time2kisss-blog · 6 years
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My niece Angel, Thalia and Myself
#babies #90’skids #oldaf
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time2kisss-blog · 6 years
90’s kid
My story began November 2, 1990. #diadelosmuertos ... I really don’t remember much of my life up until I was about 5. I only know my home behind Queen Creek, Arizona. Raised on almost an acre of land right next to my Uncle. My mom was one of ten and my dad is one of 6. I enjoyed being a kid because I got front row seats to the adults acting wild thinking the kids didn’t know anything about anything. Oh, but we did. I have a Mexican background and we are super traditional. Once I hit seven, my sister brought into the world my Niece Angel! Right then and there I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I had two Siblings. Older sister Guadalupe and Older Brother whom we called Gordo (fat), but his name was Arturo. Just like my dad. Anywho, I know now women are much more then just a baby factory, but my thoughts as a kids were that’s all we could possible be good for. One making babies and being a wife. So that’s what I wanted to be. Didn’t take long for my sister to bring in another baby girl. Thalia was Angels Irish twin. Only 11 months apart. They were my personal baby dolls and I pretended they were mine. I think being a 90’s kid got the best of both worlds. I grew up around the old school and eventually got to learn the new school. It almost felt like a culture shock. I was raised Catholic, but as soon as I hit my teens, it didn’t make sense to me. Growing up in a Mexican home isn’t easy. There is so much expectation and standard. When my sister got pregnant, my parents insisted she get married. So she did. My brother has his first at 21. They got married. It’s safe to say I was the rebel and explored my options, but because of my reckless behavior. I became a single mother. Back to the 90’s..... I use to climb trees and play with dirt. My mom (being the boss and never allowing my father to lead) she never let me go ANYWHERE! I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the only parent on the planet that was like that. I didn’t start kindergarten until I was 7. Almost 8 and Spanish was my first language. I started school and had Zero friends. I was bullied and had what felt like NO ONE! most of my elementary memory was going to the “special classroom” not because I was dumb, but because I wasn’t good with my English. 3rd grade was when I wad my first crush. 4th grade I was practically in love with the most popular kid in school and 5th grade I had my first boyfriend whom dumbed me for a popular girl in school. In 5th grade I also expierenced the most emotion I think a 5th grader could possibly expierence especially when the teachers are even frightened. It was 9/11. I literally thought we were all going to die. I know now what it came down too, but man it was so real when I walked to the restroom crying!! Little did I know, that was only the beginning!
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