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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
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Redrew my first chrobin art ever
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
    EVERYONE in the Shepards were fully aware of his passions, much to his dismay but he couldn’t do anything about it. He wasn’t sure why but people always walked into his dance practices without fail even when he tried to change locations. Word had spread and now everyone knew of his hobby. Gods, it was embarrassing but … he supposed it wasn’t all that bad. He’s never heard a single negative thing about his dances so perhaps in a way, that was a confidence boost. It was still embarrassing though.
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    “ Haha well, I don’t mind it too much right now. We’re blessed to have a wonderful and beautiful tactician at our side. I couldn’t ask for anyone better but I do hope the same as well. I’m sure, every one of us are weary from the war. Though, I guess I’d miss wielding a sword in a way. After all, it’s all I’ve ever known throughout my entire life. Who knows, maybe I’ll stick around the Shepards and help around but … we’ll see when the time comes. ”
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“Wonderful AND beautiful? You sure do know how to make a woman feel special, Inigo.”
The jest was accompanied by a roll of her eyes. Certainly, his compliments were nothing more than the pretty words he gave out so freely, though she could never actually be angry about them. It was clear that the mercenary’s intents were far from malicious. 
“As much as it PAINS me to say it, I think I’d eventually come to miss your nonsense after a while, should you ever choose to go your separate ways.”
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
* gives Robin a 3DS and a copy of Awakening *
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what the fresh hell
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
Validar doesn't count bc he's a shithead
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
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Father?? What father? I don’t have a father.
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
Dangerous Loyalty RP Starters
"It scares me what I'm willing to do for you."
"I don't care about anyone else, you're all that matters to me!"
"You know you can't refuse me anything I ask of you."
"You know I'd never refuse anything you asked of me."
"Say the word and I'm yours forever."
"If you love me as much as you say, then prove it."
"It's time that you proved your loyalty to me."
"I'll serve you forever if you'll allow me to do it."
"What will it take to make you go back on your oath of loyalty?"
"Will you trust me with the rest of your life?"
"My life is in your hands."
"You're going to take this gun, you're going to pull the trigger and you're going to shoot them. And do you know why? Because I told you to do it."
"I'd die if you asked me to."
"You would die if I asked you to."
"I could stab you in the heart and you would still come crawling back."
"You can do anything you want to me, I don't care!"
"I'll take the fall for you."
"I want you to take the fall for me."
"I could never act against you, not even to defend myself."
"My safety isn't important! You're what matters!"
"If hurting me is what makes you happy, then I'm only happy to indulge you."
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the gods who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle... and wonder if we'll ever get the chance to kill them.
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“That certainly is rather, ah… cryptic. Personally, I don’t believe the circle of life is some sort of punishment, but of course, I cannot speak for everyone. Do you wish for immortality then? You know, some view eternity as a punishment just as you do with death.”
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
now imagine an enemy doing that. like, an enemy with wounds so grievous they shouldn't be alive, charging at Robin
If it’s an enemy, she’d probably just go on and kill them. She’s going to anyway, no matter what state they were/are in. It wouldn’t really have any impact on her style of fighting or the decisions she makes. If anything, if her enemy is fatally wounded, it makes it easier on her to finish things. To her, she sees it from a logical standpoint. It’s common sense. A wounded enemy is easier to fight. Those wounds are a tactical advantage. 
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
    “ OUCH. So I guess my flirting attempts were futile after all but, it’s sort of embarrassing to hear such praise from you. I can’t say that I’m not happy to hear that though. Ehehe. ”
     He set his palm atop of the hilt of his sheathed blade, as a thought crossed his mind: should he continue to be proud of this skill ? While he spent the majority of his life striking down Risens (for the good of the people), he had also killed far too many. There was no surprise there since it was a war after all but … once the war would end, would he set down his blade ? Well, there was no point in pondering over it now. This sword would be used for the people until everything was over.
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    “ Though, I can’t say that I’ll be using the sword forever. It’d be nice to do something else in my life, you know ? I’ve been fighting for almost my entire life after all. ”
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“You mean DANCING.” 
Brown irises twinkled with a look familiar to most members of the army at this point: a look of knowing. Her tone was rather matter-of-fact, with the slightest bite of malice. Though Robin was never particularly one for jokes, she found some semblance of joy in poking fun at the mercenary. Perhaps it was the satisfaction that came with payback for all the times HE had embarrassed HER. 
“Of course, I support your wanting to pursue your passions. Er, maybe not ALL of them, but I understand. This wasn’t your war to fight in the first place. In truth, I hope for the day when all of you are able to set aside your weapons and let your heart draw up your plans instead of getting them from me.”
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
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             THAT IS ( N O T ) THE GOD KILLER...
                                                   YOU ARE.
ɪɴᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅᴇɴᴛ ʀᴏʙɪɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ғɪʀᴇ ᴇᴍʙʟᴇᴍ﹕ ᴀᴡᴀᴋᴇɴɪɴɢ
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
Robin and Grima, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
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“ You know, I think this has to be the most creative way anyone has ever told me to go fuck myself. ”
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
what would Robin's reaction be to an opponent that keeps on fighting even when taking absurd amounts of damage? like, imagine a person with a missing arm and the lower half of their body missing dragging themselves towards Robin
IM GOANA SHIT MYSELF BC I KEEP SEEING THE KNIGHT FORM MONTY PYTHON TIS BUT A FLESH WOUND. DOIJFA. In all honesty though, if someone was seriously hurt and refused to stop, she would probably take it upon herself to force them off the battlefield. Primarily, she is worried about them, but if they survive, you BET they’re in for a small lecture about how reckless they were being. 
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
arteiisms replied to your post: im glad u all enjoy the fact that robin will die...
chroms gona fucking toss her in
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
im glad u all enjoy the fact that robin will die if she goes to the beach. if not by drowning heat stroke will kill her bc she refuses to swimsuit. like look at what all the other plegians wear and then look at her. there is no mesh on her whatsoever she is always 100% covered. wearing a swimsuit woudl giv her like 14 heart attacks
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timeruined-blog · 8 years ago
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IT’S ME MARIO. anyway hi im achilles  &&  these get around faster. i’m kinda close to hittin a milestone so it’d be cool if u could like/reblog if u want a nasty ass bisexual on ur dash  ??  i shitpost a lot i don’t deny it but i promise i’ll make your time worth it. or i’ll make you regret following me. either way, one of us is going to be satisfied. thank u  !!
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