when we die? 🤔 – Nice one! ✌😄❤️ A. If you have been GOOD in the sight of GOD, you are sent under the altar with Abraham waiting for the final resurrection and judgment. ❤️❤️ B. If you have been BAD in the sight of GOD, you are sent to the…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Keep Your Prayers Secret. 🤫🙏❤️
Keep Your Prayers Secret. 🤫🙏❤️ Entrusting your secrets to a trustworthy friend, or to GOD, would mean something good. But revealing all your secrets and deepest prayers to the devil, do you think it is wise?
First thing that comes to my mind when dealing with secrets is secret love. Love kept in secret is not a very convenient feeling. It is uneasy. It is like about to explode every single minute of the day. ✌️😄 Love is good, but secret love is not as good. Let us read this first. Proverbs 27:5 (Modern English Version, MEV)“Open rebuke is betterthan secret love.” “Open rebuke is better than secret…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath?!? 🌴⛅️😎🍹
Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath?!? 🌴⛅️😎🍹 So by saying, “Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath.”, he just actually meant, “Rest, Rest, Rest.”, how so very much important is that!?! ✌️😄
Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath?!? What about? What about indeed? ✌️😄 Let’s cut to the chase. Here is a post on social media. Let us read it. Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath.To all people who always says you are not under the law everytime the fourth commandment appears, tell me why you don’t have a problem to keep nine of ten commandments but don’t keep the fourth one?Why are you letting satan to blind you…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Why Hate Jews?!? 😕❓
Why Hate Jews?!? 😕❓ The Jews have always been the subject of prejudice by a wide range of religious denominations. And such prejudice is the product of ignorance, or maleducation, which is cured by a sincere study of the Holy Scriptures.
Zionism, land grabbing, holocaust, social injustice – these are but a few issues, terms that envelope a country which we now call as Israel. And sure enough, there a whole array of conspiracies surrounding every word, rumor, whisper, story out there. All of which only lead to more and more violence and hatred and violence and hatred as the heat goes on. But that is not what we are going through…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Unforgiveable! 🤬😲🤢☠️
Unforgiveable! 🤬😲🤢☠️ When people say that something is "unforgiveable", it could very well be untrue and they are just exaggerating. But when the LORD says something is "unforgiveable", we better listen carefully, because that is absolutely true.
“Unforgiveable!”, says a socialite offended by a poor waiter at an al fresco restaurant.  It is actually a petty mistake, except perhaps because of a huge gap in social status, she decided to aggravate it into an employment-threatening complaint. You get the picture. Social discrimination, injustice, and variance against each other – these are but a few human-induced problems we encounter from…
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tomybeloved777 · 3 years ago
Gag Women?!? 😤😠😡🤬
Gag Women?!? 😤😠😡🤬 Gossips? I don't know, zip them? Gag them? Shut them with duct tape, I guess? ✌️😄 And besides, they say men are worse gossipers than women!?!
Gossips? Just an introduction – It is a wonderful idea to seal up those lips that spread tireless rumors about friends, and friends of friends, only to end up with enemies, and a whole lots of them. I don’t know, zip them? Gag them? Shut them with duct tape, I guess? ✌️😄 Anyway, that is not really the point here. And besides, they say men are worse gossipers than women!?! Let’s just read…
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