tildacshawnichols · 5 years
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Liana Finck, New York bases artist, focusing on illustration and cartoons making work for a comedic effect. She previously studied fine art and graphic design at Cooper Union College. She has 331K followers on instagram and has produced a number of books. Her drawings are mainly little sketches in black and white occasionally with a hint of colour. They are inexpensive, around $20 for an illustration or tshirt. She posts very regularly and is in regular contact with the New Yorker having done interviews and submitting her work… She seems as though she is always working on something and always has something new to offer, always being in a similar style of a sketch accompanied with text.
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tildacshawnichols · 5 years
21 So LONG AS THE REALM of necessity remains a social dream, dreaming will remain a social necessity. The spectacle is the bad dream of modern society in chains, expressing nothing more than its wish for sleep. The spectacle is the guardian of that sleep. 
The thesis infers that we are always wanting more but never actually achieving any foreseeable goal, the dream is an illusion because of the false dissatisfaction it gives, or doesnt. It doesn't seem as though we are free to just enjoy the live we live appreciating the real things we have that mean the most to us, we are seeing tainted needs by wanting more. We are always developing more likes, dislikes, developing taste, therefore always changing the things that which we desire. Because we will never be fully satisfied if the statement in the thesis remains (- as ‘long as the realm of necessity remains a social dream, dreaming will remain a social necessity.’) we strive to want and achieve more due to others around us changing as well. Does the spectacle act as the bad dream and the guardian? Do dreams reassure us that we are sleeping? 
The image I chose represents Plato's allegory of the cave and the prisoners represents the consumers of never achieving the real goal that is important, but instead being blinded to thinking that what we think we need but it is just a trick to make you believe that we will be happy if we have a certain good, whether it works, has a purpose, or even makes you even the slightest bit happy has no actual concern for suppliers and sellers, there only concern is profit (the people buying the products). There is hope to break out of the chains of the deluded so called ‘dreams’.
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tildacshawnichols · 6 years
There are still many things we don't know which is scary but already the things we do know is scarier. What is to come? What is out there? What don't we know?
7 Facts That Will Make You Feel Very Small
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Earth, our home planet, is the fifth largest planet in our solar system and the only planet we know of where life exists. Even though Earth seems extremely large to us, it is actually a tiny spec in the vast expanse of the universe. Here are 7 space facts that will make you feel very small.
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1. Our sun is one of at least 100 BILLION stars, just in the Milky Way. Scientists calculate that there are at least 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, each one brimming with stars. There are more stars than grains of sand on all of Earth’s beaches combined. 
In 1995, the first planet beyond our solar system was discovered. Now, thousands of planets orbiting sun-like stars have been discovered, also known as exoplanets.
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2. The Milky Way is a huge city of stars, so big that even at the speed of light (which is fast!), it would take 100,000 years to travel across it.
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3. Roughly 70% of the universe is made of dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 25%. The rest — everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter adds up to less than 5% of the universe.
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4. If the sun were as tall as a typical front door, Earth would be the size of a nickel.
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5. The sun accounts for almost all of the mass in our solar system. Leaving .2% for all the planets and everything else.
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6. Edwin Hubble discovered that the Universe is expanding and that at one point in time (14 billion years ago) the universe was all collected in just one point of space.
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7. Four American spacecraft are headed out of our solar system to what scientists call interstellar space. Voyager 1 is the farthest out — more than 11 billion miles from our sun. It was the first manmade object to leave our solar system. Voyager 2, is speeding along at more than 39,000 mph, but will still take more than 296,000 years to pass Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky.
Feeling small yet? Here’s a tool that will show you just how tiny we are compared to everything else out there: http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/features/cosmic/earth.html
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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tildacshawnichols · 6 years
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celestial/astronomical objects
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tildacshawnichols · 6 years
Astronomical or Celestial Objects and Bodies
Celestial and astronomical objects are to gain insight to relevant information about human affairs and terrestrial events.
Celestial and astronomical bodies are naturally occurring physical entity or structure which exists in our observable universe.
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tildacshawnichols · 6 years
Horoscopes, used for determination or fun?
What do we want to find out do we want to know our futures? do we want to know what will happen in our life or someones life, do we read them because we want to learn about our selves from other peoples perspective, finding, recordings and other bits of information or do we read them to try and prove people wrong, to laugh in they face to say how silly the whole thing is.
For me, I am only interested when the information is correct and most of the time the information is so vague that is would be correct for almost anyone, but they are probably just horoscopes you read in the Daily Mail, probably not to be trusted...
Do we only look for the truths in them or does that reflect just the sort of person we are? 
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
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Is nothing everything? Is everything nothing? Is either infinite? 
Kurt Vonnegut (reference)
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
Zeno’s paradox of the tortoise and Achilles put forth the idea that all motion is impossible because of infinity, being the state in which something is endless. Ultimately it says that if we half the distance we travel each time between one distance to another we will never, theoretically, be able to reach the end point, and perhaps not being able to move at all. Obviously there is a flaw in this because we break it by actually putting one foot in front of the other and creating movement and a goal to where we want to go and we achieve it. So what was actually the flaw in the paradox? In order to walk a mile you need to walk ½ mile and in order for you to reach ½ a mile you need to reach ¼ of a mile and in order for you to reach ¼ of a mile you need to reach ⅛ of a mile and so on 1/16, 1/32, 1/64… so how do we make it possible to get from one place to another? In this case all the infinite amount of numbers or fractions add up to 1, even though there are boundaries from 0 to 1 there is still an infinite amount of numbers or fractions in between them. By saying this informs us of that there can be different amounts of infinity, some can be smaller or bigger than others. We defeat infinity in forms such as Zeno’s paradox because of human laws and the limitations we have, we don’t all abide by the same limits however. We have to build limitations up in our mind so that we can form some kind of understanding of what it might be like. Kurt Vonnegut wrote in Slaughterhouse-Five ‘Everything is nothing, with a twist.’ Take the symbol for nothing, 0, and twist it to make, 8, which is the symbol for infinity.
Does everything mean infinity,or infinity is everything, can it ultimately have the definition? I don’t believe so. Is he saying that nothing is infinity? Perhaps.
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
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Zeno’s Paradox, The Tortoise and Achilles. The problem with infinity...
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
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(The Alchemists)
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
The Spark
If, saying that infinity has an end, then the creator must exist outside of it, outside of time, eternal, because it can not exist within its own creation. When there is a change it implies there is a changer. I am not religious, but that doesn’t mean to say that you rule ‘God’ out of the equation. Perhaps a prime mover would be more fitting, but then again how did that come into existence, this is too far out of my understanding and on the border of human understanding as a whole too. However that doesn’t mean that I want to cease my thoughts and investigation of the matter.
All of these questions are ultimately originated from a spark. A spark which my father has enlightened me of at a very early age. For many many years he has taught philosophy and ethics and I have been there to overhear thoughts, events and conversations. My interest has undoubtedly grown in this area, I then studied philosophy and ethics for a level and it has left me with basic overall knowledge which I intend to work on. To dive in deeper to areas which interest me. More and more questions burst into thought and I want to develop an understanding and possible resolutions to these questions. Whether I will or not that is not the point it is how you get from one place to another and what made you get there is what is important.
I believe that we need to question existence every now and then just to keep sain. We shouldn’t be stuck in a loop of normality of living life as everyday as it comes, we need to step back and reflect on what we know and want to find out. Personally, I occasionally crave for new perspectives and possibilities either brought upon by myself or other people which questions matters that we don't usually think about.
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
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Galaxies, the Universe, the Milky Way, we are part of it, but what else are we part of...
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
A Short Burst of Questions
What is beyond the matter, beyond the energy, beyond everything as we know it? When does it all come to a halt? Surely the energy eventually runs out of fuel and burns up, ceasing to exist? But how can it end? How can it come to a halt, how can something just stop, is there something telling it to stop? Something bigger than that? Can there be too much of something, if there is, does that make it bad, if there is too much or too little of something does it imply that it is an unsatisfactory amount and so wanting more or less in order to be good. But what is good?
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
Along with the ineffable feeling of merely thinking about up and beyond, it gives you an insight to knowing how incredibly beautiful the place we live in is. It is astonishing how many stars, planets, moons and all the other little things are out there. Colours bursting with shades you didn’t even know existed. In some ways it is disappointing that, for example, I will never get to see it with my own eyes, (probably anyway). Astronomers are incredibly lucky to have the sources to look and learn about the ‘stuff’ out there, however I do not envy them. I am happy but not yet content with observing and noting what has already been found.
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
(a push)
A while back I did a project on infinity and based my presentation on Zeno’s paradox of the tortoise and Achilles, I looked at the infinite zoom of enlarging a photograph, the infinite loop of when two mirrors are facing each other and then the paradox, whereby the tortoise challenges Achilles to a race where the tortoise has a head start and wins… Seems impossible?
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
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Snake eating its own tail,a symbol named the Ouroboros meaning of infinity or wholeness. Originated from the Alchemists.
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tildacshawnichols · 7 years
Form for Thought
The fact that we do not know what is outside our world, galaxy, and the universe as we know it, really scares me. It is thrilling to find the slightest bit of information leading you up to some truth, which then thrives you to want to know more. We then create a hunger for, probably, unknowable knowledge. The thought of infinity is overwhelming and the thought that the universe could be infinite is even more so.
Infinity is the broadest theme to study seeing as, it is limitless in size in any direction, impossible to be measured, if it exists. It is so hard to comprehend, so putting an understanding into words is almost impossible. We have to bend the laws of definitions and understandings as we know them, bend them so they fit a description to what we are trying to understand. This question of what is out there has always interested me and I find myself going in loops of endless contradictions which lead me nowhere, I would therefore like to work on it, until I get somewhere which informs me of a new perspective. I want to begin to visualise my thoughts and understandings in this subject area because words really don’t reach all which can be touched.
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