tmntdotoau · 4 years
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How do you like to celebrate fall? DOTO Mikey and Renet enjoy carving pumpkins together. 🧡💙. Mikey is the more creative of the two but Renet is there to give unconditional support.
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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DOTO Beach Day: Sunbathing Babes.
Getting into the summer fun spirit BubbleGumMilk made a #TMNTsummerchallenge on Instagram and we of course had to add our Au. Starting off with our favorite couple Karai and April. Unlike the others April and Karai are probably the more mature couple of the group so they’d rather sunbathe or tan and calmly float down a lazy river than make sandcastles or play in the water.
We will be tackling all the couples and groups in our Au so stay tuned!!
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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“Ow! Stop it, Saki!” The young child yelled, tripping on his boots after his failed attempt to run from his sword swinging friend. With a grin of dominance, Saki swung down his weapon again and again against Yoshi’s shoulder and arm. The whip-like pain of the wood from the hand-crafted toy sword was luckily cushioned by the lairs of his robe. “Ow! OW! Saki, knock it off! This isn’t fair!” 
“Says the one that’s losing!” Saki chuckled, feeling the power trip of seeing his friend attempt to protect himself on the dirt coiled like a bug. “Come on Yoshi! Fight like a Ninja! What’s the point of this game if you’re not going to play?” 
Peeking from the gap of his arms around his head, Yoshi zeroed in on the exposed and bent legs of his assassin. Waiting for the opportunity to move with his counter attack, trying to block out the pain of the wooden toy being slammed against his arm again and again. As Saki raised his hands above his head, Yoshi moved swiftly to unwrap his body and ram his legs underneath Saki’s, causing the boy to lose his feet beneath him and slam his back upon the dirt. 
The boy groaned from the shock of the impact, his brows tightly furrowed together as he took in shallow breaths to bring the air back into his lungs. One eye open, he saw Yoshi’s smug grin looking down upon him. 
“Who’s the loser now, Saki?” His victorious friend joked, before offering a hand to help him back to his feet. 
Using the strength in his arms, Saki pushed himself to sit up, glaring at the extended hand before slapping it away. “I don’t need your sympathy, Yoshi.” He spat, helping himself back to his feet and dusting off his red robe. His lips puckered with the sour taste of defeat on his tongue. 
“It’s just a game, Saki. Relax.” Yoshi frowned as he tied the toy sword to his hip with the loose cords of his pants. Feeling the sharp poke of Saki’s finger against his chest, he widened his eyes and took a step back. 
“I’m still stronger than you Yoshi,” Saki reminded, his sharp eyes sending daggers through Yoshi’s head. “Just because you won by some stupid trick doesn’t mean you’re better than me.” 
The fire burned deep behind his brown hues. Sharing his fit of anger with Yoshi through the sharp glare and bared teeth. A warning to not step over the edge. 
“O...Okay…” Yoshi sheepishly stuttered, easily intimidated by his strong friend’s temper. “Sorry, Saki. I didn’t mean to make you angry.” 
His aggravated friend puckered his lips with bitterness, picking up his sword with a tight fist and stomping away, leaving Yoshi alone with his shoulders dropped. His eyes follow the fading red robe as it becomes shadowed by the trees of the woods. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Full Size Image of the Danger of the Ooze Tumblr Banner. This is based on the song Freaks by Jordan Clark that we felt fit this Au perfectly. Took almost 2 months to complete, but now that it is we will be uploading regular art and stories for this Au. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Renet is a bubbly and brave time traveler from the far distant retro future! Her new design for this au is inspired from her 2012 design where the fabric under her hood reminded us of a hijab, so we wanted to run with that idea and change her a bit. Her costume is a mix between 2012 and 2003, but her time scepter is the same from 2012 since we believed that one looked better. She loves plants, Boba, and adorable 1950′s-1980′s slang. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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A small package of adventure seeking and butt-kicking. Your typical spunky and energetic girl ready to throw the first punch in any standoff. She stands out in a crowd not because of her personality-but because of her powers. She holds special psychic powers such as levitation, telekinesis and telepathy. She’s hasn’t taken full control of her powers just yet, but she’s still training hard! Her father is a world famous chemist, unfortunately kidnapped in a city wide scientist abduction by the lowly Kraang. She’ll never give up searching for the only family she has left. To keep her company, she adopts a Rottweiler named Sumo. He likes to lick faces. Her fighting outfit is inspired by Chun Li from Street Fighter. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Raphael keeps his temper and his muscles in this Au. Of course having the shortest temper of his brothers and having a question for authority when it goes against what HE wants to do. Inspired by the 2003 cartoon, beneath the rude and intimidating exterior Raph holds inside him a sensitive side, finding calm hobbies such as knitting helping to lower the heat of his tantrums and enjoying feeding stray kittens in the alley. His scars and blind eye are a result of a heroic action in his childhood, saving his younger brothers from an alligator attack, sacrificing himself at the slim chance of his family surviving. He’s both proud and insecure by his scars, having that deep desire to one day become human and living a normal life on the surface. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Creative liberty is taken for Mona Lisa. She’s a prodigy in engineering, growing up unable to relate to other kids her age and having parents unsure of how to treat a genius child, though they tried their best. At the age of 14, she’s lured into a once in a lifetime internship with the incredible Dr. Filch, her and three other friends invited to work alongside a world famous scientist to help the world for the better. However, the invitations were a lie, and instead she and her friends were caged and experimented on with Dr. Filch’s homemade Mutagen, her mutation causing her to lose all memory of herself and who she was. The abuse and mutation causes night terrors for Mona, and she develops sudden flashes of memory which can leave her in a state of confusion. Despite this, she’s incredibly friendly and welcoming, having a goofy sense of humor and a love for singing on the ukulele. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Mikey is of course the youngest of the four brothers, still keeping his goofy and easy going personality. He has a deep love for superheroes like his 2003 counterpart, and creates his own alter ego of the Turtle Titan to help those in need when Michelangelo the Ninja Turtle can’t. His urge to help other’s goes deep, and if he’s pushed away he tends to take it more personally. Unlike 2012 Mikey, this Mikey isn’t blatantly stupid and isn’t bullied by his brothers. He get’s teased as brother’s due, and he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has his own methods of quick thinking and classic one liners. He is the most welcoming of the four, and is easily considered the more emotional. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Leonardo is a mixture of his 2003 and 2012 self for this Au since both reiterations have great things to offer. Like 2012 Leo, he’s new to being a leader, unsure yet on how to take charge and show his skills as a successful commander. Like 2003, he’s incredibly skilled with his twin Katana, having a short temper and putting the responsibility of his family on his shoulders. When he fails, THEY fail. Any small mistake weights heavily on him and he will beat himself up again and again over it. While he enjoys soothing hobbies such as making hot teas and treating his bonsai tree, Leo keeps that geeky side of him for extra character outside of just being a leader. Of course, he is the eldest, and he’s more difficult to get close to. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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She is the fourth eldest of her sisters, and was also the one deemed the weakest due to being so small. She was the least favorite to the Shredder, often having the blame pushed on her for a failed training session or a failed mission. This makes her incredibly reclusive and having an intense defensive personality, often coming off as bitchy but in reality just not wanting to get close to somebody only to make them disappointed. Her backstory is inspired by Ashi from Samurai Jack, believing she MUST defeat her father’s enemies and that THEY are evil and in the way of her father’s true potential-but she discovers otherwise, and develops challenging questions of who she is and what she’s worth. After breaking free of the Foot with her sisters Jennika and Karai, she discovers her interests in video games, becoming a popular Twitch streamer. She has a black cat named Salem, who is rather territorial with his human. Her Kunoichi outfit is inspired by Evil Kubo by Saltedclarity on Deviantart. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Karai is the second eldest of her sisters, and is the only one who isn’t blood related to the Shredder. Inspired by her 2012 backstory, Karai is again taken from her birthfather Hamato Yoshi by Oroku Saki and is raised believing Saki was her father and Yoshi was the monster. However her personality is much more related to her 2003 cartoon personality, despite being loyal to the Shredder she isn’t blind by his betrayals and misdeeds, but because of her loyalty to her father she feels she can’t speak up about it, but it never stops her from making her own decisions when the plot calls for it. After they betray their father, Karai is the only one who keeps her Oroku last name, believing that it helps define herself and her backstory. She’s level headed, brave and charming and is would’ve been the ‘cool’ girl in high school. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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The Shredder has six daughters: Karai, Kiyoko, Mi, Chie, Hanaka, and Jennika. Jennika is the oldest, holding the responsibility of keeping her sisters in line and for their safety. The typical overprotective sister, despite the verbal and physical abuse by the Shredder all sisters have been given, Jennika was the strongest, able to take it without overlaying mental effects. Keeping her sane was her fantasy of helping her sisters out of this situation, to live their lives on her own. All she wanted was a better life for those she loved and cared for. However, her owning responsibility for her sisters gifted her the punishment of mutation, morphing her from a human to a mutant. She’s aggressive, strong-willed, and the only one of her sisters to prefer greasy American food to homemade Japanese meals. Like her IDW self, she’s given her yellow mask and claw weapons. Her Chunin outfit is in resemblance to her IDW outfit. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Irma is quirky, extroverted and relatable. She’s the only one out of the friend group who doesn’t have a strong skill in self defense, often resorting to her pepper spray. Being a hardcore fan fiction writer and avid romantic novelist, Irma is your typical awkward high schooler, preferring a night at home watching an episode of Teen Wolf rather than going to the Homecoming Dance. Her love of fictional writing, boy crazed obsessions and diary keeping is inspired by Tina Belcher’s character in Bob’s Burgers. And much like her 1987 counterpart she has a love for ice-cream. She’s bubbly, fun and lovable, her company enjoyed by each of her friends. Her room is more than likely covered with posters and magazine clippings of famous actors she’s fallen hopelessly in love with. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Donnie is large and round-keeping his love of science, though for this AU he favors more of chemistry and biology. He’s the typical ‘gentle giant’, tender and soft and having an intimidating size structure. Expanding his interests outside of science and being nerdy, Donatello is an exquisite chef, constantly cooking meals for his family to show off his skills. He is the tallest of his brothers, as well as the widest, giving him insecurities and mental struggles. He also suffers from severe anxiety, if put in an overbearing situation he can experience an attack. He adopted an small tabby kitten named Tech, who is often the one he goes to for emotional support and when he feels overwhelmed or on the edge. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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Casey lost his mother at a young age, which helps him and April become friends their freshman year of high school. Being the perfect mixture of 2003 and 2012 Casey Jones, he has an aggravating temper, a juvenile state of mind, a flirty vocabulary, muscles and a love for swinging hockey sticks at criminals. He’s the party lover, obsessed with hot sauce. (He always has some in his pockets). He carries an air of arrogance around him, making him confident and laid back. He helps his father with his small engine repair shop, giving him his love for cars and fantasize racing in NASCAR. 
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tmntdotoau · 4 years
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April O’Neil is the vintage loving retro gal you can find shopping at your local records store. Her aesthetic is ALL about the old 80′s-90′s. She practices eating vegan, collects vinyl records, and has a wall collage of polaroid pictures. Her father Augustus is a zoologist and her mother was an antique retailer (Inspiration taken from April’s antique shop in the 2003 cartoon), before she unfortunately passed away due to illness. But her mother’s interests in antiques is what sparked April’s love for ‘older’ things. She is a training Kunoichi in this Au, however she lacks the strange powers to keep her more relatable and human. Her Kunoichi outfit is inspired by Kill Bill! 
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