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Welp this is it! My last blog!
This has been an incredible journey and although it may be sad to leave this, I’m looking forward to what’s coming next! I have my senior trip, graduation, and then college bound!
I will forever be grateful for this experience and would do it all again if I could!
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As Jess and I were hanging up posters for Baskerville, we had noticed that all of the U’s at the court house are replaced by the letter V! It was very odd and surprising as soon as we noticed it, but rather cool to look at!
It’s getting closer to the end, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’m happy to be going back to high school, but at the same time, I’m sad to be leaving.
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This is Babushka! We found her in the scene shop and I just had to bring her back to the prop room! Jess and I had actually found a similar doll to this one in the student prop room, so they are now together at last.
It’s great to be back here, even though it’s only for a short amount of time! It’s gonna be really weird going back to High School
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Welcome back! It was so weird going back in the dorms today, it was almost spooky! At first, I thought it was weird that Pub Safety just gave me my key without even asking or checking to see that I was supposed to be here. I knew I was, it was just really weird. Then, when I walked into the dorms, nobody was there! Not even an RA! It felt really eerie and weird because it was so quiet!
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So this little guy is named Lucas! I have been waiting for him to come in the mail since July, and he finally came three days before Christmas! He’s literally the softest thing ever and he even makes noise! By far the cutest Christmas present I could have ever given myself!
Anyways, the break is going pretty well so far! I finally was able to get my car so it’s nice to have that freedom again! I’ve gotten so much done, yet there’s always something to do.
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Merry Christmas! So, this year we decided to get a real tree and it’s not as glamorous as it seems!
The pine needles are super sharp, so putting lights and such on it was a nightmare. However, after we finished, it was well worth it! It didn’t fall over or break, so I would say that’s an accomplishment!
It’s kind of weird being home for so long, so I’m super excited to come back!
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Tis the season to wear matching sweaters! I had bought this sweater over Thanksgiving break, and without me knowing, so did Ashley! So, once we figured out we had the same sweaters, we decided right away we were going to wear them to Musicianship that morning! And, we are going to wear them for Scarve Day on Monday, which I am super excited for! I can’t wait to make scarves and have fun on Monday!
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This was taken after our rehearsal for the choir concert on Saturday. To be honest, I was super tired that day and didn’t really want to go to the rehearsal, however, I think we had a great rehearsal and it paid off for our concert! The concert went pretty well and only had a few timing issues! Eileen and Lynn came which was really cool. Eileen even gave me a hug after the concert and congratulated me for a job well done! I’m going to really miss choir and the fun times had during that class.
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This picture was taken 20 minutes before the show had started. We have almost 45 minutes of free time before the show starts because we only have 5 minutes of prep-work, so we all just hang out down in the green room before the show starts. We have had some pretty fun times down in that green room and I’m gonna miss that one the shows are over on Thursday!
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Snow Queen has started and has been going pretty well! I’ve been really impressed with how well it’s going, even when two of our dressers didn’t show up. I was a little upset that two of our dressers didn’t show to one of our performances, but Vanessa, Lynn, and I handled it just fine! The cast even applauded us after the show was over! Then, the next day, we were down one dresser again! It was crazy, but we still managed to make it work!
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The Snow Queen has begun! So far, the shows have gone pretty well, with only very little errors! Although we’ve had a number of mic issues, I would say the show has still been going well!
Being a dresser for the show is actually a lot of fun! The only stressful part so far is a 10 second change I have with Francesca, but it’s been going okay so far! Hopefully I can get it down so it is always perfect!
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I got into college!
I’m super pumped that I was accepted into Saint Rose! This is my top school, so I’m really excited to be apart of such a great school. It’s also really cool that they gave me a $20,000 scholarship that goes into each year!
I think I’m finally getting the hang of these History quizzes! I got a 96 on last weeks and I’m so glad I’m doing better! Using the powerpoints have been super helpful!
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Hurray! It’s finally snowing here!
This was about an hour or two after it started snowing and Ashley, Jada, and I made a cute little snowman! His name is Mr. Kibbles and he now has his own Instagram thanks to Ashley. Unfortunately, he was knocked down shortly after his creation and we now have plans to make him again.
I’m so pumped that it’s finally snowing! We actually played out in the snow for at least an hour! I can’t wait for it to snow again!
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This picture is of me attempting to vacuum underneath the platforms set up in Schact.
The vacuum I had was taking forever to get all the saw dust in just one little spot! However, when I finally got to use the vacuum Jess and I got from the Scene Shop, my whole section was done in under 10 minutes!
So far the week has been pretty good! I got yet another good grade on my musicianship quiz which I’m super proud of! I also picked out a really cool scene with Jess for Acting 1 today which I’m super excited for!
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This set looks amazing!
I went back to my high school this weekend to go see their performance of “Much Ado About Nothing” and I couldn’t be prouder! It was kind of upsetting that I couldn’t be part of such an amazing project, but I was still very proud of everybody involved!
This week was pretty good, other than being sick throughout. Classes were okay, even though I only had one class on Friday. Not that I’m complaining.
I finally got a good grade on a Theatre of History quiz! Those quizzes are the bane of my existence, and I haven’t been doing great on them. However, I got a 90 on the quiz! I did so well and I’m super proud of myself!
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Ugh! Why are people so inconsiderate?!?
I went to do my laundry after choir Wednesday, and someone left a pen in the dryer. I was just focused on getting my clothes into the dryer from the washer, that I didn’t even notice the pen in there. It’s so frustrating because our floor literally just had a meeting about how we need to take care of the laundry room! Ugh!
We started Christmas music in choir and I’m so excited! I’m one of those people that will start listening to Christmas music right after Halloween, so I was super excited!
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I made a pumpkin! I was so impressed that I could actually make one!
This week didn’t start off too great. I had to go to the Wellness Center Monday afternoon because I was ready to pass out during production hours. They told me it was a stomach virus and that I need to take it easy the next day. It was awful!
Other than literally getting all of the sicknesses in one day, the beginning of the week was pretty good!
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