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TMGC+Color! Log 14
It's been almost a year since my last post.
I restarted my TMGC+C, and it was left off at generation 8 as a Kuromametchi.
I don't really have any goals for next generation as of now, so I'm probably going to just raise it normally and see what I get.
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TMGC+Color! Log 13
My Meidotchi is 9 years old today, and she's still a Meidotchi. 聽I love you, Meidotchi, but it's time to be old. 聽It's time.聽
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TMGC+Color! Log 12
My 6th generation has been going strong and quite well.
I've managed to get Meidotchi.
Since I've been taking pretty good care of her, I have chosen to use this generation to get to Otokitchi. 聽She is 7 years old now, and should be changing soon. 聽When that time comes, I will pretty quickly move on to breeding her and getting the special old-tchi Tamagotchi characters.
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TMGC+Color! Log 11
She turned into Memepetchi by the time I got to work, and because of buttons being pushed in my pocket, she managed to get outside, where it was partly cloudy.聽 There is a random factor that during the day when it's party cloudy, something can happen to cause a happy token to be received.聽 I didn't witness the event, so I don't know for sure, but I do know that it happened.
Having noticed that I finally received a partly cloudy day in the device, I used the magnifying glass outside until she found a 4-leaf clover, which was another happy token.
That puts me at a record high of 4 happy tokens, which has her happiness bar almost twice as long as I've ever seen it.聽 It would take over a day of inaction for that to reduce to nothing.
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TMGC+Color! Log 10
I started generation 6 this morning, and I got another girl! 聽I don't even know what to do this time. 聽I guess I'll just go for the grandma-tchi, but at this point I've realized I'm not taking great enough care to get there. 聽Regardless, I'm going to make my second attempt.
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TMGC+Color! Log 9
Sorry for the huge delay, but in the least, my tamagotchi progress hasn't stopped, so I have a lot to catch up on.
I mentioned last time that I was going for Ichigotchi, then Meidotchi, and then Otokotchi.
Well, it didn't exactly work that way. 聽Ichigotchi I did get, but work has been hectic and I've been a little bit on the uncaring side. 聽I ended up getting Makiko, which is the only tama I've gotten that didn't have the ~tchi at the end of the name. 聽I was very confused.
She's surprisingly cute for the worst-raised female for that generation.
Because she was so poorly cared for, I was too nervous to try to wait it out and get her to become the old tamagotchi lady, so I sent her to the matchmaker to start generation 5.
Another female.
Poor care once again led me through Ichigotchi up to Marotchi.
An inordinately ugly Tamagotchi, I must say, but another first, which is what my aims are, in general.
I will breed, hoping for a male generation.
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TMGC+Color! Log 8
I waited until this morning to send my Kuchipatchi to the matchmaker. 聽Unfortunately, I got another female baby - Nokotchi.
She quickly turned into Memeptchi, so now I'm working through the 4th generation of my Tamagotchi Plus Color. 聽
My plan for this generation is to get Ichigotchi, Meidotchi, and ultimately the grandma tamagotchi, Otokitchi.
Afterward, I will breed her to get the special children, and see how that works. 聽I'm excited for this generation, since I finally have a repeat generation where I shouldn't care too well for the tama! 聽Sounds horrible, I know, but it's a game, and this is how I play it.
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TMGC+Color! Log 7
It's been a rough week for my poor Tamagotchi color. 聽While I did manage to get Young Mametchi (Yangumametchi is the direct transcription from hiragana to romanji), I took an very long, unfortunate nap that left the poor teenager pleading for help far longer than is allowed to get the good, well-cared for adult Mametchi.
聽[Young Mametchi]
Well, yesterday morning he evolved into Kuchipatchi, which came as no surprise since I missed at least 2 care calls. 聽I wasn't completely saddened by this, since Kuchipatchi is an old favorite of mine.
Soon I will be breeding him and hoping for a 4th-generation male Kinotchi. 聽And I will make damned sure that he turns into Kuromametchi. 聽I need it.
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TMGC+Color! Log 6
This morning began generation 3 of my Tamagotchi Color. 聽Furawatchi met the sleepy tamagotchi of her dreams via the matchmaker, and had a baby kinotchi -- male.
I was more than pleased to finally get a male generation, and since it's an odd-numbered generation, I am aiming for the ever-popular Mametchi.
After the short hour of being a Kinotchi, he turned into Kuribotchi. 聽This is my first time ever seeing this character.
It being winter on the device makes it difficult to get more of the happy tokens. 聽I've still only managed to get the same two, but I must admit that having those two make a very big difference in the length of time I can go without playing a game. 聽I've also purchased a few more items-- the telescope and a white shirt, which I assume can only be worn by certain adults.
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TMGC+Color! Log 5
Sorry for the delayed updates. 聽I've been surprisingly busy for the past few days because of a recent snowstorm in Atlanta.
I've managed to acquire two of the happy achievements on my TMGC+C. 聽I got the tea one and now the popsicle one. 聽This increases the threshold of the happiness meter so that the Tamagotchi can stay happy for longer stretches of time. I've also bought all of the train passes, so now I take my Tamagotchi almost everywhere in the tama world.
As for the evolutions, this 2nd generation girl turned in to Chamametchi again, the good teenager. 聽She then turned into Furawatchi, the best even-generation girl.
聽 I'm really hoping for a boy third generation so I can start working on the boy set. 聽If I get another girl, I'm going to make it into the grandparent tamagotchi and then have the grandparent children, which are unique. 聽Hopefully those are still breedable, otherwise I guess that will close out that chain, and I'll rehatch until I get a boy.
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TMGC+Color! Log 4
This morning, Memetchi's 6th birthday, was my final morning with her. 聽I decided when I woke that, since it has been long enough, I was going to set her up at the matchmaker. 聽I passed on a Shimashimatchi and had her mate with a Kuromametchi. :D
Anyway, the animations were adorable when the little Nokotchi joined Memetchi on the screen, but as they always do, Memetchi promptly left the Nokotchi alone for me to care for.
Side note: Nokotchi is female.
Now that I'm on generation 2, I have three possible female adults to get, as well as the new toddler, Memepetchi, which I definitely will get within the next hour.
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TMGC+Color! Log 3
It seems like I was right about it evolving the next day, because this morning, she turned into Memetchi.
I've actually gotten her in previous Tamagotchis. 聽She was introduced in the 2003 rerelease of Tamagotchi, called the Tamagotchi Connection, as one of the female adult forms.
Anyway, she's the perfectly raised Adult form. 聽In 2 more days (maybe 3, not sure) I should be able to set her up at the matchmaker and get generation 2 started. 聽Hopefully I get a male so that I can work on Kuromametchi.聽
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TMGC+Color! Log 2
Even with work, I am able to take care of this amazingly fun tamagotchi, so she has yet to be paused.
Yesterday morning (1/6/11), my Sakuramotchi turned into the good teenager, Chamametchi.
The second picture is one I took with my iPod Touch.
I'm going to miss this unbelievably adorable teenage form, but I'm excited to see what adult I get, considering my unfortunate mess-up with the Tama-Go and getting the middle-ground adult male, Shimashimatchi.
Based on the Tama-Go's one-day-per-evolution pattern, I kind of assumed that the TMGC+C would work the same way, but it seems I was wrong.
It has been 25 hours since she turned into Chamametchi, and she is still Chamametchi. 聽I'm totally fine with that, but it's still interesting. 聽Hopefully tomorrow morning she changes.
I finally read up on what the 6 empty slots under happiness are-- "Happy Signs."
They read "Happy" in katakana right above them, but I assumed that that was just a japanese translation of the english "Happy:" sign right next to the happiness bar.
Anyway, happy signs are rare collectables that you attempt every generation. 聽Sadly, I have none, but now that I know about them, I can work toward getting them.
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TMGC+Color! Log 1
My Tamagotchi Plus Color from Japan came in today. 聽I was beyond excited to finally own it over a year after it came out. 聽I immediately started it up, and five minutes later, Nokotchi (female baby) hatched. 聽
The colors of the tamagotchi are surprisingly stunning, and the games are even more fun than the Tama-Go. 聽
There are three games:
Catch the Apples
Memory (Card game)
Shoot the Balloons
I find the balloon shooting game to be the most entertaining, AND the easiest once you get the hang of it. 聽It's the best for an easy 100 tama-coins as well as friendship points, which I assume exist based on the menus as well as my experience with the Tama-Go.
Nokotchi evolved into Sakuramotchi and immediately fell asleep. 聽One thing I noticed is that you can't turn off the light in this version, which was surprising, and frustrating since I couldn't read the instructions and had to figure that out by trying everything to shut those lights off.
Once she turns into a teenager, I am going to see if I can link up the Tama-Go with the TMGC+C, since they are equivalent.
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Tama-Go! Log 4
Unfortunately, Shimashimatchi didn't get a lot of active time over Christmas break because of how busy my family kept me. 聽He's 3 years old and is very pleasant to take care of, hardly needing much attention.
I noticed that the extra food you buy at the shop doesn't stay in your inventory after using it a couple of times, which was pretty disappointing. 聽I remember the TMGC-Keitai kept the food you bought and you had it for the remaining generations of that Tamagotchi. 聽I was hoping for that so that my investments wouldn't go for naught.
Otherwise, I will just have the Shimashimatchi run until he can procreate, and start generation two, and aim for Kuromametchi, since he is adorable.
Also, I caved and finally purchased a TMGC+Color. 聽That will be my next set of logs in the near future. 聽I expect it in the mail before the New Year.
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Tama-Go! Log 3
Well, I guess the growth speed is much faster on the Tama-Go, because on the third day, my tamagotchi turned into an adult.
I got the medium care adult, which was a little disappointing, but seeing as I have a tendency to forget about my tamagotchi randomly, I can't be surprised. 聽It's paused at the moment because I have to go to work again, but when I fly home to see the parents for Christmas, I'm going to reactivate it and try to have a baby and see how generation 2 goes.
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Tama-Go! Log 2
So, one thing I was definitely wrong about was when the Tama-Go turns into a teenager! One day early (last night, to be exact), my Ahirukutchi turned into this really feminine-looking male character, Kilalatchi.
It is very Mametchi-esque, which leads me to believe I got the well-cared-for teenager character, which bodes well for me getting Mametchi first. 聽Getting Mametchi is always my goal because, well, he's the best character.
One of the new things about the Tama-Go that I've yet to figure out is the friendship bar. 聽It seems to raise every time I play a game with him when he is under 5/5 happiness hearts. 聽That part I get-- Bandai is trying to stop all the lazy candy-feeding, or at least reduce it somewhat.
I suspect that friendship, training, and how many times the tamagotchi reached 0/5 hearts are the three variables that dictate the subsequent evolution. 聽Ahirukutchi was at full 6/6 friendship, 5 bars of training, and only once did either happiness/hunger get to 0/5 in the day that he was Ahirukutchi, which is what leads me to believe that I got the good teenager.
I could always look up a growth chart to verify, but I haven't found a good-looking one as a point of reference. 聽That I believe, at least. 聽God forbid Bandai release one like they used to.
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