tiny-paper-person · 3 months
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(Except not in Texas... I might just die here...)
I made this however for MERMAY!! Even though it's not may anymore 😬 But anyways... wanna play mermaids??
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tiny-paper-person · 3 months
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PERIOD ezine! Issue #1
Content: Feminist, contains profanity
(If you are 18 or younger, read with discretion, I am not responsible for the content you consume and warnings have been stated. This is mostly for the parents)
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Besides the paintings and the illustrations, I like to make ZINES however to save on paper, I usually produce them digitally. I love the punk aesthetic combined with scrapbooking and cutouts as a form of art.
I've been wanting to be more vocal and more of a voice in participating in a movement. Issues like feminism, like Gaza, are important! However, I never really know how to contribute without money (bc I really can't afford it). I hope creating art and using my art can be a piece of me that I use to show my support because I WANT to help, but I don't know how...
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tiny-paper-person · 4 months
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Sketches pt. 2
I wanted to experiment with highlighters and see if my technique has improved at all. It, in fact, indeed has :)
Before I forget! Happy Pride Month!
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tiny-paper-person · 4 months
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Sketches pt.1
Some sketches from my sketchbook. One is a concept for a digital design and the other is a concept for a painting I want to do. Just some ideas and thoughts I put onto paper.
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tiny-paper-person · 4 months
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Another glass painting sold! Not sure what I wanted to achieve when it came to this one but I still like it!
I used to have a beta fish as a pet, but my man's like to play dead, so I never knew if it was real or not. One time, I cleaned his bowl and he jumped out and fell in the drain. Pulled a Nemo on me 😔
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tiny-paper-person · 4 months
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I love summer! Maybe not here in Texas, but either way. Summer ripe tomatoes especially hit different around this time. Another painting sold, by the way! This one, however, I painted on a glass frame. I wanted to try something different when it came to a medium, and I saw on tiktok people painting on glass panels so I decided to try it!
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tiny-paper-person · 4 months
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Another painting sold! Low key kinda wanted this painting to not sell so I can put it in my room; but I have an issue with all my paintings and wanting to keep them lol.
Meta Mondays! Instagram is no longer protecting artists and their works from AI, which means I will most likely not post my art on Instagram, if not at all. Artists put hard work into their pieces, and to have AI use your very own art to be generated is despicable. Many artists are participating in META MONDAYS, where we do not involve ourselves with any app that META owns. Please help participate to show how allowing AI to do this will affect the Artists of Instagram.
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tiny-paper-person · 4 months
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I Sold some Art!!! I made this piece for a Alumni Gallery for College and decided to sell it at another event and it sold! I'm very happy but now a little sad because it really was so pretty
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tiny-paper-person · 4 months
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This Painting is a copy of an original painting, I do not own it!! I decided to post it bc it was pretty as well as explain that I was required to paint this for job I wanted. NEWS FLASH! I didn't get it but oh well 🤷
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tiny-paper-person · 5 months
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I also paint! I haven't posted too much bc I keep forgetting to make the post itself 😅 but haven't stopped making art, I have so many projects I wanna do! Just not enough time 😭😭
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tiny-paper-person · 6 months
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"Who's Hungry?"
I love drawing food, I love eating food, I just love food! My favorite type of food is Italian.
TPP Pasta Recipe! ⬆️
Tomato, Spinach, Black Olives, Bowtie noodles, Creamy Cajun Sauce, Oregano, and Paprika
Add however much to your hearts content!
Roast the Spinach and Tomato first then add the Olives, and sauce. Add your spices to taste.
Boil your noodles and then combine!
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tiny-paper-person · 6 months
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"Peachy Keen"
If peach was a person it would be a she, and she would look like this! All cute and of course peachy keen! P.s Peaches are my favorite fruit especially in summer!
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tiny-paper-person · 6 months
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"Stay Single!"
Ladies and gentlemen just stay single! Most of the time we are so eager to be loved that sometimes we forget to love ourselves first! Stay single and enjoy your independence before you get into a relationship. LOVE YOURSELF! -Advice from your internet older sister!❤️
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tiny-paper-person · 6 months
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Self portrait
I made a picture of me! Although my bangs are now a little longer and I can put them behind my ears!
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tiny-paper-person · 6 months
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"Cat Lava Lamp"
Who doesn't love cats? Maybe dog people, but that's because you haven't earned the love of a cat! I have 3 cats, one is grey and her name is pepper, one is white and orange and her name is clover, and one is black and her name is Luna. I love my cats 🐈 😻 🐈‍⬛️ ❤️ lol
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tiny-paper-person · 6 months
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These colors are literally my life, I use them everytime and I think it's now a problem 😅 but oh well they're my favorite!
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tiny-paper-person · 6 months
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Just a simple motivational design! Couldn't decide if this should be a print, sticker, or on a t-shirt! So now it's just..... hERe... but anyways.... thanks
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