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Girl learning 한국어 (Korean language) & Korean culture to communicate with BF's family.
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todayinkclass-blog · 12 years ago
Thank god for this. #todayinKclass was a terrible day in Kclass, but now I feel better.
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todayinkclass-blog · 12 years ago
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#todayinKclass we got Oh Yes! (오예스) chocolate cakes as a snack and I didn't make a single dirty joke. Until now: 오예스 배비 오예스! 더! 더! Time to bring some of the magic home to 상.
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todayinkclass-blog · 12 years ago
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배-B 배-B 배-B, oh!
상 어마니 는 (Sang's mother) sent us korean pears with a note warning the BF not to eat too many at once because "they'll make you poop." I need to befriend this woman.
Also: 배--romanicized as bae--means pear!
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todayinkclass-blog · 12 years ago
Sang owes me for life!
October 2
Since 추석 (Chuseok) was this past weekend, we spent the early part of class learning about one of ROK's longest holidays. Our new 선생님 went through the cultural details of Korean Thanksgiving.
The best part of class was when we got off topic to discuss roles in this family event--particularly for the 장남 (oldest son). 선생님 warned the ladies to always ask the men we meet on group dates in Korea where they are in the birth order. This will spare us the grief of cooking for his whole family at 추석 and letting his parents live with us year round.
After class, 선생님 pulled me aside to ask if 상 is the oldest son. When I said yes, she told me to remind him to appreciate me all the time because I'd marry him even if he is 장남. She also said I should get extra presents at holidays for dealing with the 장남.
I laughed through the rest of class and my bus ride home! Now I'm waiting for 여버 to get home so I can share the good news! ;)
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todayinkclass-blog · 12 years ago
As a former rape crisis counselor, I should not find this funny. But I do. I am still laughing 5 minutes after viewing.
Obviously, it's not OK if he choked that girl during sex and she wasn't into it.
This incident has solidified, for me, Seungri's status in the Big Bang family: the fuck up sibling whose poor life decisions are cleaned up by everyone else. The redeeming quality of people in this trope is that they are a ton of fun at parties and awkward events with the extended fam.
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
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August 22
We were asked to name a Korean celeb we'd marry. I picked 이선균 (Lee Sun Gyun). 선생님 was afraid to tell me he's married and break my heart. Hahaha!
Then she said he and I have the same face... o_0
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
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August 15
Just kidding! No class today because 선생님 is celebrating 광복절 (Gwangbokjung). Happy liberation day, ROK!
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
Awesome! Do they make this in a large-large or could a size small-medium American-sized girl fit into?
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
Fairest of them all?
August 8
We performed our midterm skits in class 수요일 (Wednesday) for an audience of 선생님's friends. Our group won first place for best skit, as determined by a panel of Korean Language professors at US universities.
선생님 asked her colleagues to explain what about our skit was the best. "They were the prettiest" was the answer.
상 (Sang) said this is normal, that whenever you are #1 people tell you it's because you're attractive. My 남자 친구 (boyfriend) complains often of how shallow his culture is, so maybe his interpretation is right.
Later on, he contradicted himself and said they were a bunch of creepy old men. Seems he eavesdropped on a conversation they had during break away from 선생님's ears.
Le sigh. I feel deflated because I want to win for real merit like "They were most the most creative" or "They had the best pronunciation".
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
I'm gonna go there:
2NE1 is the only KPop act today who could successfully break into the US market. But they don't need us because they're too busy being fashionistas and inspiring Jeremy Scott.
Rock on, chicas!
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
Sharing with my classmates as I think a few are still looking for a chance to go!
Ok, so I’m selling my one extra 2NE1 New Evolution World Tour ticket, held at Prudential Center, Newark, NJ on Friday, August 17, 2012 at 8:00PM. The seating of the ticket is Section 6, Row 11, Seat 11. The price of ticket is originally $95.60 but I’m selling it for $90 because I hate spare...
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
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August 3
Today's presentations were on our weekly schedules. This slide says 마겨요 (to drink) every day. A+!
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
August 6
We got a demonstration on how to break it down. 강남 (Gangnam) style.
Aaaaand... our horse stomping disturbed the class downstairs, hahaha!
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
June 27
선생님 (Teacher) asked us to search YouTube for 빅방 and open the first link we found. You know, for dictation practice. I'd literally never seen Big Bang before this.
My most salient thoughts in order:
1. "Creepy shut in hair. Oh my god, please don't long fingernails that curl over, too!"
2. "This feels like a male ensemble of Lady Gagas."
3. "Is that guy singing to himself or am I one of those ignorant people that can't tell Asians apart?"
4. "Do his eyebrows point downward?"
5. "The blonde one is definitely the unloved one. The Lance Bass, if you will."
6. "Boom shaka laka?! I don't know if I should be happy or sad that this 90ism is back."
7. "I love the little one headbanging his quasi-mohawk."
Given that they're discussed in class all the time, and that this video is weird/terrific I think I will go investigate Big Bang some more.
And a quick favor from anyone reading... can you explain the symbolism?
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todayinkclass-blog · 13 years ago
New name for Sang
TA taught me 자기 (honey, sweetie). Good. I was born too close to WV to comfortably call my brother & my bf the same thing.
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