i lost 7 lbs in three days.
🌻 reblog for luck in weight lost!! 🌻
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me: *fasts for days*
*excessively works out*
*gets dizzy/lightheaded*
*is exhausted in the middle of the day*
*cries when food is offered*
everyone I know : doing great girly😊💖💕✨keep it up🤪 🤪
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The feeling you get on an empty stomach is something I strive for everyday <3
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Safe Foods
🤍~ Pickles *1-7 Calories* (depends on the size)
🤍~ Strawberries *47 Cals* (per cup)
🤍~ Baby carrots *53 Cals* (per cup)
🤍~ Cucumbers *14-30 Cals* (Depends on the size)
🤍~ Sugar free Jelly *0-15 Cals*
🤍~ Diet Cherry Cola *0 Cals*
🤍~ Diet Coke/Pepsi *0 Cals*
🤍~ Skinny Pop *39 Cals* (per cup)
🤍~ Egg whites *17 Cals* (One large egg)
🤍~ Eggs *70 Cals*
🤍~ Kiwi *50 Cals* (Medium sized)
🤍~ Tea *0 Cals*
🤍~ Tomato *30 Cals* (In a large one)
🤍~ Green beans *70 Cals* (A can)
🤍~ Chicken *80 Cal* (A drumstick) *120 Cals* (A breast)
🤍~ Banana Puffs *25 Cals* (per 60 pieces)
🤍~ Watermelon *50 Cals*
🤍~ Hash Brown *130 Cals* (A bit up there it have to be one a day where this is the ONLY thing I eat)
🤍~ Apple Slices *30 Cals*
🤍~ Kettle Corn *70 Cals* (Per Cup)
🤍~ Gum *5 Cals* (Depends on gum, per piece)
🤍~ Ice Breakers Duo *<5 Cals* (Per piece)
🤍~ Mandarin Orange Cups *70 Cals*
🤍~ Passion Tea Lemonade, with classic liquid *130 Cal*
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An enemy of the people
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"Intermittent fasting is not recommended for those suffering with anorexia and other eating disorders"
This whole community:
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Imagining all the people you were jealous of all these years for how beautiful, skinny, and gorgeous they were, telling you how you’re so thin <3
Can’t wait for that..
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"uh yeah, i eat three meals a day!"
the three meals:
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Relblog if....
You know what the wrist thing means
You drink excessive amounts water
You stay if your room all the time to avoid food
You've had your scale taken
Your trying to stop purging
You've seen to the bone
You do yoga or pilates
Your close to your gw
You love Christmas but are scared of the foods
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Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Vent blog ≠ Pro Ana
Most eating disordered people DO NOT want recovery. That does not make them pr0.
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Starving yourself without a scale is the most stressful thing ever lol
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ed-things nobody talks about
(some things I experienced when my ed was really bad when I was 16-17. It’s not all fun and it’s not like the cute thinspo-posts you see here everyday)
hiding food in your pockets, shoes, socks… while eating with others
forgetting that you were hiding the food in these places (oh the smell)
friends, family … finding the food you were hiding
trowing away the food someone you loved gave you
making people cry and constantly worry about you
being upset when people give you the bigger portion (do they think you eat that much????)
being upset when people give you the smaller portion (do they think you are fat and that you should eat less????)
drinking to much water before a doctors weight in so you feel like you are peeing your pants
the pain after the laxatives kick in
being afraid to put chapstick on (because you know, it’s made out of fat lol)
not going out with frieds, because there is food everywhere (you will regret it later, because everyone went clubbing and now that you are healthy they are not into that anymore, aka missing out your youth)
freezing when people around you wear a bikini
not being able to get pregnant, although you recovered
heartproblems, although recovered
struggling with hormone-production, although you recovered
having bad teeth, although you recovered
having problems with your bones, although you recovered
having problems with your nails and hair, although recovered
the need to take medication your whole life because of a few years of having an ed
loosing your sexdrive
being afraid to fall asleep and never wake up again
not being able to stop, even if you want to
Edit: If you reblog please don’t use tags like pro ana because this post is clearly not pro and I also don’t want to get deleted once again ♡
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Before my ED got bad, I thought ED tumblr was really toxic. And like, it is, but also everyone here is really sweet. We’re just going through shit
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Do you remember?
---TW: this is probably triggering to a lot of people I mention a lot of Ed things, it might seem as a meanspo but it wasn't meantfor that, it's just has a negative ending wich is a realistic view on the Ana stuff. Btw these words are more towards myself than anyone I've ever met or anyone that will read this post
Do you remember your starting days?
Everything is new, seems exciting, seems easy and a quick way to solve your problem. A quick way to solve yourself.
Do you remember the first few blogs and posts you read?
Do you remember how you didn't understood what did the letter combinations mean?
Do you remember the feeling of being scared while opening an Ana blog? Maybe you even used an inkognito tab just in case.
Do you remember your first plan? Planning the plan? Reading other people plans? A few cals for a few monts for a few kg/pounds.
Do you remember how you thought you could never do this or that? When you thought it's just isn't motivating for you isn't working for you?
Or when you thought that corps like figure was too much, and you wouldn't wanna go that far?
But now... Now your sitting in your room hungry or just binged, never anything else. Now the girls seem pretty and not too skinny more like ideal. And you lost weight but nothing has changed, your clothes don't fit you but your body "looks the same". You know all the meanings behind the letters, all the secrets, all the tricks, how to lie, when to lie, how to fake eat how to throw up and how to walk while everything is fading to black. You know everything by heart, front and back. Some bones are showing and you are so deep you don't understand why nobody noticed.
Ana coaches want you but they still don't like you.
Your clothes are big but you're still not skinny or dainty enough.
You use the tricks, all your knowledge but you still fail.
Everything is changed but you still feel the same. "Fat"
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The absolute envy that I feel seeing these two gorgeous people who sit next to me in AVID, they’re so fucking pretty! I want to be them so bad </3
I can’t wait till I look like them ughhh, I just need to starve a little harder everyday
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I have priorities
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