tokkinela · 10 months
he looks so fucking stupid jhajssh
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tokkinela · 10 months
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reimagining them going through different music genres while giving them different designs as well
I GAVE FREDDY PANTS LMAO and a mullet-ish?? I hc he's shy about the whole look cuz it's so out of style for him
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Chica's my personal fave out of all of em (she's also just my fave in general lol) her hair isn't actually hair unlike the rest of the gang its still her plastic hair thingies
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Roxy's design is definitely sapphic coded I intentionally implied that I'm not sorry
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Monty simps I did this for you!! Also please notice his multiple piercings hehe (forgot to add his eyebrow peircing ngl)
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tokkinela · 1 year
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wrong culprit, atsushi!
aku looks so weird bye
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tokkinela · 1 year
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Sigma is my bbg
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tokkinela · 1 year
my cutie patooties pls
my favorite sskk trope is ppl like akutagawa’s acquaintances meeting atsushi and being flabbergasted that the sweetest, purest, softest, can do no wrong-est guy is with mr grumpy pants and no one believing akutagawa when he says that atsushi is actually feral
so essentially ppl having a very soft baby boy uwu perspective of atsushi just becuz he’s sweet and smiles a lot and so on 
but akutagawa obviously knows atsushi since theyre dating so he’s like ‘guys. guys no. guys yesterday i told him he should eat something other than chazuke and he tried to bite me. guys. guys please believe me.’
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tokkinela · 1 year
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tokkinela · 1 year
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happy pride month everyone 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇮🇹
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tokkinela · 1 year
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[BSD x Spiderverse AU]
More Spider Dazai and Spider Atsushi training!! Dazai isn't the best mentor but he tries to be :3
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tokkinela · 1 year
[BSD x Spiderverse AU]
Every single ability user in bsd has their own spider variant, however they can't coexist cuz each universe is only allowed one spider hero. However in spider Atsushi and spider Akutagawa's universe (earth 5541) they're both spider heroes that's because Akutagawa is an anomoly.
Anyways here are potential names of each spider hero and some info (btw each universe works differently unless stated. Each universe has different settings, laws, and structures)
Atsushi as Spider-Tiger: posessing both the abilities of a spider and a tiger he can turn his limbs into tiger limbs just like in the anime but he can't turn into a tiger completely. Because he has both tiger and spider abilities his senses and strength alongside his healing are twice as enhanced than regular spider abilities.
Akutagawa as Spider-Diablo (stupid ass name he picked for himself, thought it sounded cool): He work as a vigilante hero but often times work with Spider-Tiger. He has a sentient cape called rashomon that acts similarly to spider legs. Rashoumon can do almost everything it can do in the anime except use demonic armor (on demand). demonic armors abilities are a whole different story :)
Dazai as Spider-man (or Spider-moron as the locals call him): He's been spiderman longer than anyone else in the bsd cast and boy is he tired. He can no longer k!ll himself because of his spider abilities so he continues to become the citys disaster hero instead. He's been doing a terrible and lazy job at it hence the insulting name, but my guys been through a lot leave him alone.
Chuuya as Spider-Flux: Is a test subject at a government lab facility. He was experimented on and thats how he got his spider abilities mixed with gravity control. His abilities are very faulty and sometimes he cant control it so he has to wear gear that helps him surpress his ability. His powers give him immense powers making him the strongest out of all the cast but through the cost of severe pain. He works for the government against his will as their weapon.
Kyouka as Demon-Silk: Instead of having demon snow she is demon snow. she posesses the powers of demon snow while still being a spider person. She's like a ghost who can disappear and fly, she uses graceful movements as her battle techniques. She uses kunais that she attaches on her web to throw as weapons.
Yosano as Widow of Death: Just like in the anime she has the ability to heal people from the brink of death, but she's also a merciless killer. However in order to heal someome she has to bite them with her spider fangs, her venom is used to heal instead of killing.
Gin as Shadow-Web: In this universe Gin is the one who gets bitten instead of Akutagawa and she becomes Shadow-web a vigilante who works under the shadows and tries to uncover all the dark secrets and criminal organizations in the city. Her webs are made of UV and can cut through anything.
Kenji as The undefeated Spider: He as the usual spider powers but what makes him different is his strength. He's physically stronger than anyone in the spiderverse including Atsushi. And unlike most spider people he's not necessarily a hero who fights bad guys and saves people but instead helps others through their daily life using his strength. He lives in the province where crime rates are low, he occasionally helps beat bad guys in the city and not once was he defeated.
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tokkinela · 1 year
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[BSD X Spiderverse AU]
Spider Atsushi meets spider Dazai from another universe!! Atsushi's spidey training begins!!!
Spider Dazai is essentially like Peter B Parker... you know pathetic men in their midlife crisis
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tokkinela · 1 year
[BSD x Spiderverse AU]
"My name is Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the past two weeks I've been known as Spider-Diablo."
"There's already an existing spider hero in the city so I decided to become a vigilante instead. Lurking in the shadows using my sentient coat that I use as spider arms."
"My only goal is to hunt down and destroy every singe vile person in this city and bring justice to those they've done harm to. Avenge those who have lost and avenge those who I have lost..."
Spider-Diablo for my shin soukoku spiderverse au!!
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tokkinela · 1 year
[BSD Spiderverse AU]
"My name is Atsushi Nakajima. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, a tiger spider. And for some reason it gave me the abilities of both a tiger and a spider. And for the last one and a half years I've been the one and only Spider-man, err Spider-Tiger, you know the rest."
"I was bitten back in the orphanage. I kept my abilities hidden for years in fear of what they’ll do to me once they found out. But at the age of 18 I was kicked out, and that's when I found myself in the city Yokohama.
"That's where Dazai found me. He offered me food and a place to stay, because of him I was given another chance in life. His kindness inspired me to use my powers for good and that's when I decided to become Spider-Tiger."
Spider-Tiger for my shin soukoku spiderverse au!!
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tokkinela · 1 year
she is living in my mind rent free 💗 teto my beloved
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tokkinela · 1 year
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epic rap battles of vishkar
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tokkinela · 1 year
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Look at me
(Nike!Mercy and Gorgon!Widow fan art)
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tokkinela · 1 year
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I still need to make a back view for him, but some other evening. But for now, please accept this version :3 (I will likely post a complete version at the end, with all the iterations and everything)
Also, thank you for answering the poll! It was really interesting to see the choices.
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tokkinela · 1 year
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"Not here Tao..."
One of my many fave rarepairs in genshin. I just love the serious girl x carefree girl dynamic and these two embody it so well. Also their height difference *squels*
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