toiveikas · 10 years
{ im gonna redo my theme and then would anyone like to rp }
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toiveikas · 10 years
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00111001: moi moi motherfucker
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toiveikas · 10 years
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toiveikas · 10 years
{ i just remembered the login info for this blog }
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toiveikas · 10 years
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157 notes · View notes
toiveikas · 10 years
Tino smiled down to his phone, and replied. [TEXT:Kristian]:"Sure!! Where would you like to go? (^_^)☆"
Tino hummed softly as he sorted the books. It was only five minutes until his shift was over and he was to meet up with Kristian. Putting the last of the books away, he whipped out his phone and sent a quick text to the Norwegian before returning to his work.
[TEXT: Kristian]:...
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toiveikas · 10 years
Tino hummed softly as he sorted the books. It was only five minutes until his shift was over and he was to meet up with Kristian. Putting the last of the books away, he whipped out his phone and sent a quick text to the Norwegian before returning to his work.
[TEXT: Kristian]: My shift's almost over! See you in 10? ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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toiveikas · 10 years
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"Ah, everything will be okay.. I just.. I just have to keep my head up."
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