titlesuit · 2 years
Getting Clear Title for a Property & the Search involved
A property either has a Title or a Suit. A property derives most of its value from the Title itself. A defective title will not be able to hold proper value in the market going forward.
Buying and owning a piece of Property is definitely dream for many. But in the current scenario, it has become an absolute nightmare for people who look to buy or invest in land irrespective whether its a commercial space or a dream real estate.
A clear Title is a must before you invest in any property, but this one single step is being missed by many and the cost they end up paying is in millions and losing their peace of mind, over the property that was brought after many years of hard work and dedication.
With a clear Title, there are plenty of benefits — you are eliminating the risk of any deficiencies in transaction. With a clear Title, the property is free from any defects, and suits.
But how do you get a clear Title for the property?
There are 2 ways to go about this :
Search in TitleSuit
Hire a Real Estate Advocate or Profession Title Search Company
Search in TitleSuit : This is one of the easiest ways to get yourself started on getting to know about the property that you are interested in. TitleSuit is a user generated property cases listing platform. All the data in TitleSuit is verified. Searching for a property title is easier on the app. You can download the TitleSuit app from Play Store and AppStore, go straight to the search engine and look for the property you are interested in.
Hire a Real Estate Attorney : Visit a real estate attornery and talk to them about the property you are interested in and raise a request for getting a clear title report for the property.
Getting a clear title report is a long and lengthy process as it involves a lot of research work related to the property, and its claims and from whom the ownership is being passed down.
After the Title Search is completed — you will be receiving a document or report called Title Search Report or Title Verified Report or Abstract of Title for the Property.
Usually a title search is conducted based for two time periods — one that covers the last 15 years and one that covers last 30 years. The Title Search for the property can changed according to the objective of the parties involved and the nature of the transaction at the specific moment.
The Nature of the transaction involved with the property can be classified into two ways
Limited Search
Full Search
Limited Search : If the propery is said to be going under a short term lease or contract. A limited search for clear title will be justifiable. In this limited search — it will be restricted to 15years. And the search will cover all the transactional history related to the property, the encumbrance certificates and disputes if there are any.
Full Search : A full search would be much more beneficial, when the property is under sale or for a long-term leasing. With full search, the time period of research would be not less than 30 years. With this search, every aspect that is in relation to the property gets into question.
For example: the encumbrance certificates of the property, the ownership rights and litigation cases if any and every detail related to the property is brought under the microscope and gets thoroughly checked and verified.
A Title Search Report usually contains a brief record of title of the property and contains all the accurate legal details and description of the property.
These details usually show — how the property has been transacted over a period of time and if there are any risks involved with moving ahead with the transaction, which may later affect the title of the property.
With title search report at your hand, you can be sure about that what you are investing in is a legitimate and suit free property that will not put you in any form of legal trouble.
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titlesuit · 2 years
What Is A Clear Tilte – How To Search For A Clear Title ?
A dream property/home/real-estate are likely some of the biggest investments we tend to make in our lives. But what if you come to know that the property you already brought is said to be under a Land Litigation Case or is a Property Under Litigation and the seller sold it to you without any notice. Now, you have lost the money and have a nightmare at hand to deal with as well. 
These nightmares for new property owners are quite reoccurring these days and it is better to know the property you are interested in buying is a clear title. There are so many benefits of having a clear Real Estate Title, there are chances of getting a home insurance, home loan and so much more. You will not be living with the fear of a case or complaint on your property or running around the court for claims. 
What is a Clear Title : 
 A Clear Title is given for a property/land/real estate for not having any running cases or suits to its name. When the property has a clear title, the property will never put its owner in any case of mishaps and is safe. A clear title ensures that there is no doubt who owns the property or who is qualified to claim the ownership of the property. 
How to Search for a Clear Title : 
There are few ways, anyone who is interested in buying a real estate property can go about Searching for a Clear Title. Here are the ways : 
Search on TitleSuit : TitleSuit is a user generated property cases listing platform. All the property cases are listed by users who already have a Property Under Litigation Case. All the Property Litigation Case are verified and validated, which leaves almost zero room for error. All you need to do is download the TitleSuit App and search for the property you were interested in buying/investing. This can be done from the comfort of your own home. And you can hit the ground running for finding a clear title very easily. 
Visit your nearest Revenue Records Office: After Title Suit the next best way of finding the clear Title is by visiting the nearest Revenue/registrar office. These offices are generally maintained by government officials, and they do tend to have the details about many Real Estate Cases, though this process of finding the clear title for your property might turn out to be a little time consuming, it is still an effective way. 
Get an Advocate Help : The last way of finding or getting the Clear Title involves getting advocate help. When you reach out to the advocates for help in getting a clear title, they charge certain amount as fee and get to work, in finding all the details that are important and are related to the property, after thorough inspection and checking, the advocates will give you their word and a document signed saying the property/real estate is free from any litigation/suits. This process of getting a clear title from the advocate is a lot time taking , but is a must. What Is A Clear Tilte – How To Search For A Clear Title ?
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titlesuit · 2 years
What is a Clear Tilte – How to search for a Clear Title ? 
A dream property/home/real-estate are likely some of the biggest investments we tend to make in our lives. But what if you come to know that the property you already brought is said to be under a land litigation case or is a property under litigation and the seller sold it to you without any notice. Now, you have lost the money and have a nightmare at hand to deal with as well.
These nightmares for new property owners are quite reoccurring these days and it is better to know the property you are interested in buying is a clear title. There are so many benefits of having a clear real estate title, there are chances of getting a home insurance, home loan and so much more. You will not be living with the fear of a case or complaint on your property or running around the court for claims
What is a Clear Title :
A Clear Title is given for a property/land/real estate for not having any running cases or suits to its name. When the property has a clear title, the property will never put its owner in any case of mishaps and is safe. A clear title ensures that there is no doubt who owns the property or who is qualified to claim the ownership of the property.
How to Search for a Clear Title :
There are few ways, anyone who is interested in buying a real estate property can go about Searching for a Clear Title. Here are the ways :
1.Search on TitleSuit
2.Visit your nearest Revenue Records Office
3.Get an Advocate help
Search on TitleSuit : TitleSuit is a user generated property cases listing platform. All the property cases are listed by users who already have a property under litigation case. All the property litigation case are verified and validated, which leaves almost zero room for error. All you need to do is download the "TitleSuit app"and search for the property you were interested in buying/investing. This can be done from the comfort of your own home. And you can hit the ground running for finding a clear title very easily.
Visit your nearest Revenue Records Office: After TitleSuit the next best way of finding the clear Title is by visiting the nearest Revenue/registrar office. These offices are generally maintained by government officials, and they do tend to have the details about many real estate cases, though this process of finding the clear title for your property might turn out to be a little time consuming, it is still an effective way.
Get an Advocate Help : The last way of finding or getting the clear title involves getting advocate help. When you reach out to the advocates for help in getting a clear title, they charge certain amount as fee and get to work, in finding all the details that are important and are related to the property, after thorough inspection and checking, the advocates will give you their word and a document signed saying the property/real estate is free from any litigation/suits. This process of getting a clear title from the advocate is a lot time taking , but is a must.
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titlesuit · 2 years
Getting Clear Title for a Property, and the Search involved with it :
A property either has a Title or a Suit. A property derives most of its value from the Title itself. A defective title will not be able to hold proper value in the market going forward.
Buying and owning a piece of Property is definitely dream for many. But in the current scenario, it has become an absolute nightmare for people who look to buy or invest in land irrespective whether its a commercial space or a dream real estate.
A clear Title is a must before you invest in any property, but this one single step is being missed by many and the cost they end up paying is in millions and losing their peace of mind, over the property that was brought after many years of hard work and dedication.
With a clear Title, there are plenty of benefits — you are eliminating the risk of any deficiencies in transaction. With a clear Title, the property is free from any defects, and suits.
But how do you get a clear Title for the property?
There are 2 ways to go about this :
Search in TitleSuit
Hire a Real Estate Advocate or Profession Title Search Company
Search in TitleSuit : This is one of the easiest ways to get yourself started on getting to know about the property that you are interested in. TitleSuit is a user generated property cases listing platform. All the data in TitleSuit is verified. Searching for a property title is easier on the app. You can download the TitleSuit app from PlayStore and AppStore, go straight to the search engine and look for the property you are interested in.
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Hire a Real Estate Attorney : Visit a real estate attornery and talk to them about the property you are interested in and raise a request for getting a clear title report for the property.
Getting a clear title report is a long and lengthy process as it involves a lot of research work related to the property, and its claims and from whom the ownership is being passed down.
After the Title Search is completed — you will be receiving a document or report called Title Search Report or Title Verified Report or Abstract of Title for the Property.
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sually a title search is conducted based for two time periods — one that covers the last 15 years and one that covers last 30 years. The Title Search for the property can changed according to the objective of the parties involved and the nature of the transaction at the specific moment.
The Nature of the transaction involved with the property can be classified into two ways
Limited Search
Full Search
Limited Search : If the propery is said to be going under a short term lease or contract. A limited search for clear title will be justifiable. In this limited search — it will be restricted to 15years. And the search will cover all the transactional history related to the property, the encumbrance certificates and disputes if there are any.
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Full Search : A full search would be much more beneficial, when the property is under sale or for a long-term leasing. With full search, the time period of research would be not less than 30 years. With this search, every aspect that is in relation to the property gets into question.
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For example: the encumbrance certificates of the property, the ownership rights and litigation cases if any and every detail related to the property is brought under the microscope and gets thoroughly checked and verified.
A Title Search Report usually contains a brief record of title of the property and contains all the accurate legal details and description of the property.
These details usually show — how the property has been transacted over a period of time and if there are any risks involved with moving ahead with the transaction, which may later affect the title of the property.
With title search report at your hand, you can be sure about that what you are investing in is a legitimate and suit free property that will not put you in any form of legal trouble.
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titlesuit · 2 years
TitleSuit — Find Properties that have Title or Suit
First Solution to Real-Estate Litigation Worries :
With every passing day, Real Estate scams and litigation are reaching new heights and are very rapidly increasing. And the pre-existing burden on Indian Judiciary System is already well known. There are so many suits filed on properties, real estate, and commercial spaces, we can’t put a count on how many new cases are being filed every single day, and this needs to change and will soon be changing
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The buyer nor the investor are being informed of the pre-existing suits and litigations on the properties and are being scammed into paying more and more, whilst the property is not even theirs and the original owners are being left with nothing. Worry no more, TitleSuit is here.
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With TitleSuit, things will change. If you have a pre-existing suit/case/litigation on any real estate property and entity, list it on TitleSuit.
Once you list on TitleSuit, the battle for your Real Estate Issue is already half won. Because they will let the world know that there is a case on the particular property. Anyone who intends on selling the property without your knowledge will fail and nobody will get scammed into buying a land that is under litigation. All you need to do is LogIn and List your Case.
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TitleSuit and its team spotted this prevailing and the age-old problem that’s been around for many years and have come with a solution and remedy that is technology driven and will suit our ever-changing modern sensibilities and approach to things.
This solution is built with algorithms that are very advanced and sophisticated, and only deliver results that are already in their database and thoroughly checked ,validated and approved. Which leaves little to no chance or room for error when you are using TitleSuit to list your property case, building litigation case or searching for litigations/suits on a particular property of your choice.
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TitleSuit is the first solution and answer to your suit and litigation worries. List your property cases on TitleSuit today for FREE. Spread this word among your friends and relatives and be a part of the collective change TitleSuit is bringing.
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