tirameezu · 6 days
x-men first class: hey did we properly portray the fear of having your own humanity stripped away through your own mistakes through a stressful scene of your favorite character hank mccoy turning into a large creature
me, so hard i cant breathe: i think i hauve covid
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tirameezu · 18 days
Will Kinich end up getting bigger or he manage to control his weight?
Not wanting to disappoint his entire tribe, Kinich took the decision to continue letting himself go.
He told himself he would stop after 20 or 30 more pounds, since he really didn't want the weight to affect his life too much. But several years later, he had exploded into more than a ton of fat, morphing his already peculiar proportions into an obscenely wide, lard-filled body.
And so his status in the tribe had skyrocketed. To everyone around him, he was mind-blowingly attractive, and every unmarried girl was fighting tooth and nail for his attention. His proportions were a once-in-a-century occurrence, which is why every family in the tribe wanted Kinich in their own family tree in hopes of his genetics carrying over to his future sons.
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He just had to learn to accept it, everyone wanted to see him grow fatter and begged him to eat more every day. It was a pain he chose to bear for his tribe, he had to grow as large as possible to maximize his potential.
He was unbearably wide, taking up half the width of the main pathways with his massive love handles. Each heavy step sent tremors through his entire midsection, his sides violently sloshing and shaking like it was a liquid, forcing him to constantly pause to not lose his balance.
Sitting was another whole ordeal on its own. A line of 7 to 8 chairs were lined up in a corner of the tribe's main restaurant, where Kinich would come into and sit on to fulfill his duty of growing heavier, but other than that there were simply no areas to comfortably sit on for him. Wide stone benches used to do the trick, but nowadays the fat on his sides sag down to the ground on both sides when he sits on them. Not even his bed was comfortably anymore. It was made to be extremely wide, but Kinich's fat would still spill out, unable to be contained.
But that was just how his life was now, and he had to learn to accept it. After all, he has suspicions he still isn't nearly as big as the tribespeople really want him to be. But they'll have a limit some day soon... won't they?
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His heavy stretchmarks are very important to his appearance, but here's an alt without them if you don't like them to be as extreme and still want to enjoy the piece
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tirameezu · 18 days
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I will get around to drawing art for all of the lovely asks I've received. for now you get this
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tirameezu · 19 days
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Hi guys! I've just been made aware that there's someone impersonating me on Twitter. If you see this account know it's not me! If you guys could leave replies on their tweets to let others know they're an impostor I would really appreciate it ^^
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tirameezu · 19 days
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The chief of Huitztlan has been keeping his eyes on Kinich's growth closely, and it's really gotten to a point where he's become the talk of the tribe. People aren't usually encouraged to get as heavy as Kinich currently is, but the special circumstances of his bodytype being exactly what they all find most attractive has turned him into aa common topic of discussion.
Kinich feels, as always, conflicted about it. He secretly really enjoys the attention it's given him, and he isn't too grossed out by his fat since he knows it's what's considered extremely attractive in his culture, but he really doesn't want to end up like his brothers.
Still, he can't really say no to the dozens of adoring women offering to eat out with him and contribute as a group to his weight gain.
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tirameezu · 20 days
Hi 🍉❤️
I would be very grateful if you could make a reblogging for me
I hope anyone can donate even 5$ will make a big difference and reach the goal very soon
If you can’t please share with other maybe anyone can help 🙏🙏
I hope you can help my family 🙏🙏
Thank you in advance 🫶
anything helps, if you can please donate
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tirameezu · 21 days
"preheat"? dude i dont even HEAT my oven. thats right. im cooking my shit coldstyle. im stretching the definition of "cooking" far beyond its ultimate tensile strength. my chicken breasts are the most gorgeous pink color you've ever seen. they look like rosebuds on the very cusp of blooming. they look like the dawn when you're in love. hospital.
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tirameezu · 21 days
Fatten/fattening is a sexual word to me 🤷🏻‍♀️
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tirameezu · 21 days
fat gamer boys that mindlessly snack all day long unaware that their gaming chair has been creaking more and more and rapidly approaching its breaking point are sooo hot 😮‍💨
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tirameezu · 21 days
Yeah sure you can let ur shirt ride up ur belly when ur around me. But watch out
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tirameezu · 21 days
Yeah I love manipulating my friends for my own gain, the gain is called "hanging out", obtained via such cruel tactics as "showing interest in stuff they like" and "being generally complimentary and charming"
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tirameezu · 22 days
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It's a pity this book is a diet book, it would make an amazing feedist recipe book title.
Source: https://www.amazon.com/Help-Lord-Devil-Wants-Fat/dp/B007ODV3CK
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tirameezu · 22 days
im such a bad artist i dont even draw my favorite guy i just rotate him in my mind
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tirameezu · 22 days
the loyal mutuals liking my flop posts
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tirameezu · 22 days
OP must have enjoyed a sumptuous banquet of roasted pheasant, buttered turnips, creamy mushroom soup, braised hare, warm crusty bread, plum tarts, and fine red wine before they wrote this post 🤣
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tirameezu · 22 days
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tirameezu · 22 days
i fear if this is how you draw fat people you have lost my interest completely
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