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alpha bro / post - scratch dave strider  / affiliated with isola radiale
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
hey bro, why the long absence?
long story short, i’ve got a huge loss in my family ( my grandpa ) , and i’ve had to return to my hometown to attend funerals and of course, support my family as they needed me the most for many things at home & also to go through the first stages of grieving. the news was given me last minute and the trip itself organized the day of the news itself, so you can imagine how much time i really had to stay at the laptop and properly warn. honestly, logging on tumblr ( and in general, grabbing my laptop ) really was the last thing i thought about until i finally have returned to my apartment in the town i study in. 
i am going to be much more active now that i’ve returned to my usual rhythm ( more or less ), and this is my way to apologize to those i’ve left hanging during the event. trust me, it wasn’t wanted ━let alone expected━ at all, and my head was all over the place for obvious reasons. not a justification / excuse, but i still wanted to explain myself on the matter.
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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“A bee thought to be extinct has been discovered alive? Ahh, that’s wonderful – it’s the largest bee in the world, even! Gonta wishes he could meet it now…”
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“ well now for the important questions from us non━bug experts: how large do you mean by largest? like that differently from our regular buzzy honeymakers this one has less likely the chance to plunge itself into my water bottle while i’m not looking? ”
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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❝  pfft what’s next hurricane jade ! ? !   aw gee — did you know you forgot your shades ?   because you’re failing at hiding that a little speck of embarrassment there, pal .  ❞     she muffles a chuckle into the heart of her palm as he awkwardly shuffled side to side. maybe she jumped the gun this time on her holiday rush to pester a scruffy strider   ❝  honestly, that seems like the exact meaning of the holidays in a literal form, i mean i once celebrated christmas with my dave and it was a mess of alchemized crap thrown about in the room and shitty mspaint trees it was pretty fun now that i think back on it… we were 13 or 14 years old; super young, heh —  oh my god,  woopi goldberg is an absolute legend and his theatrics in call me claus is something that nic cage can’t top off !  and don’t tell john i said that please…  also birthdays are a lot more than just that, dave ! !  you say that because you didnt have a cool radioactive dog guardian who could bake you a cake— but you know i can make you that cake to fill that void in your life . ❞      she lightly pushes on his shoulder  —  then a soft giggle trailed off.       ❝   don’t stress about it there’s always next year, mr. david strider . ❞
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now it was his time to chuckle ━raspy hue of a voice who lost whatever ounce of childish twinge to be jutted straight into adult world, one of those puberty wonders only second to the first excuse of facial hair popping one morning. " it’s called morning blush and you only get it when you’re a perfect cartoon protagonist who did absolutely no wrong and needs to assert its status as protagonist. if you’re even extra pure you’ll have an animal of your choosing singing with you while disney claims copyright on your entire existence. ” lips felt dry and pulling and his stomach was on a serious revolt for a coffee and the breeze from outside wasn’t exactly an help for one like him  ━whose complexion was so sensitive over anything. may genetics be damned, because he’s pretty sure ectobiology has nothing to do with it. “ now that’s how i call a true wishful thinking, can you feel the christmas bells chiming at your glorious epiphany, we’re at the climax of this show and you know what’s missing? some good coffee. ” so dave snorted, half a smile on his face as a hand gave her friend ━bite sized friend━ a small hair ruffle. “ come in then, might be late on birthdates but we ain’t late for some breakfast. ”
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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⚙ – anyone else terrified of people who fake laughter for photos i dont know what ailment that is but its severe
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“ you mean my constant nightmare at award ceremonies? dunno if it’s worse than having to just be in the presence of some people who clearly didn’t shower before throwing themselves into that armani couture. ”
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
—✕ █ ▌❝Horribly allergic is an UNDERSTATEMENT. It is an utterly foreign object to me despite my years spent with it. At least I know how to text and call.❞
To be honest, he refuses to use much else. The consequences of a text gone awry are great, but the issues that come from other aspects of his phone are greater. He’s heard of hackers and their ilk; knowing his luck, he’d have all his passwords STOLEN within a fortnight.
❝Perhaps it would be WISE to obtain another phone or something else to track mine down — but knowing my luck, I’d lose that too.❞
He dwells upon this in silent, if GLUM thought. No matter what, he’s likely to be in trouble when it comes to his phone, likely to be doomed to an ETERNITY of losing the damn thing. He exhales a tired, heavy sigh at that thought.
❝Thank you anyway though, even if I’m likely to lose it again tomorrow. And knowing me, tomorrow is a day that I’ll need to call EMERGENCY services.❞
he could somehow understand the other ━somehow. his experience was more on the way alternia’s rule on earth started to impose alternian tech and stuff onto humans, and himself ( like few others ) resisting to the assimilation as much as possible. it really felt similar to what the other was going through, even if not exactly the same. no experience was one hundred-percent the same.
“ well that’s a start. you’re not alone in this, believe me ━i’m pretty sure there’s someone in this island so ready to use the phone as a pebble because they don’t fucking know how to turn the shit on. ” a pause. “ either that or you’ll remain on your porch staring at a huge talking cat using the phone better than you and all of your buddies for five whole minutes. ”  
dave gave a shrug, lips pursing in the search of a cigarette to light, hoping this jacket had at least one hidden somewhere ━even if the other’s words were the one causing frown to sink down into his gold-rimmed shades. “ i’d normally suggest to attach your phone on the neck with a strap ━pretty cheap, works like magic━, but why the hell are you going to call emergencies? are you going to smash someone’s face?  “
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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> The hunt for sustenance goes poorly. If birds could sigh, he would, and thankfully he can sigh, so that’s a thing he does.
> With a human accent, of course.
> He is so hungry.
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the orange crow is back at it again and all david’s got is his damn croissant. which he knows he’ll get stolen with a high percentage if he dared looking away from so he’s just gonna snap it in half and offer it as a bargain of peace towards the feathery assholecreature. “ there we go. maybe knock the window next time, i know you can do it. ” time to lean against the wall and sigh ( not with a crow accent, unfortunately ; sometimes you just can’t have nice things ).
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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she felt awfully familiar. or perhaps it was the costume, similar to the one he’s seen his lil brother going around as of late, wondering if it was some kind of new fashion trend he wasn’t aware of. kids these days, always trying to find the weirdest things to turn into trends... even if pajamas never sounded like a bad idea, now that he thought about it. “ you’re... dave’s friend, right? ” the doubt kind of lingered in his tongue. something felt wrong. probably it was still that morning’s coffee. “ he went getting hot pockets and cheetos because apparently his daily fuel has come to an end earlier than expected, but he’s gonna be back soon. waiting outside ain’t the best thing so come in. ”
event starter for @spacefell 
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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“ what the hell happened here. ” there were few things david for sure could count as great constants of the universe: rosalind trying to analyze his brain, diet coke being a huge corporate scam and broderick’s unhealthy obsession with puppets. and if the latter wasn’t already weird on its own, the complete lack of presence of the oldest strider’s plushy mementos was even more unsettling. and then there was the headache. did he chug something yesterday? can’t really tell, but whatever that was he better not touch it ever again, it was amplifying the unholy heebie-jeebies. “ kid, ‘did you set bro’s things on fire or sold them to the deep web sickos? not that i was going to scold you about that, but... place feels weirdly empty and the idiot’s not around, which might be even creepier. ”
event starter for @davestr1d3r
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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& subverted life ( aka local nosburb strider au straight outta ao3 ) !
david is the second oldest of four brothers  ( two set of twins )  , and from all he could remember he still cracked a laugh or two when the younger brothers were born and they literally got named similarly to the olders, blaming it on their mom still not being over the anesthetic.  a certain obsession with the letter d must be there, which is another deep family joke.   by living in spirale his all life he’s gotten to take care of the younger twins alongside his  own twin brother, with himself taking care of lil dirk and broderick  ( bro for your friends ) took dave into his weird plushy wing.
in all of this his passion for movies and music hasn’t waned one bit and he’s worked a lot of side jobs during his adolescence to be able to take care of his family, which kinda had him more often out than at home, but it was understandable since money was needed and he had projects ; he got into studying cinematography and video editing, was surprised when he got asked if his very successful webcomic could be turned into a movie and here he was now, with 4 movies penned by himself out and nights spent playing piano for the lovely lady of his heart who owns the atlantis lounge ( @multiversatile ) while dirk most likely whoops his ass all the time for not getting a decent amount of sleep. 
also rosalind lalonde’s emotional support movie maker to be bothered at weird times of the day because that woman and her books, i swear. he keeps saying he didn’t get complacency of the learned. he actually did. he also keeps saying rosalind secretly loves when weird shit happens in spirale since they both were snotty kids playing together nearby an old playground. he’s not that wrong either.
probably there’s online a version of the i want to see my little boy meme that comprehends david, bro and dave jr. dave jr is the cat of course.
keeping up with the striders, coming soon on netflix.
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
OKAY MY GENTLE PEEPS THIS IS THE PLAN: my idea for subversion is pretty much literal, as in,,, dave’s life as a regular citizen of spirale will be,,, actually a happy one,,, becase what better subversion could i ever give him? it’s gonna hurt when the true memories are going to be back but still !! it’s gonna b so good to explore the idea of a happy dave.
so ! this is my official starter call for the event, i’m gonna cap it at 5 with exceptions to homestuck castmates ♥
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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Keep reading
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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❝  it’s too important just to call  !    —- wait why are you still sleepy and stuff ?    ❞     she takes a look at him and abruptly gasps as she shoves about three to four boxes into his arms. ❝  huh… don’t tell me  you forgot what month it is now ?  DAVVEEEEEEE ……. c’mon you’ve been gone for so long y’know ! !  lets see, you missed your birthday, my birthday, rose’s birthday— you even missed christmas — and i know how much you lovely striders  LOVE  christmas ! !  ❞
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“ turbo-harley making its great return, well if ain’t that a christmas miracle, move away ritchie rich, we’ve got some business here. ” of course it was a way of his to hide any form of second hand embarrassment given by the fact jade was seeing him in his slacks and tanktop and he hadn’t even thought of giving himself a fix ━but he didn’t even know she was visiting so he guessed he was safe, right? “ i mean i’ve never... really celebrated christmas and you can’t call shaping a mass of weapon into a three and throwing some ikea candles on it a tree ━according to rose my preteen obsession with it was given by the too many marathons of that one christmas movie with woopi goldberg which let me tell you, it’s a great movie, ten out of ten would still watch that━, and birthdays are a social construct, which totally sounds like the shitty excuse it’s suppose to be. ” cue a sigh. “ sorry. didn’t mean to miss your birthday. ”
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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A Partial Solar Eclipse over Texas 
Image Credit: Jimmy Westlake (Colorado Mountain College) & Linda Westlake
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
[ ⭐ • txt ] —— nerd && goth –noted!!
[ ⭐ • txt ] —— whoa, are you saying high school wasn’t fun for you!?
[ ⭐ • txt ] —— i thought high school was full of friends and fun dances!
[ ⭐ • txt ] —— don’t ruin high school for me!!!!!
( to ━━ gem kid ? ) like you said it wasnt to me ( to ━━ gem kid ? ) but hey youre a whole ass other kid who knows maybe to you it will indeed be all friends and full dances were pretty varied as people so of course things are going to be different so dont worry its not inherently ruined ( to ━━ gem kid ? ) think about it like uh someone liking creamy peanut butter instead of the crunchy one 
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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there’s a slump in his voice an an ever bigger slump in the way he dragged himself at the door at the pounding of entrance door and constant bell ringing ━unsure how the place was still holding together, spirale shenanigans he guessed━, the sensitive albino eyes in a squint as there was too much light the moment he turned the handle and he wasn’t sure if it was the goddamn sun or harley’s smile. “ jade, ah━━you could have called. what is it? ”
@spacefell ♥
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
happy birthday dude
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timelordtm · 6 years ago
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     “So much has happened in the last few months… I wonder      what this month holds for us. What do you think? Will it be      something good, or will it be something terrible? Who knows ~.”
Hopefully nothing like a few months ago, during that festival. She doesn’t need to think about that ever again.
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“ see, these are the moments in which i wish i could tell again if things were going to be great or not with just a very strategic stare into the cosmic void ━shades included━, but you catch me in a temporal slump so we all get jack shit with a side of none, served along a popping bottle of bad anxiety. ” perhaps he was running his mouth too much or too fast, but on one thing that girl seemed to be right ━things could go terribly well or terribly bad, and it still would feel eons of wrong against the ex-timelord’s spine.
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