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Penyakit Hepatitis Akut yang sedang melanda dunia diduga telah masuk ke Indonesia setelah tiga anak dilaporkan meninggal dunia akibat terinfeksi penyakit misterius ini.
Kementerian Kesehatan sampai saat ini masih melakukan investigasi melalui pemeriksaan panel virus lengkap dan penyelidikan epidemiologi untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut penyebab dari penyakit ini.
Meski belum diketahui pasti penyebab penyakit Hepatitis Akut pada Anak , Prof. Dr. dr. Hanifah Oswari, Sp. A, yang merupakan dokter Spesialis Anak Konsultan Gastro Hepatologi RSCM FK UI menyebutkan bahwa dugaan awal disebabkan oleh Adenovirus, SARS CoV-2, virus ABV dll. Virus tersebut utamanya menyerang saluran cerna dan saluran pernafasan.
Untuk mencegah risiko infeksi, Prof Hanifah menyarankan agar orang tua meningkatkan kewaspadaan dengan melakukan tindakan pencegahan. Langkah awal yang bisa dilakukan dengan menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan.
“Untuk mencegah dari saluran pencernaan, jagalah kebersihan dengan cara mencuci tangan dengan sabun, memastikan makanan atau minuman yang dikonsumsi itu matang, tidak menggunakan alat-alat makan bersama dengan orang lain serta menghindari kontak anak-anak kita dari orang yang sakit agar anak-anak kita tetap sehat,” jelas Peneliti di RSCM dan FK UI ini dalam keterangan pers pada Kamis (5/5).
Selain itu, untuk mencegah penularan Hepatitis Akut melalui saluran pernafasan dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan COVID-19 seperti memakai masker, menjaga jarak dan mengurangi mobilitas.
Upaya lainnya yang dapat dilakukan masyarakat untuk mencegah penularan Hepatitis Akut adalah pemahaman orang tua terhadap gejala awal penyakit Hepatitis Akut.
Prof Hanifah menyebutkan secara umum gejala awal penyakit Hepatitis Akut adalah mual, muntah, sakit perut, diare, kadang disertai demam ringan. Selanjutnya, gejala akan semakin berat seperti air kencing berwarna pekat seperti teh dan BAB berwarna putih pucat.
Jika anak mengalami gejala-gejala tersebut, orang tua diminta segera memeriksakan anak ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan terdekat untuk mendapatkan diagnosis awal.
Jangan menunggu hingga muncul gejala kuning bahkan sampai penurunan kesadaran. Karena kondisi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa infeksi Hepatitis sudah sangat berat. Jika terlambat mendapatkan penanganan medis, maka momentum dokter untuk menolong pasien sangat kecil.
“Bawalah anak-anak kita ke fasyankes terdekat untuk mendapatkan pertolongan dari tenaga kesehatan. Jangan menunggu sampai gejalanya lebih berat, karena kalau berat kita kehilangan momentum untuk bisa menolong lebih cepat. Apalagi kalau sampai sudah terjadi penurunan kesadaran, maka kesempatan untuk menyelematkannya sangat kecil,” kata Prof Hanifah.
Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya kerja sama yang solid antara orang tua, tenaga kesehatan dan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan agar bisa menemukan gejala Hepatitis Akut sedini mungkin agar anak segera mendapatkan pertolongan medis.
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In the fifties Kebayoran Baru district was considered a less favored suburb as a place of residence. In the 1960 years the area was already a first-class area, elite residential. Today Kebayoran Lama is now considered a suburb of the capital, although it will soon become a nice residential area.
In January 1963, a friend of a Deparlu officer bought a house in Kebayoran Lama district. The price is cheap, the yard is spacious and the house is large, consisting of three rooms that can be divided into a guest room, living room, dining room.
On the first day the friend came to the house with the owner, the house that seems to have been deliberately emptied for a long time was shrouded in silence. But as the friend headed back, suddenly he heard the sound of many children playing. But strangely he did not see a single child inside and outside the House.
He was about to ask this to the owner of the house, but somehow the intention was canceled. In one of the rooms, when the friend opened the door to take a look at the situation in it, he suddenly heard the sound of children clenching, as if seeing something terrible.
This time the friend did not silence anymore, he asked the owner of the house if he heard anything.
"Something what?” again asked the owner of the House.
“The voices of children are deafening.”
The one who has a house shakes his head, but his face changes noticeably.
“Maybe the voices of the village children there are heard up here.”
Those words made sense to my friend. A week later he bought the house and moved in with his wife, three children and two assistants.
The first day until the night can be said that the new residents were busy cleaning the House, arranging furniture and all other household contents.
While cleaning the front windows, the friend's wife suddenly said to her husband. “Eh, I feel like I hear the sound of children clenching!”
The man looked unprepared at his wife. “Ah that's right .... scream How does it mean?”
“The kids are shocked. Or fear. The sound seems distant, but I'm sure it's inside this house.
Actually, a few minutes ago I have also heard the voices of children crowded once. It's like a joke. Again, I think it's our kids. But they're all asleep ....”
The friend remembered his experience when he first came to look at the House. "Maybe.”
"How Could It Be, Ma'am?"ask his wife when she doesn't continue.
“No, nothing.” my friend finally shut up. His heart began to feel uneasy. But this was not told to his wife.
One evening before maghrib, the friend and his wife had just returned from visiting an acquaintance who was about to go on a pilgrimage, when they saw their youngest son (a seven-year-old boy) engrossed in playing alone. But the attitude and the words that came out of his mouth showed that at that time he was not playing alone! Every now and then he spoke while mentioning Tono's name. When the two men approached, their son suddenly shouted. “Demand, Evy .... don't go. Let's keep playing ....”
“Who are you talking to, Ivan?"ask your friend's son.
“Tono with Evy. We played together. But they kept going.”
The couple looked at each other.
"Tono and Evy, where are they?"I asked my friend's wife with a shrill voice.
“Just left. "I didn't see you,” Ivan replied.
Such incidents took place often until finally the friend learned of one tragic event that set the background for all these events.
About six months earlier the man who owned the House had a picnic out of town with his wife and young children named Tono and Evy. While on the way home the car was driven slip due to slippery asphalt by rain. The car overturned, went into a small rocky river with steep inclines. Both men were seriously injured but survived. Both of their children died in the hospital.
When walking on a street in the Jatinegara area suddenly rain fell profusely. Supartono, an officer Dept. P.U.T.L. looking for shelter. The nearest is a semi-finished building. Incidentally there is a guard and Supartono asked for permission to shelter.
As they smoke, they talk. Supartono then asked who the owner of the House has not been so. Apparently it has not been continued for a long time. The guard told him that the house belonged to a Chinese man who for some reason had stopped construction.
“No government permission ?"asked Supartono.
The guard shook his head. “There is a ghost."he said later.
For a moment Supartono was silent.
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
“Just believe. What a ghost ....?”
The guard then explained that six months ago the new building was actually a revision of an old building. When the old building was demolished, the workers did frivolously until the roof of the house hit the two children of the owner of the House who was playing congklak. Both died at that moment.
The construction of the House continued, but the owner and his family did not feel comfortable living there anymore. They always remember their two sons who died. And what makes them most unpleasant is, certain nights they hear the sound of children who have died playing congklak. They then moved to other areas and the construction of houses so stuck.
“If ghosts are like that, I don't believe it."said Supartono red.
“If you don't believe Oom can prove itself. Come the day after next Tuesday."said the guard defiantly.
On the night mentioned that Supartono really come. It was about half past one in the morning. He was with the guards waiting without anyone making a sound. About half an hour later, I heard two girls talking. In the distance living room vaguely audible stone in throwing to a wooden board. The sound of congklak seeds pitted noisy. Lamat-lamat giggling voice echoed in the darkness of the building, flashlight in the grip of Supartono dim turned off himself.
“Om now believe?"ask the builder.
Supartono swallowed, nodding his head. He didn't say much, then walked away. The building now houses a private company
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